CONTENTS Bills and authors-Water pollution.. H.R. 4148 (Mr. Fallon): To amend the Federal Water Pollution Control Page 4 6 H.R. 7361 (Mr. Blatnik for himself, Mr. Kluczynski, and Mr. Wright): To amend the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, and for other purposes__ 43 TESTIMONY Ashley, Hon. Thomas L., a Representative in Congress from the State of Barlow, DeWitt, Jr., president, Atlantic, Gulf & Pacific Co., and vice Causey, Lt. Col. Eugene W., U.S. Air Force (retired), Edgewater, Md. Dingell, Hon. John D., a Representative in Congress from the State of Douglas, Phillip A., executive secretary, Sport Fishing Institute, Washington, D.C. Feighan, Hon. Michael A., a Representative in Congress from the State of Fuqua, Hon. Don, a Representative in Congress from the State of Florida. 279 117 91 577 127 251 399 582 161 406 471 523 373 Glenn, Thomas R., director and chief engineer, Interstate Sanitary Com- Hanley, Hon. James M., a Representative in Congress from the State of Hawes, Alexander B., counsel, the American Waterways Operators, Inc.; Hickel, Hon. Walter J., Secretary of the Interior, accompanied by Hon. Horn, Carl, Jr., Edison Electric Institute.. 237 299 563 194 Horton, Hon. Frank, a Representative in Congress from the State of New 380 Horton, Hon. Frank, a Representative in Congress from the State of New 163 Lee, William S., vice president, engineering, Duke Power Co., Charlotte, 587 Locke, Edwin A. Jr., president, American Paper Institute. 559 434 Kreuzkamp, Paul J., Marine Insurance Committee, Insurance Brokers 548 McClory, Hon. Robert, a Representative in Congress from the State of Maskin, Alfred, director of research and legislation, American Maritime Page 137 568 Matthews, William B., Jr., immediate past president, National Association of State Boating Law Administrators - 259 Miller, Peter N., director, Thomas R. Miller & Son (Insurance) Ltd., 217 Minshall, Hon. William E., a Representative in Congress from the State of 404 Morse, Hon. F. Bradford, a Representative in Congress from the State of O'Callaghan, Capt. Thomas F., president, International Organization of Pankowski, Theodore, Conservation Associate, Izaak Walton League of Platky, Leon D. 404 527 109 555 Ramey, Hon. James T., Commissioner, Atomic Energy Commission, ac- 407 387 Rook, James H., Manufacturing Chemists Association, accompanied by Schwartz, Richard, executive director, Boat Owners Association of the Simon, Alvin, director, National Boating Federation Snyder, Richard D., assistant secretary, National Association of Engine & 273 266 264 42 531 10: Stratton, Hon. Samuel S., a Representative in Congress from the State of 13 Talcott, Hon. Bert L., a Representative in Congress from the State of 10 Taylor, George H. R., economist, AFL-CIO. 57 Teague, Hon. Charles M., a Representative in Congress from the State of 94 Tucker, Fred E., American Iron & Steel Institute.. 19 Vanik, Hon. Charles A., a Representative in Congress from the State of 70 Vanik, Hon. Charles A., a Representative in Congress from the State of 147 447 Wolf, Judge Edwin J., Chesapeake Bay Water Clubs Association, Baltimore, Md. Waldie, Hon. Jerome R., a Representative in Congress from the State of American Paper Institute, Inc., Edwin A. Locke, Jr., president, statement American Water Works Association, Eric F. Johnson, executive secretary- Blatnik, Hon. John A., a Representative in Congress from the State of Boyer, James F., Jr., project scientist, Bituminous Coal Research, Inc., California Department of Water Resources_ Chamber of Commerce of the United States, by Eben S. Tisdale. 561 616 140 3 616 591 621 612 Clapper, Louis S., on behalf of the National Wildlife Federation.. 251 649 Coventry, John, University School, Greater Cleveland area. 155 Eilberg, Hon. Joshua, a Representative in Congress from the State of 397 Ford, Hon. Gerald R., a Representative in Congress from the State of 278 Gammelgard, P. N., American Petroleum Institute.. 485 Gaston, William, chairman, Government Relations Committee, Boating 545 Grauer, Mrs. Millard, president, League of Women Voters of Highland 146 Haddock, Hoyt S., AFL-CIO, Maritime Committee_ 529 Hawes, Alexander B., American Waterways Operators, Inc.. 242 Heston, Mary, Laurel School, Greater Cleveland area.. 156 Kleine, Hon. John Henry, elected State representative from the 23d district, State of Illinois.. 139 Kline, Jeffrey T., Hawken School, Greater Cleveland area. 156 Kreutzkamp, Paul J., marine insurance committee, Insurance Brokers' 548 Langer, Scott, Cleveland Heights School, Cleveland Heights, Ohio. 157 639 McClory, Hon. Robert, Representative in Congress from the State of 145 Maritime Law Association. 643 Miller, Peter N., director, Thomas R. Miller & Son (insurance), London, 217 Murphy, Hon. John M., a Representative in Congress from the State of 116 National Association of Manufacturers_ 624 Robinson, Virginia, Hathaway Brown School, Greater Cleveland area.... Robison, Hon. Howard W., a Representative in Congress from the State of New York... 157 388 Schwengel, Hon. Fred, a Representative in Congress from the State of 363 Shanks, Leroy. 271 Shumway, F. Ritter, chairman of the board, Ritter Pfaudler, Corp., 165, 179 Smith, Dr. Spencer M., Jr., secretary, Citizens Committee on Natural 606 Soule, Arthur T., president of the Independent Fuel Terminal Operators' Thacher, Ralph, for the National Association of Engine & Boat Manu- Traub, Ronald M., Shaker Heights High School, Shaker Heights, Ohio... Page 608 531 158 105 MATERIAL RECEIVED FOR THE RECORD American Association of Port Authorities, letter to Chairman Fallon re American Institute of Merchant Shipping, Ralph E. Casey, executive vice Barlow, D. D., Jr., president, National Association of River & Harbor "Boat Pollution Laws-Newest Political Phony"-From Sports Afield, City of North Chicago, Ill., Hon. Charles F. Hebior, mayor, letter to Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of Health, Wesley E. Gilbert- Cooke, Fulton M., letter.. Cordova, Hon. Jorge L., Resident Commissioner of the Commonwealth of 631 671 419 127 72 186 636 402 611 650 648 Great Lakes Cruising Club, Howard C. Blossom, fleet captain, letter to 633 Florida State Board of Health, Bureau of Sanitary Engineering, S. A. 401 249 Memorandum of understanding between the Secretary of the Interior and Horn, Carl, Jr., statement presented on January 30, 1969, to the New York Jaques, Hon. Willard K., mayor, city of Lake Forest, Ill., telegram.. McCord, Stanley R., captain, U.S. Navy (retired), letter.. National Fish Meal & Oil Association, J. Steele Culbertson, director, letter 674 National Multi-Agency Contingency Plan 329 National Association of Boating Law Administrators, Paul Sarossy, presi- 637 National Association of River & Harbor Contractors, D. D. Barlow, vice 127 264 540 Secord, Reed, letter. 638 South Dakota State Department of Health, Blaine B. Barker, chief, 401 |