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Near the ending of the Yuletide,
Nineteen Hundred and Fourteen,
Warming in an easy rocker

By the embers cheer and sheen,
I am musing sad and pensiv

And reflecting on the past; Asking many solemn questions

While the old year's moments last.

Pleasant was the year now closing
When it first was young and fair,
When with notes of cheer and promise
New Year bell bestrewed the air,
Never broke a morn more gayly
On the eastern sky athwart
Never New Year day inclosing
Greater promise in its heart.

Never, heapt up high for record,

For historian's trusty pen,
Were so many great achievements
Credited to sons of men.

And in the arts and peace excelling,
Nations strove for highest aim,
Winning ever greater laurels
And enduring, well-earned fame.

Civilization star ascending,

To the zenith of its sway, Looked upon the widest freedom

On last happy New Year's day. Every gate and port stood open

Beckoning to the freighted hold, All the bonds of nations mingling

As did stampt and nativ gold.

And the truth that men are brothers,
Scions of a common life,

Seemed to 've almost won and routed
Every form of war and strife.
And the star o'er Bethlehem's manger
Never seemed so near and mild,
And Goodwill and Peace the swaddling
Of each helpless, newborn child.

But, alas, as if at midnight

When from slumber, sweet and deep, Firebells arouse to action

And bid all arise from sleep, As when on a summer morning From a sky divinely fair Suddenly a clap of thunder

Rends the darkening, lowering air.
So the fondest dream of nations

That a lasting world-wide peace,
Was about to find acceptance
And make strife forever cease,


Suddenly was dissipated

By the war-drums' beat afar,
And the world aghast stood trembling
Staggered by this world-wide war.
Oh, the horrors! Oh, the bloodshed,
Of this cruel monster Mars!
Everything he spoils and ruins,
Everything he maims and scars.
Richest valleys fair as Eden

Like a desert land are left,
Town and cities burned to ashes,
And of store and food bereft.
From the icy, flooded trenches
Vollies pour with deadly aim
And by thousands, untold thousands
Manhood flower lies there slain!
On the sea, beneath, above it,

Waiting for their sleeping prey
Dragons lurk to snatch their victim
In a moment's time away.

Oh, I cannot help but ponder

On the bleeding mother's heart
Giving him, her heart's best treasure
For the battle to depart.
Sleepless nights and wakeful watching
Over him, who was her joy,

When she first prest to her bosom
Her newborn, her darling boy.

Sleepless nights and wakeful watching
Now that he is at the fort,
Tearful eyes intently scanning

The long-listed death report.
Men of all the world together,
Soldiers, statesmen, plowmen, hear!
Listen to the plaintiv pleadings

Of a mother's love and fear!

Is there not some stay, or surcease,
From this mad and bloody strife?
Is there not some common purpose
Which may end this waste of life?
Should not sacred love of mother
In the heat of battle's fray
Fall like dewdrops on the lilies,
And make war forever stay?
Could not vision of a Mary,
Pressing to a mother's breast
Greatest Gift of all the Ages

And of all the sons the Best;
Could it not unite together

Every mother's son a friend,
And make mother's love the watchword?
Love can cause all wars to end.

Cottage Grove, Ore. HENRY C. Schleef [M.D.]

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[You give the formula a very wide range of usefulness. Sweet sumach is a well-known genitourinary astringent. Sarsaparilla has been credited with diuretic, diaphoretic, tonic and alterativ properties. Echinacea is antiseptic, anesthetic and alterativ (Ellingwood). Prickly ash is a stimulant, aromatic bitter, sialagogue, diaphoretic, diuretic, emmenagogue and alterativ. Mullein is emollient and demulcent and perhaps slightly anodyne. The inner bark of elder is a hydragog cathartic. White oak bark contains tannic and gallic acids, which are astringents. We can find no reference to bull nettle root. Potassium nitrate is an activ diuretic.

It is a

We fear that this will look to many of our readers like a shotgun prescription. Medicin, however, has not gotten to so scientific a state as to permit a physician to pick a single remedy for each individual disease and cure it each time. well-recognized fact that a single remedy will not cure all cases of a given disease. This is one reason why the materia medica is so cumbersome, why we have so many remedies for each disease. physician who combines together a group of such remedies into one prescription is simply administering several doses of medicin at once, and curing the sick quicker than the man who administers the same remedies one at a time until he finds the one that cures his patient.


We hear too much, in these days, of the cry against polypharmacy. Combinations of remedies are usually very effectiv. The real quest is to know how to combine them to get the proper effects. We have seen numerous leading physicians whose scientific attainments cannot be questioned fail in endeavoring to select a specific remedy for various ailments. Many times they will score a partial success, but in the course of time the result is the same old failure.

It is not to be understood that we recommend shotgun prescriptions for constant use. But we do recommend and gladly use synergistic combinations of remedies.

The doctor has given us quite a synergistic group of remedies which should fortify one another. The total effect would probably be decidedly diuretic. He has not exhausted the list of drugs used in genito-urinary conditions, among which are the

following: hydrastis, gallium aparine (cleavers), achillea millefolium (yarrow), equisetum hyemale (scouring rush), and delphinium staphisagria. Perhaps some of our readers can send us other combinations to include some or all of these that they have used successfully and will tell us in what conditions they are employed.--ED.]

A Treatment for Tobacco Habit. DEAR DR. TAYLOR:-In answer to correspondent, signed J. P., Ga., in regard to a tobacco cure, I will submit a formula to be used with a little gray matter, if the patient really wants to quit the weed. Use as a mouthwash and gargle only. Use a small quantity when the desire to smoke or chew occurs. It is absolutely harmless even on continued use.

I also advise those who really want to quit the weed to gargle and cleanse mouth well with this solution, and in five or ten minutes take a chew or smoke, and see just how long you will continue same without "feeding the fishes," as they say when seasick. No nausea will follow it unless tobacco in the habitual form is used. Try it, Dr. J. P., it is worth your while.

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Please notice that our CLINIC department is not used to "boost" proprietary remedies, almanac fashion. THE MEDICAL WORLD has no interests other than to give to the medical profession the greatest amount of honest service possible. It has absolutely no interests in any proprietary preparation nor any medical supply house. Only such queries will be publisht as are likely to interest and instruct many others as well as the one asking help. No charge is made for this service to our subscribers. However, those who wish an immediate and personal reply by mail may obtain the same by inclosing two dollars to the Editor of this department, DR. A. L. RUSSELL, MIDWAY, WASHINGTON Co., PA. This is really a consultation in the interest of the patient, and should be charged to the patient-two dollars being a very moderate consultation fee. The Doctor agrees to give full, careful and immediate attention to such consultations. We reserve the right to publish in this department any such consultations that may be interesting and help. ful to our readers. Name and address will be withheld if requested; but anonymous communications will receive no attention. Come freely for help, but read up as fully as you can before coming to us.

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Would like to get some knowledge along this line, as I have been an ardent admirer of bichlorid solution and liquor cresolis compound, and without any regret, but, as it is a fact that you must use iodin now to satisfy the laity as well as feel you are also doing your duty, it behooves us to use a strength that will be effectiv without being escharotic, and since bichlorid and iodin, if used on the same field, will blacken the area and act as a vesicant, we cannot use both. Yet, as stated above, we should use a dependable strength of the iodin, or none at all, as, otherwise, its use would be more dangerous than beneficial, since it would be deluding us into adopting a measure for protection without protecting. JOHN W. CROWE, M.D. 1128 Park Road, N. W., Washington, D. C.

[lodin is an effectiv germicide in a watery solution of 1 to 400. For skin disinfection the tincture is frequently used. This contains 7% of iodin. As it is generally applied but once for an operation, the slight escharotic effect of the solution is a negligible matter. Where iodin is to be used on a certain area of skin repeatedly we always recommend the tincture diluted with 3 parts of alcohol. We have found that this diluted solution can be employed daily without damage to the skin. It is also strong enuf to be germicidal. Any strength between these is also germicidal.-ED.]


DEAR DR. TAYLOR:-I am submitting a case which has baffled me for some time, and I want you to help me out.

Patient, male, 56 years old, but is as activ as one of 35 years. General health good. He is suffering with a bladder trouble that has annoyed him about twelve years-there is an abundance of mucus and pus formed every twenty-four or fortyeight hours. Great pain at the neck of the bladder, which is not constant, but intermittent, lasting two to three hours each time. Had gonorrhea

about fifteen years ago, no other disease of genitourinary tract, was strictured, but seemingly this has been eliminated, as he is able to make a good flow with ease. There is frequent desire for urination; also the prostate and seminal vesicles are somewhat enlarged. I massaged these some time back, but had to quit because the process brought on hemorrhoids. The patient does not drink any stimulants at all, nor does he frequently have sexual intercourse. In fact, at this time he hasn't in four months.

It seems that if I could get rid of the catarrhal condition of the bladder and stop the discharge of pus and mucus he would be all right, but nothing seems to check this. Seemingly I have tried everything. I have been treating him for about eight months and have used all sorts of treatments and remedies, but he seems to grow worse, and now, when the condition pains him there is no relief unless the pus is drawn and his bladder washt out, which I am doing every two or three days. I have given him almost everything internally and locally. Have used potassium permanganate, bichlorid of mercury and nitrate of silver; the last named I used every day for a while, then every other day for three or four months, and am now using a weak solution of the bichlorid of mercury.


For the past eight years he has had several doctors treating him and all with no results. am very anxious to do something for this man, but it seems that I have exhausted my resources, and will greatly appreciate your, or any of the family's help. A SUBSCRIBER.


[If you had given us more definit information as to the various treatments tried, we would have known better just what line to have advised as worth trying. It is our opinion that you will accomplish more by judiciously selected irrigations than by any other form of medication, and we suggest a thoro trial of a dram of sodium benzoate in 2 to 3 drams of tincture of gelsemium, and then add enuf water to make 6 ounces. A fluidounce is warmed and instilled into the bladder, and allowed to remain for 20 to 30 minutes. In some cases, turpentine, internally, works admirably, and Chauvel suggests the following preparation:

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Make a mass, and give piece of size of cherry stone night and morning. Buchu, uva ursi, and stigmata maydis may have been tried, but, if not, are worthy of trial. Frendenburg has had remarkable success thru injections of 11⁄2 drams of a 10% emulsion of iodoform in glycerin-this amount being added to an ounce of warm water and instilled every other day. The oils of juniper and of eucalyptus, on sugar, internally, are often of service in these obstinate cases. Chromium sulfate might prove a boon in such a case.-ED.]

Treatment of Alcoholic Addiction. EDITOR MEDICAL WORLD:-Some years ago, I do not remember how long, there was publisht in THE WORLD an advice by a brother physician on how to break up a drinking habit in a chronic inebriate. Please publish it again if you remember it. Or perhaps some brother reader of THE World will be kind and let me know of a way to help the unfortunate. The man in question is a little over

30, but has been in the habit of drinking since his boyhood. He is getting gradually worse and seems to have no will power to quit. Keeley and other systems did not seem to help him. He belongs to a good, well-to-do family of farmers; is single. Medicine Lodge, Kan. S. KOCIELL.

[We cannot locate the article you inquire about. In the February WORLD the Towns treatment was given in which alcoholic addiction is treated on page 75. If any of our readers can find the communication you inquire about we will be glad to publish a reference to it upon their sending us word.-ED.]

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[We are at a loss to know to what you refer. There is no such thing as "eczema pigmentosum." We have pigmented pityriasis rubra, and pigmented psoriasis, xeroderma pigmentosum, etc. Anyway, every case of eczema must be treated individually, i.e., as to location, character, etc., and no one could give an intelligent answer to your query in its present form.

We are here to help you, and if you will describe your case, giving age, sex, location, symptoms, etc., we will do our best to aid you, and do it gladly; but we must have details.-ED.]

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DEAR DR. TAYLOR:-I come to you for a little aid and I believe you can help me. What can I do for the brown splotches on my face (known as liver splotches)? I can take them off, but they come right back again. What can I do or take to keep them from coming back? I certainly will be thankful for anything you may suggest. SOUTHERNER.

[Chloasma spots are most frequently due to uterin irritation, and will not be permanently *Pronounced bome an-al-jay-zeek ben-gay.

removed except by removal of the cause. Without knowing more regarding the local pelvic conditions, it would not be possible for us to advise further. A lotion made by adding from 1⁄2 to 5 grains of corrosiv sublimate to an ounce of water, or of almond emulsion, dabbed on several times a day, is one of the best local applications for removing these spots. One should begin with a lotion not stronger than 2 grains to the ounce, since some skins will not tolerate strong solutions, and too great exfoliation is not desirable. The strength can be increast, as one learns the tolerance of the individual skin. Pure carbolic acid, applied carefully with a wooden tooth-pick or applicator, is another very good and speedy method of removal. It turns the skin white, and exfoliation occurs within a few days. Another application used by a number of dermatologists is a saturated solution of salicylic acid in alcohol, applied on lint, and kept in situ for a number of hours.-ED.]


EDITOR MEDICAL WORLD:-Might I be allowed to ask you or your readers for advice or suggestions on a case of impaired, hearing, age' somewhat over sixty? The exciting cause was from standing too close to participants in a revolver practise in an inclosed room, this being about three years ago. Last year a second accident from an overheated gas container aggravated the trouble. Following each there was almost pain or at least great discomfort when within hearing of certain tones both of voice or piano. This has partially left. Yet great impairment remains. Watch must be nearly touching before its tick is detected; distinctly uttered conversation is heard pretty well, but lowered voice or even higher is not heard so well. The latter is said to cause a

sort of "hum." Patient is in fairly good health, scarcely any nasal or throat complication. Is any treatment likely to benefit?


[You will not be able to produce much improvement by treatment outside of the problematic benefit to be secured by persistent use of the Politzer bag. A few drops of glycerin instilled into the ear each night on retiring might be beneficial. He might be enabled to appreciate sounds with more satisfaction by the use of the modified telefone attachment now sold by all instrument dealers. The later models have arrangements by which the pitch of the tones reaching the transmitter can be modified.—En.}

Abnormal Skin Sensations.

EDITOR MEDICAL WORLD:-I would like to ask the brothers of THE WORLD about the following case: Railroad watchman, 63, good habits and good history. For last two summers his feet, under toes and back of the toes, especially on ball of foot, would burn, and were very tender, and sore. Says feel just like they were scalded. Last winter, and so far this, instead of burning would feel intensely cold, hurt and ache from cold like they were freezing. On removal of his heavy felt-lined shoes and heavy wool socks his feet to one's hand are perfectly warm.

I have tried cold footbaths, also hot, with mustard, also with red pepper, and given Fowler's solution till got pain in stomach. Also tried potassium iodid, sulfur tablets 3x, all the while keeping bowels and kidneys in good shape. le

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[We are not just clear as to the condition here, and you do not give enuf details to permit of our making a diagnosis. Do his feet perspire excessivly? Is there maceration or excoriation? What is the condition of the arch of the foot? The "flat foot" is often responsible for many untoward symptoms, and if that condition is present, remedy it by having a proper support worn. It is possible that chilblains are responsible. If you will furnish a completer description of the local condition, we will try to make other suggestions. ED.]


EDITOR MEDICAL WORLD:-A young man, aged 20, giving a history of a chronic gonorrhea of three years' standing, came to me four months ago, complaining of a gleety discharge, very irritating in character, and having an exceedingly fetid and penetrating odor. His main desire was to be rid of the odor and irritation of the glans. Soap and water, followed by a boric acid wash, he had tried. After four months of application of remedies and treatment, I have improved conditions only slightly. The gleety discharge has never been more than a mucilaginous drop in the morning.

My treatment was as follows: Deep instillations of argyrol, with prostatic massage, and hexamethylamin, gr. v, four times a day. Also a course of twelve injections of P. D. & Co.'s gonorrheal vaccine (combined). Permanganate urethral irrigations and unguentine crayons with protargol. I had him on elixir sandalwood co. and finally passed sounds and met with no resistance up to size 21. All of no use, as the odor still persists. Any suggestions will be welcome, as this young man still thinks there ought to be some means of relief. LYCOMING.


[We think if you will procure some bacillactic drains, manufactured by Dr. G. H. Sherman, Detroit, Mich., and use them according to directions, you will note speedy improvement in the conditions. You should try an autogenous vaccine if above fails to cure. The odor, of course, is due to putrefactiv change in the discharge, and his story of cleanliness of the parts would be open to question. Careful urethroscopic examination might reveal information of importance, i. e., existence of ulcer, etc.-ED.]

Intravenous Medication.

EDITOR MEDICAL WORLD:-What dangers exist, what precautions should be taken, and how would you prepare the following drugs for insanguiferous, or intravenous, injection: Salicylic acid, 100 grains; guaiacol, 40 grains.

Usually given in an 8-ounce solution at one injection and repeated on an average of 21 days. Reputable men claim to cure 95% of all ambulant cases of tuberculosis with it.

Full accounts are given in the leading article in February, 1915, Eclectic Med. Journal.

I have seen this treatment used and have heard of some good results therefrom. But it seems

a little risky unless properly combined, directions for which I have not yet seen in print. Adamsville, Pa. THOS. F. COLLINS. [Intravenous medication has been suggested many times, for anesthesia, in use of normal salt solution, for hedonal, salvarsan, etc. We have no personal experience with the method detailed by the author you quote, but he says: "The forming of this solution, the proper combination of the remedies, is to be found plainly printed in every complete work on chemistry and physiology," where you will presumably find it set forth at greater length than we could afford it space here.

Our advice would be to write him direct, as his address is plainly given at the head of the article, and he claims to have made "thousands" of such injections. Or to await further publications on the matter from his pen, which he promises. Personally, we intend waiting, as we confess that our confidence in intravenous medication of any sort is not sufficient to permit of our injecting into the vein of any human being at one sitting a minimum dose of 100 grains of salicylic acid and 40 drops of guaiacol.-ED.]

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Literature Wanted on Cigarette Smoking.

EDITOR MEDICAL WORLD:-Can you tell me where I can get literature on the evil effects of cigarettes on the health of boys? R. M. COPELAND, M.D. Vevay, Ind.

[We are not able to refer you to any literature on the subject. Doubtless this will catch the attention of some member of the family whose antipathy to the "coffin nail" may have led him to preserve some diatribes against them. Write to the Anti-Cigarette League, New York City.-ED.]

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