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For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402
(Order by SD Catalog No. C 13.44:113, Vol. 3), Price $1.25



Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 70-603263


The Center for Computer Sciences and Technology of the National Bureau of Standards has responsibility under the authority of Public Law 89-306 (the Brooks Bill) for automatic data processing standards development, for consultation and technical assistance to Federal agencies, and for supporting research in matters relating to the use of computers in the Federal Government.

This selective literature review is one of a series intended to improve interchange of information among those engaged in research and development in the fields of the computer and information sciences. Considered in this volume are the specific areas of overall system design considerations, including the problems of requirements analysis, system networking, terminal design, character sets, programming languages, and advanced hardware developments.

Names and descriptions of specific proprietary devices and equipment have been included for the convenience of the reader, but completeness in this respect is recognized to be impossible. Certain important developments have remained proprietary or have not been reported in the open literature; thus major contributors to key developments in the field may have been omitted.

The omission of any method or device does not necessarily imply that it is considered unsuitable or unsatisfactory, nor does inclusion of descriptive material on commercially available instruments, products, programs, or processes constitute endorsement.


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