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structors their just place, and to recognize those who are the greatest.

It is useless to think that the mission of another can be filled worthily by us. Each one of us has our own. Lord Byron came with a coterie of poets destined to bring harmony on earth by fixing the thoughts of men upon rythm; that they in a manner succeeded is testified to by the peaceful reign of Queen Victoria.

They dealt with the live issues of the day, and for that reason men read their verses, but the minds of those great luminaries became enslaved by the extravagance, folly and debauchery of the times. The negative brain cells were excited by the alcohol continually being created in their stomachs by consuming large quantities of rare beef and game, washed down by unbelievable quantities of intoxicating drink. There could be exceptions made that some were less debauched, but this is not an article on poets, but on perfection in matter enabling the mind to give true expression to its real entity. The great soul of Lord Byron came to loathe its body as Jeremiah, the prophet, loathed his underground dungeon, and it sought liberation.

The unseen protected him and avoided his meeting sudden death on various occasions, as they do all such as he, but at last an appeal was made to his love of right and hatred

of oppression, and he hurried to the Isles of Greece to help liberate them, fitting out the expedition at his own expense. Here the liberating forces went to war in earnest, not for Greece, but the freedom of that soul no longer able to pursue its mission in that incarnation, and in three weeks, as men count time, it took its flight. His body was consumed by a fever that a true Mazdaznan would have escaped, or, if on account of the contending forces about, it had become contaminated, in three days' time the fever would have been cast out.

Byron came to bring peace on the earthnot a sword. This is the mission of everyone who writes verse, however humble. The Declaration of Independence is right, "All men are created equal"; that is, with the same number of brain cells that may be opened, and we do not have to hide our charter in an oak as our forefathers did. We are free within our own heads to develop and manifest godlikeness. Desirable as health is, the means to attain and preserve it do not appeal to those living in a state of unrest, malice, greed and envy, which conditions in themselves are symptoms of deep-rooted disease. They do not associate health with what they term religion. They do not know the relationship that should exist between body, mind, soul and spirit, and that one con

dition of perfection applies to all, since there is but one source of supply.

To them God is a long way off, to be reckoned with on a deathbed, perhaps, while others are satisfied to have the matter settled with a part of the life insurance after they are gone.

Until the world accepts the truth, it will go on in its malady, creating conditions, continuing to reject those sent to it who come declaring, "Ye must be born again. Except ye became as little children, ye cannot enter the kingdom of heaven." Then proceed to find what and where heaven is, and also where God is to be found.

Hark, my soul, the word is spoken
That invites us to the feast;
Wisdom, love have sent the token
That admits us, e'en the least.

Thus to make the thought creative,
Body, mind and spirit whole,
Here and now of heaven a native,
Aiding us to reach our goal.

Gone with creeds are fear and blindness,
And we dare to stand alone;

I am health and wealth and kindness,
Come to welcome all my own.

Mother's Voice

No Nation can rise above the level of its womanhood.

Edited by Maria Rose Ruth Hilton


(By Mother Maria, December 13, 1918.) We are living at a time when the whole world has turned into a camouflage, and, in order to keep up with the spirit of the times, we have to turn into a camouflage ourselves. And as we have to go out among people, we take on the reflections of the world, more or less. But whatever we may take on, we are not to harbor it.

Now, that is why the exercises, as given in our preliminary work, are of so much importance. If you and I, or anyone, shall survive the storm-for it is only the "survival of the fittest" at this time-it will be because we have found the key to Mazdaznan. If I have not found that key, if that key has not been revealed unto my heart and mind, will I weather the storm, or will I flounder in the great storm-will I go down?

These are the questions that we must face. These are the questions that are of moment, that come home to us now. The vital question now is: am I living the life? If I am living

the life, then, as the Doctrine says: "To know God is life eternal."

The object of these Friday night gatherings is not to practice our exercises, for we have our physical gymnastics at home, and we have our mental training as well. The mental and the physical must go hand in hand, must be polarized. By having found the polarization, having found the key, then no good thing will be withheld for those who walk uprightly. If we have solved the physical problems thru diet and become polarized through the breath, then we are ready for the study of Ainyahita, and to drink at the fountain which unlocks the heavenly treasure house, where we may eat of that ambrosian bread and drink of that nectar wine that satisfies. It has come to our people, as a school of initiations, beginning with the first chapter, leading us on and on, until it comprises a whole book in consecutive order. And it is of great moment to our spiritual felicity in years to come, because as we grow, unfold, develop and mature, we enter into these locked chambers, and we shall have revealed to us, not one secret of Nature, but the very treasures of heaven.

And there she stood, Ainyahita, the Pearl of Heaven and Diadem of Earth. Now, have we thought what is really embraced in those words, "Ainyahita, the Pearl of Heaven and Diadem of Earth?" All that is grand, rare

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