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the time to prove the strength and power of mother-love, not afterward, when it is too late to undo the grievous mistake, the fatal wrong our folly has committed. The devotion of a lifetime, alas! will not atone to the child for antecedent neglect.

The day will come when the rights of the child to be well-born will be recognized and respected. In that day the "defective" will demand the reason for its puny limbs, impaired mind, misshapen spine, pain-racked body-a life of suffering with blasted hopes -and the world will not condone or palliate the cruelty and crime committed against the unfortunate child, deprived of its birthright, on the old plea of ignorance or the pretense that God will a defective should be born-a pretense that is contradicted by every law, human and divine.-The Mothers' Book (Mrs. A. L. M.)

Ideas of birth control are growing quite rapidly and in every walk of life reference is made to the subject. What Mazdaznan had to suffer in the past is now being revered at present.


Race-regeneration points to the futurethe time is at hand-not tomorrow nor next day, but now, today, is the acceptable time. There are two phases of eugenics to be dealt with; first, the physical organism and its essential needs toward making available the highest possible types of human beings, the goal aiming toward absolute physical perfection; while the second phase has for its attainment a still greater and higher object, i. e., that of mental, physical and spiritual perfection; having as the foundation the regenerated physical body. Both phases are essential and inseparable to a new and higher civilization. From out the former will spring forth the basis upon which the latter depends and upon which the new world must rest—a basis revealing the grandest accomplishments of all time, the Regeneration of the Race.

The hope of all aspiring minds turn now toward the glorious day of emancipation when, freed from the weight of gross materialism and ladened commercialism, mankind may bask in the conscious joys of un

ending felicity, radiating light and beauty, love and peace. These divine emanations alone can impart spiritual emphasis to life lifting the daily existence above the common treadmill upon planes of inspiration, where the wealth of a diviner kingdom reveals the beauty which "Eye hath never seen."

The quickening flames of a higher and diviner pulsation is encompassing the world and long cherished ideals are at last realized and the words of the Savior made manifest in "Thy kingdom has come; Thy will is being done on earth as it is done in heaven."

The true freedom and liberty of spirit is to be merged into the universal and to have no desire other than that of "thy will be dore."

To further the redemption of the earth demands the constant circulation of means, retaining none of the possessions of this earth.

To the pure in heart there is no failure altho results of their labors do not appear on the surface until they have changed places.

Federation of Nations

Edited by Nellie Wheelwright


The Study of Man appears simple at first; only when we enter into detail a gigantic slate looms up before us, marking off columns of classifications and corresponding relations that perplex the inquiring mind and dazzle the staring eyes. We seem to be too eager to get and grasp things that embody eons of time and manifold successions in which to develop, unfold and mature. True, we should be able to understand, but not until, and unless our senses are under the direct guidance of mind, soul, and spirit. The things we see or study are things of a process involving time, space and causation. They are a subject matter of interscuseption. Were men like unto any one particular kind of animal, plant, or mineral, it would be quite an easy matter to put him into a class and then and there study his peculiarities, habits and index of mentality. As it is, he is the cul

mination of all the manifestations within the range of evolutions and the polarization of Infinite Intelligence and Infinite substance. Be he black, brown, olive green, dusk, yellow or white, he nevertheless possesses all the properties, propensities, attributes, gifts, talents and endowments of the perfect manthe image of God, created in the likeness of God.

Anthropologically speaking there are marked differences in the form of application, physically as well as mentally, psychically and spiritually. When drawing sharp lines between the black, brown, olive green, dusk, yellow and white, such differences are readily recognized as the process of development must be fully considered.

The black man reached manifestation at a time when opportunities to sharpen his wits. were meagre, while all his mental powers focused to but one point of reason and deduction. His mental compass limited he controls all other gifts, talents and endowments accordingly, reducing the operations of thot waves to a small radius within the objective. Here we find the foundation laid to Voodooism.

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