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[The case is developing asthma. Put her on potassium iodid, 10 to 15 grains, four times a day, and keep it up over several months. When all tendency to dyspnea has vanisht, and does not reappear for several weeks, you may discontinue the potassium iodid, but can expect to have to return to it if she "catches cold," or if kidneys or stomach become disordered. Fluidextract of quebracho is another drug that will be of benefit to her. Spraying the nasal chambers with a 1 to 10,000 solution of suprarenin is one of the latest and most satisfactory measures of giving instantaneous relief in such cases. It is used in the ordinary atomizer.-ED.]

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[There is no such a thing as a "cure for the tobacco or cigarette habit.' If anyone accustomed to their use wishes to abandon the habit, all there is to do is to quit. If one accustomed to their use does not desire to be freed from the habit, no drug or combination of drugs on earth will compel him to cease the use of the weed. There is no effect, in the man of youth or medium age, in abandonment of the habit, beyond the temporary inconvenience caused by the interruption of the habit and the nervous irritability incident thereto. We do not think it advisable for the man up in years, who has been accustomed to the free use of tobacco nearly all his life, to suddenly abandon it.

Hysterical writers have frequently assailed the "awful habit" in a very intemperate manner, but no man has yet scientifically proved that it is so very dreadful or that it has any very deleterious effects on the man who does not begin its use

until maturity and who does not extend his indulgence immoderately. It is a waste of money, certainly-but so is the use of clothing and food-beyond the wearing of the coarsest and cheapest fabrics and the plainest and coarsest diet. Unpleasant to those not accustomed to itlikewise are those who ingest onions, when they come in contact with those who have not indulged. Some rare individuals are injured even by the moderate use of tobacco, just as certain people should never touch coffee or tea, but this is true in only the exceptional case.-ED.]

Adhesiv Plasters.

EDITOR MEDICAL WORLD:-Kindly give in WORLD prescription and detailed method for making an adhesiv mass for a pitch plaster. Also kindly give me the same information for making a rubber adhesiv plaster. What is the most adhesiv mass that can be made-that is, what one adheres the tightest to the body? If you can give more than one process without putting yourself to too much trouble, please do so. F. S.

[Burgundy pitch, 26 ounces; frankincense, 13 ounces; resin, 41⁄2 ounces; yellow wax, 42 ounces; oliv oil, 2 ounces; distilled water, 2 ounces. Add the oliv oil and the water to the frankincense, Burgundy pitch resin and beeswax previously melted together; evaporate with constant stirring to a proper consistence. This is the formula given in the British pharmacopeia. The pitch plaster of the U. S. P., 1890, was similar to above, containing 80 parts of Burgundy pitch, 15 parts of yellow wax, and 5 parts of oliv oil, melted together and stirred until the mass thickens on cooling.

Rubber, 20 gm.; petrolatum, 20 gm.; lead plaster, 960 gm. Melt the rubber at a temperature of not more than 150° C. (302° F.); add the petrolatum and continue the heat till the rubber is dissolved. Add the lead plaster to the hot mixture; continue the heat till it becomes liquid, then let it cool and stir until it stiffens. -ED.]

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[There is no treatment for the liquor habit that can be administered without the knowledge_of the patient that is of any avail whatever. For a satisfactory cure of inebriety, it is necessary that the victim be willing and anxious to be cured. He must not only have his system toned up, but he must also have his moral powers revivified, so that he will be able to decline or flee from temptation to drink later. Nothing will compel a man to quit the use of alcohol against his will. One may squirt apomorphin into him till his stomach will not retain liquor, and tell him he is "cured," but as soon as he can get alcohol without the apomorphin, and is able to retain it, he knows that he is not cured, and his last condition is worse than his first.

If a man really desires to be freed from his habits, and has not the moral strength to abstain, he may be incarcerated, with or without treatment, till he is free from alcohol. Then, if he be toned up vigorously, and keeps away from temptation, and has the moral stamina to re

sist it if thrust upon him, he is as much cured as anyone ever is.-ED.]

Denatured Alcohol.

EDITOR MEDICAL WORLD:-What is denatured alcohol? What would be a poisonous dose of same? How does it compare with grain alcohol for external use? What is considered a poisonous dose of wood alcohol? C. D. COMBS, M.D. Monarat, Va.

["According to an act of the Congress of the United States, approved June 7, 1906, alcohol may be withdrawn from bond without the payment of internal revenue tax, for use in the arts and industries, and for fuel, light and power, provided said alcohol shall have been mixt, under certain prescribed regulations, with specified denaturing material whereby it is rendered unfit for beverage or medicinal purposes. The act went into effect January 1, 1907. Alcohol, to be known as completely denatured alcohol, must be prepared by either of the following formulas: (1.) To every 100 gallons of ethyl alcohol (of not less than 180° proof) there shall be added 10 gallons of approved methyl alcohol and 1⁄2 gallon of approved benzine. (2.) To every 100 gallons of ethyl alcohol (of not less than 180° proof) there shall be added 2 gallons of approved methyl alcohol, and 1⁄2 gallon of approved pyridin bases." ("National Standard Dispensatory.")

Containing, as above noted, one-tenth of its volume of wood alcohol, the poisonous content is the amount of wood alcohol.

No liquid containing wood alcohol should be used about the body on account of possible poisonous effects, even from the fumes, since these, in concentration, have caused poisoning, blindness, etc.

Wood alcohol should never be used in medicin, as there is no evidence of its value and its poisonous possibilities are well recognized. It has been recommended in treatment of "pulmonary tuberculosis, chronic diarrhea, and dysentery. It is sedativ and narcotic." It would be a courageous man, indeed, who would employ it in any dosage, altho the internal dose is placed at "10 to 20 minims." The minimum poisonous dose is not known, but presumably it would not be greatly in excess of 20 minims.-ED.]

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[Towns' treatment is given in the Medical Review of Reviews, December, 1914, which we have condenst from a longer article, as follows:

One of the essential factors of the treatment is a mixture of belladonna, xanthoxylum and hyoscyamus which has the following composition: R Tr. belladonnæ... .fzij

Fld. ext. xanthoxyli,

Fld. ext. hyoscyami, āā........fzj

In making this mixture a 15% tincture of belladonna must be used or an equivalent amount included if a weaker tincture is employed. If this is not done the craving for the drug often remains as a nagging longing and the eradication of the craving is incomplete. The mixture must be administered to the beginning of the physiologic tolerance of the belladonna, as shown by dry throat, dilated pupils, or even a flushing and a rash, or the beginning incisiv voice of the commencing belladonna hallucinations, tho this latter condition is to be avoided if possible. This remedy is to be given in repeated small doses, rather than in larger quantities three times a day. It is absolutely essential that the morphin patient should have a thoro cathartic action before beginning to take the remedy. Vomiting may occur if this is not done.

It is well to give three-fourths of the total 24-hour dose instead of two-thirds as the initial dose of morphin. The patients thus go thru their first two periods without any distress and they do not begin to have the symptoms of discomfort until the third dose of morphin begins to wear off.

If but little morphin is given for the beginning dose and the doctor halves it at the second dose and again at the third dose, owing to the insufficiency in the beginning the patient is not really comfortable at any time and has a nagging desire for more.

The detailed treatment for morphinism is given by Dr. Lambert as follows, and we give it here in his own words:

"A patient addicted to morphin is given five compound cathartic pills and 5 grains of blue mass, and six hours later, if these have not acted, they are followed by a saline; after three or four abundant movements of the bowels from these cathartics the patient is given, in his habitual way, by mouth or by hypodermic, in three divided doses at half-hour intervals, twothirds or three-fourths of the total daily 24hour dose of morphin or opium to which he has been accustomed. The physician should observe carefully after the second dose has been given, as the amount then equals either fourninths or one-half the total 24-hour dose. few patients cannot comfortably take more than this amount. Six drops of the belladonna mixture are given in capsules at the same time as the morphin. This belladonna mixture in doses of 6 drops (and by drops I do not mean minims: I mean drops dropt from an ordinary medicin dropper, which is about half a minim dose) is


given every hour for six hours. At the end of six hours the dosage is increast 2 drops. The belladonna mixture is continued every hour of the day and every hour of the night continuously thruout the treatment, increasing 2 drops every six hours, until 16 drops are taken, when it is continued at this dosage; it is diminisht or discontinued at any time if the patient shows belladonna symptoms, such as dilated pupils, dry throat or redness of the skin, or the peculiar and incisiv and insistent voice, and insistence on one or two ideas. It is begun again at reduced dosage after these symptoms have subsided. If the patient has an unusual sensitivness to belladonna it will usually show itself in the first six or eight hours and the hourly dosage can be cut down to from 2 to 4 drops and raised by 1 drop every six hours. If, on the other hand, even 16 drops persisted in for twelve consecutiv hours do not give dryness of the throat the dosage should be raised to 18 or 20 every hour until the dryness occurs and then the amount reduced.

"At the tenth hour after the initial dose of morphin is given the patient is again given five compound cathartic pills and 5 grains of blue mass. These should act in six or eight hours after they have been taken. If they do not act at this time, some vigorous saline is given, and when they have acted thoroly the second dose of morphin is given, which is usually about the eighteenth hour. This should be one-half the original dose, that is, one-third or three-eighths of the original 24-hour daily dose. The belladonna mixture is still continued, and ten hours after the second dose of morphin has been given -that is, about the twenty-eighth hour-five compound cathartic pills are again given and 5 grains of blue mass, these again, if necessary, followed by a saline seven or eight hours later. After these have thoroly acted at about the thirty-sixth hour, the third dose of morphin is given, which is one-sixth or three-sixteenths of the original dose. This is usually the last dose of morphin that is necessary. Again, ten hours after the third dose of morphin, that is, the forty-sixth hour, the five compound cathartic pills and 5 grains of blue mass are again given, followed seven or eight hours afterward by a saline, and one expects at this time to see the bilious green stool appear. When this appears, after the bowels have moved thoroly, about eighteen hours after the third dose of morphin, about the fifty-sixth hour of treatment, 2 ounces of castor oil are given to clear out thoroly the intestinal tract. Sometimes it is necessary to continue the belladonna mixture over one or two more cathartic periods before giving the oil. During this last period when the bowels are moving from the compound cathartic pills and before the oil is given, the patients have their most uncomfortable time. Their nervousness and discomfort can be controlled usually by codein, which can be given hypodermically in 5-grain doses and repeated if necessary; or some form of the valerates may help them. About the thirtieth hour of treatment these patients should be stimulated with strychnin or digitalis, or both, every four to six hours.

"Some patients cannot tolerate codein and break out into an urticarial rash or a fine red punctate rash or swelling and burning of the skin. these patients relief can be obtained by dionin, which seems about twice as strong as codein in


its power to relieve nervousness and the feeling of distress. It should be given, therefore, in doses of about 2 or 3 grains or less. Codein or dionin should be cut off as soon as possible after the castor oil has acted. It may be given during the next succeeding twenty-four hours if necessary, but if patients are for any reason taking codein for forty-eight hours after they are thru their treatment, they will usually persist in doing so and must be broken from this narcotic or they will from this return quickly to their morphin or heroin.

"The withdrawal pains or pain in the joints and aching in the bones and muscles can sometimes be relieved by hypodermics of some form of ergot and strychnin, sometimes by massage, sometimes by sodium salicylate, sometimes by a salicylic compound combined with some of the coaltar products such as antipyrin, phenacetin or pyramidon; they can always be eased up by codein or dionin. The addition of codein to these coaltar products increases their analgesic effect. These patients have been in the habit of referring all their discomfort and distress to the lack of morphin and have consequently drifted into the habit of referring everything to the lack of it. For two or three days after they are off their drug any indiscretion in eating, or any attempt at too much physical exertion, will bring a recurrence of their withdrawal symptoms. This is simply due to exhaustion or to indigestion, and if treated as such quickly disappears without any narcotic. Insomnia is often a troublesome symptom after the patients are off their drug. This may have to be treated in some patients with doses of bromids, in others by chloral or by other various hypnotics. Veronal has, in my hands, given so much depression and produced so many bad after-effects that it should be avoided. best hypnotic is muscular fatigue, and these patients should begin to exercise regularly and be built up physically as soon as their condition permits. Usually this is within a week after they are off their drug.


"Patients who have been taking both morphin and alcohol should be treated for the morphin and can be tapered off at the same time from their alcohol. They are apt to have an activ gastritis, which complicates their ability to retain their medication or to retain food. Sodium citrate in doses of from 5 to 10 grains every hour best relieves this condition, with or without from 10 to 20 grains of cerium oxalate or 5 grains of Tully's powder every two hours for one or two doses."

The treatment for alcoholism and cocainism is outlined by the author as follows: "In treating an alcoholic the belladonna mixture and the five compound cathartic pills and 5 grains of blue mass are given simultaneously at the first dose. The belladonna mixture is continued every hour of the day and every hour of the night the same as with the morphin patients, and twelve hours before the initial dose patients are again given from three to five compound cathartic pills, and at the twenty-fourth hour after the initial dose they are again given the cathartics followed by salines if necessary, and again at the thirty-sixth hour. After these last cathartics, the bilious stools will appear and by the forty-fourth or forty-fifth hour the castor oil is given. Sometimes it is necessary to carry on the treatment over another period, and the compound cathartic

pills and blue mass are again given at the fortyeighth hour. It may even be necessary to carry on the treatment one or two periods longer.

"Elderly or very nervous patients who have been on a prolonged debauch are tapered off with 2 ounces of whisky for four or five doses thru the first twenty-four hours. If these patients are excessivly nervous it is necessary also to see that they sleep, and a mixture of chloral hydrate, 20 grains; morphin, % grain; tincture of hyoscyamus, 1⁄2 dram; tincture of ginger, 10 minims; tincture of capsicum, 5 minims, and water, 1⁄2 ounce, is the best hypnotic for them. These patients should also have cardiac stimulants, such as strychnin and digitalis, after the first twentyfour hours, or sooner if they are weak.

"The cocainist can be treated like the alcoholic, except that no cocain is given at any time, and strychnin or some such stimulant must be given from the beginning of the treatment.

"To break a man from his tobacco habit alone he should be allowed to taper off the first twentyfour hours, or he can be cut off abruptly and should be treated like the alcoholic.

"If the patient is a victim of both morphin and cocain, then we have a very difficult combination to handle. Usually as the effect of the morphin wears off these patients become delirious, unreasonable, unmanageable and exceedingly ugly. They do not know or realize what they are saying or doing and they make trying patients. Often on the morning following their delirium they will have no recollection of what they have said or done or of any of the suffering which they asserted they were enduring, and will declare that they had a very good night."

The author insists that the treatment is distinctly a hospital treatment and cannot be carried out successfully in the patient's home.—ED.]

Cars and Tires.

EDITOR MEDICAL WORLD:-I would like to ask the brothers if any of them have tried the Colorado Tire and Leather Company's durable treads they recommend to put on old tires?

I would like also to ask the brothers, thru THE WORLD, how they find the motorcycle by this time. Can it be used on gravel roads the year around? And does it make any difference in the eyes of your patients or your fellow practicians whether you run a car or motorcycle? I have just located in a new place and don't want to make a mistake. All my surrounding brothers have cars. I have one, but thought of getting a motorcycle for winter use. L. R. EMERICK, M.D.

Conover, Ohio.


Coutant and Way.

EDITOR MEDICAL WORLD:-I thought our old friend and fake, Dr. George E. Coutant, had been denied the use of the mails, but from the inclosed you will find he is up to his old tricks again, and I have recently received a number of his follow-up letters. I am also inclosing some literature from another just as bad a fake, one whom I have already been simple enuf to give a fair trial. The one to whom I refer is The George R. Way eardrum fake, of Detroit, Mich. You will note none of Dr. Coutant's literature

bears any date, but it was received by me December 23, 1914. JEFFERSON WILCOX, M.D. Willacoochee, Ga.

[Dr. George E. Coutant and his methods were described in the April, 1913, WORLD, pages 165 to 168.

George P. Way and his methods were de scribed in the Journal of the American Medical Association for November 1, 1913. It was there stated that

The Way "medicated eardrum" itself is a particu larly vicious little device. While there is nothing in the advertising matter sent out by Way to make this clear, it is a fact that the drums are specially de signed for individuals whose tympanic membrane ("eardrum") is ruptured. It is a rubber contrivance enlarged at each end and with a constricted portion in the center. One of the enlarged ends is supposed to be pusht into the middle ear. The drums are recommended for discharging ears; actually they are about the worst things that could be used in such a condition. The amount of damage a piece of fakery of this kind can do is almost beyond belief. But it furnishes the Way family an income which they are willing to divide with those publications that are not above participating in the profits of quackery.

The American Medical Association, 535 N. Dearborn St., Chicago, Ill., publishes a pamphlet entitled "Deafness Cure Fakes," which they will send to anyone on receipt of 10 cents. It would be well for doctors to have pamphlets of this nature in their possession for their own information.-ED.]

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DEAR DR. WITTER:-The Council on Pharmacy and Chemistry concerns itself wholly with preparations advertised to physicians, hence your inquiry regarding "En-ser-ol" was referred to this department.

"Fluid En-ser-ol" has been analyzed by various authorities. The Indiana State Board of Health states that the nostrum contains "cinnamon, camphor, water and baking soda." The Agricultural Commission of Ohio reported that the specimen analyzed by it consisted essentially of cinnamon, water and boric acid. Dr. Wiley, on the "Inherent No-Accountness of Patent Nostrums," in the September, 1914, issue of Good Housekeeping, declares that in his laboratory they found "camphor, glycerin and water, and traces of antiseptics, too small in amount to be definitly determined" in Fluid Enser-ol. Evidently, like most fraudulent nostrums, the composition of the stuff is by no means a fixt quantity. Yours very sincerely,

Journal American Medical Association.
By A. J. C.
Propaganda Department.

535 N. Dearborn St., Chicago, Ill.

Epilepsy and Perkins' Remedy.

DEAR DR. TAYLOR:-Will you give me all you know about "Dr. Perkins' New Era for Epilepsy"? I was called this morning to see a case that has been taking it. She says she does not have the attacks so often since she began taking it. Is there any virtue in it? She is 30 years of age and single. Never had fits until 25. They began during the nights. I find everything right with her except a slight irritability of the heart.

Please say a word to me for this poor woman.
Can I do anything for her?
Chattaroy, Wash.

JOHN L. SMITH, M.D. [The American Medical Association writes us as follows:

We do not know "Dr. Perkins' New Era For Epilepsy" by that name. We have record of one H. W. Perkins, of Red Bank, N. J., who puts out an epilepsy cure that is sometimes called "R 909, Dr. Perkins' Favorite Prescription." This man Perkins has, apparently, been acting as a stool-pigeon for one A. W. Chappell. Chappell is the man who operated the Waterman Institute Morphin Cure. (See "Nostrums and Quackery," page 578.) As the operation of the morphin cure became more or less risky, Chappell brancht out, apparently, in a fraudulent epilepsy cure. Advertisements put out by the Waterman Institute, both for the alleged cure for the morphin habit and for epilepsy, were identical with the Perkins advertisement for the same conditions.

We made a cursory examination of Dr. Perkins' Favorite Prescription for Epilepsy, and our chemists reported that it contained about 16.4 gm. of potassium bromid and about 9.2 gm. of ammonium bromid in each 100 c.c. There was also a bitter plant extractiv that was not identified. In other words, Perkins' Favorite Prescription for Epilepsy, like every other fraudulent epilepsy cure on the market, apparently depends essentially for what action it has on bromids.

It is apparent that the bromid content of this preparation would help the patient. To detail the systematic treatment of epilepsy would be too much for these pages. Several articles on this subject have appeared in THE WORLD during the past few years. Read them. It might be well also to secure a good book on the subject. See reply to W. H. Moorhouse, in this issue.-ED.]

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"A treatment for obesity. Manufactured by 'Prof.' S. H. Burns, 1300 Broadway, New York. Consists of an elastic belt carrying a metallic spiral ring about five inches in diameter, the latter intended to be worn over the umbilicus. The ring consists of two parts, one-half brass, the other brass, silver plated, the ends being connected by spirals of fine wire soldered together. In addition to this interesting appliance there are two 'accelerating auxiliaries''absorbine' and 'shrinkine.' The 'shrinkine' was not submitted, but the 'absorbine,' a bit of which is to be 'rubbed over the deepest accumulations of fat for five minutes,' seems to consist of nothing more powerful than 'unguentum aquæ rosæ.' The manufacturer is confident that 'simply wearing my automasseur, regardless of age or sex, will permanently reduce superfluous flesh from all parts-face, chest, back, hips, legs or abdomen.' Nor is this all, for we read that, 'rheumatic and nervous affections, indigestion, flatulence, constipation, female weaknesses, weak circulation and fatty degeneration of the heart, lungs, kidneys and liver yield quickly to its curativ action.' It is almost unnecessary to suggest that the dieting recommended in conjunction with the simple massage treatment involved is altogether responsible for any improvement that may be noted."

As you know, Doctor, limited diet, avoiding fats and carbohydrates, and taking exercise, is the best means of reducing fat. Thyroid will do it, but it must be carefully used.-ED.]

Capt. Rand and His Lucky Stone.

DEAR DR. TAYLOR:-The inclosed "ad" was sent to my daughter by the house that sells the "lucky stones," and it is such a bare-faced scheme to get money out of the silly and superstitious people that I think it ought to be exposed, and it seems to me you can do so better than anyone I know of. You might mention it in THE WORLD, and perhaps call the attention of the postmaster general to the method of selling pebbles at a dollar each. THOS. W. MUSGROVE. Sultan, Wash.

[The booklet tells "The Wonderful Story About Capt. Rand" and bears a halftone picture of what purports to be that estimable gentleman on the front page. The pamphlet tells of his "good luck" in getting possession of a "lucky stone" in Ceylon when he was "down and out" and of the immense wealth he soon acquired because of it, and many testimonials are printed from patrons of the Captain. No directions are given in the pamphlet for the purchase of the "lucky stones" from him, but his business address is given as 276 Tremont Street, Boston, and it seems inferable that anyone sending $1 can secure a "lucky stone" and quickly become a millionaire. A peculiar thing about this matter is: Why should a man who has amast a fortune need to sell these pebbles at $1 apiece? If his idea is to extend good luck and good fortune to many others, why does he not sell them for a nominal sum, such as 5 cents apiece? It is evident that he wants to add substantially to his alleged wealth by selling these stones at an extravagant price. Aside from this, we would like to emphasize the foolishness of "good luck" or lucky talismans, etc. It is a waste of time to consider such ridiculous things.-ED.]

Soap-Ball Gallstones.

DEAR DR. TAYLOR:-Can you give me any information regarding the "gallstone cure" put out by The Hepatola Company, of Columbus, Ohio? One of my cholecystitis patients, who is also a probable cholelithiasis victim, was recently told of this marvelous remedy by a neighboring old lady, who was able to vouch for its specific action, having had personal knowledge of cures accomplisht by it. Large amounts of gallstones had been passed and patients had secured lasting freedom from pain, which had formerly made them chronic sufferers.

Not being anxious to undergo an operation, my patient decided to adopt this simple method of disposing of her "stone quarry.' She remitted $6.50 for the double course of treatment, since the initial treatment was to be repeated after a three-day interval. The first course consisted of two powders to be taken at 3 p. m. on a day preceded by morning fasting. At bedtime a 6-ounce bottle of an oily substance was to be taken at one dose and coaxt to stay down by frequent tastes of lemon juice. On the following morning two more powders were to be taken.

The lady followed instructions closely, and at about 11 p. m. was taken with severe and re

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