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Not content with purgatory and hell in the hereafter many a man creates hades on earth.

A brave man is he who is equally poised in loss and gain, sunshine and rain, dishonor or fame.

We need to forget cruel ambition and grant to others what we would want to reserve for ourself.

We need to remember the prayer of our Savior: "Father, if it be possible let this bitter cup pass.' But evidently even to a Savior it was not to be within the province of possibilities, and He must submit to "Thy will be done."

Still that will, which we call the will of God is only an admission, permission, and demands submission, because of the ignorance prevalent among the masses that refuse recognition.

Altho it may be true that there is a movement on foot blacklisting any person and any organization that dares to preach religious liberty and follow "the dictates of one's own conscience," the move is merely for the purpose of finding out the tender spot of people, the same as a dentist determines the sore tooth by using his mallet upon the whole set.


Mischiefmakers in society are just as much a necessary evil as are cathartics, altho it may be true that some are rather drastic.

The inability to prove "that certain thing" in us by laboratory or experimental methods is by no means a fault of ours, but the faultiness of methods employed.

Proper training implies recapitulation of mental regime and concentration upon every detail appertaining to the branch of labor selected.

A number of electrons is called an atom and a number of atoms makes up the molecule. The latter aggregating into numbers unite and grow into sensitiveness and with it into perceptibility. In like manner do individuals by a process of aggregation express greater power for good or ill.

To chemistry there are but three factors known, solids, liquids and gases, still these three phases cause much stir when to be determined in their manifold blends and combinations. These three states evolve into decillions of elements that make up the "wonders of creation," still no one is able to find thru the processes of matter the leading factor conducive to the manifold expressions and man is baffled in his search and research.


I can hear you laugh and see the expression of disdain upon your countenance. But I don't care a rap what you think, for it's what I think, I mean know, that counts. Yes, if you will listen to my story you will be wiser, and if you are a thinker you will say: "Well, in these days of adjustment one cannot even laugh at a dishrag." Now, where shall I begin? For I can think of hundreds of beginnings; still, it's my ending that I am really thinking of today. Oh! I know now; I was just going to begin with the subject of Woman, for she is the factor now. Not very many men can see that yet; you know most of them are a stubborn set, anyhow. But I don't find fault with them, for Adam was right-it's woman's fault.

I heard that someone said if woman would pay more attention to food, all will be welland what does that mean but to be a dishrag? Yes, stop talking about the awakened woman and everything would be all right.

My heavens! Even I, a dishrag, almost go "daffy" over the thought-thousands and thousands of years she has paid attention to food, just like they who continue to say: "We have left undone the things we ought to have done, and have done the things we ought not to have done."

No, woman has to wake up! There it is again; I do not mean just wake up in the morning, everybody does that, and you know lots of bodies get nowhere. I mean, if I were to tell you all I mean I'd wear this typewriter out, and perhaps you, too, before I would finish, so I will leave it to the new woman, and believe me, she will, for as I said before she is the awakened woman.

Yes, this is my story, a dishrag. Now, I have to admit it is not poetic, but surely it is interesting, for my history is so varied and far-reaching. Pots and pans have played havoc with the race. No, I shall not tell you the story of Napoleon and how he overate, for the details you remember. But do you know that the same thing occurs every day? Well, it does!

When you study the animals you find they know their food, unless man has interfered. Not so with the human animal; he just eats because he can. Never or rarely ever does he use his intelligence. And when the day of judgment comes he simply sends for the doctor, and the doctor generally does the rest, and there is rest-an eternal rest-far, far away, "and still we hear them singing, come, weary souls."

I might say I am universal, for all races and conditions of men eat, and in the preparing of food there is need of a dishrag. Now, I do not mean that they eat me, the

dishrag, but they might sometimes when the cook gets real mad, when you order a late supper, while she had planned with other servants for their late supper, in the expectation of using your best china and silver.

Oh, no! I cannot tell you what I have seen, for you would not sleep all night. You did not sleep when you ate the supper, and it was the beginning of an attack that ended in a trip to Florida, and just at the time when you wished to remain in your seat in the Senate to father that bill of yours (not bill of fare). Why will you not think and know that the thought put into food is all important to you? What volumes of information could be given the race!

Now, if I should run across one of those individuals that think there is a buttermilk cow and that strawberries grow on trees, I would have them look into the dictionary for my name, where they will find dishcloth instead of dishrag, but that's the dignity of the dictionary. You, no doubt, recall to mind the days when you were called Sammy when you sold papers. You are now Samuel, for you have made a fortune did you make it?

To return to my story, for I feel my days are numbered, just as you do when you get past seventy, instead of just beginning to live. I have been told electricity, now in its infancy, will supplant me. My, this age is just beginning to make useful inventions to

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