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private organizations representing business, labor, industry and the professions and organizations representing the handicapped, minority groups, women, and older Americans; and

(G) promoting the adaptation of teacher-training curricula to the concept of career education by institutions of higher education located in the State;

(3) making payments to local educational agencies for comprehensive programs including—

(A) instilling career education concepts and approaches in the classroom;

(B) developing and implementing comprehensive career guidance, counseling, placement, and followup services utilizing counselors, teachers, parents, and community resource personnel;

(C) developing and implementing collaborative relationships with organizations representing the handicapped, minority groups, and women and with all other elements of the community, including the use of personnel from such organizations and the community as resource persons in schools and for student field trips into that community;

(D) developing and implementing work experiences for students whose primary purpose is career exploration, if such work experiences are related to existing or potential career opportunities and do not displace other workers who perform such work;

(E) employing coordinators of career education in local educational agencies or in combinations of such agencies (but not the individual school building level);

(F) training of local career education coordinators;

(G) providing inservice education for educational personnel, especially teachers, counselors, and school administrators, designed to help such personnel to understand career education, to acquire competencies in the field of career education and to acquaint such personnel with the changing work patterns of men and women, ways of overcoming sex stereotyping in career education, and ways of assisting women and men to broaden their career horizons;

(H) conducting institutes for members of boards of local educational agencies, community leaders, and parents concerning the nature and goals of career education;

(I) purchasing instructional materials and supplies for career education activities;

(J) establishing and operating community career education councils;

(K) establishing and operating career education resource centers serving both students and the general public;

(L) adopting, reviewing, and revising local plans for coordinating the implementation of the comprehensive program; and

(M) conducting needs assessments and evaluations; and (4) reviewing and revising the State plan.

(b) The State shall make payments to local educational agencies for the purposes described in paragraph (3) of subsection (a) from funds received under this Act upon applications approved by the

State educational agency. Such payments shall, to the extent practicable, be made on an equitable basis in accordance with criteria established by the State educational agency, consistent with section 6(9), having due regard for the special needs of local educational agencies serving areas of high incidence and prevalence of youth and adult unemployment, serving sparsely populated areas of serving relatively few students.

(c)(1) To the extent consistent with the number of children enrolled in private nonprofit elementary and secondary schools within the State, with respect to services described under paragraph (2) of subsection (a), and within the school district, with respect to payments made to a local educational agency for the purposes described in paragraph (3) of such subsection, after consultation with appropriate private school officials, provision shall be made for the effective participation on an equitable basis of such children and the teachers of such children in such services and in programs assisted with such payments.

(2)(A) The control of funds provided under this Act and title to materials and equipment therewith shall be in a public agency for the uses and purposes provided in this Act, and a public agency shall administer such funds and property.

(B) The provisions of services pursuant to this paragraph shall be provided by employees of a public agency or through contract by such public agency with a person, an association, agency, or corporation who or which in the provision of such services is independent of such private school and of any religious organization, and such employment or contract shall be under the control and supervision of such public agency, and the funds provided under this Act to accommodate students and teachers in nonprofit public schools shall not be commingled with State or local funds.

(20 U.S.C. 2607) Enacted Dec. 13, 1977, P.L. 95-207, sec. 8, 91 Stat. 1469.


SEC. 9. (a)(1) The Commissioner, upon receipt of an application of assurances for fiscal year 1979 which the Commissioner finds to be in compliance with section 6, and upon finding the State to be in compliance with sections 7 and 8 for fiscal years 1980 and 1981, shall pay to the State the amount which it is entitled to receive for each such year under this Act.

(2) The Commissioner, upon finding the State to be in compliance with sections 7 and 8 for fiscal years 1982 and 1983 by reviewing the report required to be submitted by the State under section 14 for fiscal years 1980 and 1981, respectively, shall pay to the State the amount which it is entitled to receive for each of the fiscal years 1982 and 1983 under this Act reduced in proportion to the extent to which the Commissioner determines that such State has substantially failed to achieve the objectives for fiscal years 1980 and 1981 set forth in its State plan.

(b) Any State receiving funds appropriated under section 4 of this Act may reserve (1) not more than 10 per centum of such funds for State leadership purposes described in paragraph (2) of section 8(a), and (2) not more than 10 per centum of such funds appropriated for the fiscal year 1979, and not more than 5 per centum of the funds appropriated for succeeding fiscal years, for the purposes described

in paragraphs (1) and (4) of section 8(a). The remainder of such funds shall be distributed by the State to local educational agencies within that State for the purposes described in paragraph (3) of section 8(a).

(c)(1) For the purposes of paying the cost of employing State career education coordinators and staff described in paragraph (1) of section 8(a), the Federal share of the payments made under this Act from a State's allotment shall be not more than 100 per centum for the fiscal year 1979, not more than 75 per centum for the fiscal year 1980 and not more than 50 per centum for the fiscal years 1981, 1982, and 1983.

(2) For the purposes described in paragraphs (2) and (3) of section 8(a), the Federal share of the payments made under this Act from a State's allotment shall be not more than 100 per centum for the fiscal years 1979 and 1980, not more than 75 per centum for the fiscal year 1981, not more than 50 per centum for the fiscal year 1982, and not more than 25 per centum for the fiscal year 1983.

(d)(1) If a State is prohibited by law from providing for the participation in programs of children enrolled in private nonprofit elementary and secondary schools, as required by section 8(c), the Commissioner may waive such requirement and shall arrange for the provision of services to such children through arrangements which shall be subject to the requirements of that section.

(2) If the Commissioner determines that a State or a local educational agency has substantially failed to provide for the participation on an equitable basis of children enrolled in private nonprofit elementary and secondary schools as required by section 8(c), the Commissioner may waive such requirement and shall arrange for the provision of services to such children through arrangements which shall be subject to the requirements of that section.

(20 U.S.C. 2608) Enacted Dec. 13, 1977, P.L. 95-207, sec. 9, 91 Stat. 1470.


SEC. 10. (a) From funds reserved under section 5(a)(2)(A) of this Act, the Commissioner is authorized to make grants directly to State and local educational agencies, institutions of postsecondary education, and other nonprofit agencies and organizations to support projects, including projects of proven effectiveness, to demonstrate the most effective methods and techniques in career education and to develop exemplary career education models particularly projects designed to eliminate bias and stereotyping on account of race, sex, age, economic status, or handicap.

(b) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no funds may be made available under the provisions of section 406(f)(1) of the Education Amendments of 1974 for grants or contracts with local educational agencies for any fiscal year in which funds are appropriated under this Act and reserved for the purposes of this section under section 5(a)(2)(A).

(20 U.S.C. 2609) Enacted Dec. 13, 1977, P.L. 95-207, sec. 10, 91 Stat. 1470.


SEC. 11. (a) The Commissioner is authorized to arrange by way of grant, contract, or other arrangement with institutions of higher

education, public agencies and nonprofit private organizations for the conduct of postsecondary educational career demonstration projects which

(1) may have national significance or be of special value in promoting the field of career education in postsecondary educational programs,

(2) have unusual promise of promoting postsecondary career guidance and counseling programs, particularly postsecondary guidance and counseling programs designed to overcome bias and stereotyping on account of race, sex, age, economic status, or handicap, or

(3) show promise of strengthening career guidance, counseling, placement, and followup services.

(b) The Commissioner shall approve arrangements under subsection (a) of this section if he finds

(1) that the funds for which assistance is sought will be used for one of the purposes set forth in subsection (a) of this section, and

(2) that effective procedures, including objective measurements, will be adopted for evaluating at least annually the effectiveness of the project.

(c) For the purposes of carrying out the provisions of this section there is authorized to be appropriated $15,000,000 for the fiscal year 1979 and for each fiscal year ending prior to October 1, 1983.

(d) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no funds may be made available under the provisions of section 406(f)(1) of the Education Amendments of 1974 for grants or contracts with institutions of higher education for any fiscal year in which funds are appropriated pursuant to subsection (c) of this section.

(20 U.S.C. 2610) Enacted Dec. 13, 1977, P.L. 95-207, sec. 11, 91 Stat. 1471.


SEC. 12. (a) In consultation with members of the National Occupational Information Coordinating Committee, the Commissioner shall examine the occupational information needs of individuals and organizations eligible for participation in programs assisted by this Act. The examination shall consider the present activities of the National Occupational Information Coordinating Committee, the State Occupational Information Coordinating Committees, and other occupational information activities of the Office of Education, the National Institute of Education, the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Employment and Training Administration, and such other Federal agencies as the Commissioner deems appropriate. Upon the conclusion of the examination, the Commissioner shall, either directly or by way of grant, contract or other arrangement, furnish information to interested parties on Federal programs which gather, analyze and disseminate occupational and career informa


(b) The Commissioner shall, either directly or by way of grant, contract or other arrangement, disseminate information to interested parties on exemplary career education programs, including but not limited to programs assisted under this Act.

(20 U.S.C. 2611) Enacted Dec. 13, 1977, P.L. 95-207, sec. 12, 91 Stat. 1471.


SEC. 13. (a)(1) The Office of Career Education created pursuant to section 406 of the Education Amendments of 1974 shall be the administering agency within the Office of Education for the review of the State plans, applications, and reports submitted pursuant to this Act. In addition, the Office of Career Education shall perform a national leadership role in furthering the purposes of this Act. (2) The Office of Career Education shall, upon request, provide technical assistance to all participating State educational agencies and to Guam, the Virgin Islands, American Samoa, and the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands.

(b) The National Advisory Council on Career Education created pursuant to section 406 of the Education Amendments of 1974 shall perform the same functions with respect to the programs authorized under this Act as the Council is authorized to perform with respect to the programs authorized under that section.

(c) Nothing in this Act shall be construed to prohibit the National Institute of Education from continuing to carry out its functions in the field of career education. The Assistant Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare for Education shall assure such cooperation as the Assistant Secretary deems appropriate between the Office of Education and the Institute to identify research and development priorities and, either directly or through arrangements with public agencies and private organizations (including institutions of higher education), to disseminate the results of the research and development undertaken by the Institute.

(d) The Office of Education shall provide the Office of Career Education and the National Advisory Council on Career Education with sufficient staff and resources required to carry out their responsibilities under this Act and under section 406 of the Education Amendments of 1974.

(e) 1

(20 U.S.C. 2612) Enacted Dec. 13, 1977, P.L. 95-207, sec. 13, 91 Stat. 1472.


SEC. 14. (a) Unless the Commissioner finds the requirements of this subsection unnecessary, not later than December 31 of each fiscal year each State receiving funds under this Act shall submit to the Commissioner a report evaluating the programs assisted with funds provided under this Act for the preceding fiscal year. Such report shall include

(1) an analysis of the extent to which the objectives set out in the State plan submitted pursuant to section 6 have been fulfilled during that preceding fiscal year;

(2) a description of the extent to which the State and local educational agencies within the State are using State and local resources to implement these objectives and a description of the extent to which funds received under this Act have been used to achieve these objectives; and

(3) a description of the exemplary programs funded within the State, including an analysis of the reasons for their suc

1 Subsection (e) contained an amendment to section 406 of the Education Amendments of 1974, P.L. 93-380.

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