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Education Amendments of 1976




SEC. 341. The Congress finds that

(1) guidance and counseling activities are an essential component to assure success in achieving the goals of many education programs;

(2) lack of coordination among guidance and counseling activities supported jointly or separately by Federal programs and by State and local programs has resulted in an underutilization of resources available for such activities; and

(3) increased and improved preparation of education professionals is needed in guidance and counseling, including administration of guidance and counseling programs at the State and local levels, with special emphasis on inservice training which takes educational professionals into the workplaces of business and industry, the professions, and other occupational pursuits, and that increased and improved use of individuals employed in such pursuits are needed for effective guidance and counseling programs, including (A) bringing persons employed in such pursuits into schools, and (B) bringing students into such workplaces for observation of, and participation in, such pursuits, in order to acquaint the students with the nature of the work. (20 U.S.C. 2531) Enacted October 12, 1976, P.L. 94-482, Title III, Part D, Sec. 341, 90 Stat. 2224.


SEC. 342. (a) There are authorized to be appropriated $20,000,000 for each of the fiscal years 1978 and 1979, to carry out the provisions of this part.

(b)(1) There are authorized to be appropriated $3,000,000 for fiscal year 1977, for purposes of grants to States made by the Commissioner for programs, projects, and leadership activities designed to expand and strengthen counseling and guidance services in elementary and secondary schools.

(2) No sums are authorized to be appropriated under section 401(a) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 for fiscal year 1977, for the purpose of making grants under part B (Libraries and Learning Resources) of title IV of such Act, for such fiscal year which represent the amount authorized to be appropriated under paragraph (1) of this subsection.

(3)(A) The Commissioner shall allot the amounts appropriated under this subsection among Guam, American Samoa, the Virgin Islands, and the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands according to

their respective needs for assistance under this subsection. In addition, he shall allot from such amounts to (i) the Secretary of the Interior the amounts necessary for the programs, projects, and activities authorized by this subsection for children and teachers in elementary and secondary schools operated for Indian children by the Department of the Interior; and (ii) the Secretary of Defense the amounts necessary for the programs, projects, and activities authorized by this subsection for children and teachers in the overseas dependents schools of the Department of Defense. The terms upon which payment for such purposes shall be made to the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of Defense shall be determined pursuant to such criteria as the Commissioner determines will best carry out the purposes of this subsection.

(B) From the amounts appropriated to carry out this subsection, the Commissioner shall allot to each State from such amounts an amount which bears the same ratio to such amounts as the number of children aged five to seventeen, inclusive, in the State bears to the number of such children in all the States. For the purposes of this subparagraph, the term "State" shall not include Guam, American Samoa, the Virgin Islands, and the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. The number of children aged five to seventeen, inclusive, in a State and in all the States shall be determined by the Commissioner on the basis of the most recent satisfactory data available to him.

(C) The amount of any State's allotment under subparagraph (A) or subparagraph (B) to carry out this subsection which the Commissioner determines will not be required to carry out this subsection shall be available for reallotment from time to time, on such dates as the Commissioner may fix, to other States in proportion to the original allotments to such States under subparagraph (A) or subparagraph (B) but with such proportionate amount for any of such other States being reduced to the extent it exceeds the sum the Commissioner estimates such State needs and will be able to use. The total of such reductions shall be similarly reallotted among the States whose proportionate amounts were not so reduced. Any amounts reallotted to a State under this subparagraph from funds appropriated under this subsection shall be deemed a part of its allotment under subparagraph (A) or subparagraph (B).

(20 U.S.C. 2532) Enacted October 12, 1976, P.L. 94-482, Title III, Part D, Sec. 342, 90 Stat. 2224, 2225.


SEC. 343. (a) The Commissioner shall establish or designate an administrative unit within the Education Division for purposes of(1) carrying out provisions of this part;

(2) providing information regarding guidance and counseling as a profession, guidance and counseling activities of the Federal Government, and, to the extent practicable, activities of State and local programs of guidance and counseling; and

(3) advising the Commissioner on coordinating guidance and counseling activities included in all programs which he is authorized to carry out, and, to the extent he deems practicable, how such activities may be coordinated with other programs of

the Federal Government and State and local guidance and counseling programs.

(b) The Commissioner may reserve an amount not to exceed 5 per centum of the sums appropriated under this part to carry out the provisions of this section.

(20 U.S.C. 2553) Enacted October 12, 1976, P.L. 94-482, Title III, Part D, Sec. 343, 90 Stat. 2225; amended June 15, 1977, P.L. 95-43, sec. 1(b)(8), 91 Stat. 219.


SEC. 344. (a) The Commissioner is authorized, on a competitive basis, to enter into contracts and make grants to State and local educational agencies, to institutions of higher education, and to private non-profit organizations to assist them in conducting institutes, work shops, and seminars designed to improve the professional guidance qualifications of teachers and counselors in State and local educational agencies and nonpublic elementary and secondary school systems, including opportunities for teachers and guidance counselors in such agencies and systems to obtain experience in business and industry, the professions, and other occupational pursuits, and including, for the purpose of such improvement, such programs, services, or activities which bring individuals with experience in such pursuits into schools as counselors or advisors for students, and which bring students into the workplaces of such pursuits to acquaint students with the nature of the work and to provide training for supervisory and technical personnel in such agencies and systems having responsibilities for guidance and counseling, and to improve supervisory services in the field of guidance and counseling.

(b) The Commissioner is authorized to make grants to States to assist them in carrying out programs to coordinate new and existing programs of guidance and counseling in the States.

(20 U.S.C. 2534) Enacted October 12, 1976, P.L. 94-482, Title III, Part D, sec. 344, 90 Stat. 2225, 2226.

Education Amendments of 1978


SEC. 1203. (a) It is the purpose of this section to provide for— (1) the availability of reliable and comparative data on the status and trends in financing elementary and secondary education;

(2) the conduct of studies necessary to understand and analyze the trends and problems affecting the financing of elementary and secondary education, both public and non-public, including the prospects for adequate financing during the next ten years; and

(3) the development of recommendations for Federal policies to assist in improving the equity and efficiency of Federal and State systems for raising and distributing revenues to support elementary and secondary eduction.

(b) In order to carry out the purposes of this section, the Secretary shall carry out the studies and surveys set forth in subsection (e) relating to the financing of elementary and secondary education.

(c)(1) In order to provide the Secretary and the Congress with advice and counsel from distinguished and knowledgeable members of the public on the conduct of the activities authorized under this section, there is established within the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare an Advisory Panel on Financing Elementary and Secondary Education to be composed of fifteen members appointed by the President. The Panel shall include (A) representatives of public and non-public elementary and secondary education, including board members, administrators, and teachers, (B) State and local officials, (C) citizens, and (D) scholars of school finance. (2) The members of the Advisory Panel shall be appointed, without regard for the provisions of title 5, United States Code, governing appointments in the competitive service, not later than sixty days after the enactment of this section.

(3) Members who are not in the regular full-time employ of the United States shall, while attending to the business of the Advisory Panel, be entitled to receive compensation at the daily rate prescribed for grade 18 in section 5332 of such title 5, including travel time. All members while serving on the business of the Advisory Panel away from their homes or regular places of business, may be allowed travel expenses in accordance with section 5703 of title 5.

(4) The Advisory Panel shall provide periodic advice to the Secretary concerning all activities conducted under this section. The Secretary shall make available to the Advisory Panel such technical and other assistance as may be necessary to enable the Advisory Panel to carry out its responsibilities.

(5) The views and recommendations of the Advisory Panel shall be presented to the White House Conference on Education called pursuant to the provisions of section 804 of the Education Amendments of 1974.

(6) Sixty days after the submission of the final report under subsection (f) of this section, the Advisory Panel shall terminate.

(7) There are authorized to be appropriated such sums as may be necessary for fiscal years 1979 and 1980 to carry out the provisions of this subsection.

(8) [Contained amendments to section 804(c) of the Education Amendments of 1974.]

(d) The studies and surveys conducted under this section shall consider (1) the prospects for adequate financing of elementary and secondary schools during the ten year period from October 1, 1979, through September 30, 1989, and (2) the distribution of financial resources for elementary and secondary education among the States, among school districts within the States, and among schools within school districts. The Secretary shall have the authority necessary to achieve coordination, avoid redundancy, and insure the high quality of the studies and surveys carried out under this section and to ensure the relevance of those studies to the objectives of this section.

(e) The studies and surveys carried out under this section shall include

(1) an analysis of the capacity of educational finance systems to provide adequate school revenues, including an examination of future trends in educational service requirements, cost of supplying these services, and available school revenues from Federal, State, and local sources, taking account of noneducational service demands on revenues:

(2) to the extent feasible, the development of procedures for the conduct of the activities of the National Center for Education Statistics under section 406(i) of the General Education Provisions Act:

(3) an analysis of the recent trends in the distribution of these resources including (A) an examination of recent court and State legislative developments, (B) case studies of States showing the greatest degree of equalization of resources in order to determine whether common elements exist leading to such equalization, and (C) special analyses of the effects of such recent trends on school districts in large urban areas and in poor rural areas and the effects of such trends on students who are members of minority groups, or who are economically or educationally disadvantaged or handicapped:

(4) an analysis of standards to measure inter-State, intraState, and intradistrict equalization, including an examination of the standards showing disparities in expenditures, variations from fiscal neutrality, weightings of classes of pupils, and applications of these standards to an illustrative number of States, school districts, and schools;

(5) an analysis of the impact of Federal and State education programs on the distribution of State and local educational resources and of the relationship between such Federal and State programs;

(6) recommendations for alternative Federal roles in the context of the total responsibility for financing schools among local, State, and Federal levels, including recommendations for changes in current Federal programs and suggestions for new Federal programs to promote greater equalization;

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