Kenya National Assembly Official Record (Hansard)The official records of the proceedings of the Legislative Council of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya, the House of Representatives of the Government of Kenya and the National Assembly of the Republic of Kenya. |
Common terms and phrases
Achola agreed allocated Anyona areas ask the Minister Assistant Minister beg to support budget central Government chief officers consultancy councillors County Council criteria Dandora debate devolution of power elected ensure give given going Government Act happening Hashim House inquest Interim Oversight Board Item Kamotho Kangema KANU Kariuki Karua Kenya Kibera Kikuyu Kirinyaga Kirinyaga District Kisumu Kitale Kitui District Kituyi Kiunjuri Kopany LATF Leshore MACHAKOS Madoka Maitha mayor Members million Minister explain Minister tell Ministry Mokku Mombasa Municipal Council Munyasia Murang'a District Musila Muturi Mwenje Nairobi City Council Ndicho neighbourhood associations Parliament Parpai point of order police officers police station President privatising problems programme projects question regulations roads Section street lights sub-district hospital Sub-Vote Sungu talking tarmac Temporary Deputy Chairman Temporary Deputy Speaker tenant purchase schemes Thika toilet town council upgraded urban various local authorities Wako