S. HRG. 104-823 THE PRACTICES AND PROCEDURES OF THE INVES- HEARING BEFORE THE SUBCOMMITTEE ON PERSONNEL OF THE COMMITTEE ON ARMED SERVICES UNITED STATES SENATE ONE HUNDRED FOURTH CONGRESS SECOND SESSION SEPTEMBER 12, 1996 Printed for the use of the Committee on Armed Services 37-213 CC U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON: 1997 For sale by the U.S. Government Printing Office Superintendent of Documents, Congressional Sales Office, Washington, DC 20402 ISBN 0-16-054377-0 CONTENTS PRINCIPAL WITNESSES WHO APPEARED IN PERSON Alleyne, Cassandra M., Mother of DT3 Paul R. Mamby, USN: Addendum to prepared statement Cavanaugh, Col. William J., AUS (Ret.): Oral statement Doherty, Brig. Gen. Daniel A., USA, Commanding General, U.S. Army Crimi- Rush, Christopher, Investigative Consultant: Oral statement Sabow, Dr. John David, Brother of Col. James E. Sabow, USMC: WITNESSES WHO SUBMITTED PREPARED WRITTEN STATEMENTS Allison, Kay L., Proud Mother of PFC Sean Edward Allison, USA Anderson, Lt. Gen. (Dr.) Edgar R., Jr., USAF, Surgeon General, United Ball, Arlene, Mother of PFC James V. Gardner, USMC Beimdiek, Jan, Mother of HM3 Scott Michael Beimdiek, USN |