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(Seventy-ninth Congress) for their own use, of any commodity which he determines to be required for the furtherance of the purposes of this title. As used in this title, the term "commodity" means any commodity, material, article, supply, or goods necessary for the purposes of this title.

(2) Processing, storing, transporting, and repairing any commodities, or performing any other services with respect to a participating country which he determines to be required for accomplishing the purposes of this title. The Administrator shall, in providing for the procurement of commodities under authority of this title, take such steps as may be necessary to assure, as far as is practicable, that at least 50 per centum of the gross tonnage of commodities procured out of funds made available under this title and transported to or from the United States on ocean vessels, computed separately for dry bulk carriers, dry cargo liner and tanker services, is so transported on United States flag vessels to the extent such vessels are available at market rates for United States flag vessels; and, in the administration of this provision, the Administrator shall, insofar as practicable and consistent with the purposes of this title, endeavor to secure a fair and reasonable participation by United States flag vessels in cargoes by geographic area.

(3) Procurement of and furnishing technical information and assistance. (4) Transfer of any commodity or service, which transfer shall be signified by delivery of the custody and right of possession and use of such commodity, or otherwise making available any such commodity, or by rendering a service to a participating country or to any agency or organization representing a participating country.

(5) The allocation of commodities or services to specific projects designed to carry out the purposes of this title, which have been submitted to the Administrator by participating countries and have been approved by him.. (b) In order to facilitate and maximize the use of private channels of trade, subject to adequate safeguards to assure that all expenditures in connection with such procurement are within approved programs in accordance with terms and conditions established by the Administrator, he may provide for the performance of any of the functions described in subsection (a) of this section

(1) by establishing accounts against which, under regulations prescribed by the Administrator

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(i) letters of commitment may be issued in connection with supply programs approved by the Administrator (and such letters of commitment, when issued, shall constitute obligations of the United States and monies due or to become due thereunder shall be assignable under the Assignment of Claims Act of 1940 and shall constitute obligations of applicable appropriations); and

(ii) withdrawals may be made by participating countries, or agencies or organizations representing participating countries or by other persons or organizations, upon presentation of contracts, invoices, or other documentation specified by the Administrator under arrangements prescribed by the Administrator to assure the use of such withdrawals for purposes approved by the Administrator.

Such accounts may be established on the books of the Administration, or any other department, agency, or establishment of the Government specified by the Administrator, or, on terms and conditions approved by the Secretary of the Treasury, in banking institutions in the United States. Expenditures of funds which have been made available through accounts so established shall be be accounted for on standard documentation repaired for expenditures of Government funds: Provided, That such expenditures for commodities or services procured outside the continental limits of the United States under authority of this section may be accounted for exclusively on such certification as the Administrator may prescribe in regulations promulgated by him with the approval of the Comptroller General of the United States to assure expenditure in furtherance of the purposes of this title.

(2) by utilizing the services and facilities of any department, agency, or establishment of the Government as the President shall direct, or with the consent of the head of such department, agency, or establishment, or, in the President's discretion, by acting in cooperation with the United Nations or with other international organizations or with agencies of the participating countries, and funds allocated pursuant to this section to any department, agency, or establishment of the Government shall be established in separate appropriation accounts on the books of the Treasury.

(3) by making, under rules and regulations to be prescribed by the Administrator, guaranties to any person of investments in connection with projects,


including expansion, modernization, or development of existing enterprises, approved by the Administrator and the participating country concerned as furthering the purposes of this title (including guaranties of investments in enterprises producing or distributing informational media consistent with the national interests of the United States: Provided, That the amount of such guaranties made in any fiscal year does not exceed $10,000,000), which guaranties shall terminate not later than fourteen years from the date of enactment of this Act: Provided, That

(i) the guaranty to any person shall not exceed the amount of dollars invested in the project by such person with the approval of the Administrator plus actual earnings or profits on said project to the extent provided by such guaranty;

(ii) the Administrator may charge a fee in an amount determined by him not exceeding 1 per centum per annum of the amount of each guaranty, and all fees collected hereunder shall be available for expenditure in discharge of liabilities under guaranties made under this paragraph until such time as all such liabilities have been discharged or have expired, or until all such fees have been expended in accordance with the provisions of this paragraph; and

(iii) as used in this paragraph, the term "person" means a citizen of the United States or any corporation, partnership, or other association created under the law of the United States or of any State or Territory and substantially beneficially owned by citizens of the United States.

(iv) as used in this paragraph, the term "investment" includes the furnishing of capital goods items and related services, for use in connection with projects approved by the Administrator, pursuant to a contract providing for payment in whole or in part after [June 30, 1950] the end of the fiscal year in which the guaranty of such investment is made; and

(v) the guaranty to any person shall be limited to assuring the transfer into United States dollars of other currencies, or credits in such currencies received by such person as earnings or profits from the approved investment, as repayment or return thereof, in whole or in part, or as compensation for the sale or disposition of all or any part thereof. When any payment is made to any person pursuant to a guaranty as hereinbefore described, the currency or credits on account of which such payment is made shall become the property of the United States Government, and the United States Government shall be subrogated to any

right, title, claim, or cause of action existing in connection therewith. The total amount of the guaranties made under this paragraph (3) shall not exceed $150,000,000: Provided, That any funds allocated to a guaranty and remaining after all liability of the United States assumed in connection therewith has been released, discharged, or otherwise terminated, shall be available for allocation to other guaranties, the foregoing limitation notwithstanding. Any payments made to discharge liabilities under guaranties issued under paragraph (3) of this subsection shall be paid out of fees collected under subparagraph (ii) of paragraph (3) of this subsection as long as such fees are available, and thereafter shall be paid out of funds realized from the sale of notes which shall be issued under authority of paragraph (2) of subsection (c) of this section when necessary to discharge liabilities under any such guaranty.

(c) (1) The Administrator may provide assistance for any participating country, in the form and under the procedures authorized in subsections (a) and (b), respectively, of this section, through grants or upon payment in cash, or on credit terms, or on such other terms of payment as he may find appropriate, including payment by the transfer to the United States (under such terms and in such quantities as may be agreed to between the Administrator and the participating country) of materials which are required by the United States as a result of deficiencies or potential deficiencies in its own resources. In determining whether such assistance shall be through grants or upon terms of payment, and in determining the terms of payment, he shall act in consultation with the National Advisory Council on International Monetary and Financial Problems, and the determination whether or not a participating country should be required to make payment for any assistance furnished to such country in furtherance of the purposes of this title, and the terms of such payment, if required, shall depend upon the character and purpose of the assistance and upon whether there is reasonable assurance of repayment considering the capacity of such country to make such payments without jeopardizing the accomplishment of the purposes of this title.

(2) When it is determined that assistance should be extended under the provisions of this title on credit terms, the Administrator shall allocate funds for the purpose to the Export-Import Bank of Washington, which shall, notwithstanding the provisions of the Export-Import Bank Act of 1945 (59 Stat. 526), as amended, make and administer the credit on terms specified by the Administrator in consultation with the National Advisory Council on International Monetary and Financial Problems. The Administrator is authorized to issue notes from time to time for purchase by the Secretary of the Treasury in an amount not exceeding in the aggregate $1,000,000,000 (i) for the purpose of allocating funds to the Export-Import Bank of Washington under this paragraph during the period of one year following the date of enactment of this Act and (ii) for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of paragraph (3) of subsection (b) of this section until all liabilities arising under guaranties made pursuant to such paragraph (3) have expired or have been discharged. In addition to the amount of notes above authorized, the Administrator is authorized, for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of paragraph (3) of subsection (b) of this section, to issue notes from time to time for purchase by the Secretary of the Treasury in an amount not exceeding in the aggregate $150,000,000 less any amount allocated prior to April 3, 1949, for such purpose, until all liabilities arising under guaranties made pursuant to this authorization have expired or been discharged. The notes hereinabove authorized shall be redeemable at the option of the Administrator before maturity in such manner as may be stipulated in such notes and shall have such maturity as may be determined by the Administrator with the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury. Each such note shall bear interest at a rate determined by the Secretary of the Treasury, taking into consideration the current average rate on outstanding marketable obligations of the United States as of the last day of the month preceding the issuance of the note. Payment under this paragraph of the purchase price of such notes and repayments thereof by the Administrator shall be treated as public-debt transactions of the United States. In allocating funds to the Export-Import Bank of Washington for assistance on credit terms under this paragraph, the Administrator shall first utilize such funds realized from the sale of notes authorized by this paragraph as he determines to be available for this purpose, and when such funds are exhausted, or after the end of one year from the date of enactment of this Act, whichever is earlier, he shall utilize any funds appropriated under this title. The Administrator shall make advances to, or reimburse, the Export-Import Bank of Washington for necessary administrative expenses in connection with such credits. Credits made by the Export-Import Bank of Washington with funds so allocated to it by the Administrator shall not be considered in determining whether the Bank has outstanding at any one time loans and guaranties to the extent of the limitation imposed by section 7 of the Export-Import Bank Act of 1945 (59 Stat. 529), as amended. Amounts received in repayment of principal and interset on any credits made under this paragraph shall be deposited into miscellaneous receipts of the Treasury: Provided, That, to the extent required for such purpose, amounts received in repayment of principal and interest on any credits made out of funds realized from the sale of notes authorized under this paragraph shall be deposited into the Treasury for the purpose of the retirement of such notes.

(d) The Administrator is authorized to transfer funds, not to exceed a total of $600,000,000, directly to any central institution or other organization formed to further the purposes of this Act by two or more participating countries, or to any participating country or countries in connection with the operations of such institution or organization, to be used on terms and conditions specified by the Administrator, in order to facilitate the development of transferability of European currencies, or to promote the liberalization of trade by participating countries with one another and with other countries.

SEC. 112. (a) The Administrator shall provide for the procurement in the United States of commodities under this title in such a way as to (1) minimize the drain upon the resources of the United States and the impact of such procurement upon the domestic economy, and (2) avoid impairing the fulfillment of vital needs of the people of the United States[.]; and (3) minimize the burden of the European recovery program on the American taxpayer by reducing the amount of dollar purchases by the participating countries to the greatest extent possible, consistent with maintaining an adequate supply of the essentials for the functioning of their economies and for their continued recovery.

(b) The procurement of petroleum and petroleum products under this title shall, to the maximum extent practicable, be made from petroleum sources outside the United States; and, in furnishing commodities under the provisions of this title, the Administrator shall take fully into account the present and anticipated world shortage of petroleum and its products and the consequent undesirability of expansion in petroleum-consuming equipment where the use of alternate fuels or other sources of power is practicable.

(c) In order to assure the conservation of domestic grain supplies and the retention in the United States of byproduct feeds necessary to the maintenance of the agricultural economy of the United States, the amounts of wheat and wheat flour produced in the United States to be transferred by grant to the participating countries shall be so determined that the total quantity of United States wheat used to produce the wheat flour procured in the United States for transfer by grant to such countries under this title shall not be less than 121⁄2 per centum of the aggregate of the unprocessed wheat and wheat in the form of flour procured in the United States for transfer by grant to such countries under this title.

(d) The term "surplus agricultural commodity" as used in this section is defined as any agricultural commodity, or product thereof, or class, type, or specification thereof, produced in the United States which is determined by the Secretary of Agriculture to be in excess of domestic requirements. In providing for the procurement of any such surplus agricultural commodity for transfer by grant to any participating country in accordance with the requirements of such country, the Administrator shall, insofar as practicable and where in furtherance of the purposes of this title, give effect to the following:

(1) The Administrator shall authorize the procurement of any such surplus agricultural commodity only within the United States: Provided, That this restriction shall not be applicable (i) to any agricultural commodity, or product thereof, located in one participating country, and intended for transfer to another participating country, if the Administrator, in consultation with the Secretary of Agriculture, determines that such procurement and transfer is in furtherance of the purposes of this title, and would not create a burdensome surplus in the United States or seriously prejudice the position of domestic producers of such surplus agricultural commodities, or (ii) if, and to the extent that any such surplus agricultural commodity is not available in the United States in sufficient quantities to supply the requirements of the participating countries under this title. (2) In providing for the procurement of any such surplus agricultural commodity, the Administrator shall, insofar as practicable and applicable, and after giving due consideration to the excess of any such commodity over domestic requirements, and to the historic reliance of United States producers of any such surplus agricultural commodity upon markets in the participating countries, provide for the procurement of each class or type of any such surplus agricultural commodity in the approximate proportion that the Secretary of Agriculture determines such classes or types bear to the total amount of excess of such surplus agricultural commodity over domestic requirements.

(e) Whenever the Secretary of Agriculture determines that any quantity of any surplus agricultural commodity, heretofore or hereafter acquired by Commodity Credit Corporation in the administration of its price-support programs, is available for use in furnishing assistance to foreign countries, he shall so advise all departments, agencies, and establishments of the Government administering laws providing for the furnishing of assistance or relief to foreign countries (including occupied or liberated countries or areas of such countries). Thereafter the department, agency, or establishment administering any such law shall, to the maximum extent practicable, consistent with the provisions and in furtherance of the purposes of such law, and where for transfer by grant and in accordance with the requirements of such foreign country, procure or provide for the procurement of such quantity of such surplus agricultural commodity. The sales price paid as reimbursement to Commodity Credit Corporation for any such surplus agricultural commodity shall be in such amount as Commodity Credit Corporation determines will fully reimburse it for the cost to it of such surplus agricultural commodity at the time and place such surplus agricultural commodity is delivered by it, but in no event shall the sales price be higher than the domestic market price at such time and place of delivery as determined by the Secretary of Agriculture, and the Secretary of Agriculture may pay not to exceed 50 per centum of such sales price as authorized by subsection (f) of this section.

(f) Subject to the provisions of this section, but notwithstanding any other provision of law, in order to encourage utilization of surplus agricultural com

modities pursuant to this or any other Act providing for assistance or relief to foreign countries, the Secretary of Agriculture, in carrying out the purposes of clause (1), section 32, Public Law 320, Seventy-fourth Congress, as amended, may make payments, including payments to any government agency procuring or selling such surplus agricultural commodities, in an amount not to exceed 50 per centum of the sales price (basis free along ship or free on board vessel, United States ports), as determined by the Secretary of Agriculture, of such surplus agricultural commodities. The rescission of the remainder of section 32 funds by the Act of July 30, 1947 (Public Law 266, Eightieth Congress), is hereby canceled and such funds are hereby made available for the purposes of section 32 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1948.

(g) No export shall be authorized pursuant to authority conferred by the Export Control Act of 1949 of any commodity from the United States to any country wholly or partly in Europe which is not a participating country, if the department, agency, or officer in the executive branch of the Government exercising the authority granted to the President by the Export Control Act of 1949 determines that the supply of such commodity is insufficient (or would be insufficient if such export were permitted) to fulfill the requirements of participating countries under this title as determined by the Administrator: Provided, however, That such export may be authorized if such department, agency, or officer determines that such export is otherwise in the national interest of the United States.

(h) In providing for the performance of any of the functions described in subsection (a) of section 111, the Administrator shall, to the maximum extent consistent with the accomplishment of the purposes of this title, utilize private channels of trade.

(i) (1) Insofar as practicable and to the maximum extent consistent with the accomplishment of the purposes of this title, the Administrator shall assist American small business to participate equitably in the furnishing of commodities and services financed with funds authorized under this title by making available or causing to be made available to suppliers in the United States, and particularly to small independent enterprises, information, as far in advance as possible, with respect to purchases proposed to be financed with funds authorized under this title, and by making available or causing to be made available to prospective purchasers in the participating countries information as to commodities and services produced by small independent enterprises in the United States, and by otherwise helping to give small business an opportunity to participate in the furnishing of commodities and services financed with funds authorized under this title.

(2) The Administrator shall appoint a special assistant to advise and assist him in carrying out the foregoing paragraph (1). Each report transmitted to the Congress ess under section 123 shall include a report of all activities under this subsection.

(j) The Administrator shall, in providing assistance in the procurement of commodities in the United States, make available United States dollars for marine insurance on such commodities where such insurance is placed on a competitive basis in accordance with normal trade practices prevailing prior to the outbreak of World War II.

(k) No funds authorized for the purposes of this title shall be used in the United States for advertising foreign products or for advertising foreign travel.

(1) No funds authorized for the purposes of this title shall be used for the purchase in bulk of any commodities (other than commodities procured by or in the possession of the Commodity Credit Corporation pursuant to price-support programs required by law) at prices higher than the market price prevailing in the United States at the time of the purchase adjusted for differences in the cost of transportation to destination, quality, and terms of payment.

(m) It is the sense of Congress that no participating country shall maintain or impose any import, currency, tax, license, quota, or other similar business restrictions which discriminate against citizens of the United States or any corporation, partnership, or other association substantially beneficially owned by citizens of the United States, engaged or desiring to engage, in furtherance of the purposes of this title, in the importation into such country of any commodity, which restrictions are not reasonably required to meet balance of payments conditions, or requirements of national security, or are not authorized under international agreements to which such country and the United States are parties.

SEC. 114. (a) Not withstanding the provisions of any other law, the Reconstruction Finance Corporation is authorized and directed, until such time as an appropriation shall be made pursuant to subsection (c) of this section, to make

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