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countries should be able to minimize their impact. Second, however, the quicker "turnover" of the life cycle of parasites at higher temperatures will increase their likelihood of evolving greater resistance to drugs and other control methods. This would pose a particular problem to those tropical countries with high infection rates and limited socioeconomic resources.

18.3.2. Water-Borne and Food-Borne Infectious Diseases

Climatic effects on the distribution and quality of surface water-including increases in flooding and water shortages that concentrate organisnis, impede personal hygiene, and impair local sewerage-would influence the risks of diarrheal (including cholera) and dysentery epidemics, particularly in developing countries. Diarrheal diseases can be caused by a large variety of bacteria (e.g., Salmonella, Shigella, and Campylobacter), viruses (e.g., Rotavirus), and protozoa (e.g., Giardia lamblia, amoebas, and Cryptosporidium). Many of these organisms can survive in water for months, especially at warmer temperatures, and increased rainfall therefore could enhance their transport between groups of people. An increased frequency of diarrheal disease is most likely to occur within impoverished communities with poor sanitation. There have been outbreaks of diarrheal disease after flooding in many such settings. If flooding increased, there also would be risks of outbreaks of infection in developed countries within temporary settlements of displaced communities.

The cholera organism, Vibrio cholerae, can survive in the environment by sheltering beneath the mucous outer coat of various algae and zooplankton-which are themselves responsive to climatic conditions and to nutrients from wastewater and fertilizers (Epstein, 1992; Smayda, 1990; Anderson, 1992). Increases in coastal algal blooms may therefore amplify V. cholerae proliferation and transmission. This might also assist the emergence of new genetic strains of vibrios. Algal blooms also are associated with biotoxin contamination of fish and shellfish (Epstein et al., 1993). With ocean warming, toxins produced by phytoplankton, which are temperature-sensitive, could cause contamination of seafood more often (see also Chapter 16), resulting in increased frequencies of amnesic, diarrheic and paralytic shellfish poisoning and ciguatera poisoning from reef fish. Thus, climateinduced changes in the production of both aquatic pathogens and biotoxins may jeopardize seafood safety for humans, sea mammals, seabirds, and finfish.

Climate change also could create a problem via the warming of aboveground piped-water supplies. In parts of Australia, for example, there has been a seasonal problem of meningoencephalitis caused by the Naegleria fowleri amoeba, which proliferates in overland water pipes in summer (NHMRC, 1991). Soil-based pathogens (e.g., the tetanus bacterium and various fungi) would tend to proliferate more rapidly with higher temperature and humidity, depending on the effectiveness of microclimatic homeostatic mechanisms. Higher temperatures would also increase the problem of food poisoning by enhancing the

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survival and proliferation of bacteria, flies, cockroaches, and so forth in foodstuffs.

18.3.3. Agricultural Productivity and Food Supplies: Effects upon Nutrition and Health

Food, as energy and nutrients, is fundamentally important to health. Malnutrition is a major cause of infant mortality, physical and intellectual stunting in childhood, and immune impairmert (thus increasing susceptibility to infections). Currently, around one-tenth of the world's population may be hungry (Parry and Rosenzweig, 1993) and a larger proportion malnourished-although estimates differ according to definition.

Human societies have evolved farming methods to counter various local climatic and environmental constraints on agriculture, especially via irrigation, fertilization, mechanization, and the breeding of better-adapted varieties. Today, as gains in per capita agricultural productivity appear to be diminishing, widespread land degradation accrues, and access to new arable land is declining, the further possibility exists of adverse effects of climate change upon aspects of world food production (Houghton et al., 1990; Kendall and Pimentel, 1994). The impacts of climate change upon crop and livestock yield would be realized within a complex setting that encompasses climate change scenarios, crop yield response, pest population response, demographic trends, patterns of land use and management, and social and economic responses. Modes of Climatic Impact upon

Agricultural Productivity

Global warming would alter regional temperature and rainfall. Changes in these two major influences on agriculture, and consequent reductions in soil moisture, could impair the growth of many crops. Increases in the intensity of rainfall in some regions would exacerbate soil erosion. The net global impact of these climate-related changes upon food production is highly uncertain (Reilly, 1994). Although the IPCC assessment is uncertain about the overall impact, it foresees productivity gains and losses in different regions of the world (see Chapter 13). While productivity may increase initially, longer-term adaptations to sustained climate change would be less likely because of the limitations of plant physiology (Woodward, 1987).

Climate change also could affect agriculture by long-term changes in agroecosystems, by an increased frequency and severity of extreme events, and by altered patterns of plant diseases and pest infestations (e.g., Farrow, 1991; Sutherst, 1991). Debate persists over whether enrichment of the atmosphere with carbon dioxide will have a "fertilization effect" (Idso, 1990b; Bazzar and Fajer, 1992; Körner, 1993). Experiments consistently indicate that C, plants (e.g., wheat, soya beans, rice, and potamillet, toes) would respond more positively than C, plants (e.g., sorghum, and maize), which would be unaffected (see Chapter 13). This effect may be temperature-dependent (Vloedbeld and

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Leemans, 1993). Such influences on the climatically optimal mix of crop species would disturb patterns of traditional agriculture in some regions. Impacts upon Food Supplies, Costs,

and the Risk of Hunger

Since climate change may threaten food security in poorer countries within the semi-arid and humid tropics (Rosenzweig. et al., 1993; see also Chapter 13), poorer countries, already struggling with large and growing populations and marginal climatic conditions, would be particularly vulnerable to food shortages, malnutrition, and demographic disruption. In such countries, there is minimal capacity for adaptive change (Leemans, 1992). Already in Africa, more than 100 million people are "food insecure," many of them in the arid Sahel region. The cost of food on world markets would increase if crop production declined in the world's mid-latitude breadbasket regions. The large minority of the world population that already suffers from malnutrition would then face an increased threat to health from agricultural failure and rising food costs. A recent analysis predicts an extra 40-300 million people at risk of hunger in the year 2060 because of the impact of climate change, on top of a predicted 640 million people at risk of hunger by that date in the absence of climate change (Rosenzweig et al., 1993). Impacts of Climate Change on

Non-Cereal Food Production

Climate change may influence the production of noncrop food supplies, including animal productivity. For example, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has identified several infectious diseases such as the horn fly in beef and dairy cattle and insect-borne anaplasmosis infection in sheep and cattle that could increase in prevalence in response to climate changes (Rosenzweig and Daniel, 1989). An increase in temperature and temperature extremes also could affect the growth and health of farm animals (Furquay, 1989); young animals are much less tolerant of temperature variation than are adult animals (Bianca, 1976).

Changes in ocean temperatures and currents could affect the base of the marine food web and alte, the distribution, nigiation, and productivity of fish species, a major source of protein for many human populations (Glantz, 1992). Increased soil erosion from intensified rainfall raises the turbidity of lakes and rivers, reducing photosynthesis and therefore fish nutrition. As in agriculture, climate change may contribute to the decline of some fisheries and the expansion of others (see Chapter 16).

18.3.4. Health Impacts of Sea-Level Rise

Each of the vast changes in sea level that have occurred during the past million years, before and after ice ages, typically took


many thousands of years. The predicted rise of around half a meter over the next century (see Chapter 7, Changes in Sea Level, of the IPCC Working Group I volume) would be much faster than anything experienced by human populations since settled agrarian living began. Such a rise would inundate much of the world's lowlands, damage coastal cropland, and displace millions of persons from coastal and small island communities (see Chapter 12).

Much of coastal Bangladesh and Egypt's heavily populated Nile Delta would be flooded. Some low-lying, small island states such as the Maldives and Vanuatu would be at risk of partial immersion, and many other low-lying coastal regions (for example, eastern England, parts of Indonesia, the Florida Everglades. parts of the northeast coast of Latin America) would be vulnerable. The displacement of inundated communities-particularly those with limited economic, technical, and social resources— would greatly increase the risks of various infectious, psychological, and other adverse health consequences.

Sea-level rise could have a number of other effects, of varying directness, upon public health. In some locations, it could disrupt stormwater drainage and sewage disposal. Poverty and the absence of social infrastructure would compound the health consequences of storm damage, disruption of sanitation, and displacement of coastal dwellers. In many places, industrial and agricultural depletion of groundwater already are causing land subsidence, thus decreasing the threshold for impact. Meanwhile, widespread damage to coral reefs is reducing their capacity to buffer shorelines. Rising seas also would cause saltwater to encroach upon freshwater supplies from estuarine and tidal areas. Some changes in the distribution of infectious disease vectors could occur (e.g., Anopheles sundaicus, a saltwater vector of malaria).

18.3.5. Climate and Air Pollution: Impacts on

Respiratory and Other Health Disorders

The incidence of respiratory disorders-many of which are caused primarily by dusts, noxious gases, allergic reactions, or infections may be modulated by climate change. Some of these modulatory effects may occur via extreme temperatures or amplification of pollutant levels. Rapid changes in air masses associated with frontal passages may alter the intensity of respiratory illnesses (Ayres, 1990). People with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (bronchitis and emphysema) often experience exacerbation during winter.

Seasonal allergic disorders would be affected by changes in the production of pollen and other biotic allergens; plant aeroallergens are very sensitive to climate (Emberlin, 1994). Changes in pollen production would principally reflect changes in the natural and agriculturally managed distribution of many plant species--for example, birch trees, grasses, various crops (e.g., oilseed rape, sunflowers), and ragweed species. Hay fever (ailergic rhinitis) increases seasonally and may reflect the impact of pollen release. The seasonal distribution and the causation/ exacerbation of asthma is more complex. It peaks in the pollen


season and increases again later in the year in temperate climates; in the tropics, asthma occurs more frequently in the wet season (LAIA, 1993; Lancet, 1985). In many asthmatic individuals. aspects of weather can exacerbate bronchial hyperresponsiveness. For example, the passage of a cold front followed by strong high pressure was found to be associated with unusually high number of asthma admission days in two U.S. cities (Goldstein, 1980). Sandstorms in Kansas (USA) and the Sudan have been accompanied by increases in bronchitis and asthma (Ayres, 1990).

It is well established that exposure to air pollutants, individualiy and in combinations, has serious public health consequences. For example, exposure to ozone has been shown to exacerbate asthma and impair lung function in children and the elderly (Beckett, 1991; Schwartz, 1994), and both chronic and acute exposures to fine particles are a cause of excess deaths (Dockery et al., 1993; Pope et al., 1995; Schwartz, 1994) even at exposures below prevailing air-quality standards. Since the combustion of fossil fuels is a major source of both carbon dioxide (a major greenhouse gas) and various air pollutants, climate change can be expected to entail more frequent occasions that combine very hot weather with increases in air-pollutant concentrations. In urban environments, the weather conditions that characterize oppressive air masses (see Section 18.2.1) also enhance the concentrations of air pollutants (Seinfeld, 1986); conditions of low wind speed and high humidity occur periodically in which neither heat nor air pollutants are rapidly dispersed. Further, increases in temperature or in ultraviolet irradiation of the lower atmosphere enhance the chemical reactions that produce secondary photochemical oxidant pollutants such as tropospheric ozone (Akimoto et al., 1993; de Leeuw and Leyssius, 1991; Chamiedes et al., 1994).

In many urban settings, studies have shown that daily mortality from cardiovascular and respiratory diseases is a combined function of temperature and air pollutant concentrations. This combination of exposures is also likely to have interactive impacts on health. Indeed, some epidemiological evidence indicates a synergy (a positive interaction) between stressful weather and various air pollutants, especially particulates, upon mortality (e.g. Shumway et al., 1988: Katsouyanni et al., 1993; Shumway and Azari, 1992). The net effect on morbidity/mortality therefore would be greater than anticipated from prior estimates of the separate effects of weather and pollutants.

18.4. Stratospheric Ozone Depletion and Ultraviolet Radiation: Impacts on Health

Stratospheric ozone depletion is a quite distinct process from accumulation of greenhouse gases in the lower atmosphere (troposphere). Depletion of stratospheric ozone has recently occurred in both hemispheres, from polar regions to mid-latitudes (Kerr and McElroy, 1993; see also IPCC Working Group I volume). The major cause of this ongoing depletion is human-made gases, especially the halocarbons

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The problem can be considered alongside climate change for three reasons: (1) several of the greenhouse gases (especially the chlorofluorocarbons) also damage stratospheric ozone; (2) altered temperature in the troposphere may influence stratospheric temperature and chemistry (Rind and Lacis, 1993); and (3) absorption of solar radiation by stratospheric ozone influences the heat budget in the lower atmosphere (see also IPCC Working Group I volume).

Stratospheric ozone absorbs part of the sun's incoming ultraviolet radiation (UVR), including much of the UV-B and all of the highest-energy UV-C. Sustained exposure to UV-B radiation is harmful to humans and many other organisms (UNEP, 1994). It can damage the genetic (DNA) material of living cells and can induce skin cancers in experimental animals. UV-B is implicated in the causation of human skin cancer and lesions of the conjunctiva, cornea, and lens; it may also impair the body's immune system (Jeevar. and Kripke, 1993; Armstrong, 1994; UNEP, 1994).

18.4.1. Skin Cancers

Solar radiation has been consistently implicated in the causation of nonmelanocytic and melanocytic skin cancers in fairskinned humans (IARC, 1992; WHO, 1994b).

Nonmelanocytic skin cancers (NMSCs) comprise basal cell carcinoma (BCC) and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). The incidence rates, especially of squamous cell carcinoma, correlate with cumulative lifetime exposure to solar radiation (IARC, 1992; Kricker et al., 1995). Studies of the action spectrum (ie., the relative biological effect of different wavelengths) for skin carcinogenesis in mice indicate that the UV-B band is primarily responsible for NMSC (Tyrrell, 1994). Malignant melanoma arises from the pigment-producing cells (melanocytes) of the skin. Although solar radiation is substantially involved in melanoma causation (IARC, 1992; Armstrong and Kricker, 1993), the relationship is less straightforward than for NMSC; exposure in early life appears to be a major source of increased risk. The marked increases in incidence of melanoma in Western populations over the past two decades (Coleman et al., 1993) probably reflect increases in personal exposure to solar radiation due to changes in patterns of recreation, clothing, and occupation (Armstrong and Kricker, 1994).

The UN Environment Programme predicts that an average 10% loss of ozone (such as occurred at middle-to-high latitudes over the past decade), if sustained globally over several decades, would cause approximately 250,000 additional cases of NMSC worldwide each year (UNEP, 1994). This prediction assumes that a 1% depletion of stratospheric ozone results in a 2.0% (±0.5%) increase in NMSC incidence (80% of which are BCC). Another estimation of this "amplification factor" gives a figure of 2.25% (Slaper et al., 1992; den Elzen, 1994). At higher geographic resolution, Madronich and de Gruijl (1993)

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period for several decades would cause the incidence of BCC to increase by 1-2% at low latitude (5°), 3-5% at 15-25°. 8-12% at 35-45°, and, at 55-65°, by 13-15% in the northern hemisphere and 20-30% in the south. They estimate that the percentage increases for SCC would be approximately double those for BCC.

18.4.2. Cataracts and Other Damage to the Eye

The external epithelial (keratotic) layer of the eye, comprising cornea and conjunctiva, absorbs virtually all UVR of less than 290 nm wavelength. Corneal photokeratitis, pterygium (a growth of the conjunctival epithelium), and climatic droplet keratopathy are thought to be UVR-related (Taylor et al., 1989; Gray et al., 1992; WHO, 1994b). Inside the eye, the lens absorbs much of the residual UVR, and this absorbed radiation may cause cataracts (Taylor et al., 1988; Dahlback et al., 1989, West et al., 1989; WHO, 1994b).

Cataracts (lens opacities) are independent of skin pigmentation (unlike skin cancer). They occur predominantly in old age and cause more than half of the world's estimated 25-35 million cases of blindness (Harding, 1991). In Western countries, 5-10% of people aged over 65 have cataracts (Klein et al., 1992). The prevalence often is much higher among elderly. malnourished persons in poor countries, where micronutrient deficiencies and the metabolic consequences of severe diarrheal episodes may contribute to cataract formation (Harding, 1992). Scientific debate persists over the extent of the influence of UV-B upon cataract formation (Dolin, 1994; WHO, 1994b); some epidemiological studies have found clear-cut positive results, but others have not. The relationship is most evident for cortical and posterior subcapsular cataracts but less so for the more commonly occurring nuclear cataracts.

Ocular photodamage by UVR is enhanced by certain clinical drugs used in photochemical therapy that can cause photosensitizing reactions (Lerman, 1988). Various other photosensitizing medications would render individuals generally more susceptible to adverse health effects from increased exposure to UVR; these medications include psoralens, thiazides, phenothiazines, barbiturates, allopurinol, and retinoic acid compounds (Lerman, 1986).

18.4.3. Alteration of Iminane Function

Human and animal evidence indicates that UV-B irradiation of skin at quite modest levels causes local and, probably, systemic suppression of immunity (Morison, 1989; Noonan and DeFabo, 1999; Jeevan and Kripke, 1993). Most of the evidence is for local immunosuppression, in which the skin's contact hypersensitivity response is impaired (Giannini, 1986; Yoshikawa et al., 1990; UNEP, 1994). UV-B exposure disturbs the function of the skin's Langerhan cells and stimulates the release of certain cytokines (messenger chemicals) that promote the activity of suppressor T lymphocytes, thus dampening the local immune


Evidence for more generalized (i.e., systemic) suppression of immunity comes from studies in humans, which show that sunlight exposure increases the suppressor T cells in blood (Hersey et al., 1983). Although there is evidence in humans of UV-induced changes in the profile of circulating immunologically active lymphocytes for several days to weeks, the extent of systemic immune suppression involved remains uncertain (de Gruijl and van der Leun, 1993). Systemic suppression also occurs in UV-irradiated mice (Kripke, 1981; Jeevan and Kripke, 1990).

Immune suppression would alter susceptibility to infectious diseases (Armstrong, 1994). Exposure to UV-B modifies various immunological reactions in mice that influence the pathogenesis of infectious diseases, such as those due to Herpes simplex viruses (Otani and Mori, 1987; Yasumoto et al., 1987), leishmania (Gianinni, 1986; Giannini and DeFabo, 1989), candida (Denkins et al., 1989), and mycobacteria (Jeevan and Kripke, 1989). The relevance of these findings for naturally occurring infectious diseases, and for vaccination efficacy, in humans remains unknown. UNEP (1994) concluded that: "It will be very difficult to assess the role of UV-B radiation on natural infections in human populations. Based on current knowledge, we would predict that an effect of UV-B radiation would manifest as an increase in the severity or duration of disease and not necessarily as an increase in disease incidence."

18.4.4. Indirect Effects of Ozone Depletion

upon Human Health

An increase in UV-B irradiance is predicted to impair photosynthesis on land and sea (UNEP, 1994). Although the magnitude is uncertain, and may well not be large, there would be at least a marginal reduction in crop yields (Worrest and Grant, 1989) and in the photosynthetic production of biomass by marine phytoplankton, the basis of the aquatic food chain (Smith and Baker, 1989; Smith et al., 1992). Thus, adverse effects of UV-B upon photosynthesis would, to some extent, reduce global food production.

18.5. Options for Adaptation

Various adaptation strategies are possible to reduce the impacts of climate change on hormar. health. Such adaptation could be developed at the population or individual level. The feasibility of adaptation would be constrained for many of the world's populations by a lack of local resources..

At the population level, environmental management of ecosystems (e.g., freshwater resources, wetlands, and agricultural areas sensitive to invasion by vectors), public health surveillance and control programs (especially for infectious diseases), and introduction of protective technologies (e.g., insulated buildings, air conditioning, strengthened sea defences, disaster warning systems) would be important. Improved primary


role in reducing a range of health inpacts, including some vector-borne and other communicable diseases, and the effects of extreme events. One example is extension of vaccination coverage, although no suitable vaccines exist for some of the diseases most sensitive to climate change (e.g., dengue and schistosomiasis) or for many of the newly emerging infections.

At the individual level, people should be encouraged to refrain from or to limit dangerous exposures (e.g., by use of domestic cooling, protective clothing, mosquito nets). Such behavioral responses could complement any physiological adaptation that might occur spontaneously through acclimatization (to heat stress) or acquired immunity (to infectious diseases).

In view of limitations to the forecasting of health impacts at this stage of our knowledge, an important and practical form of adaptation would be to improve large-scale monitoring and surveillance systems, especially for vulnerable populations and areas. Recently initiated efforts to observe and monitor aspects of the Earth's environment and ecosystems in relation to climate change now should incorporate health-related monitoring (Haines et al., 1993). Advances in climate forecasting and in the regional integration of ecological and health monitoring (including local vulnerability factors) will facilitate develop ment of early-warning systems.

Finally, if health impacts of climate change are probable and serious, then the only effective long-term basis for mitigation lies in primary prevention at the societal level. This would require acceptance of the Precautionary Principle as the foundation of policy response. This, in turn, would suggest some fundamental, and therefore difficult, reorientations of social, economic, and political priorities. Meanwhile, care must be taken that alternative technologies do not introduce new health hazards.


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Research Needs

Development and validation of integrated mathematical models for the prediction of health impacts. Such models must draw on multiple scientific disciplines and should take maximal account of regional and local influences on the effects being modeled and on their interaction with other environmental stresses.

Identification and analysis of current or recent settings in which the health impacts of local or regional climate changes (occurring for whatever reason) can be studied. The apparent recent changeable patterns of infectious diseases around the world may afford good opportunities for clarifying and quantifying the influences of climatic factors.

Incorporation of health-related measurements in global, regional, and local monitoring activities. This

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risks, the evaluation of alternative indices for monitoring health (including the use of sensitive species as bioindicators), and the opportunity to detect and/or examine previously unsuspected or undocumented environment-health relationships.

Some specific research needs include:

Comparison of impacts of heat waves in urban and rural populations, to clarify the relative importance of thermal stress and air pollutants Examination of the interplay between climatic impacts on forests and other terrestrial ecosystems on the range and dynamics of vector-borne disease Study of factors influencing population vulnerability to climate change.

18.7. Concluding Remarks

Forecasting the health impacts of global climate change entails unavoidable uncertainty and complexity. Human populations vary greatly in their vulnerability to climate changes and in their resources for protection and mitigation. Likewise, the responses of infectious disease vectors to changes in climate depend greatly on other concomitant environmental stresses and the adequacy of control measures and health care systems. Meanwhile, population health status continues to be influenced by a rich mix of cultural and socioeconomic factors. Hence, assessing the health impact of climate change requires a systems-based modeling approach that integrates information about climatic factors, other environmental stresses, ecological processes, and social-economic-political inputs and responses.

Alongside the need for improved health impact assessment capability is a precautionary need to develop global, regional, and local monitoring systems for the early detection of climate-induced changes in human health. There have. indeed, been various recent events that, plausibly, might be early signals of such change. The increased heat-related deaths in India in 1995; the changes in geographic range of some vector-borne diseases; the coastal spread of cholera: Could these be early indications of shifts in population health risk in response to aspects of climate change? Of course, it is not possible to attribute particular, isolated events to a change in climate or weather pattern; other plausible explanations exist for each of them, and a number of different factors may combine to produce each event. However, it is important that we begin to assess patterns of change in the various indices of human health that will provide early insight and will assist further the development of predictive modeling.

There is thus a clear need for enhanced research and monitoring activities. This need reflects the assessment that the potential health impacts of climate change, particularly if sustained in the longer term and if generally adverse, could be a serious consequence of the ongoing anthropogenic changes in the

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