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Mr. SCRIVNER. How much money have you allotted, and how much have you available you can spend for a water system?

Colonel MARSHALL. The portion was $135,000 available for that

purpose this year.

Mr. SCRIVNER. About $135,000 available this year?

Colonel MARSHALL. Yes.

Mr. SCRIVNER. In addition to the cost of $150,000 last year?
Colonel MARSHALL. That was the initial development.

Mr. KERR. If you get this $130,000 will that finish it?

Colonel MARSHALL. It will not finish it, it will finish the part that we will develop in 1949.

Mr. CASE. That still does not relieve the $138,000, this estimate of $150,000 for last year.

Colonel MARSHALL. That is right.

Mr. CASE. To build the water sy tem.

Colonel MARSHALL. Yes.

Mr. CASE. You got $135,000.

Colonel MARSHALL. To build the initial stages of the water,system,


Mr. CASE. And you are going to need $135,000 for the extension of the system this year?

Colonel MARSHALL. That $135,000 we got in 1948-we will start the work in this fiscal year.

Mr. CASE. If you have $135,000 and get the $138,000 that will make a total of $273,000?

Colonel MARSHALL. Yes.

Mr. CASE. And last year's estimated cost would have been $150,000?

Colonel MARSHALL. No, because last year we did not include this portion of the cemetery in the estimate; we only included the initial portion.

Mr. CASE. How much are you adding to the cemetery in the way of water service in your plan for the expenditure of this $138,000? Colonel MARSHALL. Forty-seven acres.

General HORKAN. 47.46 acres. That will run us for 5 years.

Mr. CASE. During that 5 years you will develop the 47 acres.
Colonel MARSHALL. Yes.

Mr. CASE. Actually then what you mean is you need a water system to take care of that.

Colonel MARSHALL. For the development for the next 5 years.
Mr. CASE. For the next 5 years?

Colonel MARSHALL. Yes.

Mr. CASE. If you get the tanks you actually do not need more surface lines during the next year right now, do you?

General HORKAN. We need more lines than that because the tank is located in the center of the cemetery, so the lines would be running in part to two areas which will not be immediately occupied.

Mr. CASE. Suppose you do a little figuring when you get back and supply for the record the figures that would provide the tanks and the service lines necessary to take care of all the needs for say 2 years rather than building on an entire 5-year basis; let us get the figures and see what they look like.

General LARKIN. Very well.

(The data requested follows:)

The cost of developing the water system at the Long Island National Cemetery based on a 2-year rather than a 5-year program is estimated at $244,200 against which we received $135,000 in 1948, leaving a balance to be provided in 1949 of $109,200. On a 2-year basis, 19 acres will be developed but the 25,000-gallon elevated steel storage tank and the pump house will be required.

Mr. KERR. Is this cemetery where you were going to use the Norwegian maples?

Colonel MARSHALL. This is it.

Mr. KERR. But you did not buy the maples?

General LARKIN. No.

Mr. KERR. There is no money in these estimates for maples?
General LARKIN. No.


Mr. ENGEL. If there are no further questions the next item is for utility building and public comfort station, $34,000.

Comfort station, 350 square feet, 5,000 cubic feet, at $1.40 per cubic foot, a total of $7,000.

Utility building, 67,500 cubic feet at 40 cents per cubic foot, $27,000. Why is there so much difference in the cubic-foot cost?

Colonel MARSHALL. The comfort station includes all of the plumbing equipment.

Mr. ENGEL. The utility building 3,970 square feet, $27,000. That makes a total for the two items of $34,000.

How big a building is that, about how many feet square would it be? General LARKIN. That would be about 60 by 65.

Major KIRK. It is about 30 feet wide.

General LARKIN. It is a long building.

Major KIRK. Yes.

Mr. ENGEL. Over here at the national cemetery in New Jersey, your utility building of 16,800 feet is at 52 cents per cubic foot, and this one is for 40 cents per cubic foot; is that because that is a larger building?

Major KIRK. There is a difference in the amount of plumbing. Mr. ENGEL. In the utility building.

Major KIRK. Yes.


Mr. ENGEL. Central heating plant, including boilerhouse, $19,000. That includes how many cubic feet?

Major KIRK. 7,700.

Mr. ENGEL. $19,000; 7,700 cubic feet; that is about two dollars and a quarter per cubic foot.

General LARKIN. That is right.

Mr. CASE. This is the one where the plan was for the extension of the cemetery.

Colonel GAGNE. No.

Mr. ENGEL. That $19,000 includes the boilerhouse in the central heating plant; and it includes the heating-plant building.

Major Kirk. That is right.


Mr. ENGEL. The next item is for service gates, Long Island National Cemetery, $5,000. How large are those gates to be?

Major KIRK. They will be 20 feet wide.
Mr. ENGEL. Two gates, 20 feet each?
Major KIRK. No; they will be 20 feet wide.
Mr. ENGEL. Will there be two gates?
Major KIRK. A visitors' about 4 feet wide.
Mr. ENGEL. How large is the visitors' gate?
Major KIRK. Four feet.

Mr. ENGEL. The two large gates will be 20 feet wide?
Major KIRK. The two gates will open up to 20 feet.
Mr. ENGEL. What is the material to be?

Major KIRK. It will be of metal.

Mr. ENGEL. Is that made specifically for this purpose, or do you make use of standard gates?

Major KIRK. They are standard. We are using standard cemetery gates.

Mr. ENGEL. Are they specially made under specifications of the Department of the Army for this purpose?

Major KIRK. No. We have a design which has been made for each of the cemeteries, and they are secured through local contractors, and we have always tried to use standard gates.

Mr. ENGEL. How do they compare with nonmilitary cemetery gates? Are they designed for use only by cemeteries?

Mr. KRUSE. They are wrought iron. There are not very many standard wrought-iron gates. Usually, private cemeteries design their own gates and have them manufactured to take care of their design.


Mr. ENGEL. The next item is for the construction of roads, curbs, gutters, and walks, $50,000. First for the administrative area, bituminous road, gravel base, including grading, 7,333 square yards at $3,15 per square yard. Is that $3.15 just for the bituminous covering, or is that the total cost?

Major KIRK. That is the total cost.

Mr. ENGEL. Gravel road, 2,800 square yards, at $1, for a total of $2,800.

Combination concrete curb and gutters, 1 foot 6 inches wide, 6,200 linear feet, at $2 per foot, $12,400.

Then you have the same items listed under the utility area, with a different rate per square yard for bituminous road. Why should the gravel-base bituminous road cost $3.15 for the administrative area and $2.94 in the utility area?

Mr. ROCHELLE. This is due to the grade; this is the amount for grading.

Mr. ENGEL. Concrete paving, 650 square yards, at $4. How much has that increased in the last 2 years?

Mr. ROCHELLE. It has increased about 50 to 60 percent in the last 4 or 5 years.

Mr. ENGEL. That seems terribly high to me.

Mr. SCRIVNER. Is this to be in addition to the $60,000 that was before us last year for the Long Island Cemetery for this purpose? Is this in addition to that?

Colonel MARSHALL. The record for last year showed a request for $91,000 for developing of new roads

Mr. SCRIVNER. Under project 311 you had an estimate last year for Long Island of $60,000. It was for the extension of roads in

project 311.

Major KIRK. There were certain roads that are being worked on this year, which will carry us to this point [indicating on plat].

Mr. ENGEL. Suppose for the record you describe it by sections. Major KIRK. In sections O, N, L, and J, and a part of Q, is shown where we extended the roads in that area.

Mr. ENGEL. Last year?

Major KIRK. Yes, what we did with 1948; and now for 1949 we want to go into sections U, T, R, and S.

Mr. CASE. How far ahead of grading needs will this indicated program carry you?

Major KIRK. It will carry us for 5 years. We will be, on the basis of the estimates submitted, about 5 years

Mr. CASE. I am sure that the Congress and the committee wants to do what should be done to provide for cemeteries. The question has to arise, where we are making appropriations of this sort, when we are still dealing with serious shortages of materials for construction as well as with labor costs, How far ahead of current needs we should go in construction work?

Colonel GAGNE. It would be cheaper to do it this way.

Mr. CASE. I recognize when you are letting a contract involving some $50,000 for a road program that a contract for a much lesser amount would be more expensive, but still we do have to give some consideration to the availability of materials as well as laor under present conditions, the inflationary effect such expenditures may have on prices, particularly with the scarcity of materials.

General HORKAN. This will take care of us for how many years in advance?

Major KIRK. For about 5 years.

Colonel GAGNE. I think possibly it could be cut down to 3 years. Major KIRK. Yes.

Colonel GAGNE. That is the maximum point; and the minimum I would say would be about three.

Major KIRK. It will become more important as we get into this area [indicating] in order to take care of the people coming into the cemetery and going out on this side.

Colonel GAGNE. We have to provide ways of turning around.

Mr. CASE. The next item is for drainage and catch basins, with a total request of $2,250, making a total for the item of construction of roads, curbs, gutters, and walks, of $50,000.

For topsoiling, fertilizing, seeding, and landscaping, $50,000. What do you propose to do with that $50,000?

Major KIRK. Soiling, seeding, and fertilizing is to cover the same area which I described a moment ago for the record, where we are putting in the roads, and it is to take care of the same sections which

I pointed out for the record, for the development area previously indicated.

Mr. CASE. You propose to topsoil, seed, and landscape this area. Would that make these sections ready for use?

Major KIRK. For burial purposes?

Mr. CASE. Yes; for burial purposes.

Major KIRK. Yes.

Mr. CASE. Under this item you have a request for $7,500 for planting of trees and shrubbery.

Major KIRK. Yes.


Mr. ENGEL. The next item is for an administration building, still under the item for the Long Island Cemetery, of $30,000. Will you explain the necessity for that expenditure, Major Kirk?

Major KIRK. Here are some photographs which I think help to illustrate this need. This one [indicating] shows the present administration building, which up to last year was satisfactory, but with the increase in the return of bodies of World War II we are not able to take care of our work in the present administration building.

What we propose to do is to use this proposed extension [indicating], and make this the utility building. Over here would be a part of the main building indicating].

Mr. CASE. Do I understand you plan to move a portion of the building?

Major KIRK. Yes.

Mr. CASE. Is this a brick building?

Major KIRK. Yes.

Mr. CASE. Is it brick veneer, or solid brick?

Major KIRK. I do not know.

Colonel GAGNE. It is solid I believe.

Mr. CASE. Is it of such construction that will permit of its being moved?

Colonel GAGNE. That will have to be determined first.

Mr. CASE. How far is it to be moved?

Major KIRK. It will have to be moved down to this point [indicating]. That would be about 400 feet I would estimate.

Colonel CAGNE. There is another reason for the moving of that building, the fact that the administration building is now located near the main entrance, and as the funeral cars pull up to the cemetery, the funeral director always stops his car right in front of the administration building to go over whatever papers are necessary, so that the funeral cortege backs up on the main highway, creating a very dangerous hazard. And that is another reason for moving the administration building farther back.

Major KIRK. That is right.


Mr. ENGEL. The next item is for Woodlawn National Cemetery, N. Y. As I understand from the justifications, there are no buildings in this cemetery now?

General LARKIN. That is right.

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