Kenya National Assembly Official Record (Hansard)The official records of the proceedings of the Legislative Council of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya, the House of Representatives of the Government of Kenya and the National Assembly of the Republic of Kenya. |
Common terms and phrases
agricultural sector answer Anyona Arap-Kirui areas asked the Minister Assistant Minister tell Attorney-General aware beg to reply bridge Budget Speech CBKL cent Chair clinical officers collect companies cotton create employment debate economy ensure Excise Duty farmers farming Finance and Planning fishing Githiomi going Government growth illegal Imanyara import industry issue Kajembe Kenya Airways Kenya Ports Authority Kenya Revenue Authority Kisumu Lake Naivasha levy Lotodo Members Michuki million Minister for Finance Ministry Miwani and Muhoroni Mombasa Motion Muhoroni Munyao Musila Mwenda Mwingi District Mwingi South Constituency Nairobi Stock Exchange national identity cards nurses and clinical Obwocha pay tax pay VAT petrol point of order Port of Mombasa Presumptive Tax raw materials reduce registration roads Samburu District Samoei Sirma Standing Order sugar Sungu taxation measures taxpayer Temporary Deputy Chairman Temporary Deputy Speaker tobacco tourists Value Added Tax Wajir District Wako zero-rate