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the possibilities unto mutuality be dispersed. And again, to the extent that mutual understanding draws the Slavs and Latins closer to one another and unites them with the Anglos, all the sooner shall differences disappear, and, like leaves bitten by the north wind, be scattered and blown away.

Although we should acquaint ourselves with all the peculiarities characteristic of tribes and nations, such familiarity should not tend toward self-interest, but, rather, awaken the sympathetic cord and help unite heart with mind, so as to all the more exercise good judgment and bridge over all the differences, thereby calling out admiration rather than criticism. Nature herself suggests variety in complexity to insure a larger scope of recognition, and not defiance.

The arrogance of an American is not to phase the diplomacy of an Englishman or the naivity of a Bosnian. Such arrogance is rather the result of frontier exposures and pioneer struggles, which disappear before the polish of diplomatic association. While the practice of diplomacy can be accounted for and need not be thrown upon the scale of justice with a thought of vengeance, since diplomacy is the result of necessity, arising from association with hostile people whose friendship means self-preservation.

The naivity of a Bosnian may "get the goat" of a Teuton, still we must remember

that the admixture of tribes, alternated by miscegenation of relative blood ties, has created mental stagnancy which, to overcome, will require radical change in environment. It would be very unscientific to propose excuses for the peculiarities of one tribe when compared with the peculiarities of another tribe, since the phenomenal is due to conditions in which the individual as well as a whole commonwealth has not had sole control. It is for this very reason that the Study of Man becomes a necessity, so as to fathom cause and effect and through mutual relations arrive at an understanding conductive to a change for the better in which each and everyone may participate with equal measure.

Differences in the mental as well as the physical are rather wholesome and prove the limitlessness of an Infinite Intelligence. But these differences must be made to blend, or to dissolve, as do the dissonances within a musical scale, which, to accomplish gracefully, needs the master touch and the knowledge of harmony. In social economics it requires the acquaintance and understanding of the relation between the tribes, tongues or nations, and the influence brought to bear on the inherited tendencies of races whence we have sprung.

And then again, we must be prompted by an unbiassed mind to deal with types, and be charitable to the habits acquired by them

through associationship with others, if we are to have a real understanding of humanity at large and be just in our deductions.


We are forcefully reminded by the spirit of the age to cherish religion and associationship that through them we may obtain strength to endure in a world that is crushed and to strengthen the budding real thought of peace, so aiding in the materialization of religion, or the Peace League.

The Peace-Thought is the inherited fortune, the treasure of the White race. As soon and as often as it was lost, the race went into a decline; thereafter it was only through gigantic floodlike processes of purification, bringing reflection and reform, that it could arise anew.

Similarly, or corresponding with the fall and rise of the race, do we find the influence of woman in the life of the people. As soon and as long as woman sustained her due position as a sister and a mother, leading a life equal to the embodiment of the inward conscious principle, the race ascended and advanced; and as soon and as often as she lost sight of this sacred trust and became the plaything of man, the race degenerated into lust and sickness, leaving no room for harmonious peaceful thoughts, words and ac

tions; and the laceration of the people by national and religious wars was the result.

In such a profound and deep period of racial development Mazdaznan raises its voice and calls out to all trustworthy men and women to go ahead, and through their own individual efforts prove worthy examples for others to pattern after, thus leading the race out of the mire of deterioration and decline onto the heights of progress.

The light shines forth once more, and again we are made conscious of the presence of the Star of the Magi and the Aryan precepts and statutes of development.

Especially has woman again begun to feel and realize her task and her rightful position, and, no doubt, the entire equality of rights with man will come to her in her own feminine way. She begins to perceive her power and her finer senses are awakening_ particularly divine inspiration and foresight -through which the conscious guidance of all things, yea, even of all mankind, is entrusted to her or placed in her hands.

It behooves man with his intellectual faculties to uphold and sustain her in this position, so that woman's creative principle may be fashioned into a useful and serviceable life. Not only a century, nay, a thousand years, can be brought into the arena of action by both man and woman while walking hand in hand, i. e., setting their seal upon

a ceaseless, peaceful ascent of humanity.

In this vast and pure thought we will all mutually and constantly strengthen each other so as to realize more and more fully the great possibilities within ourselves and then to spread broadcast this revelation to humanity, bearing a thousandfold, yea, a richly blessed harvest.

So is issued the invitation to all our household and their friends to gather with us in the desire for active participation, so that our mutual work for the welfare of humanity, with the power of communion with the particular mode or customs, may receive new vigor and incentive to still greater deeds and blessings in abundance.-With love, David Ammann.


A compromise between monarchial and republican ideas gives rise to plots and insurrection.

Political passions make a liberal form of government very difficult to maintain.

A public career knows of no game laws; hunting goes on all the year.

Public opinion is nothing more than the negative magnetic needle of the dial plate which marks by turns the variations in this atmosphere of human affairs.

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