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sacrifice we may all be called upon to respond and make concessions so as to gain possessions far more worthy of our station in life than the notions we cherished or the ideals we harbored, void of realization and compensation. The old will have to pass away and man must come forth into the world a new being.


New Year is the season for thought to the thoughtful. With its dawn we sum up the events and happenings of the one forever passed away. The year 1919 brought all the bounteous gifts of nature and God to man. The glorious sunshine and rains have bathed the bosom of mother earth and she in turn has yielded the golden grain as well as many more things needful for our development. But man seems to continue in his mad career of destruction and disobedience, taking no heed of, "What man soweth that shall he also reap."

The "momentum" suggests that whenever a certain point of culmination is reached by the earth that there is a revolution within her inner chambers, then there is a calamity, a destructive unchaining of elements and nothing can avert the path, except the leveling of one part of the earth, in which case sacrifice is the price.

No one can find or make a more complete summing up of the culmination of things than there is recorded in the twenty-fourth chapter of St. Matthew given by the Savior to His disciples. To quote from the "Study of Man" we find in reality a continuation of the prophesy, or, its results: "To bring order out of chaos is not within the province of one man, neither a collective state of men, not even is it possible through the efforts of all the hearts and minds of the whole of humanity. Before an avalanche man is powerless; to halt a flood is beyond human ability -we may attempt to save the sweeping and falling wreckage, but the flood itself we cannot stop. We must wait until the turbulent waters subside." Out of the chaos of Infinite space Divine Intelligence calleth forth worlds, whirling through space with absolute regularity, and in harmonious order. It was the "light of understanding"-not just understanding, but the "light" or "wisdom." Jesus defines it by saying: "Peace that surpasseth all the understanding of man." It takes more than just knowledge of the objective to call order out of chaos. Our present situation among the nations proves that, "Man may think he is wise, but God decrees it otherwise." If we fail to consult a Higher Power which in the affairs of the world has to be reached through mutual desire of all the peoples concerned, then all our efforts

I will give but crutches to a limping society and never cure the chaotic constitution.

The New Year brings nearer the dawn of the great Day when the Aryan race will return to the Father's House, where there is plenty and to spare for all His children. Then we shall enjoy the "Federation of Nations," and know the blessings of peace on earth.


The articles on "Self-Diagnosis," appearing in the magazine from month to month, are very interesting to me and read like true expressions of the Master Thought. They have given me an opportunity to think of the subject of prognosing (foretelling) the future of the White race. This subject should prove quite interesting, especially at the present time, when there is so much talk and speculation about the great future and the new order of things: no war, the League of Nations, great opportunities, less hours of labor, higher wages, larger crops and higher prices for all commodities. Some are so optimistic as to predict the greatest business bcom the world has ever seen.

It seems as if five years of war have had very little effect on the world; if anything, the people have grown worse. Greed for money, hatred, jealousy and falsehood, have

seemed to blind the people. The approaching cycle of light, truth and righteousness is certainly visible to only a few.

Of course Mazdaznan, ever acting and reflecting the truth, sees something different in all this display of gay colors. Looking backward across the sea, toward the east, where the White race has reached its height of development and materialism has arrived at its climax, we see a great struggle, unrest. agony and misery, as if someone was very sick.

If our vision as Mazdaznan is true, we can observe that something is crumbling to pieces -it seems as if the White race is losing its hold. Ideals for higher attainment, common sense and reason, seem to have left them.

Is the wisdom and intelligence of humanity all absorbed in the formation of the New race, leaving its mother in darkness? Under such conditions, what will be the outcome or future of the White race? Will they continue to break all laws and the order of nature and follow laws of their own making, in order to perpetuate their folly, until nature finally rebels and destroys them like she did the Aetolonians? Or will she become lenient and bring the White race to a standstill, as she has done with the Yellow race?

The war between the outside powers and the central forces was quite interesting-it was really suicide. The outside has pierced

its own heart. As long as the central forces were in action, the very heart of civilization, the White race, was holding its own. There was resistance and activity for a purpose. The very principle of life was active, but now there is no place left on which to secure a new footing. Everything is moving and shifting all Europe is in a chaotic condition. It may take years of swaying back and forth, until at last that continent will become indifferent and sink to its own level; ambition, the spirit to go ahead, will leave them and they will become contented with their fate.

It seems strange that our country, destined for nobler ends, assisted in the destruction of its own mother. While it has the appearance of a cruel act, we can trace all such acts through nature; when conditions become strained it may be necessary for parents to be destroyed so the young may live.

All this seems to point to the fact that man has really lost all control of himself, and that nature has stepped into the breach and taken hold of this desperate situation to save the principle of men.

If this is really all true, as I can see it, man surely has lost his reason and good-will toward his fellowman, and if it is left for nature to finish the job, misery and destruction are yet to come.

Looking at the situation from a natural point of view, regardless of conditions sur

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