Kenya National Assembly Official Record (Hansard)The official records of the proceedings of the Legislative Council of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya, the House of Representatives of the Government of Kenya and the National Assembly of the Republic of Kenya. |
Common terms and phrases
ambao Angwenyi Anyona ask the Minister Assistant Minister Attorney-General beg to oppose beg to reply beg to support Christmas CKRC Coffee Bill Constitution of Kenya constitutional review process court Dagoretti debate Deputy Speaker elections entrench the Constitution entrench the review Ghai Commission give go home go on recess Government hapa Harambees House Business Committee Imanyara issue Kalweo KANU Katiba kazi Kenya Review Commission Kibera Kikuyu kuhusu Kwa hivyo kwa sababu kwamba Lakini Law Miscellaneous Amendments lazima leaders Maitha maize mambo Members of Parliament Messrs Ministry Motion of Adjournment Muihia Murungaru Mwenje Naibu Spika Nairobi Nassir Ochuodho officers oppose the Motion paid passed point of order Pokomos President Private Notice problem Question by Private Road Samoei Serikali Session slaughterhouses Somalia Statute Law Miscellaneous Sugar Bill support the Motion Tana River District Wabunge wakati Wako wananchi watu