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MARCH 1, 1831.]

Ballimore and Washington Railroad.--General Appropriation Bill.

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Baltimore to Washington, together with certain amendments thereto, being taken up,

Mr. DODDRIDGE, chairman of the Committee for the District of Columbia, moved that the House concur in the amendments of the Senate.

Mr. SEMMES, of Maryland, moved to recommit the bill to the Committee for the District.

House could ever mean to let it go to ruin. But the law enacted by the Legislature of Ohio contained such provisions as were calculated rather to injure than to preserve the road. All that sort of use which went to destroy it, viz. the use of ¡wagons with narrow wheels, was to be encouraged by passing toll free, while a heavy tax was at the same time laid upon large wagons with broad wheels; the use of which consolidated the road, and ought to have been more favored than travel of any other kind. Ohio had almost exempted her own citizens from any toll for the Mr. DODDRIDGE stated that he had examined all the use of the road, and had left it to be paid chiefly by the amendments of the Senate, and, considering them reasoncitizens of other States. Mr. M. referred to several parti-able, and in conformity with the wishes of the people of culars in support of the representation he had made, and the District, thought they ought to be adopted. contended that the act ought to be remodified before it Mr. TALIAFERRO professed unlimited confidence in his colleague, and great reliance on his judgment; but that,

was assented to.

The motion was opposed by Messrs. BROWN and HOWARD.

Mr. IRVIN, of Ohio, was warmly opposed to the re- as this was the first moment in which the amendment commitment of the bill, which he insisted would be tan-had come to his knowledge, he thought further time should tamount to its rejection, and before next session the road be taken to consider them, and he therefore supported would become useless. Gentlemen seem to forget that the recommitment. Ohio had paid a large proportion of the money which had been already expended on this work; but how much, he would ask, had Ülinois contributed? Less he believed than Ohio had paid towards making the road on this side the river. It was not to be expected the Government should continue contributing to the repairs of the road; and yet, unless it were repaired from time to time, it must go to destruction. The only system that gave any promise of saving this great national work, was the exaction of toll at the instance of the representation of the District, went by the States through which the road passed.


Mr. HOWARD opposed the motion to recommit with great earnestness. He was confident that the amendments need only to be read, to have their propriety at once perceived. They had been printed; and if the gentlemen had not read them, it was their own fault. One of the amendments went to reserve the right of Congress to pass laws hereafter for the opening of branch roads, and to regulate the speed of cars. The other, which had been inserted to limit the termination of the road within the District, to some point between the capitol and Seventh street--instead of carrying it to the President's house or Rock creck. any objection were made to this, it was to be expected from the corporation of Washington. But both the boards constituting that body had prayed for this restriction; and, if they consented to it, who could justly oppose it? Mr. H. expressed a fear that if the bill should be now recommitted, it would never regain its place on the calendar. He explained what had been done by the Legislature of Maryland on this subject. They had granted to the comMr. WICKLIFFE opposed the recommitment. The pany liberty to make the road as far as the District line, argument of the gentleman last up would certainly be a on condition that it should be commenced within one year. very powerful one if addressed to the Legislature of his If the present bill should be rejected, or lost by delay, the own State; but it must be well known to that gentleman company would be left in an embarrassed situation. that a great proportion of the members of the House de- Mr. SEMMES stated that he had been indisposed for nied the power of Congress to interfere on the subject of some days, and had not seen the amendments. The sub

Mr. VANCE, of Ohio, advocated the recommitment. He considered the arrangements of the law as it now stood to be palpably unjust. Those persons through whose property the road now ran, and whose estates had thereby been increased in value more than fifty per cent., were allowed to use the road free of toll, because they resided upon it; while those who lived in more distant parts of the State, and whose farms had, therefore, enjoyed much less of the benefit, were heavily taxed, together with citizens of other States who passed over the road.

was his duty, as their Representative, to look cautiously at whatever might affect their interest. He was in favor of the bill, but could not vote in the dark. He knew, however, that a majority of the Committee for the District differed from him in opinion, and he should cheerfully submit to any decision on the subject.

tolls in any form. For himself, he was one who admitted ject was important, and excited deep interest in Marythe power of Congress to construct a road through a State, land. It had been debated in her Legislature for several but he denied their right to erect toll gates upon it. It weeks. His constituents had embarked largely, both was utterly vain to hope for any bill, in that House, which capital and credit, in the concerns of the company, and it should regulate the tolls to be paid in Ohio; and he, therefore, was desirous that the several States through which the national road passes, might take charge of their respective portions ofit. It was not probable that Ohio would persevere in any system of taxation that was palpably unjust; and if her law should prove unequal in its operation, no doubt her own sense of justice would induce her to modify it. Believing that to recommit the bill would be to destroy it, and that then the House would again be called upon for further contributions, be considered it his duty to demand the previous question.

The question being taken, it appeared that there was no quorum voting; whereupon, Mr. MERCER moved to lay the bill on the table. On this motion, Mr. ALEXANDER demanded the yeas and nays, which being taken, stood-yeas 63, nays 115.

So the motion to lay the bill on the table was lost. The call for the previous question was now sustained; and the main question being put on ordering the bill to its third reading, it was carried-yeas 89, nays 60. BALTIMORE & WASHINGTON RAILROAD BILL,

The bill from the Senate, authorizing the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company to extend a lateral railroad from

The question being then put on concurring with the Senate in their amendments to the bill, it was carried by a large majority.

THE GENERAL APPROPRIATION BILL. The Senate's amendments to this bill came up for consideration in Committee of the Whole.

Various other amendments were considered, and agreed to without debate.

The amendment making provision for the pay of extra clerks in the Post Office Department, was then taken up, having been reported against by the Committee of Ways and Means.

Mr. CONNER said: This amendment had been made

by the Committee on the Post Office and Post Roads of the Senate; the evidence had not been laid before the Committee of the House; but he was authorized to say that the object of the appropriation was to meet current

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[blocks in formation]

The item providing for fees to be paid to assistant counsel employed to aid the district attorneys of the United States had been originally $2,600. The amendment recommended by the Committee of Ways and Means raised the sum to $6,000; the amendment of the Senate proposed still further to increase it to $8,000; the last sum was disagreed to, and the appropriation fixed at $6,000. THE TURKISH MISSION.

expenses; that there was still something due to those clerks was assigned to two other commissioners associated with who were employed, many of them, by Mr. McLean; him,) gave rise to a short discussion, in which Messrs. and the still increasing business of the department had ELLSWORTH, DODDRIDGE, and DWIGHT explained compelled the present able incumbent to follow the ex- the service which had been performed, and the equity of ample of his predecessor, (Mr. McLean,) whose name, the claim-and Mr. McCOY opposed the appropriation as on being mentioned in that House, produced excitement; being an unsafe species of legislation. but he [Mr. C.] had no hesitation in saying, he had for that This amendment was agreed to. gentleman kind feelings, and that he was an efficient of ficer. The gentleman from Connecticut [Mr. HUNTINGTON] had inquired of the committee if the department was not insolvent. He would answer that gentleman, that the Post Office Department was not only not insolvent, but that its condition was a prosperous one; that for the last eighteen months the increase for each quarter was some thirty or forty thousand dollars; and so far as the department could be informed, the increase for this quarter would be in proportion with the preceding one; and he had no The next amendment in order was the appropriation of hesitation in saying that the increase of the present year $15,000, as compensation to the commissioners who negowould exceed that of the last year by $100,000. The policy tiated the late treaty with the Ottoman Porte. The Comof the late Postmaster General had been to retain but little mittee of Ways and Means had recommended to strike out surplus on hand. It was the true policy; and the present the amendment of the Senate which provided for this Postmaster General had very probably pursued the same item, with a proviso going to disapprove of the appointcourse, in returning the money received back again among ment of the commissioners during a recess of the Senate. the people from whom it had come, for their accommoda- Mr. VERPLANCK, chairman of the Committee of Ways and Means, explained the grounds on which that The gentleman had also made an inquiry in relation to committee had recommended to strike out this item from the available funds of the department; and, on another occa- the amendments of the Senate. Of the exact character sion, a gentleman from New York [Mr. STORRS] had sneer- of the persons to be compensated, he would not speak, as ingly asked what had become of the $230,000 left by Mr. there was no distinct evidence on that subject before the McLean. He [Mr. C.] could tell the gentleman what had House; whether they were to be understood as acting unbecome of that money. There were now $148,000 of it der a special commission as the personal agents of the Prein the department; the seventy or eighty thousand dollars sident, or whether they were to be considered as chargés of that sum used, had gone to the extension of mail faci- des affaires, there was no evidence on which to decide. lities, and accommodation to the people and the country. The subject was known to have excited great warmth Where the mails were carried on horseback, they are now elsewhere; and the committee, considering the very inaccarried in sulkies or stages, and the trips increased; where curate information submitted to them, and believing that the mail was received only weekly, it is now received twice the great question entered into by the proviso was likely, in the week, on other routes three times a week, and, in especially at so late a period of the session, to delay, and many instances, daily stages were put in operation. This possibly endanger, the bill, and thereby injuriously to afwas asked for and required of him by the people and their fect other great interests, had been unanimous in recomrepresentatives, and this is the way that that money has mending that the whole amendment, as well the approprigone. Sir, whilst all your other departments were station- ation as the proviso accompanying it, should be stricken ary, this department was annually extended, daily aug-out. The parties concerned would, he presumed, be paid menting in business and labor, which necessarily required either from the contingent fund, or from the secret service increased expenditures. Sir, the Postmaster General has fund; but, if not paid at this time, they must take their not overreached himself, as has been insinuated; and if chance of being provided for by the next Congress. The the House will take the trouble to reflect and examine for committee considered it an act of public duty to report themselves one moment, they must see the propriety of against the amendment. this amendment. It is in accordance with the usual mode Mr. WAYNE observed that he found one difficulty in of paying the officers of the departments, and, in accord- agreeing to the proposal of the Committee of Ways and ance with that, is this appropriation asked for. The ser- Means. If this appropriation should be stricken out, vices of those clerks employed must be paid for, and the there was no fund to which the individuals concerned only difference out of which fund they are paid is, that, could look for payment. They had rendered important if it be taken from the Post Office, it is so much withdrawn services; they had been the agents in the highest act which from mail facilities and accommodations. Sir, there was one department of the Government could perform. He laid on your table, at an early day in the session, a bill felt the force of the remarks of the gentleman from New providing for an additional number of clerks. It has not York, [Mr. VERPLANCK,] and he was, to a certain extent, been reached, nor can it, the present session. Its passage constrained to acquiesce in them; but the House must would have superseded the necessity of this amendment. make some certain provision for men who had performed There are now in your treasury more than a million of an important public service. Was there no other part of the dollars, which have been deposited there by the Post Of bill to which an additional appropriation might be appendfice Department; and he would, at all times, have been ed, by which the object could be secured? In the estimate willing to have appropriated from that sum an amount for the contingent expenses of foreign intercourse, there sufficient to have completed the mail arrangements through- was one item of $25,000. There was no proposal to strike out the country. The department, from its prosperous that out; and, with a view to avoid debate, he would condition, would, in a very few years, have reimbursed propose to amend the present amendment, by adding to the treasury, and more. He thought the appropriation that clause the words and $15,000, to defray the conproper, and hoped the House would not withhold it. tingent expense of foreign intercourse, heretofore inThe question was then taken, and the appropriation was stricken out.

The item allowing compensation to Judge Cranch, for extra labor in preparing a code of laws for the District, (he having, at their request, assumed the share which

curred." The Chair decided that it was not in order to amend an amendment recommended by the Committee of Ways and Means.

Mr. INGERSOLL said, the gentleman could casily arrive at his object, by allowing a vote first to be taken on

MARCH 1, 1831.]

The Turkish Mission.

[H. of R.

Mr. CONDICT asked for a division of the question, so that it might be put first on the appropriation, and then on the proviso.

the present amendment. If these commissioners were to be paid at all, it should be out of the secret service fund. They had been appointed by the President, under that power of the Executive which gives him control over this The SPEAKER replied, that, if the appropriation fund, and, if so, they ought to be paid in that way. Mr. should be stricken out, there would remain nothing to I said he thought he perceived where the difficulty of which the proviso could adhere—the division, therefore, the gentleman lay; the gentleman was apprehensive that could not take place. the secret service fund had been exhausted. How that Mr. BURGES observed that he could not see why may be, Mr. I. said, he did not know; the gentleman no persons who had been in the service of the country should doubt knew better than he did. All that he could say not be paid. Why ought the appropriation to be stricken was, that he thought the House ought to take a question out? Did gentlemen intend that the agents of the Goon the point now before it, and thereby settle the question vernment should not be paid? Why not paid? Had they of the disputed power of the Executive. rendered no service? or was the service which they had Mr. STORRS, of New York, professed not to under-rendered illegal? If they had not rendered any service, stand the debate. He did not know what gentlemen how came this clause in the bill, if the service had been meant when they talked about the secret service fund rendered in an illegal or unconstitutional manner? Yet, being exhausted; he was completely in the dark. His so far as the country was bound in equity, why should not colleague, from the Committee of Ways and Means, [Mr. this House say, with the Senate, this does not justify us VERPLANCK,] told the House that that committee had no in withholding their pay? Why was the clause to be information-another gentleman told them that the com-stricken out? Was any gentleman prepared to say that missioners had been appointed by somebody, and that the President had the right, without consulting the Senate, some provision would be made for them by somebody, to send abroad envoys to negotiate treaties, unless under nobody knew who. For himself, he was not in the the pressing exigencies of war? Can he consummate this secrets of the cabinet; neither was the House in those act without consulting the Senate? Are we going to say secrets. If any public ministers or chargés were to be that the President may not only fill a vacancy which occurs provided for, let the Government send the House some during the recess of the Senate, but that he may, without information--let it send the treaties that had been made--the Senate, originate any mission he pleases? Mr. B. let it tell the House who the commissioners are. For his said he had no doubt that the President could send out an own part, he did not find such persons enumerated among agent for the purpose of examining the state of our relaour diplomatic agents. The House was asked to act in tions with a foreign Power, but this must be done secretly. the dark-somebody said they wanted money, but the Such agents never were accredited. The President Government had not condescended to tell the people of might, in this manner, discover by what means our relathe United States what it was wanted for. The House tions with a foreign Power might be improved; but he had received no estimate, no report: the Government might not appoint and send abroad high public envoys gave it no information but this--that it wanted money. without first consulting the Senate. Mr. B. called upon The House had no facts to go upon, and he therefore all who heard him to say whether they were prepared to hoped it would strike out the whole appropriation. The sanction such a power in the President of the United item of $25,000 for contingent expenses was intended States. He trusted there were none. Did the House for some other purpose, he did not know what; he hoped then intend to deprive these agents of their pay? Were that would be stricken out, too, unless some further in-they to be left to chance for their remuneration? Would formation was given. When he voted away money, he the House indulge a disposition to employ services when liked to do it understandingly. This sum was not for the they were needed, and then leave the servants to get their ordinary contingent fund; if it was to be spent in presents pay how they could? No, sir, said Mr. B.; the laborer's to the Grand Turk, he should like to know the fact. He wages shall never sleep with me. I trust there is no man wished to know what he was doing. Were these $25,000 here who will vote to put these agents off to another to be paid for gold snuff boxes, diamond headed daggers, Congress. Mr. Rhind was our consul to Odessa--he is horses, urns, or what was it for?

known to be poor, and to possess nothing but what the Government gives him. He believed himself to be employed by a competent power--let us pay him for the services he performed--but let us, at the same time, take care to say that the power which employed him was not

Mr. VERPLANCK asked his colleague, [Mr. STORNS,] whether the object of his inquiry was to obtain a list of the special contingent expenses of the Turkish legation. The present sum of $15,000 was proposed to be added to the sum of $25,000, provided for general contingent ex-competent. penses. It was not usual to lay the particulars of foreign intercourse directly or indirectly before the House.

Mr. McDUFFIE said that the Committee of Ways and Means had no intention of being understood as saying that Mr. WAYNE asked gentlemen to state whether, if this these agents were not entitled to compensation for their article was stricken out, certain persons who had rendered services-the committee were unanimous in the contrary public service would not be left to take their chance for opinion; but they had failed in accomplishing the object being paid before next Congress; and he again asked they had in view in recommending that this item be whether there was not any other part of the bill on which stricken out, which was to avoid debate. They desired an amendment could be grafted to secure the payment to present the question in such a way as might conciliate of agents, the value of whose public services had been all. He agreed that the simple striking out of this apacknowledged by the highest act which any Government propriation might, at first view, appear like the expres could perform, viz. the ratification of the treaty which they had made.

Mr. McDUFFIE observed that the question now was only as to one portion of the Senate's amendment--to the remainder the gentleman might add what he pleased.

Mr. WILLIAMS inquired whether, if the House should agree to the amendment recommended by the Committee of Ways and Means, and thus strike out a part of the Senate's amendment, the residue might not afterwards be

stricken out.

The SPEAKER replied in the affirmative.
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sion of an opinion that the individuals in question are not entitled to compensation; but such was not his opinion, nor that of the committee. They were, doubtless, entitled to compensation; and if the House could provide a fund out of which they might be paid, he should be glad. He had no wish to appear as if avoiding a vote on the principle contained in the Senate's amendment, but he did wish to avoid discussion. His opinion was, and he presumed there were few but would agree with him that the President did not possess power to appoint ministers plenipotentiary during a recess of the Senate, without

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The Turkish Mission.

[MARCH 1, 1831.

nominating them to the Senate at its next succeeding was a redemption of the pledges given by them before session. But, if he was compelled to vote, he should not they were in office. We are called on to send a chargé hesitate to say that he was unwilling to give a vote which to disgrace the American people before all Europe, and might be construed into a censure of the President for to pay $25,000 out of our treasury for this privilege. what he had done. He was satisfied that the affair had There has been no information communicated to this happened through mere oversight, without any bad intent. House to call for this appropriation; and he would not The Senate had deemed it proper to vindicate its own consent to make any appropriation, without sufficient powers, by inserting the proviso. The House had no such knowledge communicated in a proper manner. He had object, and no such obligation. The Senate had now heard much of this treaty out of doors. He had heard done what they desired, and what they had a perfect that parts of it are very exceptionable; and it was rumorright to do, and he hoped that further debate would be ed that it had not been ratified. We had been told by avoided.. the President, in his opening message, of a liberal treaty Mr. ELLSWORTH observed that the House was now with Turkey. He did not understand the term. Was it brought back to the question which had been stated by not a reciprocal treaty? He had heard that Captain Bidthe gentleman from Rhode Island, [Mr. BURGES.] Certain dle had written a long letter reprobating some parts of public agents had performed important services; they had the treaty. He had also heard of Mr. Rhind and his acts. the firest claim to be indemnified, and indemnified at But he desired that the treaty should be communicated this time; and, unless the House intended to compensate to the House before the appropriation is given. He them in some other mode, they ought not to strike out thought it necessary that we should know for what we this appropriation. If gentlemen did not like the proviso, are called on to give this money.

let them strike it out; but the claim to compensation was Mr. CARSON said it always gave him pleasure to listen certainly just and fair, and he could never consent to strike to the gentleman from New York, who had just taken his out a just appropriation because of the proviso that was attached to it.

seat, because of the ability which he always manifested when addressing that House. It was matter of deep regret that talents of so high an order should be enlisted on the wrong side. The powers of that gentleman were admitted by all, insomuch that he was admitted to be capable of making any cause which he chose to adopt appear to be right, by the exertion of his elevated abili ties. But, on the present occasion, Mr. C. was constrained to confess that he never heard the gentleman from New York make a speech on that floor which he himself seemed less to feel. The honorable gentleman had set out with telling the House that he was perfectly in the dark; that he could not at all understand the debate; but what a de

Mr. DRAYTON said that he deprecated argument as much as any gentleman, and he should make none, unless he felt bound in duty to do so--he should not vote for striking out the clause, even if he thought that the appointment of the commissioners was illegal or unconstitutional. But he thought it was the exercise of a constitutional power, so far as any construction of the constitution could derive force from precedent. This was supported by numerous examples. He was not for striking out the proviso. He considered these agents as entitled to salaries. There was a fund out of which they might be paid, and therefore there was not the smallest velopment had the House witnessed, and on what authoobjection to the amendment.

rity had it been made? The first thing the gentleman Mr. McDUFFIE, in reply to Mr. ELLSWORTH, observed, had discovered was the establishment of a new mission, that if that gentleman's vote to strike out this clause which was to cost the country God knows how much. depended on the House providing some other mode of Each new minister, it seemed, was to be furnished with compensation, his difficulty might easily be removed; for new snuffboxes, and every subsequent Congress was to as soon as the House should vote to strike out this amend- be bound to make new and further appropriations. The ment, the gentleman from Georgia [Mr. WAYNE] would ministers, too, were to make themselves ridiculous, by introduce another clause to cover the same object. The appearing in an inferior grade; and the gentleman's motion question was then taken on agreeing with the Committee would go to render them still more ridiculous. The Preof Ways and Means in their proposed amendment, going sident had submitted the treaty to the Senate, and Mr. C. to strike out the amendment of the Senate, and it was had understood that the treaty had been ratified with an carried in the affirmative. amendment which went to strike out one offensive article. Mr. STORRS, of New York, then moved to amend the He was not sure that this was the case, but he had been amendment of the Senate, by striking out the $25,000 for so informed. In the discharge of his executive duty, the the contingent expenses of the mission, and substituting President had submitted to the Senate the propriety of $5,000. Mr. S. said that this $25,000, was intended to establishing a diplomatic mission to the Ottoman Porte. provide the tribute customarily given to the Grand Seignior, The bill at first provided for the outfit of a full minister, as he understood it. The old Governments of Europe but the committee (consisting of the gentleman's friends) may feel it their interest to procure, by these means, the had reduced the minister to a charge, and had thereby friendship of the Sublime Porte. Turkey lays under afforded the gentleman an opportunity of holding up to tribute every nation with which she has intercourse, by the House a very entertaining spectacle, where our minher policy of requiring presents. He asked if it was ister appeared dancing attendance out of doors ameng proper for us, while keeping up friendly relations with servants and drogomen, but never admitted to the brightRussia, without any minister at St. Petersburg, to ac-ness of the Sultan's sublime presence. The gentleman quiesce in this course. He considered it unsound policy, appeared to have thought a good deal on the subject, and after keeping ourselves, for half a century, without associating with the politicians at Constantinople, to send a chargé, when a consul would be as efficient to secure our interests. He stated that in sending a chargé we shall only make our country appear ridiculous, because, while the plenipotentiaries of other courts are admitted to the "brightness of the sublime presence," our chargé will be compelled to stand at the door among the servants and understrappers, and thus would the majesty of the American people be represented. He took a view of the accumulating expenses of the diplomatic corps since the present administration came into power, and asked if this


he was sorry he had not obtained any information as to the political consequences arising from this difference of grade in our minister. Probably another agent might be needed; but that was the business of the Senate, as they had the exclusive appointment of new ministers. gentleman from New York, if he recollected right, had advocated the Panama mission. Did the gentleman at that time ask for the instructions given to our minister? Far from it. All then was to be confidence in the Execu tive. The House was to repose an official confidence in the Executive. It was not its duty to ask too many questions. All was to be submitted to the Executive. Why did not

MARCH 1, 1831.]

The Turkish Mission.

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the House now hear from him the same language? The gentleman had endeavored to cast ridicule on the propogentleman had professed great ignorance; but, whatever sition, and upon the Government of his own country. might be his disclaimers, the House all knew full well that The offering of presents appeared to him an unworthy the gentleman was acquainted with the manner in which object of expenditure, and calculated to degrade the naTurkish treaties were usually negotiated. He knew perfect- tion. But why should we be degraded by doing that ly well that presents were always made by every nation who which had been done, at all times, by all Governments wished to maintain diplomatic relations, or obtain commer- that had any connexion with the Ottoman Porte? cial advantages, or hold any intercourse with the Turkish If it was good that we should hold commercial relations court. The commercial benefits to be obtained by the pre- with the boundless territories of the Turk, (relations sent arrangement the gentleman had taken great care to which had heretofore extended but a short distance around throw into the shade; yet, if any commercial advantage was Smyrna,) was the country to refuse this advantage, beto be derived to the country, what city or what State of the cause the gentleman from New York thought it degrading Union was so likely to share in it as that from which the to make presents to the Grand Seignior, to the amount of gentleman came? The city of New York, to which he $25,000? If we held such an opinion, we should be the understood the gentleman had lately removed his resi- only Power who thought so; all other nations have acted dence, being the great commercial emporium of the otherwise. If the country was to have political and comcountry, had the deepest interest in a question of this mercial relations with the Porte at all, it could no more kind. The gentleman had said a great deal about paying have them without presents than without ministers. No tribute, and presenting diamond snuffboxes to an infidel minister would have been received, nor permitted to open Power. This language might, perhaps, take with the his credentials, till he had offered the customary presents. Dutch of New York, (to use a phrase which he had heard This Government once received a mission from a Turkish the gentleman employ,) and it showed the gentleman's Power, and we paid the ambassador a regular stipend great deference for the sense and information of his con- every week, although he came only to make an apology stituents. But, if the gentleman could impose upon his for a threat which had been uttered by his country against own constituents, it did not follow that he could, with ours. We paid all the expenses of his embassy, and equal ease, deceive the American people. They possess allowed him $200 per week during his stay. Was that too much intelligence for such an operation. Mr. C. expenditure considered extravagant then? Was the counsaid that Andrew Jackson had discharged his duty. The try, for such a reason, to refuse the apology of a foreign House could not yet have the treaty laid before it, but it Power, and thereby to avert the necessity of a war? Mr. opened a prospect of great pecuniary advantage to the Jefferson was wiser than that. The long and the short of nation, from a participation in the commerce of the Black this matter was, that here were presented to us real and Sea. All this the gentleman well understood; and if, great commercial advantages. Extensive regions, among with the full understanding of it, he chose to take the some of the richest on the globe, were about to be opened responsibility of defeating such a measure, on him, and on to the United States. We were to hold commercial relathose who acted with him, let it rest, and not upon Andrew tions with all the countries round the Black Sea; and we Jackson, or the Senate of the United States. were to have this advantage in the most economical form --at the expense of maintaining a single chargé. As to the other items, they were merely the necessary appendages of such a mission. A drogoman and presents were matters of course at the court of Turkey. If the House thought with the gentleman from New York, let them abolish the treaty; if not, let them make the appropriation. Mr. STORRS replied; when

Mr. WHITTLESEY now moved that the committee rise, report progress, and have leave to sit again.


“And $15,000 for defraying the expenses of foreign intercourse heretofore incurred."

The amendment was adopted--yeas 70, nays 65. Mr. WILLIAMS now moved to insert the proviso, but the motion was rejected-yeas 62, nays 100.

Mr. DRAYTON moved an item of $1,500 dollars for the salary of a student of languages, but the amendment was rejected.

The motion was negatived-yeas 61, nays 75. Mr. ARCHER said that he had at first meant to go into a full answer to the speech of the gentleman from New York, but he relinquished this purpose, believing that the gentleman's chief object had been to discharge a feeling; he would, therefore, confine himself to two or three reThe question was taken on the amendment of Mr. marks, by way of explanation. The gentleman had com- STORRS, and decided in the negative by a large majority. menced by supposing that the object of this treaty was Mr. WAYNE then moved the amendment he had beto put the country in a degrading attitude--to grant a tri-fore proposed, viz. to insert after the item of $25,000, the bute, to buy a treaty of the Sublime Porte. But such had been no part of the object. The treaty was made. It had been ratified, with the exception of one article. So far from soliciting or begging a treaty, the treaty had been made and ratified, and the object was to open commercial connexions between the United States and some of the richest countries of the old world; and the present appropriation was asked in order that our country might realize these benefits. Our interest in those seas was great and extended, and the question was, whether we The amendment of the Senate, as amended on motion ought not to have commercial agents to supervise the of Mr. WAYNE, was then agreed to, and the debate interests of the United States. But gentlemen ask, why closed. The committee then rose, and reported the not entrust this duty to our consuls? If the bill had done amendments to the House. so, the expense would have been the same. The Government now pays our consul at Algiers $4,000; and the salary of a chargé was but $4,500. Nothing would be gained, therefore, by substituting the consul; the only difference would be, that the latter appointment would not be productive of such good effects. But to show that the gentleman would be satisfied with no conduct of the administration, and that he held it a duty to find fault, the gentleman had told the House, that, if we were to have any mission to Turkey, it ought to be an embassy extraordinary. That was what the Executive had asked for, and what the Senate had refused. If the present plan The SPEAKER said that the question should be diwas wrong, the fault was not with the President. The vided, inasmuch as the proviso was so worded as to relate

Mr. VANCE moved for a division of the question on the amendment which had been so long debated in committee. Mr. WICKLIFFE explained the state of the question, and showed that, as an appropriation to the same amount, and for the same object, had been inserted in another part of the bill, unless the present clause should be stricken out, the bill would have two appropriations, of $15,000 each, for the pay of the same persons.

Mr. VANCE said that his object in having the question divided was, that a separate vote might be taken, by yeas and nays, upon the proviso.

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