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We have an abiding faith in evolutionary processes, so that what changes in habits, customs and even languages occur must, however, long deferred tend to the upliftment of humanity, and the time will come when good thot will prevail, disease will be supplanted by ease, the human body will be allowed to remain intact, and acquire perfect balancement thru the proper functioning of all its organs, thereby insuring the perfect life of God on earth.

The teachings of the ancients have been revised to save the world. Even civilization has to use their own phrase "reached the limit" and the pendulum is swinging in the opposite direction. Now the cry for simplicity is raised, and only here and there is a voice to be heard answering that carries with it, measures to that end, as one tritely said, "They tell us to do it, but they do not tell us how." The cause is apparent; leaving all subs from our conversation upon the subject of mind let us say, I am conscious, and be it. -Zarlivana Marvin.


Mother's Voice

No Nation can rise above the level of its womanhood.

Edited by Maria Rose Ruth Hilton


With the passing away of the old and in the birth of the new there is always pain, agony, sorrow and suffering; with the ending of these cyclic "days" even nature becomes disturbed and passes thru various revolutions, throes, equal to that which mankind has to endure.

It is at such periods that the Genius of the Age manifests up the earth as the Savior Principle. Savior-how all-embracing, allinclusive is that word of words; that name of names. Thruout all ages and all time, God has revealed thru the months of His Holy Prophets, thousands of years in advance, the Coming of Saviors. Who does not remember the comforting words of Isaiah: "For unto us a child is born; unto us a son is given and the government shall be upon His shoulders; and His name shall

be called, Wonderful, Counsel, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace; of the increase of His government there shall be no end; upon the Throne of David and upon His kingdom to order it and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even forever-the zeal of the Lord of Hosts will perform this; the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon Him; the Spirit of wisdom and understanding; the Spirit of counsel and might; the Spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord; and shall make Him of quick understanding in the fear of the Lord; and He shall not judge after the sight of His eyes neither reprove after the hearing of His ears; but with righteousness shall He judge the poor and reprove with an equity for the meek of the earth; and He shall smite the earth with the rod of His mouth and with the breath of His lips shall He slay the wicked."

Laws have to be made for law-breakers. Remove the breakers of the law-the transgressors and we shall have no need for laws and statutes.

In the Golden Age man honored the Golden Rule and the precept: "In honor preferring

one another" was the governing principle of that Elysian age.

All self-illumined minds are a law unto themselves; and having raised the standard of life unto planes of freedom, having found their own individual happiness they now entertain but the one hope and desire that of seeing the whole body of mankind freed and emancipated, basking in the same blissful state of ideal enjoyment; "for violence shall be no more heard in the land; nor wasting and destruction within thy borders; thou shalt call thy walls Salvation and thy Gates Praise."


The majority of womankind in their halfawakened state are still groping in uncertainty; are still floundering about, like fishes in a pool of water, first here, then there, revealing the fact that they are with all their desires and longing for betterment, still unanchored and uncentered. In their determination to bring about a change they swing out to the very opposite pole, thus evoking and calling forth the spirit of antagonism

from the very ones that could be of greatest benefit to them if they would but use tactics conducive to congeniality and persuasive to the higher nature of man. Good man can only spring from goodness. All attempts toward reconstruction should bear the stamp of motives inspired by pure aspiration and desire to aid in the work of upliftment and betterment of the human race.

Woman in her true untarnished state is the embodiment of all that is good and beautiful. Of these higher qualifications she is so richly endowed that she has but to recognize herself and realize that they are hers to command. She is like a fountain from whence she may draw an unlimited supply; she need not use forced and extreme measures to bring about more desirable conditions. If woman will only think and reflect; if she will but relax mentally and physically, her spirit would arise and shed the light of understanding upon her pathway, leading her forth to certain victory. The spirit of true womanhood is one of inate requirement and culture a delicate retiring tendency lends charm to all her acts and deeds and imbues her influence with certain magnetic hues that

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