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Bureau of Human Nutrition and Home Economics,
Department of Agriculture: Nation-wide dietary
survey, 12, no. 6, Mar.; sponsors school lunch
program, 11-13, 26-27, no. 6, Mar.
Business education: For veterans, Denver, Colo.
survey, 28, no. 6, Mar.; library service, publica-
tion, American Library Association, 26, no. 8,
May; representative on Federal Committee on
Education, 2, no. 6, Mar.; services available,
U. S. Office of Education, 21, no. 9, June.
Busses: State standards, conference, 24, no. 7,
Apr.; report of study, 5, no. 7, Apr.
Butler, I. D.: Report from Santo Tomas University,
24, no. 2, Nov.

Buying List of Books for Small Libraries, publica-
tion, American Library Association, 31, no. 4,


Caddo-Shreveport, La., school dental program, re-
port, 17, no. 2, Nov.

Cadet nurses, in hospital library service, Veterans'
Administration, report, 31, no. 7, Apr.
California State Department of Education


care centers, 8, no. 10, July; seeks appropria-
tion for full-time State recreation supervisor, 31,
no. 6, Mar.; State legislation for-Exceptional
children, 5, no. 2, Nov.; high-school correspond-
ence courses, 20, no. 4, Jan.

Caliver, Ambrose: Services to Negroes-A Decade
and a Half of Projects and Activities, 21-26,
no. 4, Jan.

Camp, Pauline: Survey of Georgia State School for
the Deaf, 21-23, no. 7, Apr.
Canadian Government film, Now the Peace, 8, no. 1,
Canning food: Dadeville, Mo., consolidated school
district, report, 15, no. 5, Feb.; Future Farmers
of America, war relief project, 13, no. 1, Oct. :
surplus, United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation
Administration, appeal, 18, no. 5, Feb.
Cardinal Principles of Secondary Education, pub-
lication, U. S. Office of Education, 29, no 6, Mar.
Case of Science in the Elementary School (Blough),
3-5, no. 10, July.

Central America: Summer study tours, 30, no. 8,

Central High School, Tulsa, Okla., Paraguayan
scrapbook received, 22-23, no. 1, Oct.

Central Services, U. S. Office of Education, appoint-
ment of directors, 7-8, no. 5, Feb.; 1, 2, no. 10,
Central Washington College of Education, nutri-
tion workshop, report, 28, no. 2, Nov.
Certification: Emergency permits for teachers, 5,
no. 9, June; report, National Council of Chief
State School Officers, 6, no. 8. May standards for
teachers raised, Louisiana State Department of
Education, 31, no 10, July; symbol for surplus
property, assigned by State educational agency,
7-8, no. 6, Mar.
Character training, chief aim, New York City Pub-
lic Schools (Wade). 31. no. 2, Nov.
Chemistry: A List of Subject Headings for Chem-
istry Libraries, publication, Special Libraries
Association, 6, no. 3. Dec.

Chicago, Ill. Public Library, establishes Veterans'
Information Bureau, 6, no. 3, Dec.; South Shore
High School, Pan American library service, re-
port. 21, no. 1, Oct.
Chief State School Officers: Directory. 2, no. 7,
Apr.; letter from Commissioner, appeal for Vic-
tory Farm Volunteers, 18, no. 9, June: reports:
Buffalo meeting, 1, 3-14, no. 7, Apr.; Study Com-
mission, 1-10. no. 7, Apr.

Child-care programs: Continued, Extended School
Services, report, 8, 9, no. 10, July: postwar plan-
ning, 9-12. no. 5, Feb.; State funds available,
30, no. 4, Jan.; needed in State and community
planning, 30-31, no. 8. May.

Child Health and the Selective Service Physical
Standards, report, U. S. Public Health Service,
26, no. 6, Mar.

Child labor Laws, observed in school-work pro-
gram, 10-11, no. 1. Oct. publication, National
Child Labor Committee, 28, no. 10, July; regula-
tions, National Council of Chief State School
Officers, 14, no. 7. Apr.

Child study, new book, 13, no. 5. Feb.
Children: Below six, educational services, 9, no.
9, June interest in library books of fiction, 31,
no. 4, Jan.; needs, principles for consideration in
State and community planning, 30 -21, no. 8,
May. See also Exceptional children.
Children's Bureau: Joint report on principles in
State and community planning for needs of chil-
dren. 30-31, no. 8, May; Preparing Youth for
Citizenship. 10-11, no. 1, Oct.; sponsors Back-
to-School Campaign, 7-9, no. 3, Dec.
Chile: Education in, publication, U. S. Office of
Education, 26, no. 5. Feb.

China Educational progress, 17, no. 3. Dec.: maps,
11-12. no. 10. July; pictures available. 13, no.
10. July: Selected References for Teachers
(Arndt). 27-29, no. 5. Feb.

Chinese culture: Art exhibition available, 13, no.
10, July; history and language, advanced study,
27, 28, no. 8. May; language, lesson studies, 28,
no. 5, Feb.

Cincinnati, Ohio: Dental program, public schools,
17, no. 2, Nov.; intergroup education, report, 21,
no. 9. June.

Cities surveyed with respect to school lunch pro-
gram, 11, no. 6, Mar.

Citizens discuss ideal library, Lincoln Library,
Springfield. Ill, 26, no. 8, May.

Citizens' Federal Committee on Education: Being
organized, 1-2, no. 6, Mar.; first meeting, 11,
no. 9, June.

Citizens' Library Movement organized, Mississippi
State Library Association, 32, no. 10, July.
Citizenship education: Colorado, 17-18, no. 10,
July; immigrant groups, Department of Justice,
27, no. 9, June; preparing youth, Back-to-
School Campaign, 10-11, no. 1, Oct.; publica-
tions, 28, no. 10, July; teaching aids, 26, no. 7,

City schools, per pupil expenditures, 22-23, no. 3,
Dec.; 30-31, no. 5, Feb.; 18-19, no. 9, June.
Civic-mindedness, education for, school responsibil-
ity, 10, no. 1, Oct.

Civilian population, migration, shown in school at-
tendance, 20-22, no. 5, Feb.

Claremont (Calif.) Graduate School: International
relations programs, 27, no. 8, May; reading con-
ference, publication, 24, no. 8, May.

Clark, Vernon L.: Commends schools for purchase
of stamps and bonds, 4, no. 9, June.
Clearance, with U. S. Office of Education, educa-
tional policies, National Council of Chief State
School Officers, 9-10, no. 7, Apr.
Cleveland, Ohio: Child-care centers continued, 9,
no. 10, July; Public Schools, annual report, 18,
29, no. 3, Dec.; sesquicentennial observance, 12,
no. 8, May.

Clift, Eleanor F. and Beust, Nora E.: A Supple-
ment to Five Hundred Books for Children, 24–31,
32, no. 1, Oct.

Clinton-Peabody Public School (St. Louis, Mo.),
visited for inspection by Association of State Di-
rectors of Elementary Education, 8-9, no. 9, June.
Clubs, teaching aids, 27, no. 7, Apr.

College for Women, established in Colombia, 20,
no. 7, Apr.

College of William and Mary, proseminar on Latin
America, Russia, China, and Japan, 29, no. 8,

Colleges Curriculum laboratories prepare lists of
teaching materials, 25, no. 7, Apr.; entrance re-
quirements, 20 percent of youth trained, 6, no.
10, July; sales training facilities, 3, no. 4, Jan.
Colombia English-Speaking Club, organized, Es-
cuela Normal Superior, Bogota, 22, no. 1, Oct.;
home economics education, 19-20, no. 7, Apr.
Colorado College (Colorado Springs), announces
Rocky Mountain School of Languages, 27, no. 8,

Colorado Education Association, State plan for
teaching world citizenship in the public schools,
17-18, no. 10, July.

Commission on Teacher Education, publication on
State programs, 28, no. 10, July.
Common cold, suggested school health policies, 21-
22, no. 6, Mar.

Communicable diseases, prevention and control, 20,
no. 6, Mar.

Community Needs education to face "new val-
ues," 14, no. 5, Feb.; teaching aids for under-
standing, 26, no. 7, Apr.

Community resources, contribute to school health
policies, 21, 24, no. 6, Mar.
Community service, a function of education, 29, no.
6, Mar.

Community services: Canning food, report from
California, 18, no. 5, Feb.; child-care centers
continued. 8, 9, no. 10, July; health education,
13, 16, no 4. Jan.; in building educational pro-
grams, 11, no. 8, May; in planning children's
needs, 30-31, no. 8, May. See also Extended
School Services.

Community War Service Division, Federal Security
Agency, report of State war recreation commit-
tees, 29, no. 6. Mar.

Comparative Education Division, U. S. Office of
Education, merged with Inter-American Educa-
tional Relations Division, 24, no. 5, Feb. See also
International Educational Relations Division.
"Complementary" school programs, Colombia, 20,
no. 7, Apr.

Research Program on School
Lunches, conference, 11-13, 26-27, no. 6, Mar.
Compulsory education: Legislation, 29, 30, no. 4,
Jan. 20, no. 10, July.

Compulsory Military Training, Some Pros and Cons,
15-18, no. 5, Feb.

Conant, James Bryant: General Education in a
Free Society, 26, no. 2, Nov.

Concord College (Athens, W. Va.), inter-American
workshop, 29, no. 8, May.

Congress at Work, publication, New York Schol-
astic Magazines, 13, no. 5, Feb.
Connecticut: Educational legislation, 28, 29, no.
4, Jan. library service, State-wide reading pro-
gram, 31, no. 7. Apr.; State aid for school plant
construction, 23, no. 7, Apr.; State Department
of Education, publication, Asiatic interests in
American history, 12, no. 10, July.
Consolidation of small schools: Louisiana, prog-
ress report, 31, no. 10, July; North Carolina, 20,
no. 9. June.

Consulting Committee on Vocational Education in
the Years Ahead, report of conference, 6-7, no.
10, July.

Consumer education, publication. National Associa-
tion of Secondary School Principals, 10, no. 3,
Cook, Katherine M.: National Leaders' Conference
on Visiting Teacher Problems, 17-19, no. 1. Oct. ;
Recreation and Leisure-Time Activities in the
School Program, 29-31, no. 6. Mar. State-Wide
Visiting Teacher Services [Virginia and Georgia],
21-23, no. 8. May.

Cooperation of school and public libraries, confer-
ence topi, Massachusetts Library Association,
26, no. 8, May.

Copyright conference, Pan American Union, 12, no.
5, Feb.

Cornell, Francis G.: Assigned chief, Research and C
Statistical Service, U. S. Office of Education, 1,
no. 3, Dec.; 7, no 5, Feb.; Public School At-
tendance Changes, 1940-44, 20-22, no. 5, Feb.
Cornell University, general workshop on interna-
tional relations, 28, no. 8, May.
Correspondence courses: High-school level, Cali-
fornia, 20, no. 4, Jan.; veterans, survey, U. S.
Office of Education, 7, no. 10, July.
Correspondence or Directed Study (Frazier), 30-31,
no. 10, July.

Costa Rica: Teachers of English visit the United
States on fellowships, 31, no. 9, June.
Counseling services: Health, 22, no. 6, Mar.; in-
terest measured, 28-29, no. 3, Dec.; mothers, day-
care children's program, 31, no. 8, May; Philip-
pine schools, 18-19, no. 10, July; veterans, Uni-
versity School of Ohio State University, 21, no.
9. June; vocational education for small business,
Department of Commerce, 5-6, no. 4, Jan.;
women veterans, 10, no. 8, May. See also Guid-
ance services.
Courses of study: In art, bibliography, 14-19, no.
6, Mar.; in music, bibliography, 12-17, no. 9,
June; in music for elementary and high schools,
aims, Virginia Board of Education, 30, no. 6,
Mar.; in science, bibliography, 19-22, no. 2, Nov. ;
received by U. S. Office of Education Library,
26, no. 2, Nov.; 14, no. 3, Dec.; 25, no. 8, May;
30, no. 10, July; U. S. Office of Education Li-
brary, a depository for, 19, no. 2, Nov.; 14, no.
6, Mar.; 12, no. 9, June.

Covert. Timon: Financing the Public Schools of
Kentucky, 28-31, no. 9, June.

Coxe, John E.: What Louisiana Has Done-A Prog-
ress Report, 31, no. 10, July.

Coxen, James R.: American Vocational Associa-
tion Convention, report, 10-11, no. 8, May.
Creative arts, Louisiana's Guide for Teaching in
Primary Grades, 30, no. 6, Mar.
Credential evaluation for foreign students, report,
U. S. Office of Education, 5, no. 6, Mar.
Credit for correspondence courses, 31, no. 10,

Crippled children: National Society celebrates Sil-
ver Anniversary, 14, no. 7. Apr.; report, Na-
tional Committee on School Health Policies, 24,
no. 9, June.
Cuba: Teachers of English visit the United States
on fellowships, 31, no. 9, June.
Cultural and Scientific Cooperation Committee,
U. S. Office of Education, gather first-hand data
on other American educational systems, 25-26,
no. 5, Feb.

Cultural engineering needed by UNESCO, 2, no. 5,

Cumulative records: Health, 22, no. 6, Mar.; school,
study of, U. S. Office of Education, 4, no. 3,
Curricula Designed to meet children's needs, 7, no.
9. June Georgia State School for the Deaf, sur-
vey, 21-22, no. 7, Apr.; Netherlands East Indies
schools, 9-10, no. 4, Jan.; offerings for veterans
in secondary schools, survey, U. S. Office of Edu-
cation, 7, no. 10, July; Milwaukee school system,
sol ing the problems, 31-32, no. 10, July,
Curriculum: Construction, for adults, teacher's re-
sponsibility. 24, no. 2, Nov.; development, post-
war conference, Supervision and Curriculum De-
velopment (NEA), 7-8, no. 9, June; problems in
building foundations for friendship with neigh-
bor nations, 15. no. 10. July; revision to include
vocational education, Louisiana State Depart-
ment of Education, report, 31, no. 10, July.
Curriculum Commission, National Council of Teach-
ers of English, report of meeting, 12, no. 5, Feb.
Czechoslovakia: Education. publication, U. S. Office
of Education, 25, no. 5, Feb.


Dadeville, Mo.: Consolidated School District, can-
ning center report, 15. no. 5. Feb.
Daily observance of pupils' health by teacher, 20-
21, 23-24, no. 6, Mar.

Dakota County, Minn., changing food habits of
rural children, a study of methods. 22, no. 5. Feb.
Davis, Mary Dabney, and Gabbard, Hazel F.; State
Legislative Action for Young Children, 30, no. 4,
Jan. : and Stark, Grace, Teaching Aids for
Teachers, 25-31, no. 7, Apr.

Day care for children: Of working mothers, post-
war planning. 11-12, no. 5, Feb. nursery serv-
ices, in planning for needs of children, 31, no. 8,

Deaf Building facilities for deaf and hard-of-
hearing children, 18-19, no. 8, May; National
Committee on School Health Policies, report on
deaf children, 24, no. 9, June; survey report,
Georgia State School for the Deaf, 21-23, no. 7,

Dearborn, Ned H.: Postwar Traffic Is Child Menace,
20, no. 4, Jan.

"defense of peace," pamphlet, Department of State,
31, no. 9. June.

Degrees granted by correspondence schools, 30, no.
10, July.

Delaware: Educational legislation, 28, no. 4, Jan.;
State aid for school plant construction, 23, no. 7,
Apr. 9. no. 8. May.
Democracy: Education for. in Japan, 3, no. 9,
June learning through living, Cleveland Public
Schools, annual report, 18, 29, no. 3, Dec.
Dental health: Guidance, in suggested school health
policies, 24-25, no. 6. Mar.; needs for school-age
children, 11-12, no. 2. Nov.

Dental Programs in Local Schools (Jessen), 15-18,
no. 2, Nov.


Denver (Colo.) Survey Report-Veterans' Plans for
Education (Segel), 27-28, no. 6, Mar.
Department of Agriculture: Nutrition film avail-
able, 4, no. 3, Dec.; sponsors: Conference for
Comprehensive Research Program on School
Lunches, 11-13, 26-27, no. 6, Mar.; demonstra-
tion workshop on nutrition education, 22, no. 5,
Feb.; Victory Farm Volunteers, recruitment,
training, and placement, 18, no. 9, June; victory
gardens, 20 million recommended, 27, no. 9, June.
Department of Commerce: Counseling service for
Vocational education for small business, 5-6,
no. 4, Jan.

Department of Elementary

School Principals

(NEA) Conference, 18, no. 9, June; publication
on safety education, 28, no. 10, July.
Department of Justice: New service extended to
immigrants, 27, no. 9, June; publication, bibliog-
raphy on citizenship, 5, no. 10, July.
Department of State: Announces members of Lon-
don UNO Conference, 2, no. 3, Dec.; publica-
tions "the defense of peace," 31, no. 9, June;
manual for classifying and cataloguing maps and
atlases, 6, no. 2, Dec.: removal of wartime ob-
jections to study abroad, 11, no. 4, Jan.; sponsors
Spanish Language Institute, 30, no. 8, May.
Design for Waging Peace-UNESCO (Benjamin),
1-6, no. 5, Feb.

Detroit, Mich., continues child-care centers, 9, no.
10, July.

Developing an adequate educational program, pol-
icy, National Council of Chief State School Offi-
cers, 12-13, no. 7, Apr.

Dexter, Walter: Resolution concerning, National
Council of Chief State School Officers, 4, no. 7,
Diet survey:

Bureau of Human Nutrition and
Home Economics, Department of Agriculture,
12, no. 6, Mar.; social studies class, Wisconsin
State Teachers College (Eau Claire), 9, no. 6,

Diphtheria, immunization, 21, no. 6, Mar.
Directories, educational, U. S. Office of Education,
5, 6, no. 6, Mar.

Discussion groups, publication, 13, no. 5, Feb.
Displaced Persons Educational Program, UNRRA,
11, no. 4, Jan.

Disposal of Surplus Property to Educational In-
stitutions (Symington), 17-19, no. 4, Jan.
Distinguished Service Medal, awarded to Commis-
sioner Studebaker, by Treasury Department, 4,
no. 9, June.

Distributive education :

Occupations, vocational
training, 14-15, no. 8, May; training program
for small business, 5-8, no. 4, Jan.
Dominican Republic: High-school English-speaking
clubs organized, 22, no. 1, Oct.

Douglas, Emily Taft: Equalizing educational op-
portunity through rural library service, 10, no. 9,

Draft, effects of abolition, 17, no. 5, Feb.
Draft Proposals for an Educational and Cultural
Organization, Conference of Allied Ministers of
Education (London), 5-8, no. 1, Oct.
Dunham, Franklin: Assignment, chief, Educational
Uses of Radio Unit, U. S. Office of Education,
7, no. 5, Feb.


East and West Association : Selected references
for teachers-China, 29, no. 5, Feb.; the Far East,
10, 13, no. 10, July.

East Texas State Teachers College, Spanish work-
shop for elementary grades, 28, no 8, May.
Eastern Oregon College of Education, summer
study, geography of South America, 28, no. 8,

Eastern Pennsylvania Library Conference, spon-
sored by Teachers Colleges, 25-26, no. 10, July.
Eaton, John: Annual report concerns international
educational relations, 24, no. 5, Feb.
Economic planning for peace, Congress of Britain's
National Union of Students, 15-16, no. 3, Dec.
Education: Federal Committee of Citizens on, 1-2,
no. 6, Mar.; 11, no. 9, June; for homemaking,
coordinated program, 14, no. 8, May; in other
countries, bulletins, U. S. Office of Education,
25, no. 5, Feb.; new values, 14, no. 5, Feb.; of
the deaf, objectives of Georgia State School, 23,
no. 7, Apr.; of Negroes, services, 21-26, no. 4,
Jan. of veterans, preparing teachers and lead-
ers, 23-24, no. 2, Nov.; plans for, report of Denver
survey, 27-28, no. 6, Mar.; proposed legislation,
conference of nine national organizations, 10, no.
5, Feb.; a State function, National Council of
Chief State School Officers, 7-8, no. 7, Apr.; two
aims, 2-3, no. 4, Jan.

Education and care of the handicapped, National
Committee on School Health Policies, report, 23,
26, no. 9, June.

Education and the 79th Congress-First Session
(Keesecker), 13, no. 1, Oct.

EDUCATION FOR VICTORY: Articles on international

education, 26, no. 5, Feb.; publication, U. S. Of-
fice of Education, 5, no. 6, Mar.

Education in Chile, publication, U. S. Office of
Education, 26, no. 5, Feb.
"Education To Promote the General Welfare," gen-
eral theme, American Education Week, 1945, 14,
no. 1, Oct. 2, no. 2, Nov.
Education Under Enemy Occupation, publication,
U. S. Office of Education, 26, no. 5, Feb.
Education's Contribution to a Sound Postwar Econ-
omy (Studebaker), 1-4, no. 4, Jan.
Educational and Cultural Organization of


United Nations: Conference to consider creation,
2, no. 3. Dec.; draft proposals, Conference of
Allied Ministers of Education, 5-8, no. 1, Oct.
See also UNESCO.

Educational Directory, publication, U. S. Office of
Education, 5, 6, no. 6, Mar.
Educational institutions, surplus property for, 17-
19, no. 4, Jan.; 9, no. 6, Mar.
Educational Leadership, publication, National Edu-
cation Association, Board of Advisory Editors,
8, no. 9, June.

Educational legislation. See Legislation, educa-

Educational opportunities, forces toward improved,
report, National Council of Chief State School
Officers, 6-8, no. 7, Apr.
Educational Policies Commission: General health
policies, 12-13, no. 4, Jan.; illiteracy and de-
linquency, report, 6-7, no. 10, July.
Educational problems, State reports of Study Com-
mission, National Council of Chief State School
Officers, 1-10, no. 8, May.

Educational programs: Displaced persons in Ger-
many, UNRRA report, 11, no. 4, Jan.; for vet-
erans: Denver, Colo., plan, 27-28, no. 6, Mar. ; re-
port of Work Conference, 23-24, no. 2, Nov.
Educational progress: Chinese News Service, 17, no.
3, Dec.; Louisiana State Department of Educa-
tion, 17, no. 3, Dec.

Educational services: For children under six, 31,
no. 8, May; States should expect from Federal
Government, 10, no. 7, Apr.

Educational System of the Netherlands East Indies,
9-11, no. 4, Jan.

Educational Uses of Radio Unit, U. S. Office of Edu-

cation: Annual report, 5, no. 6, Mar.; assign-
ment of chief, 7, no. 5, Feb.

Educators' Bulletin Board, 25-26, no. 2, Nov.; 10,
14, no. 3, Dec.; 13-14, no. 5, Feb.; 24-25, no. 8,
May; 28-30, no. 10, July.

Educators Request Peacetime Savings Program
(Vinson), 6, no. 5, Feb.

Efficiency ratings, uses of, in-service training, Fed-
eral Prison System, 30, no. 2, Nov.
Electricity on the farm, 15-16, no. 1, Oct.
Elementary education: Report of meeting, Associa-
tion of State Directors, 8-9, no. 9, June.
Elementary School Division, U. S. Office of Educa-
tion: Appointment of specialist, 1, 2, no. 10,
July; assignment of Director, 7, no. 5, Feb.
contribution to international understanding, 24
no. 5, Feb.

Elementary schools: Books and pamphlets on the
Far East, 11, no. 10, July; conference of princi-
pals, Department of Elementary School Princi-
pals (NEA), 18, no. 9, June; courses of study,
bibliographies, U. S. Office of Education-Art,
14-19, no. 6, Mar.; music, 12-16, 17, no. 9, June;
science, 21-22, no. 2, Nov.; curricula for veterans,
survey, U. S. Office of Education, 7, no. 10, July
development of habits and attitudes for world
citizenship, Colorado State plan, 17-18, no. 10,
July; getting best results from library, 10, no.
9, June; health instruction, 16, no. 4, Jan.;
nutrition education, workshop reports, 28, no. 2,
Nov. 12, no. 8, May; physical education-Illin-
ois, State syllabus, 30, no. 6, Mar.; resolutions,
Society of State Directors of Health and Physical
Education, 12, no. 1, Oct.; publication, Twenty-
fourth Yearbook, Department of Elementary
School Principals (NEA), 13, no. 5, Feb.; science,
3-5, no. 10, July; size of classes, 9, no. 9, June;
Virginia's course of study, 30, no. 6, Mar.
11-grade school systems, progress in elimination,
28, no. 6, Mar. See also 12-grade system.
Eligibility for surplus property utilization, 7-9,
no. 6, Mar.

Ellis College (Newton Square, Pa.), Pan American
Club's participation in cultural Olympics, 22,
no. 1. Oct.

Emergency teachers' permits, 5, no. 9, June.
Emotional health, promotion, 14, no. 4, Jan.
English speaking: Ability improved through use
of inter-American subject matter, 16, no. 10,
July; clubs, established in other American Re-
publics, 22, no. 1, Oct.

English teaching: Curriculum Commission, Na-
tional Council of Teachers of English, meets, 12,
no. 5, Feb.; publications, 25, no. 2, Nov.; visits
from English teachers of other American Repub-
lics, 31, no. 9, June.

Enrollments: High-school, 1944-45, 19-20, no. 4,
Jan.; Negroes in schools of the South, 21, no. 4,
Epidemics, school policy as to closing, 21, no. 6,
Equalization of educational opportunity: Prob-
lems, "in building foundations of friendship with
neighbor nations," 15, no. 10, July; State aid,
Kentucky, 31, no. 9, June. See also Federal aid.
Equivalence: Examinations for veterans, survey,
U. S. Office of Education, 7, no. 10, July; legisla-
tion for veterans' education, Connecticut, 29, no.
4, Jan.

Essay contest: On world peace, for high-school
students, 2, no. 3, Dec.

Europe: School lunch program, 11, no. 6, Mar.;
surplus canned food for war-devastated coun-
tries, 18, no. 5, Feb.

European studies, summer school, Zurich, Switzer-
land, 18, no. 5. Feb.

Evaluation of credentials for studies abroad, U. S.
Office of Education, 25, no. 5, Feb.
Everybody Can Help: Famine Emergency Commit-
tee. 2, no. 9, June.
Exceptional children: Preparation of teachers, re-
port, National Council of Chief State School
Officers, 6-7, no. 8, May; State legislation, 3-6,
no. 2, Nov. See also Socially maladjusted.
Excerpts From U. S. Office of Education Annual
Report (Studebaker), 3-6, no. 6, Mar.
Exchange of teachers, international-legal aspects,
11-14, no. 3, Dec.

Executive orders, published in The Federal Reg-
ister, 18, no. 5, Feb.
Expenditures per Pupil in City Schools (Banfield),
22-23, no. 3, Dec.; 30-31, no. 5, Feb.; 18-19, no.
9, June.
Extended school services: Alabama conferences,
27-28, no. 2, Nov.; for preschool-age child-
Continue, 8-9, no. 10, July; resolutions, 9-10, no.
5, Feb.; publication, Open Doors to Children,
19, no. 6, Mar.; State legislation, 30, no. 4, Jan.
Extra-class programs, 22, no. 9, June.


Factors other than age condition enrollment of
beginners, 24, no. 10, July.

Family contributions to war and postwar morale,
publications, U. S. Office of Education, 6, no. 6,


Famine Emergency Committee, an appeal for food
production, 2, no. 9, June.
Far East-Selected References for Teachers
(Arndt), 10-14, no. 10, July.
Farm work: Films released, U. S. Office of Edu-
cation, 31, no. 3, Dec.; mechanics, training fa-
cilities, 17, no. 7, Apr.

Farm Youth and Tomorrow's Agriculture (Span-
ton), 15-16, no. 1, Oct.

Farmers, veterans trained to be, 16-17, no. 7, Apr.
Federal Advisory Board for Vocational Educa-
tion Organization, 13, no. 8, May; reports of
meetings, 5-8, no. 4, Jan.; 16-17, no. 7, Apr.;
resolutions affecting GI Bill, 5, no. 10, July.
Federal Committee on Education. See Citizens'
Federal Committee on Education.
Federal Communications Commission, responsibil-
ity for use of radio channels, 5, no. 3, Dec.
Federal financial aid for education: Kentucky, 29,
no. 9, June; legislation, 28, no. 4, Jan. ; preschool-
age and other young children, 9-12, no. 5, Feb. ;
30, no. 4, Jan.; President's State of the Union
message, 10, no. 6, Mar.; resolutions, opinions,
and policies, National Council of Chief State
School Officers, 3, 6, 10-11, no. 7, Apr.; school
lunch program, 12, no. 6, Mar.
Federal Government: Allowances for food, New
York State child-care projects, 8-9, no. 10, July;
its participation in public education, 7-8, 10,
no. 7. Apr.; statutes affecting foreign teachers in
the United States, 11-13, no. 3, Dec.; teaching
aids available, 27-28, no. 7, Apr.

Federal Prison System-In-Service Training, 29-31,
no. 2, Nov.

Federal Register, daily publication, National Ar-
chives, 18, no. 5, Feb.

Federal responsibility, planning and construction
of school plants, 8, no. 8, May.
Federal Security Agency: Delegates to U. S. Office
of Education disposal of surplus property to
educational institutions, 17, no. 4, Jan.; makes
report of State War Recreation Committees, 29,
no. 6, Mar.
Federal-State relations: Affecting international ex-
change of teachers, 13-14, no. 3, Dec.; legisla-
tion, 28-29, no. 4, Jan.; policy, National Coun-
cil of Chief State School Officers, 9-10, no. 7,

Federal Works Administration, disposal of school
buildings constructed by, 5, no. 7, Apr.

Feeding Children in the Nursery School, publica-
tion, Alabama State Department of Education,
18, no. 2, Nov.

Fellows of Library of Congress in Education, 26,
no. 10, July.

Feminine education in Colombia, director outlines
plans, 20, no. 7, Apr.

FFA. See Future Farmers of America
Films: For adult education, 20, no. 8, May; guide
book, 10, no. 3, Dec.; new releases, 30-31, no. 3,
Dec.; Now the Peace, 8, no. 1, Oct.; nutrition, 4,
no. 3, Dec.; place and importance of the teacher
in American life, 4, no. 4, Jan.; selected refer-
ences for teachers: China, 29, no. 5, Feb.; The
Far East, 10, 13, no. 10, July; training series.
30-31, no. 3, Dec.; 17, no. 7, Apr.
Financing: Educational program, National Council
of Chief School Officers, 12, no 7, Apr.; Louisi-
ana's public schools, progress report, 31, no. 10,
July; public libraries, University of Denver sur-
vey, 19, no. 5, Feb.
Financing the Public Schools of Kentucky (Covert),
28-31, no. 9, June.

Finland: Education and service conditions of
teachers, publication, U. S. Office of Education,
25, no. 5, Feb.

First aid for emergencies, suggested school health
policies, National Committee on School Health
Policies, 19-20, no. 6, Mar.

Fisk University: Sponsors Institute of Race Rela-
tions, 9, no. 10, July; workshop on culture of
various nations, 28, no. 8. May.

Five Hundred Books for Children, supplement, 24-
31, 32, no. 1, Oct.

Florida Educational legislation, 28, no. 4, Jan.
Flynt, Ralph C. M.: Assigned assistant director,
Division of Central Services, U. S. Office of Edu-
cation, 7, no. 5, Feb.

FM broadcasts: Radio network, Wisconsin, 15, no.
5, Feb.; U. S. Office of Education, 5, no. 6, Mar.
See also Frequency Modulation.
Food: Appeal from Famine Emergency Commit-
tee. 2, no. 9, June; Future Farmers of America,
canning projects, 13, no. 1, Oct.; letter to Victory
Farm Volunteers, 18, no. 9, June: production,
war training program, 15, no. 8, May; surplus
for United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation
Administration, 18, no. 5, Feb.; surplus to WRA
school lunch program, 12, no 6, Mar.

Food Distribution Administration, aids school lunches through cash indemnities, 12-13, no. 6, Mar.

Food Habits of Rural Children in Dakota County,
Minnesota A Study of Methods of Changing,
publication, U. S. Office of Education, 22, no.
Foreign-Born in the United States, bibliography,
Department of Justice, 5, no. 10, July.
Foreign students, credential evaluation, 5, no. 6.

Forty Years in Vocational Education (Wright), 1316, no. 8, May.

Foster, E. M.: Assigned chief reporting statistician,
Research and Statistical Service, U. S. Office of
Education, 1, no. 3, Dec.
Foster-family, day-care service, needs of children,
31, no. 8, May.

Foundations for Friendship With Neighbor Na-
tions (Bathurst), 14-17, no. 10, July.
Fowler, Fred M. Interest Measurement-Questions
and Answers, 25-29, no. 3, Dec.
Franking privileges, policy concerning, National
Council of Chief State School Officers, 10, no. 7,

Frazier, Ben W.: Correspondence or Directed Home Study, 30-31, no. 10, July; Military Training-Some Pros and Cons, 15-18, no. 5, Feb.; Teacher Shortages in 1946, 5-7, no. 9, June.

Free enterprise, postwar economy, 1-2, no. 4, Jan. "Freedom's People," radio broadcast for Negro education, 24, no. 4, Jan.

Frequency Modulation, radio stations increasing in number, 5, no. 3, Dec. See also FM broadcasts. Friendship with neighbor nations, foundations, 14– 17, no. 10, July.

Functional School Buildings Emphasized: Report of University of Chicago Conference, 22, no. 2, Nov. Fusfeld, Irving S. Survey of Georgia State School for the Deaf, 21-23, no. 7, Apr. Future Farmers of America: Development under Smith-Hughes Act, 14, no. 8, May; pictorial bulletin, Future Farmers of America Action, 17, no. 3, Dec.; training for tomorrow 15-16, no. 1, Oct.; visit to Washington, 18-19, no. 7, Apr.; war relief canning projects, 13, no. 1, Oct.


Future Homemakers of America, organization, 16, no. 8, May.


Gabbard, Hazel F. and Davis, Mary Dabney: State Legislative Action for Young Children, 30, no. 4, Jan.

Gary, Ind., library training for veterans, 26, no. 10, July.

Gaumnitz, W. H.: Nutrition Education in the Schools, 22-23, no. 5, Feb.; The Small School Problem Again-A State Report, 20, no. 9, June. General education: Federal aid, resolutions and opinions, National Council of Chief State School Officers, 3, 6, no. 7, Apr.; in postwar economy, 3-4, no. 4, Jan.

General Education in a Free Society: Report, Harvard Committee, 14, no. 3, Dec.

General Educational Development, equivalency tests for veterans, 8, no. 10, July.

General health policies, Educational Policies Commission, 12, no. 4, Jan.

General Instructional Service, U. S. Office of Education, 4, no. 6, Mar.

General welfare, education to promote, 14, no. 5, Feb.

Geography: Enlarged by terrain model building study, 9-10, no. 3, Dec.; National Geographic Society resumes publication of school bulletins, 24, no. 2, Nov.; publications, 13, no. 5, Feb.; South America, summer study. Eastern Oregon College of Education, 28, no. 8, May; State teaching aids, 25, no. 7, Apr. George-Deen Act, training workers in distributive education, 14-15, no. 8, May.

George Peabody College for Teachers: Materials for teaching aids, 26, no. 7, Apr.; school plant workshop, 16, no. 1, Oct.; 17, no. 8, May. Georgia: Educational legislation, 28, 29, no. 4, Jan. ; 23, no. 7, Apr.; public-school education, studies, 21, no. 7, Apr.; State Department of Education Extended 11-grade school system, 28, no. 6, Mar.; records, as geography teaching aids, 25, no. 7, Apr.; State-wide visiting-teacher services established, 22-23, no. 8, May: State School for the Deaf, report of survey, 21-23, no. 7, Apr. Germany Displaced Persons Educational Program, UNRRA's report, 11, no. 4, Jan.; education, publication, U. S. Office of Education, 25, no. 5, Feb. GI Bill of Rights, resolutions concerning, Federal Advisory Board of Vocational Education, 5, no. 10, July.

GI Roundtable Series: Educational pamphlets, War Department, 2, no. 1, Oct. 11, no. 4, Jan.; 18, no. 9, June.

Good health, school lunch program an investment, 26, no. 6, Mar.

Goodrich, Lowell P.: Solving curriculum problems, Milwaukee schools, 31-32, no. 10, July. Goodykoontz, Bess: Assignment, Assistant Commissioner and Director, Division of Elementary Education, U. S. Office of Education, 7, no. 5, Feb. Government "pump-priming," postwar economy, 1-2, no. 4, Jan.

Governmental responsibilities for school health program, 14, 2, Nov.

Greensboro, N. C. Child-care program, 9, no. 10, July.

Gregory, Raymond W.: Appointed Assistant Commissioner for Vocational Education, U. S. Office of Education, 15, no. 7, Apr.

Vol. XXVIII, October 1945 to July 1946

[blocks in formation]

Guidance and educational services. established for veterans' education, Denver (Colo), schools, 2728, no. 6, Mar.

Guidance and Occupational Information Service, U. S. Office of Education: Development, 15, no. 8, May; report, 4, no. 6, Mar. Guidance in the Philippine Schools (Santiago), 18-19, no. 10, July. Guidance services: Curriculum designed to meet children's needs, 7, no 9. June; health problems, 24, 25, no. 6, Mar.; library service for veterans and war workers, New York City Public Library, 26, no. 8, May: Negroes, a survey. 22, no. 4, Jan. publication, Proceedings of the Tenth Annual Guidance Conference, 25, no. 2. Nov.: sound program needed, 17, no. 7, Apr. See also Counseling services.

Hammond, Ind. :


High-School Pan American League and Spanish Club, report of activities, 21, no. 1, Oct.

Hamon, Ray L.: Assignment, chief, School Hous-
ing Section, Division of School Administration,
U. S. Office of Education, 7, no. 5, Feb.: State
Aid for School Plant Construction, 23-24, no. 7,
Apr workshop on school plant facilities, George
Peabody College, 17, no. 8. May.
Handicapped children, physically: Education and
care, 23, 26, no. 9, June; public-school building
facilities, 17-20, no. 8, May; State legislation,
3-6, no. 2, Nov.

Harris, William T.: As Commissioner, advanced
interest in education abroad, 24, no. 5, Feb.
Harvard committee report, 26, no. 2, Nov.
Haycock, Robert L.: Back-to-School Campaign,
Washington, D. C., 7-8, no. 3, Dec.

Health: Cumulative records essential, 22, no. 6,
Mar.; education, 9, no. 1, Oct.; meeting and in-
terpreting needs, 23-24, no. 6, Mar.; needed in
planning for care of children, 31, no. 8, May:
proposed legislation, 10, no. 5, Feb.; protection
and improvement. 12-16, no. 4. Jan.; 19. no. 6.
Mar. teaching aids, 27, no. 7, Apr. See also
Physical fitness: School health programs.
Health and physical education: Report, U. S. Of-
fice of Education, 4, no. 6, Mar. resolutions. So-
ciety of State Directors of Health and Physical
Education, 11-13, no. 1, Oct. See also Physical

Health and safety instruction, report, National Committee on School Health Policies, 26, no. 9. June.

Health education: Progress report, Louisiana State Department of Education, 31, no. 10. July; resolutions, National Council of Chief State School Officers, 3, no. 7. Apr.; teacher training for establishment of habits, 28, no. 2, Nov.

Health Needs of School-Age Children and Recommendations for Implementation: Report. subcommittee of Federal governmental agencies, 7– 15, no. 2. Nov.

Health Problem and Public Support: Report, Amer ican Dental Association. 10, no. 8. May. Heinig, Christina M.: Australia Today in NurseryKindergarten Education, 19-22, no. 3, Dec. High schools: Acceleration for veterans, Benjamin Franklin High School, Philadelphia, Pa., 6. no. 2. Nov. correspondence courses. in school and out. California, 20, no. 4, Jan.; dramatics, handbook, 25, no. 2, Nov.; English discussion group. use of inter-American subject matter, 16, no. 10, July; enrollments, 19-20, no. 4, Jan. essay contest on peace, 2, no. 3. Dec.; for veterans, Massachusetts, 19, no. 4. Jan.; graduates, problems, Philippine survey. 18, no. 10, July; international relations clubs, Colorado, 18. no. 10, July; libraries, revised standards, 19, no. 5. Feb. record-its worth, 28, no. 10, July: small or rural, lacking vocational training. 20, no. 9. June: students' aims. Institute of Student Opinions. 12. no. 5. Feb.; students, books and pamphlets on the Far East, 11, no. 10, June; Virginia State course of study in music, 30, no. 6, Mar. See also Secondary schools.

Higher education: For Negroes, national survey, 21. no. 4, Jan.; institutions, Sweden, Norway, and Poland. 25, no. 5, Feb.

HIGHER EDUCATION: Publication, U. S. Office of Education, 5, no. 6. Mar.; articles on international education, 26, no. 5, Feb.

Higher Education Division, U. S. Office of Education: Appointment of specialist, 1, 2, 19, no. 10, July; assignment of Director, 7, no. 5. Feb. ; contribution to international understanding, 24, no. 5, Feb.; postwar planning, report, 3, no. 6, Mar.

Higher Education Looks Ahead, publication, U. S.
Office of Education, 3, no. 6, Mar.
Highway Safety Conference called by the Presi-
dent, 16. no. 8, May.

Hispanic Studies Center, Syracuse University, 28,
no. 8, May.
Holyoke, Mass.: School dental program, 18, no. 2,

"Home-bound" children: Report, National Committee on School Health Policies. 24, no. 9, June; teachers for. 17, 19-20, no. 8, May.

Home economics: Clubs, U. S. Office of Education 4, no. 6. Mar; education, in Columbia, 19-20, no. 7 Apr.

Home Economics Education Service, U. S. Office of Education, 4, no. 6, Mar.

Home economists proclaim success of school lunch programs, 23, 30, no. 5, Feb.

Home Study or Correspondence (Frazier), 30-31, no. 10, July. Homemakers: Representation on Citizens' Federal Committee on Education, 2, no. 6, Mar.; service, provided by social welfare agencies, 31, no. 8, May. Homemaking education, coordinated program, 14, no. 8. May.

Hood College (Frederick, Md.) sponsors inter-
American institutes, 23, no. 1, Oct.

Hoover, Souci: Bibliography of Art Courses of
Study, 14-19, no. 6, Mar.; Bibliography of Music
Courses of Study, 12-17, no. 9, June.
Housing, publications, 13, no. 5, Feb.; 28, no. 10,

Illinois : Educational legislation, 5, no. 2, Nov.;
29, no. 4, Jan.; school library clinics, 26, no. 8,
May; State syllabus on physical education for
elementary schools, 30, no. 6, Mar.
Illiteracy, report, Educational Policies Commis-
sion, 6, no. 10, July.

Immigration and naturalization: Bibliography, 5,
no. 10, July; new Service, 27, no. 9, June.
Immunization, opinions, National Committee on
School Health Policies, 21, no. 6, Mar.
Implementation of recommendations for health
needs of school-age children, 7-15, no. 2, Nov.
Indian education, 9, no. 5, Feb.

Educational legislation, 27, 28, no. 4, Indiana State Teachers College: Workshop on Nutrition Education in the Elementary School, 12, no. 8, May; picture story available, 8, no. 4, Jan. ; publication, 22, no. 5, Feb.

Indianapolis, Ind., adult forums consider world cooperation. 2, no. 3, Dec.

Individual differences, adaptation, 22, no. 9, June. Industrial arts education, recent theses, 13-14, no. 5, Feb.

Infantile paralysis, source book, National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, Inc., 28, no. 10, July. Information and Publications Section, U. S. Office of Education, appointment of chief, 1, 2, no. 10, July.

Information Bureau of Veterans established, Chicago Public Library, 6, no. 3, Dec. In-service education: Of specialized personnel and teachers, report, National Committee on School Health Policies, 25, no. 9, June; of teachersReport, National Council of Chief State School Officers, 6, no. 8, May; report of progress, Louisiana State Department of Education, 31, no. 10, July to establish health habits, 28, no. 2, Nov.; to learn to teach the deaf, survey, Georgia State School for the Deaf, 22, no. 7, Apr.; to prepare to teach veterans, 24, no. 2, Nov.; to train as visiting teacher, 21, no. 8. May: to train for nursery school. Rochester (N. Y.) Public Schools, 24, 30, no. 3, Dec. In-service training: Librarians and library workers, 19. no. 5, Feb.; public service occupation, 15, no. 8, May. In-Service Training for the Federal Prison System (Rosenberger), 29-31, no. 2, Nov.

Institute for Pacific Relations, selected references for teachers on the Far East, 10, 12, no. 10, July. Institute of Race Relations, Fisk University, 9, no. 10, July.

Institute of Student Opinion, high-school students' aims, 12, no. 5, Feb.

Institute on Book Selection, Michigan Library Association, 26, no. 10, July. Instruction: Health and safety program, National Committee on School Health Policies, report, 15-16, no. 4, Jan.; per pupil cost, city schools, 23, no. 3, Dec. 31, no. 5, Feb.; 19, no. 9, June. Instructional materials: On American Republics, from U. S. Office of Education, 26, no. 5, Feb. ; problems, in "building foundations for friendship with neighbor nations." 15, no. 10, July: teaching aids available, Ohio State University, 25, no. 7, Apr. Instructional Problems Section, Division of Secondary Education, U. S. Office of Education, specialists appointed, 6, no. 6, Mar. Instructional services: Organization, Georgia State School for the Deaf, 21, no. 7, Apr.; supervision, State departments to encourage, 31, no 6. Mar. Integrated library programs, recommendations. Southern Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools, 19, no. 5. Feb.

Inter-American copyright conference, Pan American Union, 12, no. 5. Feb. Inter-American educational relations: Improving ability to speak English, 16, no. 10, July: loan packets available, 16-17, no. 3, Dec.; workshops, 27-30, no. 8. May. See also Latin-American educational relations; Pan American club activities. Inter-American Educational Relations Division, U. S. Office of Education: Annual report, 5, no. 6, Mar.; merged with Comparative Education Division, 24, no. 5, Feb. See also International Educational Relations Division. Intercultural education: Pamphlet, 10, no. 3, Dec. : relations. Negro education, 22, no. 4, Jan.; teaching aids, 26, no. 7, Apr.; workshop conference on relations, Pennsylvania State College, 28, no. 8, May.

Intergroup education dispels prejudice (Sockman), 20-21, no. 9, June.

International education, Colorado State plan for public schools. 17-19, no. 10, July.


International Educational Relations, 15-17, no. 3, Dec.; 9-11, no. 4, Jan.; 24-26, no. 5, Feb.; 2730, no. 8, May: 10-14, no. 10, July. International Educational Relations Division, U. S. Office of Education: Appointment of Director, 7– 8, no. 5, Feb. ; establishment and objectives, 24, no. 5, Feb.

International Exchange of Teachers -Legal Aspects (Keesecker), 11-14, no. 3, Dec. International relations: Affected by military training, 16, no. 5, Feb.; education and organization, publications, 10, no. 3, Dec.; 13, no. 5, Feb.; education for, school responsibility, 10, no. 1, Oct.; educational legislation, 13, no. 1, Oct.; exchange of students, UNESCO, 2-3, no. 5, Feb.; law affecting teacher exchange, 11, 13-14, no. 3, Dec.; teaching aids, 26, no. 7, Apr. International relations, summer study program, 27-30, no. 8, May.

International Understanding--U. S. Office of Education as a Source of Materials, 24-26, no. 5, Feb.

Interschool sports, 22-23, no. 9, June.
Interest Measurement- Questions

and Answers

(Fowler), 25-29, no. 3, Dec. Intermediate and upper grades: Bibliography of courses of study-art, 14-15, no. 6, Mar.; music, 13, no. 9, June.

Introducing books to children by radio, weekly broadcasts, Battle Creek (Mich.) Public Library, 26, no. 10, July.

Introducing the Peoples of Asia and the Far East, recording, U. S. Office of Education, 13, no. 10, July.

Iowa Educational legislation, 4, no. 2, Nov. ; 29, no. 4. Jan.

It Can Be Done! Say Home Economists: Stories of school lunch program, 23, 30, no. 5, Feb.


Jackson School (St. Louis, Mo.), visited for observation, Association of State Directors of Elementary Education, 8-9, no. 9, June. James, A. T.: Congress of Britain's National Union of Students, plan for peace, 15-16, no. 3, Dec. Japan Education, 1, 3-4, no. 9, June; map available, National Geographic Society, 12, no. 10, July.

Jeanes supervising teachers, a study of rural elementary education, 21-22, no. 4, Jan. Jefferson, Thomas: Free discussion in a democracy, 5, no. 3, Dec.

Jessen, Carl A.: Assigned chief, Secondary School
Organization and Supervision, U. S. Office of Edu-
cation, 7, no. 5, Feb.; Dental Problems in Local
Schools, 15-18, no. 2, Nov.; and Mackintosh,
Helen K., bibliography of Science Courses of
Study, 19-22, no. 2, Nov.

Job analysis, methods, 14, no. 8, May.
Johnson, Philip G.: Appointed natural science spe-
cialist, Division of Secondary Education, U. S.
Office of Education, 6, no. 6, Mar.

Johnston, Marjorie C.: Summer Study Program in the Field of International Relations, 27-30, no. 8. May.

Jones, Galen: Appointed director, Division of Secondary Education, U. S. Office of Education, 7-8, no. 5, Feb.

Junior colleges, Nebraska, State legislation governing receipt of Federal funds, 28, no. 4, Jan. Junior high schools: Bibliography of courses of study-art, 18, no. 6, Mar.; music, 16, no. 9, June.

Juvenile delinquency, report, Educational Policies Commission, 6, no. 10, July.


Kansas: Educational legislation, 27, no. 4, Jan. Kansas City, Kans.: School dental program, 17, no. 2, Nov.

Kansas City, Mo.: Kindergarten and first-grade entrance tests, handbook, 25, no. 10, July. Kansas State Teachers College (Emporia), Spanish workshop for teachers, 27, no. 8, May. Keefe, Mrs. Billie Building Facilities for Physically Impaired Children in Public-School Systems, 17-20, no. 8, May.

Keesecker, Ward W.: Education and the 79th Congress, First Session, 13, no. 1, Oct. ; International Exchange of Teachers-Legal Aspects, 11-14, no. 3, Dec.; Résumé of 1945 State Legislative Action Affecting Education, 27-30, no. 4, Jan. Kelly, Fred J.: Assignment, director, Division of Higher Education, U. S. Office of Education, 7, no. 5, Feb.

Kentucky: Financing public schools, 28-31, no. 9, June; Library Extension Division, proposed regional library plan, 19, no. 5, Feb.; State Department of Education, directory of free and inexpensive teaching aids, 25, no. 7, Apr. Keokuk, Iowa: Ruling on delayed age entrance of children, 10, no. 10, July.

Kettler, Al J.: Adult Forums Consider World Cooperation, 2, no. 3, Dec.

Kindergartens: Australia, 19-22, no. 3, Dec.: bibliography of courses of study: art, 14-15, no. 6, Mar.; music, 12-13, no. 9. June; included in extended educational services, 8, no. 10, July; legislation. State and local, 20-25, no. 10, July; State funds authorized, 30, no. 4, Jan. "Kindergarten of the Air." radio program, Australian Association for Pre-School Child Development, 20, no. 3, Dec.

Korea Map available, Korean Affairs Institute. Inc., 12, no. 10, July.

Kuder Preference Record, use in interest measurement, 26-29, no. 3, Dec.

Kumpf, Carl, and Beach, Eleanor: Teacher Development in Nursery School, 24, 30, no. 3, Dec.



Labor groups, representation, Citizens'
Committee on Education, 2, no. 6, Mar.
Lady Gowrie Child Centres, nursery-kindergarten
education, Australia, 19-21, no. 3, Dec.

Lake, Charles H.: Cleveland Public Schools, 18, 29. no. 3, Dec.

Language Arts...: Missouri's course of study in recreation reading, 30, no. 6, Mar. Language textbooks on the Far East, available, 13-14, no. 10, July.

Lanham Act: Disposition of facilities, 4, 5, no. 7, Apr.; funds for wartime day-care school program, 12, no. 5, Feb. Latin-American educational relations: Folk dances, 16, no. 10, July; study of history, economics, and literature, Claremont (Calif.) Graduate School, 27, no. 8, May; workshop sponsored by YWCA, St. Paul, Minn., 22, no. 1, Oct. See also InterAmerican educational relations. Layman's view on education represented on Citizens' Federal Committee on Education, 1-2, no. 6, Mar.

Leadership: Assumed by State departments in teacher education, 5-8, no. 8, Feb.; food produetion and conservation program, 2, no. 9, June; problems solved by schools in recreation and leisure-time activities, 30, no. 6, Mar.; school health program, 25, no. 9, June; training in vocational education, 13-14, no. 8, May. League of Nations, First Assembly, international exchange of citizens of learned professions considered, 11-12, no. 3, Dec.

Learning experiences in building foundations for friendship with neighbor nations, 15, no. 10, July.

Legislation, educational: Exceptional children, 3-6,
no. 2, Nov.; extended school services, 8-9, no. 10,
July federal, 13, no. 1, Oct. 11, 13, no. 2, Nov.;
28, no. 4, Jan.; high-school correspondence
courses, California, 20, no. 4, Jan.; interna-
tional exchange of teachers, 11-14, no 3, Dec.;
Kentucky, 28-31, no. 9, June; Louisiana, 31, no.
10, July; New Jersey, 27, no. 2, Nov.; policy
report, National Council of Chief State School
Officers, 9, no. 7, Apr.; résumé of State action,
1945, 27-30, no. 4, Jan.; school lunch program,
12, 13, 26, no. 6, Mar.; State educational sys-
tem, 1-2, no. 8, May; State school plant planning
and construction, 9, no. 8, May young chil-
dren, 30, no. 4, Jan.; 10, no. 5, Feb.
Leisure-Time Activities in the School Program
(Cook), 29-31, no. 6, Mar.

Leonard, Mrs. Paul H.: Past and Present of School
Lunches, 11-13, 26-27, no. 6, Mar.
Liberal education, report of Harvard Committee,
26, no. 2, Nov.

Libraries: Building planners, publication, American Library Association, 19, no. 5, Feb.; clinics for schools, Illinois, 26, no. 8, May; conference report, Eastern Pennsylvania Teachers Colleges, 25-26, no. 10, July; public knowledge of support, University of Denver, 19, no. 5, Feb.; recognition of degrees, 19, no. 5, Feb.; Venezuela, 27, no. 10, July.

Library, U. S. Office of Education: Annual report, 4-5, no. 6, Mar.; appointment of librarian, 7-8, no. 5, Feb.; depository for courses of study, 19, no. 2, Nov.; 14, no. 6, Mar.; 25, no. 8, May; 12, no. 9, June; source of documental and scientific materials for international understanding, 24-25, no. 5, Feb.

restocking Library of Congress: Cooperates in libraries abroad, 26, no. 10, July; establishes Fellows in Education, 26, no. 10, July; publications List of books for adult blind. 25-26, no. 10, July; on the Far East, 10, no. 10, July; subject index, Pictorial Americana, 31, no. 7, Apr. Library Service, 27, no. 2. Nov.; 6, no. 3, Dec.; 31, no. 4, Jan.; 19, no. 5, Feb.; 31, no. 7, Apr.; 25-26, no. 8, May; 10, 27, no. 9, June; 25-27, no. 10, July.

Library Service Division, U. S. Office of Education: Annual report, 4-5, no. 6, Mar.; collection of public library data, 27, no. 2, Nov.; 25-26, no. 8, May; 10, no. 9. June. Library services: For business, 26, no. 8. May; Gary (Ind.) plan, 26, no. 10, July; Maryland, 29, no. 4. Jan.; Minnesota. 6, no. 3, Dec.; New Jersey, 27, no. 2, Nov.; Providence, R. I., 31, no. 4, Jan.; rural areas, 10, no. 9, June; West Virginia, 30, no. 4, Jan.

Library statistics, collection and publication, 25-26, no. 8, May.

Life, sacredness of: New values in education, 14, no. 5, Feb.

Lifelong Learning High-School Supervised Study by Correspondence, 1945-46, publication, University of California. 20, no. 4, Jan.

Lincoln Library (Springfield, Ill.), citizens discuss ideal library, 26, no. S, May.

Lindegren, Alina M.: The U. S. Office of Education .as a Source of Materials on International Understanding, 24-26, no. 5, Feb.

Literacy, responsibility of schools, 9, no. 1, Oct.
Living war memorials, 11-12, no. 1, Oct.
Loan packets, available, U. S. Office of Education,
16-17, no. 3. Dec. ; 26, no. 5, Feb.

Local schools: Financing "independent" districts in Kentucky, 29, no. 9, June; Permissive School Entrance Ages, 20-25, no. 10, July; responsibility in planning and construction of school plants, 8-10, no. 8, May.

Logsdon, Richard H.: Appointed librarian, U. S. Office of Education Library, 7-8, no. 5, Feb. London conference of UNESCO, 2, no. 3, Dec.; 1-6, no, 5. Feb.

Louisiana: Legislation -Extending 11-grade school system, 28, no. 6, Mar.; requiring visiting teachers, 21, no. 8, May; State Department of Education--Progress report. 31. no. 10. July; publication on creative art, 30, no. 6, Mar.


McArthur, Gen. Douglas: Greetings to Future Farmers of America, in Washington conference, 19, no. 7, Apr.

McCarty, Harold B.: Wisconsin FM Radio Network, 15, no. 5, Feb.

Mackintosh, Helen K. and Jessen, Carl A.. Bibliography of Science Courses of Study, 19-22, no. 2, Nov. MacLeish, Archibald: Franklin D. Roosevelt's attitude toward American culture, 17, no. 9, June.


Machine shop work, films released, U. S. Office of Education, 31, no. 3, Dec.

Mailing lists established for Surplus Property Utilization, 7-9, no. 6, Mar. Maine:

State educational legislation for exceptional children, 3, no. 2, Nov. State-wide program in recreation, 31, no. 6, Mar.

Malnutrition, militated against by school lunch program, 13, no. 6, Mar.

Manila Report from Santo Tomas University, 24, no. 2, Nov.

Manitowoc, Wis.: School ruling on kindergarten, 24, no. 10, July.

Manuals of American Library Association: For Library building planners, 19, no. 5, Feb.; on library service to business, 26, no. 8, May. Manufacturing groups, representation, Citizens' Federal Committee on Education, 2, no. 6, Mar. Maps: China, 28, no. 5, Feb.; Department of State, manual for classifying and cataloging, 6, no. 3, Dec.; the Far East, 11, 12, no. 10, July. Marshall, John E. : West Virginia Plans


Schoolhouse Construction, 25-26, no. 6, Mar. Martens, Elise H. State Legislation for Exceptional Children, 3-6, no. 2, Nov.; Study of a State School for the Deaf [Georgia], 21-23, no. 7, Apr. Maryland: Educational legislation, 28, 29, no. 4, Jan. State Department of Education, extending eleven-grade school system, 28, no. 6, Mar.; State Teachers' Association, annual conference, 14, no. 5, Feb.

Massachusetts: Proposed legislation to use school property for public recreation, 31, no. 6, Mar. ; State Department of Education Appoints consultant for school libraries, 31, no. 9, June; establishes regional high-school centers for veterans, 19, no. 4. Jan.

"Measured" interests, use of, 25, no. 3, Dec. Medical care: Consultations and examinations, suggested school policies, 23, no. 6, Mar.; needs of school-age children, 11-12, no. 2, Nov. Mental health Promotion, report, National Committee on School Health Policies, 14, no. 4. Jan. Mexico: Foundations for friendship, 14-16, no. 10, July; Ministry of Public Education cooperates in Spanish Language Institute, 30, no. 8, May; "new schools of action," publication, U. S. Office of Education, 26, no. 5, Feb.; summer study and field tours, 29, 30, no. 8. May; teachers of English visit the United States on fellowships, 31, no. 9, June.

Meyer, Mrs. Eugene: New Values in Education, 14, no. 5, Feb.

Michigan Educational legislation, 28, no. 4, Jan.; State Library Association, Institute on Book Selection, report, 26, no. 10, July; State subsidies for salaries of visiting teachers, 21, no. 8, May.

Middlebury College, summer language schools, 29, no. 8, May.

Midyear entrance, a factor affecting school enrollment for beginners, 24, no. 10, July.

Military training: Resolutions, Society of State Directors of Health and Physical Education, 12, no. 1, Oct. Military Training- -Some Pros and Cons (Frazier), 15-18, no. 5, Feb. Miller, Watson: Confers with Future Farmers of America, 18, no. 7, Apr.; letter to citizens for organization of Federal Committee on Education, 1, no. 6, Mar.

Mills College (Oakland, Calif.): Workshops and institutes of inter-American studies, 27, no. 8, May.

Milwaukee, Wis. Child-care centers continued, 9, no. 10, July; public schools announce curriculum leaflet, 31-32, no. 10, July.

Minimum entrance ages to first grade and kindergarten, 21-23, no. 10, July.

Minnesota: Educational legislation, 28, 29, no. 4, Jan. 23, no. 7, Apr.; State Department of Education. Library Division, 6, no. 3, Dec.; Statesupervised program of recreational activities, 31, no. 6. Mar. Minority Racial Groups, publication, Virginia State Board of Education, 12, no. 10, July. Mississippi: Back-to-School Campaign, Governor's proclamation, 8, no. 3, Dec. Citizens' Library Movement, 32, no. 10, July; State Library Commission, extension program, 31, no. 4, Jan.

Missouri: Course of study in language arts and recreational reading, 30-31, no. 6, Mar. educational legislation, 27, 29, no. 4, Jan.; State grants for school plant construction, 23, no. 7, Apr. Mobile, Ala. : Child-care centers continued, 9, no. 10, July.

Model Aircraft Project planes placed in Smithsonian Institution, 31, 32, no. 8, May.

Money management, taught by purchase of Savings Stamps and Bonds, 21, no. 9, June. Montana State University, Inter-American Education Workshop, 28, no. 8, May.

Montclair, N. J., Free Public Library revives Shakespeare, 6, no. 3, Dec.

Montgomery County, Md., child-care services continued, 9, no. 10, July.

Music: Courses of study: Bibliography, 12-17, no. 9, June; for elementary and high schools, Virginia State Board of Education, 30, no. 6, Mar.


National Advisory Committee on the Education of Negroes, summary of activities, 24, no. 4, Jan. National Archives, daily publication, the Federal Register, 18, no. 5, Feb.

National Association for Women in Education, research awards, 10, no. 8, May. National Back-to-School Drive.


See Back-to-School

National Broadcasting Company, aided by NEA in new radio series, 11, no. 9, June.

National Commission on Safety Education (NEA), conference to establish school bus standards, 24, no. 7, Apr.

National Committee on Atomic Information, publications, 12, no. 8, May; 29, no. 10, July. National Committee on Film Forums organized, 20, no. 8, May.

National Committee on School Health Policies, reports, 12-16, no. 4, Jan.; 19-25, no 6, Mar. ; 22-27, no. 9, June. National Conference for Cooperation in Health Education: Forms a national committee, 22, no. 9, June. See also National Committee on School Health Policies.

National Conference of Christians and Jews, Brotherhood Week, 26, no. 4, Jan. National Conference on Fundamental Problems in the Education of Negroes, sponsored by U. S. Office of Education, 23, 25, no. 4, Jan. National Conference on Vocational Education, plans, U. S. Office of Education, 7, no. 10, July. National Congress of Parents and Teachers: Develops interest in school lunch program, 12, no. 6, Mar.; sponsors American Education Week, 14, no 1. Oct. 2, no. 2. Nov. National Council of Chief State School Officers: Recommendations relating to extended school services, 9-10, no. 5, Feb.; reports -From Buffalo meeting, 1, 3-14, no. 7. Apr.; of Study Commission, 1-10, no. 8, May; Sponsors conference to establish school bus standards, 24, no. 7, Apr. National Council of Teachers of English, Commission on the English Curriculum meets, 12, no. 5, Feb. National Education Association: Cooperates with

NBC in new radio series, 11, no. 9, June; film, Assignment: Tomorrow, 4, no. 4, Jan.; principles governing school lunches, 10, no. 6, Mar.; sponsors American Education Week, 14, no. 1, Oct. 2, no. 2, Nov.; teaching world citizenship, sponsors experiment in Colorado State Schools, 17, no. 10, July See also NEA. National educational legislation, policies, National Council of Chief State School Officers, 9, no. 7, Apr.

National essay contest on world peace, Navy League of United States, 2, no. 3, Dec.

National folk festival, Cleveland, Ohio, 12, no. 8, May.

National Gallery of Art uses Fellows in Education of Library of Congress, 26, no. 10, July. National Garden Conference recommends 20 million victory gardens. 27, no. 9, June. National Geographic Society: Geographic School Bulletins, publication resumed, 24, no. 2, Nov.: publications--China, maps, 28, no. 5, Feb.; the Far East, 12, no. 10, July.

National Institutional Teacher Placement Association, teacher shortages, 6, no 9. June. National Leaders Conference on Visiting Teacher Problems (Cook), 17-19, no. 1, Oct. National League of Nursing Education, report, 31, no. 9, June.

National Opinion Research Center makes library survey, 19, no. 5, Feb.


National organizations helping physically paired children, list, 20, no. 8, May. National Safety Council, Nation-wide effort to protect children in postwar traffic, 20, no. 4, Jan. National Society for Crippled Children, celebrates Silver Anniversary, 14, no. 7, Apr. National Society for the Promotion of Trade and Industrial Education, organization, 13, no. 8, May. National Society for the Study of Education, yearbook on preschool-age children, 10, no. 5, Feb. National University Extension Association, directory of institutions offering correspondence courses, 31, no. 10, July.

National University of Chile, summer courses, 29, no. 8. May

National University of Mexico: Spanish Language
Institute, 30, no. 8. May; Summer School for
Foreign Students, 29, no. 8. May.
Nation-wide dietary survey, Bureau of Human Nu-
trition and Home Economics, 12, no. 6, Mar.

Naturalization: Department of Justice--Announces new Service for immigrants, 27, no. 9, June; bibliography on citizenship, 5, no. 10, July. Navy Day National Essay Contest, 2, no. 3, Dec. Navy Department: General service periodical (AN Hands), 27, no. 2, Nov.; pamphlet on building terrain models, 9-10, no. 3, Dec.

Navy leaders favor universal military training, 17, no. 5, Feb.

Navy League of United States, sponsors essay contest for high-school students on peace, 2, no. 3, Dec.

NEA Educational tours in Mexico, 29-30, no. 8, May; handbook available, 10, no. 3, Dec. See also National Education Association. Nebraska Educational legislation, 28, no. 4, Jan. Negro Farm Families Can Feed Themselves, publication, U. S. Office of Education, 22, no. 4, Jan. Negro History Week, 23, no. 4, Jan. Negroes: Projects and activities, 21-26, no. 4, Jan. ; representation, Citizens' Federal Committee on Education, 2, no. 6, Mar.

Neighbor Nations-Foundations for friendship, 1417, no. 10, July.

Netherlands: Education and service conditions of teachers, publication, U. S. Office of Education, 25, no. 5, Feb.

Netherlands East Indies: Educational system, 9-11, no. 4, Jan.

New Bedford, Mass.: High-school students of Portuguese communicate with students in Brazil, 23, no. 1, Oct.

New Books and Pamphlets, 25, no. 2, Nov.; 10, 14, no. 3, Dec.; 13, no. 5, Feb.; 24, no. 8, May; 28-30, no. 10, July.

New Education for a New Japan (Benjamin), 1, 3-4, no. 9, June.

New Haven, Conn.: Child-care service continued, 9, no. 10, July.

New Jersey: Educational legislation, 27-28, no. 4. Jan. State Department of Education, Division of Libraries established, 27, no. 2, Nov. New Jersey State Teachers College (Upper Montclair) Directory of teaching aids for teachers, 25, no. 7, Apr.; workshop on China, 28, no. 8, May.

New libraries in Venezuela, buildings and equipment authorized by Government, 27, no. 10, July.

New Mexico Highlands University, speech workshop for Spanish-speaking teachers, 28, no. 8, May. New positions and appointments in U. S. Office of Education, 7-9, no. 5, Feb. 6, no. 6, Mar.; 1-2, 19, no. 10, July.

New Republic: Memorial supplement for Franklin. D. Roosevelt, 17, no. 9, June.

New USOE Films Released, 30-31, no. 3. Dec. New Values in Education (Meyer), 14, no. 5, Feb. New York City: Public Library, readers' adviser's service for veterans and war workers, established, 26, no. 8, May; Public Schools: annual report, All the Children, 31, no. 2, Nov.; booklet, summarizing Pan American club activities, 2021, no. 1, Oct.; school social worker, a résumé of information, 29-30, no. 5, Feb.

New York State: Education Department, phonograph records provided rural elementary schools, 25, no. 7. Apr.; educational legislation, 29, no. 4, Jan. 8-9, no. 10, July; 20, no. 10, July: State aid for school plant construction, central school districts, 23-24, no. 7. Apr.: 9. no. 8. May: Youth Commission, administers child-care proj ects, 8-9, no. 10, July.

New York University, Workshop on Intercultural and International Relations, 28, no. 8. May. News of Public Opinion Surveys, University of Denver, 19, no. 5, Feb.

Night schools, Washington, D. C., 7-8, no. 3, Dec. Noncommercial organizations, teaching aids available, 28-31, no. 7, Apr.

Normal schools, Colombia, 20, no. 7, Apr. North Carolina: Legislation affecting State aid for school plant construction, 24, no. 7, Apr.: State Board of Education: data on small schools, 20, no. 9, June 11-grade school systems extended, 28, no. 6. Mar.

North Dakota: Educational legislation, 29, no. 4, Jan.

North Salem, N. Y. When Our Town Was Young, publication, seventh grade, social-studies classes, 2. 6, no. 2, Nov.

Norton, E. B.: Appointed director, Division of School Administration, U. S. Office of Education, 1, no. 10, July.

Norway Institutions of higher education, publication, U. S. Office of Education, 25, no. 5, Feb. Notices of surplus property offerings for educational institutions, provisions governing, 9, no. 6, Mar.

Now the Peace, National Film Board of Canada, 8, no. 1, Oct.. Nursery-Kindergarten Education--Australia Today (Heinig), 19-22, no. 3, Dec.

Nursery schools: Community need, 14, no. 5, Feb. ; feeding children, publication, Alabama State Department of Education, 18, no. 2, Nov.: postwar planning, 9-12, no. 5, Feb.; State legislation, 29. 30, no. 4, Jan.; 9, no. 10, July; teachers, Alabama, 27-28, no. 2, Nov.

Nursery Schools--Teacher Development [Rochester (N. Y.) Public Schools] (Beach and Kumpf), 24, 30, no. 3, Dec.

Nursery services, on planning for needs of children, 31, no. 8, May.

Nursing: National League of Nursing Education, report, 31, no. 9, June: practical training, publication, U. S. Office of Education, 23, no. 1, Oct.

Nutrition and health: Needs of school-age children, 12, no. 2, Nov.; teaching aids, 27, no. 7, Apr. Nutrition education: Film, 4, no. 3. Dec.; U. S. Office of Education-Pamphlet series, 22, no. 5, Feb.; 6, no. 6, Mar.; picture story available on loan, 8, no. 4, Jan.; workshops: Terre Haute, Ind., 22, no. 5, Feb.; 12, no. 8, May; Washington State, 28, no. 2, Nov. See also School lunch pro

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

Objectives for education of the deaf, Georgia State School for the Deaf, 23, no. 7, Apr. Occidental education, Netherlands East Indies, 910, no. 4, Jan. Occupational information and guidance: Development, 15, no. 8, May; service for veterans and war workers, New York Public Library, 26, no. 8, May; sought by veterans, Denver, 27-28, no. 6, Mar.; studies, Philippine schools, 18, no. 10, July. Occupational Information and Guidance Service, U. S. Office of Education, annual report, 4, no. 6, Mar.

Ohio Legislation for exceptional children, 4-5, no. 2, Nov. State aid for school plant construction, 24, no. 7, Apr.: 9, no. 8, May.

Ohio State University: Provides instructional aids, 25, no. 7, Apr.; secondary education for veterans, 21, no. 9, June.

Oklahoma: Legislation for exceptional children, 4, no. 2, Nov.; State aid for school plant construction, 24, no. 7, Apr. Omaha, Nebr., Technical High School Pan American Club, 22, no. 1, Oct. On-the-job training for veterans: National Council of Chief State School Officers, report, 4, no. 7, Apr.; resolutions, Federal Advisory Board for Vocational Education, 5, no. 10, July. Orata, Pedro T.: Submits material on guidance in the Philippines, 18, no. 10, July. Oregon Back-to-School Campaign, 8, no. 3, Dee. ; educational legislation, 28, 29, no. 4, Jan. Oriental education, Netherlands East Indies, 9-10, no. 4, Jan.

Orthopedic units, building facilities for handicapped children, 17-18, no. 8, May.

Our Lady of the Lake College (San Antonio, Tex.), inter-American education program, 29, no. 8,



Peacetime savings program requested by educators, 6, no. 5, Feb.

Pencil Points, articles contained on school plants, 19, no. 10, July.

Pennsylvania: Educational legislation, 28, no. 4. Jan.; program of recreation, State Department of Public Education, 31, no. 6, Mar. Pennsylvania State College, summer work conference on intercultural relations, 28, no. 8, May. People of the world must work together, 2, no. 5, Feb.

Per pupil expenditures in city schools, 22-23, no. 3, Dec. 30-31, no. 5, Feb.; 18-19, no. 9, June. "Perfect attendance," wrong emphasis, National Committee on School Health Policies, 20-22, no. 6, Mar.

Performance tests. in-service training, Federal Prison System, 30-31, no. 2, Nov.

Perkins, Lawrence B.: Functional school buildings, 22, no. 2, Nov.

Permissive School Entrance Ages in Local School Systems (Wright), 20-25, no. 10, July. Peterborough, N. H., School of Advanced International Studies, 28, no. 8. May.

Ph. D. programs, publication, American Council on Education, 24, no. 8, May.

Philadelphia (Pa.), Board of Public Education: Bulletin on adult evening schools, 28, no. 6, Mar. ; child-care program continued, 9, no. 10, July. Philanthropic foundations, contribution to Negro education, 25, no. 4. Jan.

Philippine Schools-Guidance, 18-19, no. 10, July. Phonograph records, teaching aids in rural schools, New York State Education Department, 25, no. 7. Apr.

Physical education Health aspects, 22, 26, no. 9, June health needs of school-age children, 7-14, no. 2, Nov.; recent theses, 29-30, no. 10, July; resolutions, Society of State Directors of Health and Physical Education, 11-13, no. 1, Oct. Physical Education and Health Activities Division, U. S. Office of Education, annual report, 4, no. 6, Mar. Physical Education for the Elementary Schools, publication, Illinois State Department of Education, 30, no. 6, Mar Physical fitness and health Needs of school-age children, 7-14, no. 2, Nov.: program, Oregon, State legislation concerning, 29, no. 4, Jan. See also Health.

Physical Fitness Dental Program Committee (American Dental Association): Dental Program widened, 17, no. 2, Nov.

Physical plant, operation and maintenance, per pupil cost in city schools, 22-23, no. 3, Dec.; 30-31, no. 5. Feb. 19, no. 9, June. Physically handicapped children, hospital-school, State legislation, Illinois, 29, no. 4. Jan. Physically impaired children, public-school systems--building facilities, 17-20, no. 8, May. Pictorial Americana, subject index, publication, Library of Congress, 31, no. 7, Apr.

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