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1 such activities consistent with the approved State manage

2 ment plan and program for the area.


"(2) Federal agencies shall not undertake any develop4 ment project in a coastal and estuarine zone which, in the 5 opinion of the coastal State, is inconsistent with the manage6 ment plan of such coastal State unless the Secretary, after 7 receiving detailed comments from both the Federal agency 8 and the coastal State, finds that such project is consistent 9 with the objectives of this title, or is informed by the Secretary of Defense and finds that the project is necessary in the 11 interest of national security.



"(3) Any applicant for a Federal license or permit to 13 conduct any activity in the coastal and estuarine zone subject 14 to such license or permit, shall provide in the application to 15 the licensing or permitting agency a certification from the 16 appropriate State agency that the proposed activity complies 17 with the State coastal and estuarine zone management plan 18 and program, and that there is reasonable assurance, as 19 determined by the State, that such activity will be conducted 20 in a manner consistent with the State's coastal and estuarine zone management plan and program. The State shall estab22 lish procedures for public notice in the case of all applications







for certification by it, and to the extent it deems appropriate,

procedures for public hearings in connection with specific

applications. If the State agency fails or refuses to act on


1 a request for certification within six months after receipt of 2 such request, the certification requirements of this subsection 3 shall be waived with respect to such Federal application. No 4 license or permit shall be granted until the certification re5 quired by this section has been obtained or has been waived 6 as provided in the preceding sentence, unless, after receipt 7 of detailed comments from the relevant Federal and State 8 agencies, and the provision of an opportunity for a public 9 hearing, the activity is found by the Secretary to be consist10 ent with the objectives of this title or necessary in the interest 11 of national security. Upon receipt of such application and 12 certification, the licensing or permitting agency shall im13 mediately notify the Secretary of such application and cer14 tification.

15 "(c) State and local governments submitting applica16 tions for Federal assistance in coastal and estuarine areas 17 shall indicate the views of the appropriate State or local 18 agency as to the relationship of such activities to the approved 19 management plan and program for the coastal and estuarine 20 zone. Such applications shall be submitted in accordance with 21 the provisions of title IV of the Intergovernmental Coordina22 tion Act of 1968. Federal agencies shall not approve pro23 posed projects that are inconsistent with the coastal State's 24 management plan and program, except upon a finding by the


1 Secretary that such project is consistent with the purposes 2 of this title or necessary in the interest of national security. 3 "(d) Nothing in this section shall be construed

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"(1) to diminish either Federal or State jurisdiction, responsibility, or rights in the field of planning, development, or control of water resources and navigable waters; nor to displace, supersede, limit, or modify any interstate compact or the jurisdiction or responsibility of any legally established joint or common agency of two or more States, or of two or more States and the Federal Government; nor to limit the authority of Congress to authorize and fund projects;

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(2) to change or otherwise affect the authority or responsibility of any Federal official in the discharge of the duties of his office except as required to carry out the provisions of this title;

"(3) as superseding, modifying, or repealing existing laws applicable to the various Federal agencies, except as required to carry out the provisions of this title; nor to affect the jurisdiction, powers, or preroga

tives of the International Joint Commission, United States and Canada, the Permanent Engineering Board, and the United States Operating Entity or Entities estab

lished pursuant to the Columbia River Basin Treaty,

signed at Washington, January 17, 1961, or the Inter

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"SEC. 313. (a) The Secretary shall prepare and submit 5 to the President for transmittal to the Congress not later 6 than January 1 of each year a report on the administration 7 of this title for the preceding Federal fiscal year. Such re8 port shall include but not be restricted to (1) an identification 9 of the State programs approved pursuant to this title during 10 the preceding Federal fiscal year and a description of those


programs; (2) a listing of the States participating in the pro12 visions of this title and a description of the status of each 13 State's programs and its accomplishments during the pre14 ceding Federal fiscal year; (3) an itemization of the allot15 ment of funds to the various coastal States and a breakdown 16 of the major projects and areas on which these funds were 17 expended; (4) an identification of any State programs which 18 have been reviewed and disapproved or with respect to which grants have been terminated under this title, and a statement of the reasons for such action; (5) a listing of the Federal development projects which the Secretary has reviewed under





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section 313 of this title and a summary of the final action taken by the Secretary with respect to each such project; (6) a summary of the regulations issued by the Secretary or in

effect during the preceding Federal fiscal year; (7) a sum

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1 mary of a coordinated national strategy and program for the 2 Nation's coastal and estuarine zones including identification 3 and discussion of Federal, regional, State, and local re4 sponsibilities and functions thereof; (8) a summary of out5 standing problems arising in the administration of this title 6 in order of priority; and (9) such other information as may 7 be required under the National Environmental Policy Act 8 of 1969.


"(b) The report required by subsection (a) shall con

10 tain such recommendations for additional legislation as the 11 Secretary deems necessary to achieve the objectives of this

12 title and enhance its effective operation.




"SEC. 314. (a) There are authorized to be appropri

15 ated

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"(1) the sum of $12,000,000 for fiscal year 1972 and such sums as may be necessary for the fiscal years thereafter prior to June 30, 1976, for grants under section


"(2) such sums, not to exceed $50,000,000, as may be necessary for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1973, and such sums as may be necessary for each succeeding

fiscal year thereafter for grants under section 306;


(3) such sums, not to exceed $6,000,000 for fiscal

year 1972; $6,000,000 for fiscal year 1973; $6,000,000

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