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June brides-June rides. But feeding on too many small fruits and potatoes, cucumbers and melons brings on cramps, cholera infantum, colic, dyspepsia and irregular in alvine and renal calls.



is not a patent medicine, nor dope but the essence of herbs to soothe the inflammed membranes and to bring almost instant relief affording nature to do the rest.

Babies and children need Vegetable Essence during warm days. Administer with food and drinks and see them thrive.

Sold in sizes of bottles at 50 and 75 cents.

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While this lot lasts we shall offer it at a bottle for 75c.

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which sells for $1.50, we offer it during June for $1.25. Now is the time to meet the radical changes in nature and become boyant, full of zest, vigor and strength.

* *


is most effective during June as nature responds to oil treatments, cleanses pores and heals sores. 60c. per jar. Order now. Do not delay.


P. O. Box 1376

Los Angeles, Calif.


BALTIMORE, Md., Stuart & Midwood Aves., B. Custer.
BROOKLYN, N. Y., 268 Ryerson St.. Miss Anna Ryder.
CHICAGO, Ill., A. Vincent, 3412 Baldwin Ave., Berwyn Ill.
DENVER, Col., 322 W. Iowa Ave. Holcomb Doherty.
KOKOMO, Ind., 414 E. Walnut St. Dr. Grace Russell, Prior.
LOS ANGELES. Cal., 327 So. Hill St., Royal Arcanum Bldg.
NEW YORK CITY, 519 W. 122nd St., B. R. Weaverson.
OAKLAND, Calif., 293 29th St. Effie McKinnon-Miller.
PASADENA, Calif., 368 Franklin Ave., Carl Holdorf.
ROCHESTER, N. Y., 217 Alameda St. Leonettie Martindale.
SACRAMENTO, Cal., Dr. A. Ochs Box 419a. R. D. 2.

SAN DIEGO, Calif., 1867 Union St., corner Fir. H. Nackenhorst.
SEATTLE, Wash., 3039 Arcade Bldg. Dr. Marie F. Coffman.


MONTREAL, Canada, 157 King Edward Ave., Notre Dame de Grace YARMOUTH, Nova Scotia, Canada, G. C. Creelman.


LONDON, England, Mrs. Nellie Cowee Borel, Hazelwood, Mayfield Road, Sutton, Surray.

EDINBURGH, Scotland. William Angus, Esq., 9 Argyle Place. GLASGOW, Scotland, 164 Renfrew St.. Mrs. Elizabeth Smith, resi dence 117 George Street, Edinburgh.


LEIPZIG, Schulstrasse 1. Mazdaznan Zentrale. Dr. Rauth.
HERRLIBERG, Zurich, Dr. David Ammann, Ambassador.
VIENNA, XVIII Abt Carlgasse 22-70.


Frau Margarete Thern.

AARHUS, "Vejlbyhus," Vejlby pr. Riis Skov. Skovvej 28,


BOMBAY, Dadabhoy Sunawalla, Goalia, Malabar Hill, Tank Road. S. H, Jhabvala B. A. Grant St. opposite R. R. yards. SURAT, O. Guard, Old Butcher St.


ADELAIDE, South Australia, Mr. Helmbold, care of Mssrs. Buring and Sobels, Peel St.

Live Food-RAISINUT PEMIKIN-Live People A wholesome unfired cereal food, ready to eat, composed of cereals, nuts and fruits. An undevitalized natural food-prevents constipation.

Promotes health-strength-vitality. 30c per package-4-lb package $1.00 Los Angeles Service & Supply Company Los Angeles, Calif.

326 West Second Street

Dr. Gilman Beeler, Editor

Published monthly by the Mazdaznan Press, 1405 So. Hill St., Los Angeles, Cal., U. S. A. Copyrighted 1920 by Mazdanan Press. Entered as Second Class Matter January 14, 1916, at the Post Office at Los Angeles, Cal., under the Act of March 3, 1879.

DIRECTORS: A. F. Gault, Chairman; Wm. K. Sandberg, Vice Chairman; K. Woolson, Business Manager and Treasurer; Dr. Gilman Beeler, Secretary; John Vinson, Auditor.

The contents of this publication are written by the Rev. Dr. Otoman Zar-Adusht Ha'nish, except signed contributions.

Regular contributors: Maria Rose Ruth Hilton, Nellie Wheelwright, Zarlivana Marvin.

Address all communications and subscriptions to P. O. Box 1854, Los Angeles, Cal.

Subscription One Dollar per annum. Fifteen cents per copy.

Vol. 19

July, 1920.

No. 7


Intellectual-Spiritual, Physical

This type needs first of all to attend to the calls of its base-attention to inhalation. Take for several minutes such exercises as compel long inhalations. Three minutes at a time and five times a day suffice. This type needs to keep up a military front and never allow their backs or shoulders to be propped. It is better for them to lean a trifle forward, but such bending must be from the hips, spine always erect. When tired do not recline-lie down flat on the back.

As the spiritual here is first, such temperament should bear in mind that to be normal

the spiritual side must not be sacrificed to the physical, should the latter need cultivation. While the physical side is under cultivation the spiritual propensities have to be exercised, otherwise they will suffer, and tho such a man is an intellectual giant and at the same time grows into a physical giant, he nevertheless may become void of ethics and morals, frequently deteriorating into a heartless, selfish being, void of principle. Here we find the ardent promoters of militarism, and framers of unconstitutional, unnatural and medieval laws. Here we find merchants, lawyers and judges that have neither consideration nor broadness; they narrow everything to a point of technicality; they have no regard for others, but only for self.

This type needs a frequent revival wave to come into their life. They should reason with themselves and become convinced of the necessity to religiously keep rhythmic exercises to balance up all brain functions. There can be no doubt about it, but that the intellectual needs guidance by the spirit. It is not enuf that their companion happens to be of a spiritual nature to keep them in check and at home after business hours, or to be

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