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Season Hints

After all, chemical analysis of foods may be a gratification to the studious mind, but judicious selection is of greater importance, as in this case the temperament, wants and needs are brot into consideration.

To live according to season one follows the call of nature, and the knowledge of self added thereto assures that happy medium akin to harmony in all things.

We need only to use good judgment and foresight and success is ours.

May is one of the spring months most of us welcome, be it North or South. It is the month of rejuvenation.

Asparagus is more plentiful and a side dish will not be amiss.

The more harmony between mind and body the more vitality within the organic and all the more powerful the mind.

If catarrhal, the membranes thus affected from time to time, abstain from butter.

If you do not mind to feel heavy, stuffed, irritable and mean, indulge in butter.

Milk, eggs and bananas at one meal cause nervous exhaustion. The intellectually based may stand it, but they impair their health.

Cabbage, potatoes and rhubarb pie may go with the physically based, but they pay for it by growing costive and developing a mean temper.

Fruit salad, macaroni au gratin and tapioca pudding may appeal to the spiritually based, but they reap indigestion in turn and grow melancholy. It's alright if they are in the paint business and run short on blues.

Where small fruits are late in season we have citrus fruits to fall back upon, as they are far more valuable medicinally than shipped-in small fruits.

Small fruits, to be of value, must be sweet to the taste, of a high flavor and perfectly ripe. Do not use them if they have to be sugar-coated or sweet-creamed.

Cottage cheese with olives, chives, oniontops, pimientoes, or minced with tomatoes, is permitted. But remember, the use of small quantities alone is medicinal while large quantities will call for eliminators, the use thereof will bring on depletion to the digestive organs.

Shipped-in tubers are permitted at this time, as tuberous or bulb plants do not depend upon ripening but upon maturing to size. In substance the ingredients are equal, whether large or small. True, wherever forced, there will be more belladonna or more water present and less of the salts so valuable for cell-formation. Still, judicious slight changes often prove beneficial.

Even in the remotest places diverse greens are obtainable, like leaf-lettuce, chicory, dandelion, sheep sorrel, watercress, mustard leaves and blossoms, blue flag, rhubarb, kale, lambsquarters and other field varieties peculiar to localities. The radish, and radish tops too, come to our assistance in making a wholesome salad, while onion tops appear almost everywhere in abundance. Adding chives and parsley we can arrange to get along very nicely.

The milk cure is one of the means nature offers for physical regeneration. When the milk is found to be too heavy in fats or in casein dilution is proper, but sweetening with sugar of milk is necessary. The various methods used have been described from time to time thruout the many issues of the Mazdaznan magazine and readers only need to look up back numbers. Furthermore, from the platform the many methods of covering various temperaments have been given minutely. Still, we need to be reminded that a milk cure. to be effective in every way, should be preceded by a few days of purification and fasting. Furthermore, start with but one pint of milk, using eliminating greenstuffs and fresh fruit juices in very small quantities. With each day add more milk, say a teacupful, and continue until four quarts are consumed within the twenty-four hours of the day, letting up on greens and fruit juices. The four-quart point reached, it should be continued for one week and the quantity then gradually diminished. Getting down to two quarts, we are to let nature have full sway and not to use suggestion. Should hunger for cereals set in, then such cereals should be

used in rolled form, slightly toasted and moistened with warm cream. The usual quantity of milk is to be consumed first and then the cereal. Should we be inclined toward fruit juices then it is to be remembered that such juices should be sipped very slowly, if not chewed. As to vegetables, the same rule holds good: use such vegetables only as need no firing, and chew them slowly but do not swallow the pulp. During a milk cure frequent baths are called for, also oil and salt rubs to improve the skin action which is needed to eradicate all acid accumulations.


In an idea of time we live but for a span; in the thot of eternity we live forever.

The greatest service, divine and sublime, is that of serving the daily design.

He who would be the greatest shall after all fall below the mark.

The more we aspire the harder it fares with us when we expire.

Conditions may change, but man remains the same.

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