Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amenments-1969, Hearings ... 91-1, on H.R. 4148 and Related BillsBooks on Demand, 1969 - 677 pages |
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90th Congress action Adams amended appropriate authority bill BLATNIK boats Buffalo River Cayuga Lake Chairman clean cleanup Coast Guard Commissioner committee Congress CONSTANDY construction contractor Corps of Engineers cost CRAMER Department detergents dredging dumping effective effluent eutrophication facilities Federal agencies Federal Government Federal Water Pollution funds gentleman going Guard is operating harbors HARSHA highway industry interest Interior June 30 Lake Erie Lake Michigan legislation liability limit Lordsburg material MCCARTHY ment million municipal navigable waters offshore Ohio oil or matter oil pollution oil spill owner percent permit plasticity index Pollution Control Act pollution incident present proposed question regulations responsibility Ritter Shumway River sanitation device SCHWENGEL sewage sewage treatment statement subsection SUDDERTH tanker testimony Thank thermal pollution tion Torrey Canyon treatment plants United VANIK vessel Water Pollution Control water quality standards waterways
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Page 82 - ... enhance the quality of water and serve the purposes of this Act. In establishing such standards the Secretary, the Hearing Board, or the appropriate State authority shall take into consideration their use and value for public water supplies, propagation of fish and wildlife, recreational purposes, and agricultural, industrial, and other legitimate uses.
Page 136 - The purpose of this Act is to enhance the quality and value of our water resources and to establish a national policy for the prevention, control, and abatement of water pollution.
Page 276 - Federal department or agency having jurisdiction over any building, installation, or other property shall, to the extent practicable and consistent with the interests of the United States and within any available appropriations, cooperate with the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare...
Page 417 - By memorandum of agreement between the Department of the Army and the Department of the Interior...
Page 50 - Sec. 2. That a fine not exceeding two hundred dollars may be imposed for the violation of any of the provisions of this act. The vessel shall be liable for the said penalty, and may be seized and proceeded against, by way of libel, in the district court of the United States for any district within which such vessel may be found.
Page 277 - That the Secretary of the Army, whenever in the judgment of the Chief of Engineers anchorage and navigation will not be injured thereby, may permit the deposit of any material above mentioned in navigable waters, within limits to be defined and under conditions to be prescribed by him, provided application is made to him prior to depositing such material; and whenever any permit is so granted the conditions thereof shall be strictly complied with, and any violation thereof shall be unlawful.
Page 423 - Fish and Wildlife Service, and the National Park Service of the Department of the Interior, and the appropriate State conservation, resources, and water pollution agencies. 2. Such Regional Directors of the Secretary of the Interior shall immediately...
Page 302 - USC 1411) requires any applicant for a Federal license or permit to conduct any activity which may result in a discharge into navigable waters...
Page 36 - Guam, actions arising under this section may be brought in the district court of Guam, and in the case of the Virgin Islands such actions may be brought in the district court of the Virgin Islands. In the case of American Samoa and the Trust Territory of the Pacific...
Page 603 - States as determined by the President, insure compliance with applicable water quality standards and the purposes of this Act in the administration of such property, facility, or activity. In his summary of any conference pursuant to section...