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List of bills and resolutions enacted into law-Continued

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Measures reported and passed by Senate but not finally acted upon in House



S. 1115.

8. J. Res. 128...

Authorizing appropriations for the construction,
operations, and maintenance of the western land
boundary fence.

To authorize the President to lend to the Food and
Agriculture Organization funds for the construction
and furnishing of permanent headquarters.


Passed Senate, Aug. 9, 1949.

Passed Senate, Oct. 18, 1949.

Measures reported and passed by House but not finally acted upon in Senate

H. R. 5902.

H. R. 9002

H. R. 8546..

H. R. 9484

H. R. 7445...


For the relief of the Pan American Union

To make certain increases in the Foreign
Service annuities.

To amend the Philippine Property Act of

For the settlement of Portuguese claims...
To construct a bridge across the Rainy
River near Baudette, Minn.


Passed House, Aug. 7, 1950. Re

ported in Senate, Sept. 12, 1950.

Passed House, July 27, 1950.

Passed House, Aug. 30, 1950. Reported in Senate, Sept. 20, 1950. Passed House, Aug. 30, 1950.

Passed House, Aug. 31, 1950. Reported in Senate, Sept. 12, 1950.


Action on treaties

Summary. During the Eighty-first Congress, the Senate received 40 treaties which in addition to the 27 still pending from previous sessions made a total of 67 treaties before the committee. Of these 7 were withdrawn at the request of the President of the United States and 25 were approved by the Senate for ratification.

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Ex. H, 81st, 2d..

Ex. D, 81st, 2d.

Treaty of Friendship, Commerce, and Navigation with Ireland.
Treaty of Friendship, Commerce, and Navigation with Uru- Aug. 9, 1950


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Legislative subcommittees

The following subcommittees were created by the Foreign Relations Committee to consider particular legislation before the Eighty-first Congress.

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bright, Wiley,
Smith of New Jersey.

16. FAO headquarters loan.....

Aug. 23, 1949

Senator Pepper..

17. Philippine rehabilitation...

Mar. 31, 1950

Senator Fulbright..

18. Increased information and edu

June 5, 1950

Senator Thomas of Utah

cational exchange program.

19. Telegraph regulations, imple- July 6, 1950 Senator Green..

menting legislation for Tuna
Conventions, Road Traffic
Convention, and United
States contributions to certain

international organizations.

Senators Thomas of Utah

and Hickenlooper.

Senator Lodge.
Senators McMahon, Ful-
bright, Smith of New
Jersey, and Lodge.

Senator Smith of New Jer-

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H. R.


Feb. 23

Feb. 23

May 5

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International Claims Settle- Messrs. Green, McMahon,
ment Act of 1949.
Fulbright, Wiley, and

H. R. 7797 Foreign economic assistance. Messrs. Connally, George,

American-Mexican Treaty Messrs. Connally, Thomas
Act of 1950.

Messrs. Kee, Richards, Ribicoff, Eaton, and Vorys.

Thomas of Utah, Wiley,
and Smith of New Jersey.

Messrs. Kee, Richards, Gordon, Vorys, and Bolton of Ohio.

Aug. 23

of Utah, Fulbright, Smith
of New Jersey, and Lodge.

Messrs. Kee, Richards, Carnahan, Chiperfield, and Vorys.



Below are listed all committee prints and Senate documents printed by the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations during the Eighty-first Congress. Regular committee reports and hearings on treaties, legislation, and resolution will be found listed under the measures they accompanied.

Title of publication

Document number and date filed:

S. Rept. 2, Jan. 13, 1949

Voice of America: Joint Report of a subcommittee of the Committee on Foreign Relations and the Investigations Subcommittee of the Committee on Expenditures in the Executive Departments on an investigation of the Voice of America during the summer of 1948.

Committee print, Mar. The St. Lawrence seaway and power project: Reports prepared by Govern2, 1949. ment agencies for a subcommittee of the Committee on Foreign Relations on questions raised during the debate on S. J. Res. 111, 80th Cong. S. Doc. 48, Apr. 12, 1949 The North Atlantic Treaty: Documents relating to the North Atlantie Treaty. (This document was first issued as a committee print and subsequently revised and issued as a Senate document.)

Committee print, May Reports on United States educational exchange activities including the semiannual report to the Congress by the United States Advisory Commission on Information and Educational Exchange.

5, 1949.

S. Doc. 90, June 27, 1949. Establishment of diplomatic relations with the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, reprinted from a publication of the Department of State. (This document was not presented by the committee but by Senator McGrath and was referred to the committee.)

S. Doc. 123, Mar. 15, 1950.
Committee print, June
1, 1950.

A Decade of American Foreign Policy: Basic documents, 1941-49.
Mutual defense assistance program, fiscal year 1951: Submitted by the
Department of State for the use of the Senate Foreign Relations Com-


Report on


Regular periodic reports received by the committee

Lend-lease operations.

ECA administration.

Aid to Greece and Turkey..

United States foreign relief program.....

United States foreign-aid program (interim aid).

UNRRA operations..

Surplus property..

Philippine war damage.

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Department of State (quarterly).

Philippine War Damage Commission (semiannual).

Foreign Service retirement and disability Department of State (annual). fund.

Educational exchange.

Munitions exports..

International financial problems.

International information activities.

Participation of the United States in the
United Nations.

Mutual defense assistance program......

U. S. Advisory Commission on Educational Exchange
Department of State (semiannual).

Munitions Control Board, Department of State (semian-

National Advisory Council on International Monetary and Financial Problems (semiannual).

U. S. Advisory Commission on Information, Department of State (semiannual).

Department of State (annual).

Department of State (semiannual).

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