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In body as well as physical culture, attention is paid to the expansion of the muscles. In the expanding of the lungs the act is done with the aid of the chest expansion. Not so in rhythmic culture or scientific breathing. In the latter we set the chest wall to as great a degree of expansion as possible and retain that position while the lungs are given freedom to move toward expansion or contraction, or inhalation and exhalation. The object of this exercise is to dispell adhesions and with it assure dynamic capacity necessary for the development of the brain cells. ordinarily beyond elementary operations. It is held in rhythmic culture that a body given to ailments and a mind arrested in its further progress needs mental stamina. To attain such the circulatory system has to be charged with vitalizing elements, while the ganglionic system needs to be revivified. To accomplish both we need concerted action by both circulation and generation.

Rhythmic culture should really be known as brain culture as all the exercises used are calculated to exercise direct effect upon the heart and ganglia. The circulation is encouraged at once while the nervous system improves without delay. Both factors are aided by increased dynamic action.

The reason elementary minds take to physical or muscle culture is due to their animal instincts, believing that man is still an animal. The higher minded alone realizes the fact that man is a mental being and as such is entitled by nature to be healthy, while if invalid as to organic normality he is endowed with faculties redeeming all deficiencies, at the same time adding higher faculties assuring immunity from disease.

True rhythmic breathing religiously exerised will sweep the cobwebs of beliefs from our brain and see dogmas fade away like night at the approach of day. Perhaps, herein may be found the reason why superstitious institutions take the offensive toward the great Mazdaznan Revelation. But truth must prevail though long be the path to the human heart, and though great may be the obstacles in the path of progress to reach the average mind.

Exhalation to the utmost, in a state of controlled relaxation, helps to eradicate the debris of the past and opens the portals of dynamic action, paving the way for the conscious breath to enter the realms of the soul with healing in its wings.

Learn to breathe out according to tune and time; let the heart strings furnish the accompaniment, while the mind be the director beating the time. Observe every rule of etiquette as well and be sure that the body keeps

an erect position, with chest out and abdomen drawn in. Be majestic and remember that as the member of the Aryan race the blue blood flows in your royal veins. The rest of the body relaxes, from head down to foot. All of the facial muscles must be at ease, the very teeth separating.

Having exhaled to the utmost, repeatedly attempting to empty, until all sensations cease you will find yourself inhaling. The moment you make such a discovery, assist nature by making yourself wholly receptive and desirous to conduct such inhalations by adding a few more draws. Take care not to force or tense. Repeated adjustment of chest will help to relax. Daily study for three minutes at a time and five times a day will arouse interest and encourage study of this subject, revealing interesting data as to the practices of the great men and women in the world who by nature have been so constituted as to follow nature's promptings, unaware of the fact that such was their special blessing, of which the majority of human kind is utterly ignorant.

Talents we are unconscious of nevertheless are latent and may be called out if directed by the intelligence which corresponds with the modus operandi of their factors.

It is best at first to take such exercises in a sitting position; thereafter standing and lastly lying, especially upon retiring.

Thru the science of rhythmic breathing alone is it possible for man, irrespective of temperament, environment, tribal relation or inherited tendencies, to become saved (healed) from sickness, sin and sorrow. As it is man's birthright to come into his own, the Mazdaznan Revelation comes to the Aryan race without any obligation to institution or organization. It is a message to the family and whomsoever has life and eternity at heart readily becomes initiated into the secrets of the Kingdom of Heaven that knows of no patent rights as all is of God and God is in all.

Return to first principles and cease wandering about in uncertainties. It is absolutely contrary to all evolutionary as well as divine laws that man should have to struggle for health and existence, or prey upon his own kind, when God and nature have endowed man with all of the means required to give him dominion over water, land, air and its elements.

All sophistries set aside will awaken within us the desire to find the key that unlocks the secrets of life.

You can be sure that neither God nor nature ever show favoritism, and for this reason do not endow certain ones with powers at the expense of others' happiness. Special privileges to none is the slogan of nature whichever way you turn.

SEPARATION OF JACOB AND ESAU (Synopsis of Talk, Halloween, 1917, by the Master.)

It is surprising how little is known to the western world, as to the tribal ties, clannish tendencies, patriarchal orders, and the pastoral rights of those ancient days. And what little attention is being paid to the demarcation of one particular race unto another, as well as to the racial ties, when speaking of humanity! To the average mind, humanity is humanity-but it is not so. Speaking of humanity, we, in the first instance, think of our own relation-our own kind and kin. When speaking of the black, the brown, the olivegreen, the dusk, and the yellow races, relationship does not enter our mind. We are not interested in them, but we are interested in the white man. So much are we interested in the white man, that with great eagerness, we watch every step taken at the present time by the white man who is engaged in this new process of evolution, in this great momentum that proposes a New Era.

A change, a radical change is taking place as a consequence of the World's War. Who is involved in it? The white man, of course. It is his problem, the problem that has grown upon him collectively, as a race. Then all the tribes of the white race will be drawn in; they all have to become involved. It is a most seri

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