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In an article on the "Therapeutics of Calcium Creosote" in the Medical Bulletin, Kolipinski said of this preparation:

"Solution of calcium creosote has been, with the writer, a favorite and constant remedy in the following diseases:

In croupous pneumonia and pleuropneumonia

where the administration of the remedy can be started soon after the chill of the outset, the disease is often cut short and the cure of a grave malady accomplished in a day or two. In pneumonia calcium creosote cuts short the disease, lowers the fever, slows the respiration and pulse, facilitates and increases the cough and very probably acts as a pulmonic antiseptic.

In typhoid fever calcium creosote acts as an efficient non-poisonous antiseptic to the mouth cavity, stomach and intestine. It deodorizes and disinfects the stools. It slows and strengthens the pulse, deepens the respiration, refreshes and revives the patient. Prevents toxemia and delirium, reduces the fever in three days, makes the hyperpyrexia innocuous and stops the disease in one-half the time of the natural course. It reduces the mortality to the lowest number. As the deaths are lessened, so are the many complications, and, above all, do intestinal hemorrhages and intestinal perforation diminish, they may even be said to cease to occur. Any treatment that cures need the aid of none other, and therefore, with calcium creosote in typhoid fever other drugs are not exhibited or other means of fever reduction.

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The solution of calcium creosote corrects the dyspeptic disturbances, aids digestion and nutrition. Its immediate effect is that of a non-intoxicating exhilarant. Patients declare they feel better as long as they continue to take it. It increases the appetite, the vigor and weight of the body. The various chronic affections of the pretubercular state, diminish or cease to be.

In the summer diarrhea of infants it is usually a very efficient remedy. It must be given early in oft repeated doses and in all cases with the prompt correction of the offending food or diet."

Calcreose in Tuberculosis.

Edwards (Medical Council, September, 1914) reports results from the use of Calcreose in a case of pulmonary tuberculosis. He says:

"On the evening of January 16, 1912, I was called about 8 o'clock to see a young man with a pulmonary hemorrhage. I made a diagnosis of acute pulmonary tuberculosis. The diagnosis was confirmed the following day by the city bacteriologist of Newark, New Jersey.

The patient was a young man twenty-seven years of age. Previous history: Had some ten

years previous an acute attack of rheumatism; this rheumatic disturbance caused him to change his occupation, and for the year prior to my being called he had been employed by his father as a pharmacist. His hours of employment would be from twelve to sixteen hours a day.

His weight at that time was approximately 150 pounds and his sputae, as previous stated, being positive.

I advised immediate removal to the country. We delayed for ten days until the hemorrhage subsided, but on or about February 1, 1912, I took him to an altitude of about 850 feet above sea level in Morris County, New Jersey.

The only medicine this patient received was Calcreose, other than correctives for intestinal difficulties.

In ten weeks from his removal from the city his sputum was again examined by bacteriologist and found negative. He has since steadily increased weight, and the pulmonary condition is absolutely normal. From 150 pounds he now weighs 197, and for the past fifteen months I know him only as a healthy individual. He is no longer a patient.

I believe my great success in this case is due: 1st. To early diagnosis.

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this country, but it has not driven the parties together as in Europe. This time next year we will be beginning a presidential campaign. No one can foretell the situation. Will the Republican party be divided again as in 1912? Probably not. If not, it would seem on the surface that the Republican candidate should win, for the combined TaftRoosevelt vote in 1912 far exceeded the vote for Wilson. If they should combine next year, what chance will there be for the Democratic candidate? But it will not be easy to combine the Taft voters and the Roosevelt voters. And if Wilson should continue to maintain our national dignity and at the same time keep us out of war during these war-insane times, a great many voters who might otherwise vote against him will vote against any change from such a safe pilot.

We have

But another twelve months might bring great and unexpected changes. The great and unexpected changes of the past year show what surprises are possible. Let us keep cool heads and not rush into the world-wide turmoil. plenty to do here at home. Let us not go too far afield while the world is aflame. Let at least one great nation remain rational. It would be better to lose a few reckless passengers on the sea than that we should rush into the destruction of hundreds of thousands of our best citizens on account of the few hundred. It would be better to suffer a few indignities (so-called-most "indignities" are imaginary); and wait till after the war for settlement, than to rush into war while half the world is war-crazy.

It is a great comfort to think of the fact that we have two men of peace, Bryan and Wilson, in charge of our foreign relations in these war times. History will record these awful times. Let not the record show that we were crazy too. It is easy to say fight, and many do; but those who see the farthest and think the deepest say no.

Serve, While Others Fight.

What can we do for the world while others fight? We can produce food and all other necessary things. With the backset that Europe is getting, and the advances we can make at this, for us, opportune time, in ten years we should be so far ahead of the rest of the world in all that makes civilization that all the world will acknowledge our leadership. We should avoid the "big-head," and get right down to work; and possess our souls in modesty.

We We must produce what the world wants. must raise crops, food animals and serving animals, turn our coal and iron deposits to good account, and manufacture innumerable articles to replenish the world's depleted stocks. If we do these things well, the world will come to us with its gold. If we are shrewd, careful and honest, avoiding all undue assumption, we can lead the world in finance and civilization in the course of a decade or two. Particularly will this be true if the nations of Europe continue to fight or maintain a (very expensive and draining) preparedness for war; and if we avoid this expensive and ruinous course.

Harvard University has more than 100 buildings, built upon an ample campus; the buildings are equipt with apparatus of all kinds, books, etc. The cost of a single battleship would duplicate the entire equipment of this magnificent and ancient university! And a single submarine mine, or a single torpedo from a submarine boat would send the battleship to the bottom of the sea in less than

an hour. Why should humanity be so irrational as to need or want such things as battleships, submarines, etc? I hope the time is not far distant when civilization can look back on the present as we look back on the dark ages.

Killing the Best.

Europe is killing its best men. I have often thought, if people must be killed, it is a pity that the criminal and incompetent cannot be sacrificed, instead of the best. This would leave society purified instead of depleted. Please think of this. Human life is very cheap nowadays. Why should not the depraved be held cheaper than the good? Particularly should those who make crime a profession-a means of livelihood-be held the cheapest. A vicious horse is held at low value. A vicious elephant is destroyed. How about vicious men and women?

Non-Partizan Local Government.

We all remember the time when the eagle's tail was pulled, flags unfurled, the bloody shirt waved, the tariff brought out and painted as either angel or demon, and the patriotic eloquence of orators was fervidly poured forth during every campaign for the election of county, township, town and city officials. In the heat of partizan spirit, the _ludicrousness of the situation was not seen. The idea of choosing a county treasurer, a township trustee, a town constable or a city mayor on national issues is too irrational for defense. About ten or fifteen years ago there was a revulsion against this irrational course, led by the National Municipal League, with its many local municipal leagues. Of course, all intelligent people know that local government is a local business concern in the interest of all. It can have no relation to the tariff and other national political issues. Therefore local offices should be filled with reference to the fitness of the candidates for the positions to which they aspire, and not with reference to their views on the tariff and other national issues. This rational doctrin and practise is now pretty well establisht in most parts of the country.

Now comes a new idea, or rather an extension of this same idea, and it comes from the glowing west-the golden coast of the Pacific. Governor Johnson, of California, has just signed a nonpartizan bill, under which permanent political parties in California will no longer have legal standing; they can exist only as private organizations. This carries the above-mentioned idea into the broader field of state government. The same arguments apply with equal force. There are political reasons why you would prefer a Democratic president, congressman and United States senator, a Republican president, congressman and United States senator. But is there any rational reason why you should prefer a Republican or Democratic township trustee, town counselor, city attorney, mayor, county sheriff, state treasurer, governor, etc.? Think about it, and see if you cannot strip off more of your unreasoning partizanism, and favor efficient city, county and state government, on a rational and business basis, instead of an irrational and partizan basis.


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the Investigation of the von Ruck Method of Treating Tuberculosis. By H. J. Achard, Asheville, N. C. Microphotographic Study of the Tubercle Bacillus. By Wm. J. Manning, M.D., Medical Officer, U. S. Gov. Printing Office, Washington, D. C.


Scientific Medicin vs. Quackery. By Wm. J. Robinson, M.D., New York City.-Chancroids and Their Treatment by the General Practician. By Wm. J. Robinson, M.D., New York City.-Chronic Prostatitis and its Treatment by the General Practician. Wm. J. Robinson, M.D., New York City. A Unique Case of Artificially Induced Sterility. By Wm. J. Robinson, M.D., New York City.-Tragedies in a Sexologist's Practice. By Wm. J. Robinson, M.D., New York City.

Belladonna and Hyoscyamus. By Oliver A. Farwell, Dept. of Botany, Parke, Davis & Co., Detroit, Mich.-The Proper Time to Collect Sanguinaria. By O. A. Farwell, Dept. of Botany, Parke, Davis & Co., Detroit, Mich.

Transactions of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia. 3d Series. Vol. xxxvi. 1914.

Gallstone Recurrences. By E. C. Robitshek, M.D., Minneapolis, Minn.-Primary Tumors of the Bladder in Children. Report of a Case of Fibrous Polypus. By E. C. Robitshek, M.D., Minneapolis, Minn.

Salvarsan. By J. J. Rey craft, Petoskey, Mich. Chronic Intestinal Stasis-Fluoroscopic and X-ray Diagnosis in the Light of Operativ Findings. Wm. S. Bainbridge, M.D., New York.


The Climate of California. By Guy Hinsdale, M.D., Hot Springs, Ark.

The Negro Health Problem. By L. C. Allen, M.D., Hoschton, Ga.

Liquid Petrolatum, or "Russian Mineral Oil." Report of the Council on Pharmacy and Chemistry, American Medical Association, 535 N. Dearborn St., Chicago, Ill.

An Analysis of Narcotic Drug Addiction. By E. S. Bishop, M.D., New York.

Narcotic Drug Addiction. By G. E. Pettey, M.D., Memphis, Tenn.

Clinical Lectures on Diseases of the Stomach and Intestines. By Lewis Brinton, M.D., Philadelphia.

Newark, New Jersey


Like many Eastern dainties, Agar Agar seems to the American or European distinctly unpalatable and unpleasant to the taste. But physicians are practically unanimous in recognizing its value as a mild yet efficient laxative. Agar Agar absorbs many times its weight in water. Taken with meals it increases and softens the volume of feces. It lubricates the intestinal tract, promotes the peristaltic movements of the intestines, and furnishes a perfect medium for the normal intestinal fermentation.

At the suggestion of a group of prominent Boston physicians, a number of experiments were made to overcome the unpalatable features of Agar Agar. As a result, Mansfield Agar Agar Wafers have been produced. These are a scientific preparation of Agar Agar and whole wheat flour. The effectiveness of the crude Japanese Agar Agar is absolutely retained; but its insipid, unpleasant taste has been entirely removed. Mansfield Agar Agar Wafers are not only wholesome and nutritious, but delicious to eat. See adv. on page iii and send for a sample box, which will be sent free if you mention THE MEDICAL WORLD.

Inasmuch as Bromidia (Battle) has no opiate content whatever, it is not necessary to make use of the conditions of the Harrison Act in prescribing it. In using Bromidia the physician can order it just as he always has done. In this connection, we may add that by means of Bromidia the physician is enabled to secure a well-balanced and carefully compounded bromide preparation, possessing marked advantages over one extemporaneously prepared. (Continued on page ariv.)

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