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it will be natural to apply science and art to sex relations as fully as we now do to the matter of food, clothes and shelter.

We find laws upon our statute books which are enslaving a great part of the population, laws which have inflicted upon our womanhood a state of poverty, degradation, illness and death unequalled in the whole history of our times.

U. S. A. needs a high quality population more than a greater quantity. She needs more of her children already born to be reared into decent citizenship-not more to be born into destitution and poverty.

We are slaves to think that any former generation had a right to bind us, just as we are tyrants if we think we can bind the generations that are to follow.

-Birth Control Review.


Think of womanhood, and you to be a woman; The creation is womanhood;

Have I not said that womanhood involves all? Have I not told how the universe has nothing better than the best womanhood?

Walt Whitman.

Follow after thyself-what says thy conscience? Thou shalt be that which thou art -let the highest self-expression be thy highest expression.-Frederick Nietzsche.


The new Feminism has created a revolution in the ranks of the woman movement. It has made a startling announcement to a body busily engaged in promoting the claims for suffrage and the cause of social reform. It declares that the primary purpose of woman is spiritual; that suffrage and social reform are good enuf in their way, but that woman as woman has a greater value to contribute to Life, and that she must do this at all costs. For from being conservative, however, the Feminists have gone far ahead of their sisters in proposing revolutionary social and ethical changes, and are awakening astonished protests everywhere. And this has led us to a fresh consideration of the spiritual life of woman, and we turn to those great seers of modern literature who have been able to express most powerfully what they have been vouchsafed to see of the Soul of Woman.

For a mere man, in these sensitive times of the newness of Feminism, to presume to speak of the Soul of Woman, it is necessary at the outset, if not to state his intentions, to state at least his attitude of mind toward the movement which is the modern expression of that soul. It will, then, be necessary for the author to declare himself a firm believer in the rights of woman, the right of suffrage, of

social and economic equality and independence. He rejoices in the recent victories and in those of the days to come. The enfranchisement of woman has been an imperative need, not only for woman, but also for the human race. He recognizes the fact that in the attainments thus far reached a struggle has been necessary, and that certain militant tendencies have been very natural accompaniments of the holy war.

Woman in the effort to become politically emancipated has met the superstitions of man, and the bigotry of man, and the savage inclinations and barbaric institutions of man; and all these things she has had to meet on their respective levels. This has brot about the fear that the woman movement will rob the world of its gentler feminine spirit; and indeed the facts have appeared at first glance to justify this apprehension. In general, all social movements not only create their necessary types, but they also attract those who by temperament are dissatisfied with and rebel against the usual. This phenomenon is common to all new social and religious movements. The minds of those who have not been enabled to look beyond these vagaries and whimsicalities, not to say abnormalities, have confused the pathological incidents of this great and profound movement with its revolutional end and ideal.

But now that so much has been accom

plished; now that the foundation has been laid and the severest struggle is over; now that the man of culture has, with exceptional instances, been converted; now is the time to address ourselves to the more fundamental aims and the higher needs that have all along been the prompting motives of the leaders.

It can now be seen that "enfranchisement is not freedom," nor the solution of all our human ills; that it is at best but a leverage, and often a very ineffectual one, by which certain more fundamental needs may be secured.

Woman has been the conserver of our greatest social values. Man has been aggressive and not infrequently iconoclastic. And these life attitudes have a physiological basis to guarantee their permanence. It is found, for example, that the rate of anabolism, or tissue construction, is higher in woman than in man, and conversely, that katabolism, or tissue degeneration, is more rapid in man than in woman. There is also a significant difference in the number of leucocytes present in any given blood area of man or woman. Both anatomically and physiologically woman has always been more nearly the normal than man. The extremes of cephalic index, or skull measurement, have always been corrected by the woman. These are facts that lie back of economic change and racial custom and are expressions from the bed rock of human na

ture. It is axiomatic in biological science that structure and function go hand in hand. And the whole structure of woman indicates conservation; that of man, aggression. Not for long will either of these be untrue to the basic demands of their nature.

Paul Jordan Smith.


Unless the intellect be washed by the blood of the heart; unless illumined by the light of wisdom, it becomes the dead letter of the law, which like Judas turns traitor to the Chrystos. Only when the intellect becomes "imbued with power from on high" does it become a true child of the Spirit and no longer bears the stigma of a bastard.

The truly cultured and refined are ever ready to respond to the gracious and thotful expressions bestowed upon them. The kindly sense of appreciation is ever acknowledged by those of delicate and refined natures; and these are ever on the alert to reciprocate the courtesies so generously extended. The virtues of gratitude and appreciation are ever the insignia of noble sensitive natures.

A man that withholds his pocketbook from his lawful companion, the mother of his children, already lays the foundation for crime, instilling deception, dishonesty and theft.

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