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The 60-page booklet—I have copies which have been made available for members of the subcommittee-deals with the public relations deemed advisable to "handle" the problem of noise pollution. Now, on page 9, paragraph 3, for instance, it offers:

"Complaint centers and formal noise abatement committees are not normally required at locations where the problem has not reached the critical level. Informal committees can be extremely helpful in drawing all elements of the industry together to provide a unified approach."

On page 16, it is advised, "Experience in all areas dealing with noise problems has proven conclusively that publicity on the problem, no matter how constructive, breeds additional adverse publicity by those critical of the industry's program."

In general, it advises operators to always stress the importance of the facility, quote the numbers, amount of jobs, operations, passengers, and so forth. Never touch on the adverse effects of an airport.

The booklet closes with 22 pages of sample press releases and interviews which I am sure you gentlemen will easily recognize from the many times we have been subjected to them through the media. I am not saying that there is anything wrong with this P.R. "helping hand" on the part of the FAA. Just that the FAA should be recognized for what it is, and not be expected to regulate its friends. It just simply will not work.

The attached article, which appeared in last Sunday's local section of the Los Angeles Times, speaks for itself regarding the role of the FAA as public defender against noise.

As has happened in the past, this article will probably be the first of a series of such articles outlining the attractiveness of opening the Torrance Airport to jet operations. Somewhere down the road, these articles will be piously referred to when the FAA and the Airport operator are bombarded with complaints. The public was well aware, they will say. Ample public notice was given. And what they will be referring to will be articles exactly like the one I have attached to my testimony. Ironically, this article has but one short breezy paragraph pertaining to noise. Nowhere does it say what the noise contours will be or where they will be. Nowhere does it say a word about the fact that most of the jets being "considered" for service are the noisiest in operation today. Nowhere does it say that the entire Palos Verdes area will be directly affected by noise from such jet operations.

This article is standard operational procedure and again demonstrates the urgent need for regulations and enforcement, not just recommendations, from an independent agency, such as EPÁ.

Thank you very much.

[The article follows:]

[From the Los Angeles Times, Centinela South Bay, Mar. 25, 1973]


(By Mary Ann Lee)

TORRANCE-A $700,000 study financed by the Federal Aviation Administration has made a preliminary recommendation that this city's municipal airport be used as a commuter port, open to small jets with at least a 500-mile range.

Miss Ruthanne Bingham, public information officer for the Southern Califor

nia Assn. of Governments (SCAG), said the study is being done in cooperation with SCAG and will conclude with an Oct. 12 hearing at the Los Angeles Convention Center at which time data from 10 regional hearings during the past year will be considered.

"The small jets would be those such as PSA uses," said Miss Bingham, adding that PSA would be an example of the type of commuter line being considered.

The smallest jet that line presently uses is a Boeing 737 which carries 112 passengers. PSA reportedly has been interested since last November in the Torrance facility but no route applications have been made.


Speculation that jets would be accepted arose after the FAA paid the full cost of installing an instrument landing system localizer at the airport. It is one-half of a fully automated system.

A spokesman for the FAA said the installation was part of an updating of airports around the country and was done on a priority basis. He added that "it would be desirable to have such a system if jets were planned for the airport."

When the FAA report is finished, it will become part of the National Airport Plan which will tie Southern California facilities into a nationwide network of commuter ports.

Miss Bingham said the final authority for jets going into Torrance would be the operator which, in this case, is the City Council.


"The council could be overruled, however," she said. "If citizens disagree with how the council votes, they might overrule by petitions to SCAG."

She added that if the council should prohibit jets but the residents affected by lack of service were to protest, the protest to SCAG probably would outweigh the council's decision.

So far, the council has reacted strongly to the word "jet," giving the indication it equates "jet” only with the big 747, 707- and the DC-10.

Some small planes carrying only a few dozens passengers fall into the "jet" category even though they use propellers. Examples of these are the Viscounts, Convair 580, Fairchild 27 such as flown by the commuter line Air West, and the Electra used by area charter lines. In fact, a majority of the craft flown by area commuter services falls into this prop-jet classification.


A check with some of the industries currently planning developments in the Meadow Park area verifies that proximity to the airport was a selling point in their decisions to move to Torrance. The airport is even providing taxiways to those industries building near the runway aprons.

More than a few of those industries own Lear Jets and it's doubtful that after being lured to Torrance with promise of airport services the company executives would be prohibited from landing such a plane.

The SCAG report on area airports shows that of all the airport sites within the Los Angeles basin, Long Beach is second only to International Airport in terms of being well situated to serve future air passenger demands. And a SCAG representative added that Torrance is the logical mid-point between the two.


Commuters to either airport could be well served by the Torrance facility. The Consultants study is working on a Los Angeles County population projected at 7,868,000 by 1985 and 15,242,000 in the 10-county region covered by the study.

The consultants do not recommend the creation of additional major airports but, to meet the enormously increased demand for air travel within the next 10 to 15 years, the report urges modification of existing airports to maximize their efficency.

The report also encourages the joint use by scheduled air carriers of existing military airports.

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The consultants project that International Airport's air passenger service will increase from 20.8 million in 1970 to 50.7 million in 1985 and they see Long Beach as handling 9.5 million by 1985.


The report emphasizes continued development of quiet aircraft engines and new operating procedures designed to reduce noise problems.

Along with Torrance, the consultants recommended that El Monte be designated as a commuter port to provide feeder service by public carriers to other airports higher in the aviation system.

At the study's recent hearing in Long Beach, William Critchfield, acting airport manager for Torrance, asked that SCAG take no action on its Torrance proposal until the city finishes preparing a general plan.


That plan will incorporate a study currently being done by Daniel, Mann, Johnson & Mendenhall, a planning and engineering consultant firm. A spokesman for that company admitted that it is indeed, considering a commuter service in its study as one of the possible uses of the 500-acre airport.

That $34,000 study is being prepared with funds from the Federal Aviation Administration under the Airport and Airway Development Act of 1970. Torrance is paying one-third of the cost.

Senator CANNON. Thank you for your statement.

What do you think could and should be done, not from the regulations standpoint, but to reduce the noise levels? Have you given some thought and consideration to that?

Ms. MITCHELTREE. Over the years, a great deal.

Well, first of all, Mr. Chairman, if I may; I would like to say that the entire approach is in reverse of what it should be. We have jet aircraft operating out of large urban areas because it can be done, not because it is proper or right, and not because it is compatible with the land uses that are in existence around the airport.

If we had strong leadership from the Federal level of government that spelled these things out to airport operators, whether they be local, municipal government or independent agencies and said you cannot go in there and start jet operations unless you can show us why this won't have the detrimental affect.

Now, we are just getting to that point in this day and time. But, we are living with the result of not doing it this way for many, many years. That leadership was not present.

Senator CANNON. Well, let's relate it now to the conditions we find ourselves in. The conditions we find ourselves in always apply to pressures that require us to do something.


Senator CANNON. And that is what I am trying to get at here


Ms. MITCHELTREE. Yes. I live between the runways to the west of the airport.

Senator CANNON. What do you think can be done to help solve your problem there?

Ms. MITCHELTREE. Well, my problem really

Senator CANNON. I do not mean your problem, I mean the problem, the general problem.

Ms. MITCHELTREE. There is nothing going to solve my problem except I might say I resent the usage of the condemnation as a solution to this kind of problem. I think it is horse-and-buggy thinking.

I think the first thing that must be done is to take the authority of the regulation away from the FAA.

Senator CANNON. Yes.

I said let's get away from the authority aspect. Let's get down to the practicality. What can we do to make this airport quieter? Now, if you get the political support and allow the FAA to regulate so that planes cannot land, the problem would obviously be solved.

But, I am trying to find practical solutions and we have been told that we have some alternatives. We can either retire some of these airplanes or we can force them to buy all new airplanes, which they could buy over a period of time.

But, as the mayor indicated this morning, if the 1011 or the DC-10 is not going to solve the problem so that people can live with it, you know, we have not really solved anything.

This is what I am trying to get at.

Ms. MITCHELTREE. Well, Senator, if I had the answer to your question, I would not be sitting where I am at this moment.

Senator CANNON. Well, I thought that maybe you had some suggestions for us because, you see, just criticizing the FAA as the gentleman here did and saying they should have put regulations into effect or they should do it now does not solve the problems. Regulations themselves are not going to solve the problem that the expert witnesses say is going to take until '78 to solve it by retrofit, by refanning engines, and all of this sort of thing.

Ms. MITCHELTREE. Mr. Chairman, you run into the same sort of thing as you do when you attend hearings on air pollution and you have various elements of the industry that is involved in a particular form of pollution pointing the finger in other directions.

I am merely a consumer, in this case of noise pollution. What a horrible thought.

Senator CANNON: An unwilling consumer.

Ms. MITCHELTREE. Very unwilling.

I cannot presume to say that this element of the industry is lying, or wrong, and that element is right, or-you know-best, or anything. But, what I am trying to get across to you gentlemen is that irregardless of what is suggested by whom as the solution, it is not going to mean a tinker's dam unless you put the enforcement in the hands of the independent agencies.

You can forget it if you keep it with the FAA. I think that if you talk to anyone who is trying to deal with the various levels of government, as I have for the past 5 years, you will get the same story. It is just impossible to do because they have no interest in what we are trying to get accomplished. They are not looking for solutions, Senator.

Mr. FADEM. If I may, Senator—

Senator CANNON. Yes.

Mr. FADEM. In my statement, and I left it out in the interest of time, I set forth a program for action that could have been all taken by the FAA in the past and could be taken today, if the FAA had the mind and the will.

Essentially, it says that no residence shall be subjected to no more than 85 EPNdB is my suggestion. Maybe that is a matter of judgement. Maybe it will be 80 and maybe it will be 90.

Then I list about 10 different things and I could double that to 20. I was trying to keep within the 10 minutes that I was told to keep the statement to, of alternatives that each individual airport can adopt in any combination they choose and say to each airline that you are going to have to comply with this and the airline will come back and say you are going to have to increase the buffer zone, you are going to have to change the land use, we are going to have to change our power setting, we are going to keep-exclude this class of aircraft or we just cannot make it work at this airport without condemning too much property and it is from a mix of those things that the individual airport operator may elect to use, you can create a situation where no resident is going to be subjected to more than a certain amount of noise.

It may mean that the airports are going to have to retire some aircraft, or sell them to other governments, or use them only at certain airports that can tolerate the 707 or DC-8. But, that is a workable program, easy to implement, adaptable to individual local circumstances and that is provided by me.

The FAA's manpower that they have put into this thing certainly exceeds may feeble efforts and if I can come up with this, I submit that they could have done so by now.

Senator CANNON. Well, in the first place, the first two are things that you are criticizing the FAA for actually should be under the jurisdiction of your local political bodies. The FAA cannot provide a new zoning plan for your property.

Mr. FADEM. They can say either you are going to do that or we are not going to let you use this airport or they can say we are not going to give you any more grants.

Senator CANNON. No, they can't. They cannot tell the Los Angeles International, in my judgement, that they have got to close down the airport unless they provide more of a buffer zone. I don't think they can.

Mr. FADEM. Senator, you and I read the 1968 act differently. I say under the 1968 act they can say that LAX, you will not permit any aircraft to land here that will subject any residence to any more than 85 EPNdB and enforce it.

Senator CANNON. Well, before they could adopt a rule like that, they would have to give a notice of rulemaking and my guess is that you would have some pretty strong political pressures brought against imposing that type of action which would result in making this a beautiful pasture out here at Los Angeles International, which is just about what would happen (because of the time lag problems that we have heard here) if that regulation were imposed at this point in time and required to take effect immediately.

Mr. FADEM. But 5 years of time? You say what can we do here today, I say they could have done it 5 years ago, and your time lag would have been shorter.

Senator CANNON. We are not now discussing with the FAA. I am simply saying that the FAA, in my judgment, is not the basic political body that should bear all of this responsibility.

They do not handle land zoning and land use planning. This is not their baileywick. They are required by the act to regulate and

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