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redesignated and amended April 13, 1970, P.L. 91-230, Title III, sec. 301, 84 Stat. 164; amended Dec. 30, 1970, P.L. 91-600, sec. 3(b), 84 Stat. 1669; redesignated May 3, 1973, P.L. 93-29, sec. 804(a), 87 Stat. 59, 60; amended Aug. 21, 1974, P.L. 93-380, sec. 608, 88 Stat. 579; amended Sept. 24, 1977, P.L. 95-112, sec. 3(b), 91 Stat. 912.


SEC. 314. (a) The Commissioner shall carry out a program of making grants to State and local educational agencies, and to Indian tribes, institutions, and organizations, to support planning, pilot, and demonstration projects which are designed to plan for, and test and demonstrate the effectiveness of, programs for providing adult education for Indians

(1) to support planning, pilot, and demonstration projects which are designed to test and demonstrate the effectiveness of programs for improving employment and educational opportunities for adult Indians;

(2) to assist in the establishment and operation of programs which are designed to stimulate (A) the provision of basic literacy opportunities to all nonliterate Indian adults, and (B) the provision of opportunities to all Indian adults to qualify for a high school equivalency certificate in the shortest period of time feasible;

(3) to support a major research and development program to develop more innovative and effective techniques for achieving the literacy and high school equivalency goals;

(4) to provide for basic surveys and evaluation thereof to define accurately the extent of the problems of illiteracy and lack of high school completion on Indian reservations;

(5) to encourage the dissemination of information and materials relating to, and the evaluation of the effectiveness of, education programs which may offer educational opportunities to Indian adults.

(b) The Commissioner is also authorized to make grants to, and contracts with, public agencies, and institutions, and Indian tribes, institutions, and organizations for

(1) the dissemination of information concerning educational programs, services, and resources available to Indian adults, including evaluations thereof; and

(2) the evaluation of the effectiveness of federally assisted programs in which Indian adults may participate in achieving the purposes of such programs with respect to such adults. (c) Applications for a grant under this section shall be submitted at such time, in such manner, and contain such information, and shall be consistent with such criteria, as may be established as requirements in regulations promulgated by the Commissioner. Such applications shall

(1) set forth a statement describing the activities for which assistance is sought;

(2) provide for an evaluation of the effectiveness of the project in achieving its purposes and those of this section. The Commissioner shall not approve an application for a grant under subsection (a) unless he is satisfied that such application, and any documents submitted with respect thereto, indicate that there has been adequate participation by the individuals to be served and tribal communities in the planning and development of

the project, and that there will be such a participationin the operation and evaluation of the project. In approving applications under subsection (a), the Commissioner shall give priority to applications from Indian educational agencies, organizations, and institutions.

(d) For the purpose of making grants under this section there are hereby authorized to be appropriated $5,000,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1973, and $8,000,000 for each of the succeeding fiscal years ending prior to October 1, 1979.

(20 U.S.C. 1211a) Enacted June 23, 1972, P.L. 92-318, sec. 431, 86 Stat. 342, 343; amended August 21, 1974, P.L. 93-380, sec. 608, 88 Stat. 579; amended September 24, 1977, P.L. 95-112, sec. 3(c), 91 Stat. 912.


SEC. 315. (a) From the appropriations authorized for the period beginning July 1, 1976, and ending September 30, 1977, but not appropriated for other programs under this title, the Commissioner shall carry out a program of making grants to State and local education agencies for such years for the purpose of operating special adult education programs for Indochina refugees, as defined in section 3 of the Indochina Migration and Refugee Assistance Act of 1975. Such grants may be used for

(1) programs of instruction of adult refugees in basic reading, mathematics, development and enhancement of necessary skills, and promotion of literacy among refugee adults, for the purpose of enabling them to become productive members of American society;

(2) administrative costs of planning and operating such programs of instruction;

(3) educational support services which meet the need of adult refugees, including but not limited to guidance and counseling with regard to educational career, and employment opportunities; and

(4) special projects designed to operate in conjunction with existing Federal and non-Federal programs and activities to develop occupational and related skills for individuals, particularly programs authorized under the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act of 1973 or under the Vocational Education Act of 1963.

(b) The Commissioner shall not approve an application for a grant under this section unless (1) in the case of an application by a local educational agency, it has been reviewed by the respective State education agency which shall provide assurance to the Commissioner that, if approved by the Commissioner, the grant will not duplicate existing and available programs of adult education which meet the special needs of Indochina refugees, and (2) the application includes a plan acceptable to the Commissioner which provides reasonable assurances that adult refugees who are in need of a program are located in an area near that State or local educational agency and would participate in the program if available.

(c) Applications for a grant under this section shall be submitted at such time, in such manner, and contain such information as the Commissioner may reasonably require.

(d) Notwithstanding the provisions of section 305, 307(a), the Commissioner shall pay all the costs of applications approved by him under this section.

(20 U.S.C. 1211b) Enacted September 10, 1976, P.L. 94-405, Title III, sec. 301, 90 Stat. 1233, 1234.

Allen J. Ellender Fellowship Program

(Public Law 92-506)

JOINT RESOLUTION To provide grants for Allen J. Ellender fellowships to disadvantaged secondary school students and their teachers to participate in a Washington public affairs program.

Whereas Allen J. Ellender, a Senator from Louisiana and President pro tempore of the United States Senate, had a distinguished career in public service characterized by extraordinary energy and real concern for young people and the development of greater opportunities for active and responsible citizenship by young people; and

Whereas Senator Ellender provided valuable support and encouragement to the Close Up Foundation, a nonpartisan, nonprofit foundation promoting knowledge and understanding of the Federal Government among young people and their educators; and Whereas it a fitting and appropriate tribute to the beloved Senator Ellender to provide in his name an opportunity for participation, by students of limited economic means and by their teachers, in the program supported by the Close Up Foundation: Now, therefore, be it

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That (a) the Commissioner of Education (hereinafter referred to as the "Commissioner") is authorized to make grants in accordance with the provisions of this joint resolution to the Close Up Foundation of Washington, District of Columbia, a nonpartisan, nonprofit foundation, for the purpose of assisting the Close Up Foundation in carrying out its program of increasing understanding of the Federal Government among secondary school students, their teachers, and the communities they represent.

(b) Grants received under this joint resolution shall be used only for financial assistance to economically disadvantaged students and their teachers who participate in the program described in subsection (a) of this section. Financial assistance received pursuant to this joint resolution by such students and teachers shall be known as Allen J. Ellender fellowships.

(―U.S.C.-) Enacted October 19, 1972, Public Law 92-506, sec. 1, 86 Stat. 907.

SEC. 2. (a) No grant under this joint resolution may be made. except upon an application at such time, in such manner, and accompanied by such information as the Commissioner may reasonably require.

(b) Each such application shall contain provisions to assure―

(1) that fellowship grants are made to economically disadvantaged secondary school students, and to secondary school teach


(2) that not more than one secondary school teacher in each such school participating in the program may receive a fellowship grant in any fiscal year;

(3) that every effort will be made to achieve participation of students and teachers from rural and small town areas, as well as from urban areas, in the program; and

(-U.S.C.-) Enacted April 21, 1976, P.L. 94-277, sec. 3, 90 Stat. 399.

(4) the proper disbursement of the funds of the United States received under this joint resolution.

(-U.S.C.-) Enacted October 19, 1972, Public Law 92-506, sec. 2, 86 Stat. 908; amended April 21, 1976, P.L. 94-277, sec. 1, 90 Stat. 399.

SEC. 3. (a) Payments under this joint resolution may be made in installments, in advance, or by way of reimbursement, with necessary adjustments on account of underpayment or overpayment.

(b) The Comptroller General of the United States or any of his duly authorized representatives shall have access for the purpose of audit and examination to any books, documents, papers, and records that are pertinent to any grant under this joint resolution.

(-U.S.C.-) Enacted October 19, 1972, Public Law 92-506, sec. 3, 86 Stat. 908. SEC. 4. For the purpose of this joint resolution, the term "secondary school" means a day or residential school which provides secondary education, as determined under State law, except that it does not include any education beyond grade twelve.

(-U.S.C.-) Enacted October 19, 1972, Public Law 92-506, sec. 4, 86 Stat. 908.

SEC. 5. There are authorized to be appropriated not to exceed $500,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1973, and for each of the succeeding fiscal years ending prior to October 1, 1976, $750,000 for each of the fiscal years 1977 and 1978, and $1,000,000 for fiscal year 1979 and for each of the fiscal years ending prior to October 1, 1982, to carry out the provisions of this joint resolution.

(-U.S.C.-) Enacted October 19, 1972, Public Law 92-506, sec. 5, 86 Stat. 908; amended April 21, 1976, P.L. 94-277, sec. 2, 90 Stat. 399; amended October 12, 1976, P.L. 94-482, Title III, Part B, sec. 322, 90 Stat. 2217.

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