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at all appreciated, but misdirected, leaving ruin "in their wake." Altho it would seem that the spiritual side should cling to morals for which they stand, time will inform us otherwise, and here, too, many adjustments shall be necessary, at times the sceptre of ignorance waving terror equal to the plagues detailed in the Apocalypse. Perhaps the clipping of the feathers will seem rather severe, nevertheless there must be balancement.

The Anglos, who in numbers are equal to those of the Slavs and the Latins, are considered the right wing of the great bird of the Heavens, the Aryan, or the White Race. They represent the intellect and have been the cause of much misunderstanding, both among the Slavs and the Latins, due to the coldness of the intellect, which will run to extremes and become as dogmatic as does the corresponding wing of the Latins in matters spiritual.

During the days of adjustment among the Slavs and the balancement among the Latins, the Anglos will have much to undo and not only have its diplomatic feathers plucked, but

its very foundation shaken-for "what can be shaken shall be shaken."

The Anglos need not think that his diplomacy or finesse will in any way vouchsafe to him immunity from disruption. Great changes are inevitable. Pride and power must be broken ere Humbleness and Benevolence shall take their places and divine a "Peace that surpasseth all the understanding of man."

In the meanwhile all those whose tribal ties have been intercepted must return to their own, while those of a true blending and in accord with the gravity of blood, as allotted to the twelve tribes, will seek new fields of operation and become the greater pioneers in all the leading branches of commerce, manufacture and industry.


Looking out into the world today and watching the trend of thot and deed, it certainly does not look encouraging. The beautiful thots unselfishly uttered, heroic deeds freely done, have been dragged from their heights of loftiness down into the mire and

besmirched with mud. We see what Tolstoï called a "Super-Venus, an eternal courtesan -Commercialism," enthroned in the thots and deeds of mankind as never before. And you are forced to ask where is the moral side of mankind? Where is that moral perception that an equivalent for what I give you is all I am entitled to, or ever desire?

If Benjamin Franklin appeared in our midst with "Poor Richard's Almanac" in his hand, and in his heart all that tried, proven and sterling sense of a real character that none could shake, what would be his sensations? He would see what he never dreamed of had come to pass. For he did dream and scheme to have this nation hold to the teachings of a great moralist, laid down in the simple language and allegory of his Almanac. In that Almanac he upheld and cultivated the character that was the bone and sinew of the independence established by the colonies. The great fight of that period had to be won with character, not dollars-nor commercialism. Dollars were few and far between, but the men who won their way in the forest and the bitter cold were the bulwark against which the waves of destruction beat in vain,

and they founded this Union. And again it shall be the characters, not the dollars, that shall stand the test of time and preserve this Union.

The aftermath of war is uncertainty-a swaying back and forth, as it were because the old has either been destroyed or is shaken to its foundations. The new is being conceived and has to be gestated.

When humanity is surveyed with only the vision of today it is discouraging beyond words, but see it in the magic mirror of the eternal tomorrow, and to that add the power that no man has ever been able to estimate or hold back-the Spirit of the Times-and again you can see only hope. It sweeps aside all barriers when the time is mature. Those stupendous structures reared to hold man in subjection fall like a house of cards in the sudden rising of the wind. Infinite Intelligence holds the power to guide and lead, and will never surrender to ignorance-and we all know history proves this. It may work so quietly and gently that no one can tell how the change came, or it may come in a mighty upheaval that will sweep all obstructions

from its path, no matter how strongly cemented together.

With this thot and understanding we find hope and joy, because we trust it all to the Hand that guides.


"Freedom and Liberty in the pursuit of happiness" again rings thruout the Union and re-echoes from every quarter of the globe, but there were long years and long centuries when this thot was held down by the iron hand.

Patrick Henry's immortal thot which dared to call despotism to account is sounding its message not only in the land of its birth, but also to all those everywhere whose individual and collective rights have been denied. The spirit of Washington lives and the thot of Freedom and Liberty is carried on the waves of ether and fanned into brightness.

Russia is but another example of collective awakening from serfdom, and sets an example in the struggle for Freedom and Liberty which shall be hers after years of political

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