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and religious practices of rhythmic Prayers and Songs on the breath, and the application of a scientific Faith, which comes to us through the exercise of our talents, gifts, endowments and attributes in our daily walks of life, and our ability to cope with the demands of our time, which alone leads unto the solution of the most perplexing problems of life. 21 Mazdaznan declares with the thought of Our Blessed Ainyahita that each consecutive generation is the culmination of not only the preceding one as to matter and mind relative to lineage, recognizing in each and every man all the accomplishments of all the minds of man of preceding existence and all ancestry since the world began, but, furthermore, takes for granted that the spirit of the fathers live in their children as declared by Zarathushtra, having absolute faith in Jesus, who declared, that "even greater things than these ye shall do," and concludes that each and every man possesses the qualities, properties and propensities, physical, mental, spiritual and divine, of all the generations past, and that each man is the re-incarnation of all preceding accomplishments and attainments, simply awaiting opportunity suitable unto the application of these hidden talents. To enable man to redeem the qualities of past thought, framing the same into manifestations of newer thought, Mazdaznan proposes the Only Infallible Plan of Salvation, assuring final redemption, and with it the realization if a perfect life here, now and forever.

22 Mazdaznan declares that the Infallible Plan of Salvation lies in the Application of Means of Purification leading unto Regeneration, with the first step essential unto Salvation from Ancestral Ties through the efficacy of rhythmic Prayers and Songs breathed on the breath, the utterance of language whereof, guided by Thought, imparts Freedom to the dynamics of life, assuring more perfect and harmonious operations throughout the body and its corresponding factors, quickening the latent forces to

renewed action, effecting restoration; filling the heretofore unclaimed tissues and energies with Galama, the centrallizing Life principle, which when retained through increased organic operations induces a higher rate of consciousness and with it brings about the immaculate conception of man born again, and born of the spirit.

23 Mazdaznan declares its System of Breathing to be based on thoroughly tested and proven scientific principles, borne out by scriptural records, and recognized by the world's greatest scholars and most eminent scientists as the only inimitable Institution embodying the infallible methods of Nature as revealed to the intelligence of man through comparative reasoning and untiring observation. Keeping abreast with the Spirit of the Times, Mazdaznan remains conscious of its monism, unitism, dualism, trinitism, panism and polyism, as revealed in the macrocosm and microcosm of the Infinite and Finite, complexedly ever blending but never ending.

24 Mazdaznan declares absolute eradication from sickness, sin and sorrow, assuring freedom from all bondage, through diligent practice of Science and Faith.

25 Mazdaznan declares that the lower walks of life are repetitions of past incarnations called into existence through processes of re-incarnation and transmigration prompted by pre-natal influence and inherited tendencies which in man constitute the cause for contention and struggle thereby retarding progression.

26 Mazdaznan declares light upon all subjects, whatever their nature, and gives them due consideration in a spirit of kindness and toleration, paying respect to all ideas, views, opinions and state


27 Mazdaznan declares that all life is eternal, without beginning or end thereof, the knowledge of one's self insuring confidence, assurance and the substance of things which is Faith, for "This is Life


Eternal to know God"; "Wherefore be ye perfect like your Father in Heaven is perfect," for "Know ye not that the kingdom of heaven is within you." Mazdaznan declares that in this world of manifestation there are no two things exactly alike, nor can two things occupy the same space or place at the same time; consequently variation in ideas will forever characterize the individual here on Earth as well as throughout the abounding Space.

29 Mazdaznan declares through this most glorious Message of Peace and Liberty showers of blessings unto Prosperity and Perfection to whosoever will come and take of the flow of life freely, the divine flow that quickens the spirit and refreshes the soul unto a life worth living.

30 Mazdaznan points to no authority or authoritative institution other than the Supreme as the highest ideal in conscious manifestation, and declares that all ideas are sacred to the individual who proves and perpetuates the same by a life most simple and exemplary.

31 Mazdaznan recognizes in their proper place all records, scriptures and books, knowing them all to be an answer to the demands made by inquiring minds, but for its own guide of infallibility accept none other than the Open Book of Nature, recognizing the latter as an instrument supplying the wants of immediate demands, the interpretation whereof is sacred to every individual as a divine right. 32 Mazdaznan declares that the Infinite will not manifest in unclean tabernacles, and that we owe it to ourselves and the race to remain unspotted before the world, show forth pure and healthy bodies, noble and truthful characters, commanding respect from all and by all, for "Know ye not that your body is the Temple of the Living God?"

33 Mazdaznan declares in accordance to the testimony of Saviors, Saints and Sages: That “Verily, even in this flesh thou shalt see God," who will come "to His Temple not made by hands," but "in His ex

pressed image," and: That the body of man is the highest ideal of God and the culmination of processes creative and evolutionary, with the end in view of becoming an honor for eternity.

34 Mazdaznan recognizes goodness, beauty, character and sublimity in everything confined to its own sphere, and sees, like unto a mirror, the manifestations of all things not only within their spheres, but also beyond the same, recognizing in the things outside of one's self reflective expressions serving as a memorandum for our good, and as an incentive unto higher aspirations yet to be attained. 35 Mazdaznan recognizes in the Holy Family of Father, Mother and Child, the Principle of God incarnate, expressing Unity through Divine Trinity, forever revealing the Duality of Creation, assuring Perpetuity unto higher Perfection through conscious bonds of Procreation, which alone proves perfect Union.

36 Mazdaznan enables man through its inimitable teachings to conquer all prenatal influences and earthbound ties of ancestry, redeeming mankind from sickness, sin and sorrow, and thus saving man from blind egotism and narrow selfishness, contributing to Society one more member enlightened with the spirit of altruism and broadness of mind, serving humanity by exemplification of true character, on which the ultimate salvation of society and the redemption of the race depends.

37 Mazdaznan is the new name spoken of by the prophets, poets and saviors, revealing the designs of the spirit of the times.

38 Mazdaznan shall the password be in all walks of life, revealing firmness of mind and happiness through perfect health, assuring the treasures of wealth that forever flow from out the horn of plenty before the feet of the children of men as their blessing and birthright by virtue of their relationship unto God, with whom all creation is at one, even as "I and the Father are at one."

39 Mazdaznan needs not proselyte nor seek to gain adherents to its teachings, recognizing the principle of demand and supply as to time and condition to be in correspondence with cause and effect.

40 Mazdaznan invites all mankind to its most glorious Message and Gospel of Peace, Liberty and Individual Rights without money or price, imparting its ways and means unto Science and Faith free from obligations, leaving it to its adherents to voluntarily perform their part.

41 Mazdaznan proclaims and sounds its Infinite Message to the honest in heart and asks them to come and prove for themselves that the hour has come for truth to be revealed, demonstrating perfect manhood and noble womanhood.

42 Mazdaznan asks of the Redeemed and Reclaimed to declare the Message of Peace and gather the elect from the four corners of the Earth, declaring Hope and Good Cheer with Blessings of all Good Things unto all the world.

43 Mazdaznan beseeches the Awakened to proclaim the Word of Promise on all occasions, and furthermore demands of the world to live up to its confessions, irrespective of creed, caste or color.

44 Mazdaznan invites investigation, demands demonstration, and asks for abilities as well as possibilities, to which there is no end, reminding one another that the greatest lesson in life to learn, and the grandest achievement possible, lies in the realization of the maxim of Ainyahita.

Stand alone and mind thy own,

That alone shall sin atone.

45 Mazdaznan places no restriction upon its members, but assures perfect freedom guided by reason, consideration, logic, discrimination, judging all things from cause to effect and the manifold attributes of the mind, soul and spirit.

46 Mazdaznan declares that a nation cannot rise above the level of the woman, and for this reason places its hope for the realization of the millennial

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