Schmidt, Robinette Foundation and University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, beginning July 1, 1952. HACKEL, DONALD BENJAMIN, Cleveland, Ohio, 31; Harvard Medical School, 1946; cardiac metabolism in intact dogs studied by venous catheterization of the coronary sinus; under Thomas D. Kinney, City Hospital and Western Reserve University School of Medicine, beginning July 1, 1952. HADDY, FRANCIS JOHN, St. Paul, Minn., 30; University of Minnesota Medical School, 1947; pulmonary vascular resistance; pulmonary edema; under Maurice B. Visscher, University of Minnesota Medical School, beginning October 1, 1952. KHAIBALLAH, PHILIP A., Durham, N. C., 24; Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, 1951; biochemistry of heart muscle, proteins; under W. F. H. M. Mommaerts, Duke University School of Medicine, beginning September 1, 1952. LANDON, ERWIN JACOB, Berkeley, Calif., 27; University of Chicago School of Medicine, 1948; studies on the metabolism of steroid compounds-possible relationships to cardiovascular disease; under David M. Greenberg, University of California School of Medicine, beginning July 1, 1952. MILLER, JOSEPH HENRY, Los Angeles, Calif., 29; University of Colorado School of Medicine, 1947; development and application of a mechanical heart-lung for intracardiac surgery in the human; under Harry Goldblatt, Cedars of Lebanon Hospital (Los Angeles), beginning January 1, 1953. NELSON, CLIFFORD VINCENT, London, England, 37; B. S. (in electrical engineering), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1942; the electrical field of the heart; under E. C. Cherry and W. F. Floyd, Imperial College of Science, Middlesex Hospital Medical School (London), beginning April 1, 1952. OSBORN, JOHN JAY, Woodbury, N. Y., 35; Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, 1943; continuation of work on experimental studies of methods for the interruption of the cardiac and pulmonary circulations, by whole-body refrigeration and mechanical oxygenation; under L. Emmett Holt, Jr., New York University-Bellevue Medical Center, beginning July 1, 1952. NEW RESEARCH FELLOWS BIGGS, MAX WILLIAM, Oakland, Calif., 32; Harvard Medical School, 1945; lipoprotein metabolism in health and disease; under John H. Lawrence, Donner Laboratory, University of California School of Medicine, beginning July 1, 1952. GARB, SOLOMON, New York, N. Y., 32; Cornell University Medical College, 1943; physiology and pharmacology of isolated mammalian heart muscle; under McKeen Cattell, Cornell University Medical College, beginning July 1, 1952. KIBLER, ROBERT FRANKLIN, Durham, N. C., 28; Duke University School of Medicine, 1948; splanchnic circulation and metabolism; under J. D. Myers, Duke University School of Medicine, beginning July 1, 1952. KLEINERMAN, JEROME I., Cleveland, Ohio, 29; University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, 1946; studies of myocardial nutrition and circulation in animals by the radiosodium clearance method; under Thomas D. Kinney, Cleveland City Hospital, beginning July 1, 1952. MCINTOSH, HENRY DEANE, Durham, N. C., 31; University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, 1950; receptor areas in the control of blood volume and electrolytes in man; under James V. Warren, Duke University School of Medicine, beginning July 1, 1952. MALLOV, SAMUEL, Syracuse, N. Y., 33; Ph. D., University of Syracuse Medical College (in biochemistry), to be conferred in 1952; effects of ethyl alcohol and acetaldehyde on the metabolism of the myocardium and other tissues; under Jay Tepperman, Syracuse University Medical College, beginning July 1, 1952. MATEER, FRANK MARION, Pittsburgh, Pa., 31; University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, 1944; cardiovascular effects of specific electrolyte depletion and repletion studied by means of dialysis technique and ballistocardiographic studies in the normal and abnormal subject; under T. S. Danowski, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, beginning July 1, 1952. MAXWELL, MORTON HARRISON, Los Angeles, Calif., 28; Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, 1946; mechanism of heart failure; under Myron Prinzmetal, Cedars of Lebanon Hospital (Los Angeles), beginning September 1, 1952. METCALF, JAMES, Needham, Mass., 30; Harvard Medical School, 1946; changes during pregnancy in the circulation and respiration of normal women and those with heart and pulmonary disease; under C. Sidney Burwell, Boston Lying-In Hospital, beginning July 1, 1952. MITCHELL, GEORGE LEE, JR., Decatur, Ga., 34; Emory University School of Medicine, 1950; serum and muscle electrolyte studies in various disease states; under A. J. Merrill, Emory University School of Medicine, beginning July 1, 1952. ROWE, GEORGE GILES, Madison, Wis., 31; University of Wisconsin Medical School, 1945; a clinical study of the role of the sympathetic nervous system in hypertension evaluated via the action of sympatholytic and depressor drugs; under Charles W. Crumpton, University of Wisconsin Medical School, beginning July 1, 1952. The stipend for established investigators is at the rate of $6,000 to $9,000 per annum and for research fellows, $3,500 to $5,500 per annum. Amount, 1952-53 Western Reserve University School of Medicine, Cleveland, to study Mary Imogene Bassett Hospital, Cooperstown, N. Y., for a correlation University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia, for the Oklahoma Medical Research Institute, Oklahoma City, for the study of the influence of adrenal cortical hormones on cardiac lesions and enzymes, by Charles D. Kochakian. July 1, 1951-June 30, 1953-Tulane University of Louisiana School of Medicine, New Orleans, for the study of cytochemical and histochemical approaches to renal physiology, with particular reference to electrolyte reabsorption in congestive failure, by Nathaniel B. Kurnick. July 1, 1950-June 30, 1953_. Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, for the study of factors that regulate extracellular fluid volume in the normal and edematous subject, by Alexander Leaf. July 1, 1951-June 30, 1953. Tulane University of Louisiana School of Medicine, New Orleans, for the study of hemodynamic and iron-storing function of ferritin, with particular reference to the kidney, by H. S. Mayerson. July 1, 1950-June 30, 1953-- $3,864.00 7, 140. 00 6, 825. 00 10, 500.00 4,200.00 9, 135. 00 4, 725.00 3,675.00 University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor, for the study of cardiac metabolism as related to epinephrine-induced arrhythmias and tachycardia, by Mark Nickerson. Sept. 1, 1951-Aug. 31, 1953-- 5, 880.00 Cornell University Medical College, New York, for the study of the relationship between increased activity of the adrenal cortex and posterior lobe of the pituitary gland and fluid and electrolyte retention in edema, by Robert F. Pitts. July 1, 1950-June 30, 1953__. Council on Rheumatic Fever and Congenital Heart Disease, for cooperative research study of the relative effectiveness of ACTH and Cortisone in the treatment of rheumatic fever and the prevention of rheumatic heart disease. David D. Rutstein, Chairman. Jan. 1, 1951-Dec. 31, 1955--- 8,085.00 3,500.00 Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, for the study of the metabolic basis for heart failure and for treatment of the same, by William T. Salter. July 1, 1951-June 30, 1953. 3,885.00 CONTINUED GRANT AWARDS-Continued State University of New York Medical Center at Syracuse, N. Y., for the study of the nervous control of water and electrolyte exertion by the normal kidney, by Otto W. Sartorius. July 1, 1951-June 30, 1953__ Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Mass., for the study of molecular mechanism of muscular contraction, by Albert SzentGyorgyi. July 15, 1951-July 14, 1954_. Harvard Medical School, Boston, for studies on the relationship of the adrenal to hypertension, by George W. Thorn. July 1, 1951-June 30, 1954. Duke University School of Medicine, Durham, for the study of the response of the pulmonary vascular bed to hemodynamic alterations in the systematic circulation, by James V. Warren. July 1, 1950June 30, 1953. $4,515. 00 10,000.00 4,200.00 5,250.00 New England Center Hospital, Boston, for the physiologic investigation of experimental isolated pulmonary insufficiency and pure rightsided heart failure, by C. Stuart Welch. July 1, 1951-June 30, 1953. 5, 250.00 NEW GRANT AWARDS Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, for the study of the comparative effects of the adrenolytic agents on the cardiovascular system of the dog when administered in the presence of humoral or neurogenic hypertension, by Raymond P. Alquist. July 1, 1952-June 30, 1954--- 4, 462. 50 Bowman Gray School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, for the study of immunophysiology, by Jerry K. Aikawa. Oct. 1, 1952-Sept. 30, 1953_ Hahnemann Medical College and Hospital, Philadelphia, for the study of investigation of the cardiovascular and respiratory dynamics in patients with valvular deformities before and after surgery, by Charles P. Bailey. July 1, 1952-June 30, 1954____ La Rabida Jackson Park Sanitarium, Chicago, for the study of the nature and mode of action of the substance in testicular extract causing increased vascular permeability, by Earl P. Benditt. July 1, 1952-June 30, 1953. Temple University School of Medicine, Philadelphia, for the study of the nature of endocarditis and glomerulonephritis in animals with arteriovenous fistulae, as well as obtaining more information on factors influencing susceptibility to these diseases, by J. Richard Bobb. July 1, 1952-June 30, 1953--- Mary Imogene Bassett Hospital, Cooperstown, N. Y., for the study of lung volume restriction as a respiratory stimulus in normal subjects and patients with cardiorespiratory disease, by James Bordley III. Apr. 1, 1952-Mar. 31, 1953___. Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, for the study of renal and hepatic vascular reactivity in glomerulonephritis, essential hypertension and cirrhosis, by Stanley E. Bradley. July 1, 1952-June 30, 1953. Sponsored by the Westchester Heart Association 3,150.00 5,250.00 5, 302. 50 2,625.00 5,250.00 3, 675.00 6, 300.00 The Johns Hopkins Hospital School of Medicine, Baltimore, for the study of autonomic effects of cerebral cortex on experimental renal hypertension, by Kenneth M. Browne. July 1, 1952-June 30, 1953- 3,675.00 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, for the study of chemical investigation of the heart, active principle of Crataegus (Hawthorne), by George H. Buchi. July 1, 1952-June 30, 1953_. Cornell University Medical College, New York, for the study of effects of drugs and poisons on the action potentials and automaticity of heart muscle, by McKeen Cattell. July 1, 1952-June 30, 1953___. Fels Research Institute, Antioch College, Yellow Springs, Ohio, for the application of the Fels oxygenator in prolonged bypass of heart and lungs, by Leland C. Clark. July 1, 1952-June 30, 1953_-. University of Pennsylvania, Graduate School of Medicine, Philadelphia, for the measurement of the work of breathing and pulmonary function in patients with dyspnea, by Julius H. Comroe. July 1, 1952-June 30, 1954___ 4, 971. 35 3,675.00 6, 300.00 NEW GRANT AWARDS-continued University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, for studies of Wayne University, Detroit, for the isolation, chemical proof of struc- Faculty of Medicine, McGill University, Montreal, for studies tracing State University of New York, Syracuse, N. Y., for the study of Georgetown University School of Medicine, Washington, D. C., for Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, for the study of Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Nashville, for the applica- 39087-53-pt. 1- -6 $6, 195.00 7,350.00 6, 184. 50 5, 013. 75 3,675.00 4,200.00 4, 410. 00 4, 725.00 5,250.00 5, 166. 00 3,675.00 5,250.00 6, 300.00 5,250.00 5, 250.00 3, 780.00 3, 675.00 NEW GRANT AWARDS-continued Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, for the study of Bowman Gray School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, to study the nature $5, 775.00 4,830.00 5, 250.00 525.00 5, 985..00 6, 300.00 4, 200.00 University of California, Berkeley, in aid of the investigation of University of Tennessee School of Medicine, Memphis, for the study of Peter Bent Brigham Hospital, Boston, for an investigation into the University of Pittsburgh School of Public Health, Pittsburgh, for the New York University-Bellevue Medical Center, New York, for experimental studies on methods for the interruption of the cardiac and pulmonary circulations by refrigeration and with a new type of oxygenator, by John J. Osborn. July 1, 1952-June 30, 1953_. 5, 250.00 4, 200.00 3, 150.00 2,992. 50 2, 940.00 525.00 5, 250.00 3, 150.00 8, 925. 00 5, 670.00 |