Standardized for age on the 1940 United States population CHART 23.-Percentage of hospitalized cancer patients with localized disease— Year: 1937 19471 Vermont, 1937 and 1947 Percent with localized disease 20 58 1 In 51 percent of patients with cancer admitted to Vermont hospitals in 1947, therapy was undertaken with curative intent. Source: American Cancer Society, Vermont Cancer Study, 1948. CHART 24.-Percentage of breast-cancer patients with axillary metastases; Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn. RATE PER 100,000 POPULATION CHART 25.-5-year survival rate among all patients with operable breast cancerMemorial Hospital, New York, N. Y.—1936 and 1942 Stomach Standardized for age on the 1940 enumerated total population of the United States using white male age-specific death rates. 39087-53-pt. 1—12 |