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(b) Role of participating
local agencies or

Forms and measure of as-
sistance given by NHA
constituent to participat-
ing local agencies or insti-

To provide credit incident to home ownership from
funds primarily received by them in their character
as mutual financial institutions and as the result of
the encouragement of thrift.

created by FHLBB and operating under FHLBA
1. To FHLBank members: 12 regional FHLBanks,
supervision, provide permanent reservoir of credit
for home financing.operations of bank members and
for meeting withdrawal demands of savers and inves-
tors in such institutions. These banks perform
substantially same function in field of home mort-
gage credit as Federal Reserve banks perform as
credit reservoir for commercial banks and Federal
land banks perform in field of farm finance.

FHLBank advances are made to members for
terms not exceeding 10 years at interest rates ranging
from 1 to 3 percent on the security of-

(a) Home mortgages not exceeding $20,000 in
amount or 20 years to maturity (up to lesser of 65
percent of unpaid principal or 60 percent of value of
property if original term of mortgage is 6 years or
more on an amortized basis; otherwise percentages
are 50 and 40 percent, respectively);

(b) FHA insured (title II and title VI) mortgage
loans (up to 90 percent of unpaid principal); and
(c) Federal or federally guaranteed obligations
(up to face value).

Unsecured advances up to 1 year are made to
members under certain conditions.

1 Statistical data in this chart are generally as of the end of 1943 or early 1944.

pants to date have been FHA regulated pri-
vate corporations formed for this specific pur-
(Title III: National mortgage associations char-
tered and supervised by FHA to provide ready
secondary market for mortgages against which
they would issue debentures in the open mar-
ket. Only one such association has been
created: The Federal National Mortgage As-
sociation, owned, operated, and staffed by

at reasonable rates of interest and on moderate
Title I: To make funds available to borrowers
terms of repayment to enable them to repair,
enhance the livability of, and, in certain cases,
own, their homes and to alter and improve
their places of business.

Title II: To make credit available, on the most
advantageous terms and adapted to meet
widely varying local conditions, for the financ-
ing of both home ownership and rental-project

Title I: Provides insurance against losses in-
curred on improvement and, to a limited ex-
tent, construction loans. Insurance is with
respect to aggregate of such loans made and
reported for insurance by participating insti-
tution and calls for FHA payment of losses in
an amount not excceding 10 percent of aggre-
gate amount of such loans. Premium charge

is 34 of 1 percent per annum of net loan pro-
ceeds except for new residential construction
where charge is 12 of 1 percent.

Payment on losses is made by FHA in cash,
against assignment of debt, and security, if
any. (In case of new residential construction
loan, mortgagee must foreclose.)

Title II: Provides for insurance on first mortgage
loans made for (1) home construction, pur-
chase, or refinancing, and (2) construction of
rental projects. Premium charge (which may
be passed on to mortgagor) is 1⁄2 of 1 percent
per annum on outstanding balance.

In case of default, payment of loss is made
against conveyance of property to FHA (after
foreclosure by mortgagee) and takes the form

To construct, own, and operate low-rent
housing and slum clearance projects pro-
viding decent housing for the low-income
families in the community not being pro-
vided with such housing by private enter-
prise at rentals they can afford to pay.

3 forms of financial assistance are author-

1. Loans fully repayable with interest
(at 1⁄2 of 1 percent above "going Federal
rate" at time of contract) to finance not
more than 90 percent of capital cost of low
rent housing and slum clearance projects.
Period for repayment may not exceed 60
years. Most loan contracts are at a 22
percent interest rate. Under them,
FPHA has, on the average, been lending
33 of capital cost, to be repaid over 50 to
60-year periods.

2. Annual contributions to reduce
(together with required local contribu-
tions) rentals from amounts necessary to
meet annual expenses of project ("eco-
nomic rental") to amounts low-income
tenants can afford to pay ("social
rental"). These contributions are made
each year on a pay-as-you-go basis to
make possible the low-rent character of
project for that year; are subject to con-
tinuance of low-rent character of project;
are strictly limited to amounts and pe-


The National Housing Agency-A descriptive analysis of the basic permanent housing functions being administered by its 3 constituent units under the general direction and supervision of its Administrator- Continued

Forms and measure of as

sistance given by NHA
constituent to participat-
ing local agencies or insti-

[blocks in formation]

2. To FHA approved mortgagees: FHLBanks are
authorized to make advances to FHA approved
mortgagees who are not bank members upon secur-
ity of FHA-insured title II mortgages (up to 90 per-
cent of unpaid principal). These advances may be
for terms not exceeding 10 years and are at interest
rates 1⁄2 of 1 to 1 percent higher than for similar ad-
vances to bank members.

3. To savings and loan associations: (a) Chartering,
regulation, and supervision by FHLBA of progres-
sive locally owned and managed associations to pro-
vide sound home thrift and financing facilities to
their communities. Such associations may be
newly created in communities not previously served
by institutions of savings and loan type or they may
be State chartered associations converted to feder-
ally chartered status at shareholders' request and
contingent upon certain limitations.

(b) Subscription by HOLC to shares of FHL
Bank member or FSLIC-insured associations for en-
couragement of local home financing (but not, when
added to certain Treasury share investment, in
excess of 75 percent of total share capital of any

(c) Insurance by FSLIC of accounts (up to $5,000)
of shareholders of Federal- and State-chartered asso-
ciations. Such insurance is compulsory for federally
chartered associations. Insured institutions pay
FSLIC (1) an equitable admission fee based on
FSLIC reserves (present fee is 100 of 1 percent of
shareholders' accounts plus creditor liabilities); and
(2) an annual premium of % of 1 percent of share-
holders' accounts and creditor liabilities, subject to
an assessment of an additional 4 of 1 per If neces

Federal Housing Administration

(1) negotiable debentures in amount of
unpaid principal plus certain adjustments
for tax payments and other expenditures
made by mortgagee; dated as of date fore-
closure proceedings were instituted; bearing
interest, payable semiannually, at 234 per-
cent per annum; maturing 3 years after the
1st day of July following maturity date of
the mortgage; guaranteed as to principal and
interest by the United States; and callable
at 3 months' notice at par and accrued inter-
est; and

(2) a certificate of claim in the amount of
unpaid earned interest and expenses incurred
by mortgagee in connection with foreclosure
and conveyance; providing for an increment
of 3 percent per annum (not compounded);
and payable only if and to the extent that
the net amount realized by FHA on the
property exceeds all its expenses (including
principal and interest paid on debentures).
Mortgagees on rental projects may, if default
is in meeting payments, elect, in lieu of fore-
closing, to assign the mortgage to FHA, in
which case 2 percent of unpaid principal is
deducted from the amount of debentures

Federal Public Housing Authority (admin-
isters functions formerly in United States
Housing Authority)

riods necessary to assure low-rent charac-
ter (and in any event to 60 years); may
not exceed 1 percent above the "going
Federal rate" of interest at the time of
contract, applied against the cost of the
project; and are subject to periodic reex-
amination as to amounts necessary.
Under most contracts to date, maximum
annual contribution payable is 3 percent
of project cost.

3. Capital grants, as an alternative
method of assistance to annual contribu-
tions. The provisions with respect to
these grants have been entirely dormant.

[blocks in formation]

1. Statute requires local governmental con-
tributions amounting to at least 20 per-
cent of Federal annual contributions, in
form of cash or tax remissions or tax
exemptions. All local contributions to
date have been in form of tax exemptions.
2. To extent not carried out by local hous-
ing authority itself, local governmental
unit is required to eliminate unsafe or
insanitary dwellings in locality approxi-
mately equal in number to number of
new dwellings provided by project as-
sisted ("equivalent elimination").

80525-46-pt. 1-37

(b) By local agencies or
institutions participa-
ting or assisted.

To FHLBanks: Each bank member must subscribe
to bank stock to extent of at least 1 percent of aggre-
gate unpaid principal of its home mortgage holdings,
but in no event less than $500. Also, each member's
stock holdings must at least equal 12 of aggregate
amount of its outstanding advances from the bank.
Members' deposits also help provide banks with

(c) By private capital... 1. To FHLBanks: Operating funds are in part ob

tained by FHLBA's issuance to general financing
community (primarily banks and dealers) or con-
solidated debentures constituting joint and several
obligations of all 12 banks. It has been the policy
thus far to issue these consolidated debentures in
preference to debentures issued by the individual
banks, as being more economical and better suited
to the bank's needs.)

2. To savings and loan associations: Savings of indi-
viduals and organizations have contributed all but a
very small fraction of outstanding share capital of
both Federal- and State-chartered associations.

Participating lending institutions obtain their
funds through issuance of capital stock or
shares, acceptance of deposits, borrowings, col-
lections, and such other methods as are used
by institutions of the types involved to obtain
funds for operations.

1. "Temporary financing:
loans, made primarily by commercial
banks and investment houses at very
low interest rates, finance bulk of con-
struction cost of projects until definitive
long-term financing, which takes place
toward end of construction period.
sulting savings in interest costs are re-
flected in a reduced development cost
and in smaller definitive loans and an-
nual contributions.
2. "Permanent financing": Statute requires
that at least 10 percent of project cost be
secured from sources other than FPHA.
General financing community (primarily
banks, investment houses, and insurance
companies) furnishes this portion of cap-
ital cost through purchase of definitive
long-term series A bonds issued by the
local authority. On many projects, pri-
vate capital has financed 25 to 85 percent
of project cost. Average for all projects
is over 33 percent.


The National Housing Agency-A descriptive analysis of the basic permanent housing functions being administered by its 3 constituent units

under the general direction and supervision of its Administrator-Continued



Interest is paid only on the diminishing balance of the loan and amount charged is determined by risk on particular loan. Loans on security of shares are made up to 90 percent of value; on security of homes or combination of homes and business property up to 75 or 80 percent of value (90 percent if FHA insured); and up to 50 percent of value on other improved real estate (60 percent for small apartment houses with 4 to 12 family units).

term of loan may be 25 years. Maximum
interest rate permitted by regulation is 435
percent per annum (statutory maximum is
5 percent on outstanding principal (exclusive of
FHA'S 1⁄2 of 1 percent insurance premium).
Mortgage loan is amortized by monthly in-
stallment payment plan calling for equal
monthly payments of amount necessary to
provide for payment of taxes, special assess-
ments, ground rents, and hazard insurance
premiums, as well as debt service.

Rental project loans may not exceed $5,000,000,
or 80 percent of total value, or $1,350 per room
attributable to dwelling use. Maximum
interest rate (exclusive of FHA's of 1 percent
insurance premium) is 41⁄2 percent per annum
on outstanding balance on loans of $100,000 or
less and 4 percent for loans in excess of $100,000.
Loans are amortized by periodic payments
within such term as approved by FHA for
each individual case. (Most mortgages are
amortized over a 26-28 year period). FHA is
given various controls over rents, charges,
rate of return, and methods of operation in


[blocks in formation]

Title I: On improvement loans, which constitute the great bulk, over 70 percent in amount (78 percent in number) have been made with respect to single family dwellings; 16 percent in amount on multifamily dwellings; 4 percent on farm homes and buildings; and an aggregate of 8 percent on commercial and industrial buildings and garages. New homes constructed are 1-family, of inexpensive type and design. Title II: Almost entirely nonfarm housing. Bulk of homes insured (99 percent of new homes and 93 percent of existing homes) have been single family. Many of homes financed are in new subdivisions planned and developed from beginning with cooperation of FÍA. Rental projects average 120 dwelling units (median project, however, averages 71 units) and consist generally of dwellings of the 2- or 3-story walk-up variety.

The statute provides that projects must be
developed to promote serviceability,
efficiency, economy, and stability, and
that they may not be of elaborate or ex-
pensive design or materials. Projects
are large scale in size, simply and sturdily
designed for a 60-year life, are adapted to
local custom and tradition, and range
from individual group homes in small
communities to large apartment build-
ings in New York City.

A number of contracts have been en-
tered into providing for farm housing.
of simple design and construction, to pro-
vide decent and sanitary accommoda-
tions for low income farm families.

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