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lighten the white man's burden.

Of course,

I mean in this case woman and her burdensawakened woman again! Man has had precious little to do with me, the dishrag, only a few know my possibilities, for as a rule he just says-well, I must not say it, for I am a dishrag, and as such do not use such language. Oh, my, I just had to sigh then, for I seemed to hear the steps of that tired mother coming into the kitchen, giving one hopeless look at the pile of dishes, and I felt her take me into her unwilling hands and souse me around in that pan of dishwater. The thought I have had to bear! Oh, well, thought is power, and now my days are numbered, but I shall not say goodnight but goodmorning, for my passing away will be in the morning of the Transparent race.

-Cousin Nellie.


The K. C. Star prints the information that "after a lifetime of effort, Fred Ramey, who owns the land on which the Cahokia mounds are situated, has given up the attempt to interest the Legislature of Missouri or of Illinois, or Congress, in their preservation. He intends selling the land to a firm which seeks a factory and industrial plant region. And with the sale the mounds, like the race that erected them, will pass away."

The Cahokia Mounds, the most imposing work of the lost race of Mound Builders, include in all sev

enty-five mounds; the purpose of their construction and their builders have been an unsolved puzzle for archaeologists. The largest one, the great "Monk's Mound," stands in the center of the group, 1080 feet long, longer than the Great Pyramid of Egypt; its base covers nearly sixteen acres. In 1913 an attempt was made to interest Congress in their preservation, and Gerard Fowke, curator of the Missouri Historical Society, wrote of them:

The Cahokia Mounds are the most stupendous piles of earth ever erected by human hands solely as a monument or temple site. The countries of Europe willingly would spend large sums to preserve ruins or remains which scarcely would be noticeable if placed near the Cahokia Mounds. We have in them the culmination of the work of the Mound Builders. It is among their works what the most magnificent cathedral is among our buildings. The Cahokia Mounds should never be disturbed by pick or shovel.

The world, and the United States in particular, has plenty of uses for money today besides securing the preservation of archaic land profiles. But, however great the demand for funds and men's time and thought in constructive work, the deliberate refusal to provide for the preservation of these ethnic monuments shows a desperate lack of ability to preserve natural wealth, without which a nation will run through its resources, however great. For the words "natural wealth" cover more than coal and iron and oil and water power; a nation which does not value its own history, physical and political, would ultimately develop a mania for neglect of the imponderable values which would keep it out of a sane society of civilized nations. The United States would probably survive even if the work of the Mound Builders were dug down to make factory sites; but the deterioration in national intelligence which it would imply would be dearly bought with all the money made there in a hundred years.-Clipping.

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