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Our stock of Imported Russian Oil is exhausted and none to be had in this country. Luckily new fields of oil have been found last year that give a product which approaches our importation. It is now being refined after the Russian method and after testing it we found it very fine and superior to all others. It is not a Paraffine oil but like the Russian a Naphtene oil and found only in Russia and lately in California. They say spade is spade but it makes a difference as to the make. There is but one kind of Petrolatum that Dr. Lane of London has reference to: Russian Style Petrolatum. Never use Paraffine Oil, use the kind that does the work. Our oil has been tried and tested. 4 oz. bottle 60c. One pint $1.25.

Lilyfied Petrolatum, a fine ointment for women $1. Fresh stock of unmedicated Charcoal Tablets. The best for Indigestion and poor assimilation, 35c per box. Aryana Incense, of finest aroma, 35c.

In all Catarrh, Influenza, Coughs, Australian Eucalyptus Oil has proven the best curative, use it internally and as a spray in nose and throat. $1.00 per bottle.


P. O. Box 1376

Los Angeles, Calif.

Live Food-RAISINUT PEMIKIN-Live People A wholesome unfired cereal food, ready to eat, composed of cereals, nuts and fruits. An undevitalized natural food-prevents constipation.

Promotes health-strength-vitality.
30c per package-4-lb package $1.00

Los Angeles Service & Supply Company

640 South Olive Street

Los Angeles, Calif.


BALTIMORE, Md., Stuart & Midwood Aves., B. Custer.
BROOKLYN, N. Y., 268 Ryerson St.. Miss Anna Ryder.
CHICAGO, Ill., A. Vincent, 3412 Baldwin Ave., Berwyn Ill.
DENVER, Col., 322 W. Iowa Ave. Holcomb Doherty.
KOKOMO, Ind., 414 E. Walnut St. Dr. Grace Russell, Prior.
LOS ANGELES, Cal., 327% So. Hill St., Royal Arcanum Bldg.
NEW YORK CITY, 519 W. 122nd St., B. R. Weaverson.
OAKLAND, Calif., 293 29th St. Effie McKinnon-Miller.
PASADENA, Calif., 368 Franklin Ave., Carl Holdorf.
ROCHESTER, N. Y., 217 Alameda St. Leonettie Martindale.
SACRAMENTO, Cal., 721 Tenth St. Mrs. Anna Brown Tilton.
SAN DIEGO, Calif., 1867 Union St., corner Fir. H. Nackenhorst.
SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., 1750 Clay St.. California Club House.
SEATTLE, Wash., 3039 Arcade Bldg. Dr. Marie F. Coffman.

MONTREAL, Canada, 157 King Edward Ave., Notre Dame de Grace
YARMOUTH, Nova Scotia, Canada, G. C. Creelman.


LONDON, England, Mrs. Nellie Cowee Borel, Hazelwood, Mayfield Road, Sutton, Surray.

EDINBURGH, Scotland, William Angus, Esq., 9 Argyle Place. GLASGOW, Scotland, 164 Renfrew St.. Mrs. Elizabeth Smith; residence 117 George Street, Edinburgh.


LEIPZIG, Schulstrasse 1. Mazdaznan Zentrale. Dr. Rauth.
HERRLIBERG, Zurich. Dr. David Ammann, Ambassador.
VIENNA, XVIII Abt Carlgasse 22-70.


Frau Margarete Thern.

AARHUS, "Vejlbyhus," Vejlby pr. Riis Skov. Skovvej 28,


BOMBAY, Dadabhoy Sunawalla, Goalia, Malabar Hill, Tank Road. SURAT, O. Guard, Old Butcher St.


ADELAIDE, South Australia, Mr. Helmbold, care of Mssrs. Buring and Sobels, Peel St.

MAZDAZNAN MEETINGS AND CLASSES 3271⁄2 South Hill Street, Los Angeles, California. DR. GILMAN BEELER, INSTRUCTOR. Sunday at 11 a. m. Harmony Service. Wednesday at 8 p. m. Congregational Meeting. Friday at 8 p. m. Health and Breath Culture; Food Demonstrations and Exercises.

Public Invited.

Seats Free. Contributions Voluntary.

Dr. Gilman Beeler, Editor

Published monthly by the Mazdaznan Press, 1138 Manzanita St.. Los Angeles, Cal., U. S. A. Copyrighted 1920 by Mazdanan Press. Entered as Second Class Matter January 14, 1916, at the Post Office at Los Angeles, Cal., under the Act of March 3, 1879.

DIRECTORS: A. F. Gault, Chairman; Wm. K. Sandberg, Vice Chairman; K. Graichen, Business Manager and Treasurer; Dr. Gilman Beeler, Secretary: John Vinson, Auditor.

The contents of this publication are written by the Rev. Dr. Otɔman Zar-Adusht Ha'nish, except signed contributions.

Regular contributors: Maria Rose Ruth Hilton, Nellie Wheelwright, Zarlivana Marvin.

Address all communications and subscriptions to P. O. Box 1854. Los Angeles, Cal.

Subscription 1.00 per annum 15 cents per copy.

Vol. 19

February, 1920.

No. 2


There can be no mistakes made in selfdiagnosis for the simple reason that only three factors enter into consideration. True, it takes exceptional perceptives to determine base and inclinations in others, but where the individual is concerned the reading of character or self-diagnosis should not be so difficult.

As long as we bear in mind that the base is determined by an evenly distributed protrusion we next discover protrusions to the left, leaving the right side somewhat receding, and hardly ever equal to the first inclination, except in very rare instances, or where that inclination has been forced.

It is important to determine the base as in so doing we have the assurance as to cause of physical and possible mental disturbances. Once we determine our base it is an easy matter to select exercises of a physical as well as of a mental nature, calculated to improve the organic side and to promote mental development.

The average person is interested in selfdiagnosis for only pecuniary reasons and in as far as their physical comfort is concerned.

The student of nature proposes to go a step farther in this study. There is a desire to know the operations of the organic and the probable existence of relation to a finer, more noble or psychic state.

It is true that some people are endowed with psychic powers, while the physical is left wanting, and on the other hand there are those who enjoy perfect brute force, an animal body with all the lines of a beast or the beauties of a bird of paradise, while the mental is by no means their superior.

The physically inclined, no matter how highly or academically educated may, after all, disclose no other traits but those potent to a physically based.

Just as it is frequently true that a spiritually inclined surpasses a spiritually based once he directs all his efforts in that particular direction.

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