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BALTIMORE, Md., Stuart & Midwood Aves.. B. Custer.
BROOKLYN, N. Y., 268 Ryerson St.. Miss Anna Ryder.
CHICAGO, Ill., A. Vincent, 3412 Baldwin Ave., Berwyn Ill.
DENVER, Col., 322 W. Iowa Ave. Holcomb Doherty.
KOKOMO, Ind., 414 E. Walnut St. Dr. Grace Russell, Prior.
LOS ANGELES, Cal., 318 S. Boylston St., Gilman Beeler.
NEW YORK CITY, 519 W. 122nd St., B. R. Weaverson.
OAKLAND, Calif., 293 29th St. Effie McKinnon-Miller.
PASADENA, Calif., 368 Franklin Ave., Carl Holdorf.
ROCHESTER, N. Y., 217 Alameda St. Leonettie Martindale.
SACRAMENTO, Cal., Dr. A. Ochs Box 419a. R. D. 2.

SAN DIEGO, Calif., 1867 Union St., corner Fir. H. Nackenhorst.
SEATTLE, Wash.. 3039 Arcade Bldg. Dr. Marie F. Coffman.


MONTREAL, Canada, 157 King Edward Ave., Notre Dame de Grace YARMOUTH, Nova Scotia, Canada, G. C. Creelman.


LONDON, England, Mrs. Nellie Cowee Borel, Hazelwood, Mayfield Road, Sutton, Surray.

EDINBURGH, Scotland. William Angus, Esq., 9 Argyle Place. GLASGOW, Scotland, 164 Renfrew St., Mrs. Elizabeth Smith, resi dence 117 George Street, Edinburgh.


LEIPZIG, Schulstrasse 1. Mazdaznan Zentrale. Dr. Rauth.
HERRLIBERG, Zurich, Dr. David Ammann, Ambassador.
VIENNA, XVIII Abt Carlgasse 22-70. Frau Margarete Thern.


AARHUS, "Vejlbyhus," Vejlby pr. Riis Skov. Skovvej 28,


BOMBAY, Dadabhoy Sunawalla, Goalia, Malabar Hill, Tank Road. S. H, Jhabvala B. A. Grant St. opposite R. R yards. SURAT, O. Guard, Old Butcher St.


ADELAIDE, South Australia, Mr. Helmbold, care of Mssrs. Buring and Sobels. Peel St.

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Dr. Gilman Beeler, Editor

monthly by the Mazdaznan Press, 1405 So. Hill St., Los Angeles, Cal., U. S. A. Copyrighted 1920 by Mazdanan Press. Entered as Second Class Matter January 14, 1916, at the Post Office at Los Angeles, Cal., under the Act of March 3, 1879.

DIRECTORS: A. F. Gault, Chairman; Wm. K. Sandberg, Vice Chair-
Dr. Gilman
man; K. Woo'son, Business Manager and Treasurer;
Beeler, Secretary; John Vinson, Auditor.

The contents of this publication are written by the Rev. Dr. Otɔman
Zar-Adusht Ha'nish, except signed contributions.

Regular contributors: Maria Rose Ruth Hilton, Nellie Wheelwright, Address all communications and subscriptions to P. O. Box 1854, Los Angeles, Cal.

Subscription One Collar per annum. Fifteen cents per copy.

Vol. 19

August, 1920.

No. 8


INTELLECTUAL, PHYSICAL, SPIRITUAL. In our former issue we have given a few outlines as to the temperament known in diagnosis as the Intellectual, Spiritual, Physical. The one in our present consideration differs materially from the former as to application. In principle the Intellectual as to base is identical in either case and the mental operations are equal. But modifications set in because of the bearing of the first and, lastly, the second inclinations. When the physical follows the intellect we shall always notice a certain force peculiar to the physical type and wherever the first inclination is

forced, while the second is ignored, such a mind will be domineered by the physical propensities. Here we become acquainted with a type that is absolutely void of morals and ethics. Such a type is almost equal to the physical base whose intellect has been forced, except that the latter engages in personal use of brute means while the former directs others to "draw the hot chestnuts out of the fire" for him.

The Intellectual-Physical-Spiritual type when normal-the spiritual propensities raised to a point equal to that of the physical -shows a person far superior to any other by reason of exceptional control and fine judgment. Tho quick to conceive thot the movements are always gauged by foresight.

The spiritual part needs to be nursed by exercise and study of the psychic, but care has to be used not to over-reach or to cultivate these propensities at the expense of the physical.

Altho instances are somewhat rare in these days, nevertheless we do meet them, where thru circumstances the person has been forced to overdevelop the spiritual at the expense of the physical. Wherever we find such

a case we see maladies of an organic nature. creating discomfort to body and much uneasiness to mind. Such intellect is given to excessive study, investigation, research and theorizing on metaphysical or transcendental lines. The extreme type runs into spiritualistic work and psychic phenomena of a materializing nature. Here we find them as the leading element in psychic research that holds to the phenomenal with intense tenacity, convinced of their own fancy as of absolute facts that allow no modification. To that class belong theorists void of the practical, or sense of application.

The Intellectual-Physical-Spiritual has to guard against development of the spiritual propensities at the expense of the physical.

All breathing exercises must be dynamic. Exhalations need to be done to the utmost. The chest needs to be held out to the farthest point, with the chest wall sound and solid. Diaphragmatic breathing has to be indulged in at least twice a day.

Abdominal breathing should not be encouraged as such will come thru the physical exercises taken daily as a routine that should never be omitted. Where there is not suffic

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