Kenya National Assembly Official Record (Hansard)The official records of the proceedings of the Legislative Council of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya, the House of Representatives of the Government of Kenya and the National Assembly of the Republic of Kenya. |
Common terms and phrases
Africa agricultural sector Angwenyi Applause areas ASAL Assistant Minister Awori beg to support Bomas Bomas of Kenya chang'aa Constitution debate E.K. Maitha East African Community economy ensure Excellency the President farmers free primary education funds fursa give Godana hapa happened HIV/AIDS Home Affairs important insecurity investments investors issue iwapo Kajiado KANU katika nchi Kenyans Kenyatta Khalwale Khamasi Kimeto kuwa Lands and Settlement livestock Loud consultations maandamano Members of Parliament Michuki Mijikenda million Minister for Foreign Minister for Home Minister for Lands Ministry mislead this House Muiruri Mwenje Naibu Spika NARC Government nation nchi hii nchi ya Kenya Official Opposition Ojode Osundwa point of order police President's Speech Presidential Address primary education programme realise sehemu Serjeant-at-Arms Spika wa Muda talk Temporary Deputy Speaker Thank Transport and Communications uchumi Vice-President and Minister Wamwere Wario Wetangula yesterday