Kenya National Assembly Official Record (Hansard)The official records of the proceedings of the Legislative Council of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya, the House of Representatives of the Government of Kenya and the National Assembly of the Republic of Kenya. |
Common terms and phrases
adequate water affirmative action allocated ASAL asked the Minister Assistant Minister Bank Bifwoli borehole bursaries cent Chair Co-operative Development Commissioner of Lands elimu ensure Ethuro facilities free primary education funds girls give hakuna hapa hata hawa House irrigation schemes issue Karua Kisii District Kisii District Hospital Kisii Town Kisumu Kshs47 million kuna kuwa Kwa hivyo kwa sababu kwamba lakini Ligale Mahamud mambo marginalised areas Member Minister for Co-operative Ministerial Statement Ministry Mount Kenya Munya Naibu Spika NARC national examinations Ndwiga North Eastern Province Nyamira District Hospital nyingine Poghisio point of order poor performance primary education primary school problem quality of education Question regions reinstated Sasura Science and Technology secondary schools Serikali shule Spika wa Muda Sungu support this Motion teachers Temporary Deputy Speaker Temporary Deputy Speaker(Mr Tett Thank Turkana Turkana District ukame universities wakati walimu Wanjala Wario Water Resources Management watoto wetu yetu