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This manual presents background information and operating instructions for the NBS Minimal BASIC test programs. Readers who want a general idea of what the programs are supposed to do and why they are structured as they are should read sections 2 and 3. These sections give a brief explanation of BASIC, how it is standardized, and how the test programs help measure conformance to the standard. Those who wish to know how to interpret the results of program execution should also read section 3 and then section 4 for the general rules of interpretation and section 5 for information peculiar to individual programs


the tests.

and groups of programs within the test Section 6 contains tables of summary information about

Volume 2 of this publication consists of the source listings and sample outputs for all the test programs.

The test system for BASIC should be helpful to anyone with an interest in measuring the conformance of an implementation of BASIC (e.g., a compiler or interpreter) to the Minimal BASIC standard. This would include 1) purchasers who want to be sure they are buying a standard implementation, 2) programmers who must use a given implementation and want to know in which areas it conforms to the standard and which features to avoid or be wary of, and 3) implementors who may wish to use the tests as a development and debugging tool.




Much of this manual is derived specifications in the American National Standard for Minimal BASIC, ANSI X3.60-1978 [1]. You will need a copy of that standard in order to understand most of the material herein. Copies are available from the American National Standards Institute, 1430 Broadway, New York, NY 10018. This document will frequently cite ANSI X3.60-1978, and references to "the standard" should be taken to mean that ANSI publication.

The measure of success for Version 2 of the Minimal BASIC Test Programs is its usefulness to you. We at NBS would greatly appreciate hearing about your evaluation of the test system. We will respond to requests for clarification concerning the system and its relation to the standard. Also, we will maintain a mailing list of users who request to be notified of changes and major clarifications. Please direct all comments, questions, and

suggestions to:

Project Manager

NBS BASIC Test Programs
National Bureau of Standards
Technology Bldg., Room A-265
Washington, DC 20234

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BASIC is a computer a computer programming language developed in the mid 1960's by Professors John G. Kemeny and Thomas E. Kurtz at Dartmouth College. The primary motivation behind its design was educational (in contrast to the design goals for, e.g. COBOL and FORTRAN) and accordingly the language has always emphasized ease of use and understanding as opposed to simple machine efficiency. In July 1973, NBS published a "Candidate Standard for Fundamental BASIC" [2] by Prof. John A. N. Lee of the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. This work represented the beginning of serious effort to standardize BASIC. The first meeting of the American National Standards Committee the Programming Language BASIC, X3J2, convened at CBEMA headquarters in Washington DC, on January 23-24, 1974, with Professor Kurtz as chairman. The committee adopted a program of work which envisioned development of a nucleus language followed by modularized enhancements. The nucleus finally emerged as Minimal BASIC, which was approved as an ANSI standard January 17, 1978. As its name implies, the language defined in the standard is one which any implementation of BASIC should encompass.






Meanwhile, NBS had been developing a set of test programs, the purpose of which was to exercise all the facilities defined in the standard and thereby test conformance of implementations the standard. This test suite was released as NBSIR 78-1420-1, 2, 3, and 4, NBS Minimal BASIC Test Programs Version 1 User's Manual in January 1978. NBS distributed this version to more than 60 users, many of whom made suggestions about how the test suite might be improved. NBS has endeavored to incorporate these suggestions and re-design the tests where it seemed useful to do so. The result is the current Version 2 of the test suite. Appendix A contains a summary of the differences between versions 1 and 2.

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In order to provide a larger programming languages for the activities, the Department of Commerce has incorporated the standard as Federal Information Processing Standard 68. This means, among other things, that implementations of BASIC sold to the Federal government after an 18 month transition period must conform to the technical specifications of the ANSI standard: hence the NBS interest in developing a tool for measuring such


ANSI X3J2 is currently (April 1980) working on a language standard for a much richer version of BASIC, which will provide such features as real-time process control, graphics, string manipulation, file handling, exception handling, and array manipulation. The current expectation is for ANSI adoption adoption of this standard sometime in 1982. It is probable that such a

standard for a full version of BASIC would be adopted as Federal Information Processing Standard.


2.2 The Minimal BASIC Language

Minimal BASIC is distinguished among standardized computer languages by its simplicity and its suitability for the casual user. It is simple, not only because of its historic purpose as a computer language for the casual user, but also because the ANSI BASIC committee organized its work around the concept of first defining a core or nucleus language which one might reasonably expect any implementation of BASIC to include, to be followed by a standard for enhanced versions of the language. Therefore the tendency was to defer standardization of all the sophisticated features and include only the simple features. In particular, Minimal BASIC has no facilities for file handling, string manipulation, or array manipulation and has only rudimentary control structures. Although BASIC was originally designed for interactive use, the standard does not restrict implementations to that use.

Minimal BASIC provides for only two types of data, numeric (with the properties usually associated with real or floating-point numbers) and string. String data can be read as input, printed as output, and moved and compared internally. The only legal comparisons, however, are e qual or not equal; no collating sequence among characters is defined. Numeric data can be manipulated with the usual choice of operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and involution (sometimes called exponentiation). There is a modest assortment of numeric functions. One- and two-dimensional arrays are allowed, but only for numeric data, not string.

For control, there is a GOTO, an IF which can cause control to jump to any line in the program, a GOSUB and RETURN for internal subroutines, a FOR and NEXT statement to execute loops while incrementing a control-variable, and a STOP statement.

Input and output are accomplished with the INPUT and PRINT statements, both of which are designed for use on an interactive terminal. There is also a feature which has no real equivalent among the popular computer languages: a kind of internal file of data values, numeric and string, which can be assigned to variables with a READ statement (not to be confused with INPUT which handles external data). The internal set of of values is created with DATA statements, and may be read repetitively from the beginning of the set by using the RESTORE statement.

The programmer may (but need not) declare the size of arrays with the DIM statement and specify that subscripts begin at 0 or 1 with an OPTION statement. The programmer may also establish numeric user-defined functions with the DEF statement, but only as simple expressions, taking one argument. The RANDOMIZE statement works in conjunction with the RND function. If RND is called without execution of RANDOMIZE, it always returns the same sequence of pseudo-random numbers for each execution of the program. Executing RANDOMIZE RND unpredictable set of values each time.





The REM statement allows the programmer to insert comments or remarks throughout the program.




Although the facilities of the language are modest, there is in which standard sets rather stringent requirements, namely, diagnostic messages. The mandate of the standard that implementations exhibit reasonable behavior even when presented with unreasonable programs follows directly from the design goal of solicitude towards the beginning or casual user. Thus, the standard takes care to define what happens if the user commits any of a number of syntactic or semantic blunders. The need to test these diagnostic requirements strongly affected the overall shape of the test system as will become apparent in later sections.

2.3 Conformance To The Standard

There are many reasons for establishing a standard for a programming language: the promotion of well-defined and well-designed languages as a consequence of the standardizing process itself, the ability to create language-based rather than machine-based software tools and techniques, the increase in programmer productivity which an industry-wide standard fosters, and so on. At bottom, however, there is one result essential to the success of a standard: program portability. The same program should not evoke perniciously different behavior in different implementations. Ideally, the same source code and data environment should produce the same output, regardless of the machine environment.

How does conformance to the standard work towards this goal? Essentially, the standard defines the set of syntactically legal programs, assigns a semantic meaning to all of them and then requires that implementations (sometimes called processors; we will use the two terms interchangeably throughout this document) actually produce the assigned meaning when presented with a legal program.

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Program conformance, then, is a matter of syntax. We look at the source code and determine whether or not it obeys all the rules laid down in the standard. These rules are mostly spelled out in the syntax sections of the standard using a variant of Backus-Naur Form (BNF). They are supplemented, however, by certain context-sensitive constraints, which are contained in the semantics sections. Thus the rules form a ceiling for conforming programs. If a program has been constructed according to the rules, it meets the standard, without regard to its semantic meaning. The syntactic rules are fully implementation independent: standard program must be accepted by all standard

processors. Further, since we can tell if a program is standard by mere inspection, it would be a reasonably easy job to build a recognizer or syntax checker which or syntax checker which could always discover whether or not a program is standard. Unfortunately, such a such a recognizer could not be written in Minimal BASIC itself and this probably explains why no recognizer to check program conformance has gained wide acceptance. At least one such recognizer does exist, however. Called PBASIC [3], it was developed at the University of Kent at Canterbury and is written in PFORT, a portable subset of FORTRAN. PBASIC was used to check the syntax of the Version 2 Minimal BASIC Test Programs.

2.3.2 Implementation Conformance


Implementation conformance is derivative of the primitive concept of program conformance. In contrast to the way in which program conformance is described, processor conformance is specified functionally, not structurally. The essential requirement is that an implementation accept any standard program and produce the behavior specified by the language standard. That is, the implementation must make the proper connection between the syntax of the program and the operation of the computer system. system. Note that this is a black box description of the implementation. Whether the realization of the language is done with a compiler, an interpreter, firmware, or by being hard-wired, is irrelevant. Only the external behavior is important, not the internal structure - quite the opposite of the way program conformance is determined.

The relevant

The difference in the way conformance is defined for programs and processors radically affects the test methodology by which we determine whether the standard is met. point is that there currently is no way to be certain that an implementation does conform to the standard, although we can sometimes be certain that it does not. In short, there is no algorithm, such as the recognizer that exists for programs, by which we can answer definitively the question, " Is this a standard processor?"



Furthermore, the standard acts as a floor for processors, rather than a ceiling. That is, an implementation must accept and process at least all standard programs, but may also implement enhancements the language and thus accept non-standard programs as well. Another difference program and processor. conformance is that the description of processor conformance allows for some implementation dependence even in the treatment of standard programs. Thus for some standard programs there is no unique semantic meaning, but rather a set of meanings, usually similar, among which implementations

can choose.

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