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as to the location of the spirit world. For every one who has ever put scientific measures to the test and succeeded continues to declare such message to whomsoever has ears to receive it and keenness of mind to comprehend as well as appreciate it.

The elements for healing are within every individual. It remains a scientific fact that even the most depleted in constitution possesses strength and vitality, although beyond the reach of ordinary concept. Such stored up vitality has to be redeemed from its reserve by will directed by the mind.

In Mazdaznan we become familiar with the principle and laws upon which this healing power rests. We learn to follow the lead of a better understanding until we reach the very treasure-house that imparts richness in golden nuggets of health.

In Mazdaznan we find means in accordance with one's mental capacity and physical condition, and for this reason there is no clash with schools of medicine, recognized or unrecognized, for the very first lesson reveals the fact that all schools are right in principle, but wrong in application, an admission that holds good even as to metaphysical schools who are apt to be as narrow as their contemporaries.

In Mazdaznan we are at an advantage because of the maxim: "We are to be in matter what we are in spirit."

Let no man say he cannot recover so long as there remains a vital spark. Let us rather see to it that we do not transgress nature's laws. The way is pointed out to us, and it has been shown that the will is not obliged to stand guard, fanning the vital spark, for by rhythmic breathing we may attain to the power that controls the stored energy, and by additional will we direct it. Rhythmic exhalation during relaxation, and involuntary inhalation in a state of resolution increase the power of dynamic operations, and not only determine oxygenation of the blood but above all things revive the heart action, regulating the consistency of the blood and modifying its gravity. It insures positiveness in carriage and adjusts the chest wall to a position that removes all adhesions and with it establishes freedom in dynamic operations. With added relaxation of every member of the body, the physical weight, that is, the suggestion thereof, is overcome, and with a perfectly balanced body and poise of mind the heart becomes conscious of the presence of the divine entity, assuring consciousness of will, a will that no longer borders on meanness, cussedness, stubbornness or wilfulness, but the will that knows the ever-presence of godliness.

By right living we may prove health of body, and by conscious breathing we determire the power of the mind which will con

duct the realm of matter with profit. The power of mind over matter is proven wherever there is a control over reserve in evidence. But it is not enough that we direct reserve, we must also be aware of the necessity of storing up means unto days to come or for emergency. It is the latter that prompts us to look into the subject of health more gravely and to familiarize ourselves with the modus operandi of nature.

Since the blessing of Realization is the heritage of the White Race we need all the more seriously enter into the subject of salvation. By renewed will-power we should prove to ourselves all the essentials at our command and never be loath to publish the results of our endeavor for the benefit of those who are only just learning to stand on their feet. The weak-kneed gain courage through the living examples and demonstrations of those farther on in years of study. It is not enough to know I have a will; to increase in will-power, the will must be exercised daily, and in every pursuit that marks our daily walks.


Know thyself well, weigh each plan and endeavor,

Love thyself well, and be beloved ever.

Trust thy own power and count thyself the winner,

To thyself be saint and let who will be sinner.

Know that thou hast then, no need of more striving,

The soul without sin has no need of shriving. A man to be great, must give himself credit, His eulogy best, who first wrote-then read it.

Another may praise and you may be grateful,

The thought you conceive, is one that is faithful.

Your sacrifice lay upon your heart's altar, Apply your own torch and never once falter.

Carve your own name, if you will on some summit,

Know that the depth can be reached by your plummet.

Offer your incense to God who is in you, Nothing but truth can forever then win


Count what you miss then as blessings accruing,

That had you then gained might prove your undoing.

Know that your faith in yourself is unshaken,

That what is your own can never be taken.

Eye of the soul rules the two in their socket,
Philosopher's stone more than gold in pocket.
Happiness is not on others depending,
You realize more when alone ascending.
Knowing well self, and another not judging,
You give of your best, and not do it grudging.
The thought, self-esteem, let's hold to it ever,
And know we have wealth that abides for-



Adolphe Pinard, member of the Academy of Medicine of Paris, says: "Researches relating to physiological heredity and pathological heredity ought to be pursued without interruption, but it is necessary to make known as soon as possible to the masses of the people the individual conditions, fully understood, which alone permit a favorable and healthy procreation. In a word, it is necessary as soon as possible to organize a great movement in order to show to the greatest number of human beings the absolute necessity for a conscientious, i. e., an enlightened, procreation. We must bravely approach the civilizing of the reproductive instinct, which alone has remained in a barbarous state amongst all the so-called civilized nations from the earliest times."

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