Kenya National Assembly Official Record (Hansard)The official records of the proceedings of the Legislative Council of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya, the House of Representatives of the Government of Kenya and the National Assembly of the Republic of Kenya. |
Common terms and phrases
allocation ambao ambulances Applause appointments armed forces asked the Minister Assistant Minister bridges bromide communities constituencies Dasani Dasani mineral water District Dzoro ensure equitable Ethuro facilities fulani given a Presidential Government hapa hata Health Centre hili hivyo House Ikiwa Kalenjin kama Kamama Kapenguria katika sehemu kazi Kenya Kikuyu Kilifi KPLC Kroll Associates Kroll Associates UK kutoka kuwa kwa sababu kwamba Lakini lazima Lodwar M/S Kroll Associates matatizo Mbeere Mbeere District Medical Training College Members Minister for Education Minister for Health Ministry Mombasa Motion Murungi Mwiria nafasi Naibu Spika Nakuru Nakuru District National Youth Service Ndolo Ngilu Parliament Pattni Poghisio point of order polisi population density President Presidential award public sector Question recruitment exercise refinery Runyenjes sasa Science and Technology Serikali Spika wa Muda Sungu taarifa Technology Dr Temporary Deputy Speaker thank wakati Wambora Wario watoto watu West Pokot District wetu wilaya