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Olando G. Beeler, Editor

Published monthly by the Mazdaznan Press, 1405 So. Hill St., Los Angeles, Cal., U. S. A. Copyrighted 1920 by Mazdaznan Press. Entered as Second Class Matter January 14, 1916, at the Post Office at Los Angeles, Cal., under the Act of March 3, 1879.

DIRECTORS: Olando G. Beeler, Chairman; Wm. K. Sandberg, Vice Chairman; Kurt W. Graichen, Second Vice Chairman; K. Woolson. Secretary, Treasurer and Business Manager: John Vinson. Auditor. The contents of this publication are written by the Rev. Dr. Otɔman Zar-Adusht Ha'nish, except signed contributions.

Regular contributors: Maria Rose Ruth Hilton, Nellie Wheelwright, Address all communications and subscriptions to P. O. Box 1854. Los Angeles, Cal.

Subscription Two Dollars per annum. Twenty-five Cents per copy.

Vol. 19

October, 1920.



No. 10

As to base this type is identical with the former, but the physical inclination in first changes tactics, application and execution. Where the physical inclination is exceptionally large and equal to the base such type unfolds unselfish and altruistic motives and always proves just in business. As jurists, physicians, financiers and mechanics they are very conscientious, the moral and ethical side always predominating. In their reasoning on technical points they may fall short and may

be taken advantage of, still, on the whole, they cling to principle rather than to the dead letter of the law. They go a great deal by intuition and impression, consequently are likely to be imposed upon. They are rather impulsive and their sense of honor is very keen.

Whenever the intellectual is brot up to the physical they may become a giant power as the heart continues to underly all their intellectual pursuits. Here are found great leaders in every walk of life, and at no time will they yield to temptations when principle is at stake.

But should the intellectual be nursed beyond the physical and at the expense of the latter, we have a type akin to the abnormal. Such an one shows intellect, but a flood of theories and sophistries grow to such volumes that they baffle the sanest minds and true reason no longer holds good. The very physical body, particularly the nervous system, suffers agony, the reflex whereof seeks an outlet thru brainstorms. Such an one can stir the calmest atmosphere and throw firebrands of discontent into the midst of saints and angels. Ideas become so set that their stubbornness

defies facts. Yet at heart there is kindness and a sacred desire to do the right. Here we find a soul struggling between Light and Darkness, anxious to grasp the unfathomable and to solve the ever-perplexing problems confronting it.

Types of a lower index become unbalanced. at the slightest provocation due to financial reverses. Types of a high index turn into radical reform and revolutionary channels, self-hypnotized into the belief of indispensable factorship. The political machinery of the world is largely in the hands of and controlled by this type.

The Spiritual Physical - Intellectual type needs to attend to diaphragmatic breathing exercises and, so as to raise the index of the intellect but keep it in check, rhythmic breathing exercises charging the upper lobes need to be practiced daily. Abdominal breath is not necessary, but a great number of hip movements and bending positions are needful; in fact, gymnastics are indispensable unless engaged in labor assuring many body movements.

Systematically arranged exercises, where rhythmic breathing is religiously observed,

will do more to vitalize the body and to quicken the mind than the most careful diet. Altho the latter needs attention, nevertheless the former must never be sacrificed.

Foods should be largely vegetables, some nut preparations, cereals in their unfired forms and fruits of an eliminating nature, the latter mostly domestic.

In case of ailments the same treatment as given for the Spiritual-Intellectual-Physical holds good, adding purgatives of drastic effect, followed by pineapple juice and mucilagenous dishes in small quantities; or, in the absence of the latter, beaten white of eggs.


Ours is the Revelation unto the sick, the halt and the lame, the heavy-laden and distressed in body, mind, soul and spirit, that thru the application of Universal Amnesty and the practices of means unto salvation, as revealed by nature and her God, mankind may be redeemed from sickness, sin and sorrow. A state of salvation and redemption vigorously pursued suffices in finding the open path leading to the goal promised to

reveal the occult, the hidden, the mysterious and mystifying and solve all the intricate and complicated problems entering the individual life of mortals begotten in the limitations of time.

For those who accept the Revelation in part, only to that extent alone is the message borne out by them. He who seeks selfish ends can reap no more than its equivalent. Those who use it in a material sense receive material benefits, and the spiritual minded can gather no more than what his spiritual endowments are able to hold; while the intellectual giants find either substantiation of matters appertaining to the intellect, or recognize in it all a profound wisdom beyond their compass.

To find Mazdaznan sufficient and efficient in all walks of life we must accept it, not in fractions but as a whole, and follow the only path that reveals the inexhaustible storehouse of Infinitude. Breathing, Exercises and Selection of Food are the means that will inspire.

The Subscription to the MAZDAZNAN Magazine is now

Two Dollars a year, Twenty-five cents a copy.

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