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Ebersole, J. L., North American Aviation's National Operating System, in Toward a National Information System, Second Annual National Colloquium on Information Retrieval, Phila- delphia, Pa., April 23-24, 1965, Ed. M. Rubinoff, pp. 169–198 (Spartan Books, Washington, D.C., 1965).
Ebersole, J. L., An Operating Model of a National Information System, Am. Doc. 17, No. 1, 33-40 (Jan. 1966).
Eckman, D. P., Ed., Systems: Research and Design, Proc. First Systems Symp. at Case Institute of Technology, Cleveland, Ohio, April 1960, 310 p. (Wiley, New York, 1961). Edwards, A. W. and R. L. Chambers, Can A Priori Probabilities Help in Character Recognition, J. ACM 11, No. 4, 465-470 (Oct. 1964).
Edwards, W., Probabilistic Information Processing System for Diagnosis and Action Selection, in Second Cong. on the Information System Sciences, Hot Springs, Va., Nov. 1964, Ed. J. Spiegel and D. E. Walker, pp. 141-155 (Spartan Books, Washington, D.C., 1965).
Emerson, M., The 'Small' Computer versus Time-Shared Systems, Computers & Automation 14, No. 9, 18-20 (Sept. 1965). Estrin, G., D. Hopkins, B. Coggan and S. D. Crocker, SNUPER COMPUTER-A Computer in Instrumentation Automation, AFIPS Proc. Spring Joint Computer Conf., Vol. 30, Atlantic City, N.J., April 18-20, 1967, pp. 645-656 (Thompson Books, Washington, D.C., 1967).
Estrin, G. and L. Kleinrock, Measures, Models and Measurements for Time-Shared Computer Utilities, Proc. 22nd National Conf., ACM, Washington, D.C., Aug. 29–31, 1967, pp. 85-96 (Thomp- son Book Co., Washington, D.C., 1967).
Evans, G. J., Jr., Experience Gained from the American Airlines SABRE System Control Program, Proc. 22nd National Conf., ACM, Washington, D.C., Aug. 29–31, 1967, pp. 77-83 (Thomp- son Book Co., Washington, D.C., 1967).
Evans, T. G. and D. L. Darley, DEBUG - An Extension to Current Online Debugging Techniques, Commun. ACM 8, No. 5, 321-326 (May 1965).
Evans, T. G. and D. L. Darley, On-Line Debugging Techniques: A Survey, AFIPS Proc. Fall Joint Computer Conf., Vol. 29, San Francisco, Calif., Nov. 7-10, 1966, pp. 37-50 (Spartan Books, Washington, D.C., 1966).
Fano, R. M. and F. J. Corbató, Time-Sharing on Computers, Scient. American 215, No. 3, 129-140 (1966).
Fedde, G. A., Plated Magnetic Cylindrical Thin Film Main Memory Systems, AFIPS Proc. Fall Joint Computer Conf., Vol. 31, Anaheim, Calif., Nov. 14-16, 1967, pp. 594-596 (Thompson Books, Washington, D.C., 1967).
Feldman, J. A., Aspects of Associative Processing, Tech. Note 1965-13, 47 p. (Lincoln Laboratory, M.I.T., Lexington, Mass., Apr. 21, 1965).
Fernbach, S., Computers in the U.S.A. - Today and Tomorrow, in Information Processing 1965, Proc. IFIP Congress 65, Vol. 1, New York, N.Y., May 24-29, 1965, Ed. W. A. Kalenich, pp. 77-85 (Spartan Books, Washington, D.C., 1965). Fife, D. W. and R. S. Rosenberg, Queuing in a Memory Shared Computer, Proc. 19th National Conf., ACM, Philadelphia, Pa., Aug. 25-27, 1964, pp. H1−1 to H1-12 (Assoc. for Computing Machinery, New York, 1964).
Fine, G. H., C. W. Jackson and P. V. McIsaac, Dynamic Program Behavior Under Paging, Proc. 21st National Conf. ACM, Los Angeles, Calif., Aug. 30-Sept, 1, 1966, pp. 223-228 (Thompson Book Co., Washington, D.C., 1966). Also in Rept. No. SP-2397, 19 p. (System Development Corp., Santa Monica, Calif., June 1966).
Fischer, G. L., Jr., D. K. Pollock, B. Radack and M. E. Stevens, Eds., Optical Character Recognition, 412 p. (Spartan Books, Washington, D.C., 1962).
Fischler, M. A. and A. Reiter, Variable Topology Random Access Memory Organization, AFIPS Proc. Spring Joint Computer Conf., Vol. 34, Boston, Mass., May 14-16, 1969, pp. 381-391 (AFIPS Press, Montvale, N.J., 1969).
Fisher, D. L., Data, Documentation and Decision Tables, Commun. ACM 9, No. 1, 26-31 (Jan. 1966).
Fleet, J. J., How Far Away Are Cheap Mass Memories, Data & Control 3, No. 8, 28-29 (Aug. 1965).
Fleisher, A., P. Pengelly, J. Reynolds, R. Schools and G. Sincer- box, An Optically Accessed Memory Using the Lippman Process for Information Storage, in Optical and Electro- Optical Information Processing, Ed. J. R. Tippett et al., pp. 1-30 (M.I.T. Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1965).
Flynn, M. J., A Prospectus on Integrated Electronics and Com- puter Architecture, AFIPS Proc. Fall Joint Computer Conf., Vol. 29, San Francisco, Calif,, Nov. 7-10, 1966, pp. 97-103 (Spartan Books, Washington, D.C., 1966).
Forbes, R. E., D. H. Rutherford, C. B. Stieglitz and L. H. Tung, A Self-Diagnosable Computer, AFIPS Proc. Fall Joint Com- puter Conf., Vol. 27, Pt. 1, Las Vegas, Nev., Nov. 30-Dec. 1, 1965, pp. 1073-1086 (Spartan Books, Washington, D.C., 1965). Forgie, J. W., A Time- and Memory-Sharing Executive Program for Quick-Response On-Line Applications, AFIPS Proc. Fall Joint Computer Conf., Vol. 27, Pt. 1, Las Vegas, Nev., Nov. 30- Dec. 1, 1965, pp. 599-609 (Spartan Books, Washington, D.C., 1965). Fossum, E. G. and G. Kaskey, Optimization of Information Retrieval Language and Systems, Final Rept. under Contract AF 49(638)1194, 87 p. (UNİVAC, Blue Bell, Pa., Jan. 28, 1966). Foster, J. M., List Processing, 54 p. (American Elsevier Pub., New York, 1967).
Fox, R. S., R. L. McDaniel, C. N. Mooers and W. J. Sanders, A Technique for Overcoming Lack of Standardization in In- formation Network Operation, in Progress in Information Science and Technology, Proc. Am. Doc. Inst. Annual Meeting, Vol. 3, Santa Monica, Calif., Oct. 3-7, 1966, pp. 157-165 (Adrianne Press, 1966).
Frank, A. L., B-Line, Bell Line Drawing Language, AFIPS Proc. Fall Joint Computer Conf., Vol. 33, Pt. 1, San Francisco, Calif., Dec. 9-11, 1968, pp. 179-191 (Thompson Book Co., Washington, D.C., 1968).
Frank, W. L., On-Line CRT Displays: User Technology and Software, in On-Line Computing Systems, Proc. Symp. sponsored by the Univ. of California, Los Angeles, and In- formatics, Inc., Feb. 1965, Ed. E. Burgess, pp. 50-62 (American Data Proc., Inc., Detroit, Mich., 1965).
Franks, E. W., A Data Management System for Time-Shared File Processing Using a Cross-Index File and Self-Defining Entries, AFIPS Proc. Spring Joint Computer Conf., Vol. 28, Boston, Mass., April 1966, pp. 79-86 (Spartan Books, Wash- ington, D.C., 1966).
French, M. B., Disk and Drum Memories, Modern Data 2, No. 5, 42-45, 48-50 (May 1969).
Frijda, N. H., Problems of Computer Simulation, Behav. Sci. 12,59-67 (Jan. 1967).
Fry, B. M. and J. J. Kortendick, Eds., The Production and Use of Technical Reports, Proc. Workshop on the Production and Use of Technical Reports, conducted at the Catholic Univ. of America, April 13-18, 1953, 175 p. (The Catholic Univ. of America Press, Washington, D.C., 1955).
Fubini, E. G., The Opening Address, in Second Cong. on the Information System Sciences, Hot Springs, Va., Nov. 1964, Ed. J. Spiegel and D. E. Walker, pp. 1-4 (Spartan Books, Washington, D.C., 1965).
Fuller, R. H., Content-Addressable Memory Systems, Rept. No. 63-25, 2 v. (Dept. of Engr., Univ. of Calif., Los Angeles, Calif., 1963). Fuller, R. H. and R. M. Bird, An Associative Parallel Processor with Application to Picture Processing, AFIPS Proc. Fall Joint Computer Conf., Vol. 27, Pt. 1, Las Vegas, Nev., Nov. 30— Dec. 1, 1965, pp. 105-116 (Spartan Books, Washington, D.C., 1965).
Fulton, R. L., Visual Input to Computers, Datamation 9, No. 8, 37-40 (Aug. 1963).
Gabor, D., Associative Holographic Memories, IBM J. Res. & Dev. 13, No. 2, 156–159 (Mar. 1969).
Gaines, R. S. and C. Y. Lee, An Improved Cell Memory, IEEE Trans. Electron. Computers EC-14, No. 1, 72–75 (Feb. 1965). Gall, R. G., Hybrid Associative Computer Study, Rept. No. RADC-TR-65-445, Vol. 1, 109 p. (Rome Air Development Center, Griffiss Air Force Base, N.Y., July 1966).
Gallenson, L. and C. Weissman, Time-Sharing Systems: Real and Ideal, Rept. No. SP-1872, 20 p. (System Development Corp., Santa Monica, Calif., Mar. 1965).
Gamblin, R. L., Some Problems of a High Capacity Read-Only Digital Information Storage System, 1968 WESCON Technical Papers, 16/3, Aug. 1968, 6 p.
Garvin, P. L., Ed., Natural Language and the Computer, 398 p. (McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., New York, 1963). Gaver, D. P., Jr., Probability Models for Multiprogramming Computer Systems, J. ACM 14, No. 3, 423-438 (July 1967). Geldermans, P., H. O. Leilich and T. R. Scott, Characteristics of the Chain Magnetic Film Storage Element, IBM J. Res. & Dev. 11, 291-301 (May 1967).
Gelernter, H. L., Realization of a Geometry Theorem Proving Machine, in UNESCO Information Processing, Proc. Int. Conf., Paris, June 15-20, 1959, pp. 273-282 (Oldenbourg, Munich; Butterworths, London, 1960).
Gentle, E. C., Jr., Data Communications in Business, 163 p. (American Telephone and Telegraph Co., New York, 1965). Gibbs, G. and J. MacPhail, Philco Corporation, session on optical character page readers, in Research and Engineering Council of the Graphic Arts Industry, Inc., Proc. 14th Annual Conf., Rochester, N.Y., May 18-20, 1964, pp. 95-106 (Washington, D.C., 1964).
Gibson, D. H., Considerations in Block-Oriented Systems Design, AFIPS Proc. Spring Joint Computer Conf., Vol. 30, Atlantic City, N.J., April 18-20, 1967, pp. 75-80 (Thompson Books, Washington, D.C., 1967).
Gill, S., The Changing Basis of Programming, in Information Processing 1965, Proc. IFIP Congress 65, Vol. 1, New York, N.Y., May 24-29, 1965, Ed. W. A. Kalenich, pp. 201-206 (Spartan Books, Washington, D.C., 1965).
Glaser, E. L., J. F. Couleur and G. A. Oliver, System Design of a Computer for Time Sharing Applications, AFIPS Proc. Fall Joint Computer Conf., Vol. 27, Pt. 1, Las Vegas, Nev., Nov. 30-Dec. 1, 1965, pp. 197-202 (Spartan Books, Wash- ington, D.C., 1965).
Glaser, E., D. Rosenblatt and M. K. Wood, The Design of a Federal Statistical Data Center, The American Statistician 21, No. 1, 12-20 (Feb. 1967).
Gluck, S. E., Impact of Scratchpads in Design: Multifunctional Scratchpad Memories in the Burroughs B8500, AFIPS Proc. Fall Joint Computer Conf., Vol. 27, Pt. 1, Las Vegas, Nev., Nov. 30-Dec. 1, 1965, pp. 661-666 (Spartan Books, Wash- ington, D.C., 1965).
Goettel, H. J., Bell System Business Communications Seminar, in Data Processing, Vol. X, Proc. 1966 International Data Processing Conf., Chicago, Ill., June 21-24, 1966, pp. 188-197 (Data Processing Management Assoc., 1966).
Gordon, J. P., Optical Communication, Int. Sci. & Tech. 44, 60-69 (Aug. 1965).
Gorn, S., Advanced Programming and the Aims of Standardiza- tion, Commun. ACM 9, No. 3, 232 (Mar. 1966).
Gould, R. L., GPSS/360- An Improved General Purpose Simu- lator, IBM Sys. J. 8, No. 1, 16-27 (1969).
Gracer, F. and R. A. Myers, Graphic Computer-Assisted Design of Optical Filters, IBM J. Res. & Dev. 13, No. 2, 172-178 (Mar. 1969).
Graham, R. F., Semiconductor Memories: Evolution or Revolu- tion?, Datamation 15, No. 6, 99-101, 103-104 (June 1969). Graham, R. M., Protection in an Information Processing Utility, Commun. ACM 11, No. 5, 365–369 (May 1968).
Greenberger, C. B., The Automatic Design of a Data Processing System, in Information Processing 1965, Proc. IFIP Congress 65, Vol. 1, New York, N.Y., May 24-29, 1965, Ed. W. A. Kalenich, pp. 277-282 (Spartan Books, Washington, D.C., 1965).
Greenberger, M., A Multipurpose System for the Structuring On-Line of Information and Decision Processes, in Informa- tion Processing 1965, Proc. IFIP Congress 65, Vol. 2, New York, N.Y., May 24-29, 1965, Ed. W. A. Kalenich, pp. 347-348 (Spartan Books, Washington, D.C., 1966).
Griffith, R. L., Data Recovery in a Photo-Digital Storage System, IBM J. Res. & Dev. 13, No. 4, 456-467 (July 1969). Gross, W. A., Information Storage and Retrieval, A State-of-the- Art Report, Ampex READOUT, special issue, 9 p. (Ampex Corp., Redwood City, Calif., 1967).
Günther, A., Microphotography in the Library, UNESCO Bull. Lib. 16, 1-22 (1962).
Gurk, H. M. and J. Minker, The Design and Simulation of an Information Processing System, J. ACM 8, 260-270 (1961).
Hagan, T. G., R. J. Nixon and L. J. Schaefer, The Adage Graphics Terminal, AFIPS Proc. Fall Joint Computer Conf., Vol. 33, Pt. 1, San Francisco, Calif., Dec. 9-11, 1968, pp. 747-755 (Thompson Book Co., Washington, D.C., 1968).
Halpern, M., The Case for Natural-Language Programming, Proc. Fall Joint Computer Conf., Vol. 29, San Francisco, Calif., Nov. 7-10, 1966, pp. 639-649 (Spartan Books, Washington, D.C., 1966).
Halpern, M., The Foundations of the Case for Natural-Language Programming, AFIPS Proc. Fall Joint Computer Conf., Vol. 29, San Francisco, Calif., Nov. 7-10, 1966, pp. 639–649 (Spartan Books, Washington, D.C., 1966). Another version appears in IEEE Spectrum 4, 140-149 (Mar. 1967).
Hanlon, A. G., W. C. Myers and C. O. Carlson, Photochromic Micro-Image Technology, A Review, paper presented at the Equipment Manual Symp., jointly sponsored by the American Ordnance Assoc., and the Army Material Command, Detroit, Mich., Nov. 30–Dec. 2, 1965, 35 p. (The National Cash Register Co., Hawthorne, Calif., 1965).
Hansen, M. H. and J. L. McPherson, Potentialities and Problems of Electronic Data Processing, in Electronics in Management, Ed. L. H. Hattery and G. P. Bush, pp. 53-66 (The Univ. Press of Washington, Washington, D.C., 1956).
Harder, E. L., The Expanding World of Computers, Commun. ACM 11, 231–239 (Apr. 1968).
Haring, D. R., The Beam Pen: A Novel High Speed Input/Output Device for Cathode-Ray-Tube Display Systems, AFIPS Proc. Fall Joint Computer Conf., Vol. 27, Pt. 1, Las Vegas, Nev., Nov. 30-Dec. 1, 1965, pp. 847-855 (Spartan Books, Washington, D.C., 1965).
Haring, D. R., A Display Console for an Experimental Computer- Based Augmented Library Catalog, Proc. 23rd National Conf., ACM, Las Vegas, Nev., Aug. 27–29, 1968, pp. 35-43 (Brandon/ Systems Press, Inc., Princeton, N.J., 1968). Haring, D. R., Computer-Driven Display Facilities for an Experi- mental Computer-Based Library, AFIPS Proc. Fall Joint Computer Conf., Vol. 33, Pt. 1, San Francisco, Calif., Dec. 9– 11, 1968, pp. 255-265 (Thompson Book Co., Washington, D.C., 1968).
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