(c) Sub-area 3-Canada, Denmark, France, Italy, Newfoundland, Portugal, Spain, United Kingdom; (d) Sub-area 4-Canada, France, Italy, Newfoundland, Portugal, Spain, United States; (e) Sub-area 5-Canada, United States; it being understood that during the period between the signing of this Convention and the date of its entry into force, any signatory or adhering Government may, by notification to the Depositary Government, withdraw from the list of members of a Panel for any sub-area or be added to the list of members of the Panel for any sub-area on which it is not named. The Depositary Government shall inform all the other Governments concerned of all such notifications received and the memberships of the Panels shall be altered accordingly. INTERNATIONAL NORTHWEST ATLANTIC FISHERIES CONFERENCE, WASHINGTON, JANUARY 26 THROUGH FEBRUARY 8, 1949 FINAL ACT The Governments of Canada, Denmark, France, Iceland, Italy, Newfoundland, Norway, Portugal, Spain, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America, represented by plenipotentiary delegations, having accepted the invitation extended to them by the Government of the United States of America to participate in an International Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Conference; and The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, having accepted the invitation extended to them by the Government of the United States of America to send observers to the said Conference; Appointed their respective representatives, who are listed below by countries, and by organizations, in the order of alphabetical precedence: Delegate CANADA Stewart Bates, Deputy Minister of Fisheries, Department of Fisheries- Advisers S. V. Ozere, Legal Adviser, Department of Fisheries F. M. Tovell, Department of External Affairs Secretary F. H. Wooding, Information Officer, Department of Fisheries Delegates DENMARK B. Dinesen, Head of Department, Ministry of Fisheries-Chairman A. Vedel Täning, Head of Section, Commission for Denmark's Fisheries and Ocean Research Commodore Fritz Hammer Kjølsen, Naval Attaché, Embassy of Den- Laurids Thygesen, Chairman, West-Jutland Fisheries Association Niels Bjerregaard, Chairman, Danish Fisheries Association Delegates FRANCE Marius Terrin, Directeur des Pêches, Maritimes au Ministére de la Marine Jean Joseph Le Gall, Directeur de l'Office Scientifique et Technique des Robert Baudouy, Directeur par interim des Unions Internationales au Captain Louis J. Audigou, Administrateur en chef de l'Inscription Mari- Andre Dezeustre, Mission de la Marine Marchande aux U. S. A., Bath Delegates ICELAND Thor Thors, Minister to the United States-Chairman H. G. Andersen, Legal Adviser, Foreign Office Arni Fridriksson, Director of the Fishery Department, University Research Institute, Reykjavík, Iceland Delegates ITALY Alberto Tarchiani, Ambassador to the United States-Chairman ington Salvatore Ippia, First Commercial Secretary, Embassy of Italy, Washington Delegates NEWFOUNDLAND Raymond Gushue, Chairman, Newfoundland Fisheries Board-Chairman Delegates NORWAY Klaus Sunnanaa, Director of Fisheries, Directorate of Fisheries-Chairman of Fisheries Olav Lund, Division Chief, Directorate of Fisheries Technical Advisers Finn Bryhni, Norwegian Fisherman's Union Knut Vartdal, Aalesund Shipowner Association Eigil Nygaard, Counselor, Embassy of Norway, Washington Magne Oppedal, Commercial Attaché, Embassy of Norway, Washington Delegates PORTUGAL Rear Admiral Manuel C. Meyrelles, President of the Central Commission Dr. Alfredo M. Ramalho, Director, Government Marine Biology Station Department Captain Delegates Tavares de Almeida, Fishery Department SPAIN Germán Baráibar, Minister Plenipotentiary and Chargé d'Affaires ad Capitán de Navío Alvaro Guitián, Naval Attaché, Embassy of Spain, José Miguel Ruiz Morales, First Secretary of Embassy, Dirección General Pedro Díaz de Espada, Shipowner, San Sebastian UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELAND Delegates A. T. A. Dobson, Adviser, Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries-Chair man A. J. Aglen, Fisheries Secretary, Scottish Home Department Advisers J. S. Fawcett, Legal Adviser, British Embassy, Washington S. J. Holt, Scientific Officer, Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Dr. C. E. Lucas, Director, Fisheries Research, Scottish Home Department P. J. Macfarlan, Assistant Agricultural Attaché, British Embassy, Washington D. C. Tebbit, Second Secretary, British Embassy, Washington Delegates UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Wilbert M. Chapman, Special Assistant to the Under Secretary for Fisheries William E. S. Flory, Deputy Special Assistant to the Under Secretary for Hilary J. Deason, Chief, Office of Foreign Activities, Fish and Wildlife Frederick L. Zimmermann, Consultant on Fisheries and Wildlife, Depart- Advisers Thomas Fulham, President, Federated Fishing Boats of New England and Wayne D. Heydecker, Secretary-Treasurer, Atlantic States Marine Milton C. James, Assistant Director, Fish and Wildlife Service, Department Captain Harold C. Moore, Coordinator for Interdepartmental and Inter- Richard Reed, Commissioner, Sea and Shore Fisheries, State of Maine Secretary Edward Castleman, Office of the Special Assistant to the Under Secretary for Fisheries and Wildlife, Department of State FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS Observers Dr. D. B. Finn, Director, Fisheries Division INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL FOR THE EXPLORATION OF THE SEA Observers A. T. A. Dobson, First Vice-President of the International Council for the Dr. Alfredo M. Ramalho, Vice-President of the International Council for The Conference met at Washington on January 26, 1949, under the Temporary Chairmanship of Wilbert M. Chapman, Chairman of the Delegation of the United States of America. Under the authority of the President of the United States of America the following officers were designated: Clarke L. Willard, Associate Chief, Division of International Conferences, Department of State, Secretary General of the Conference; Charles I. Bevans, Deputy Assistant for Treaty Affairs, Office of the Legal Adviser, Department of State, Treaty Adviser to the Conference; and Donald J. Chaney, Chief Counsel, Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior, Technical Secretary of the Conference. At the opening session the Conference agreed unanimously to accept the staff members of the Secretariat provided by the Government of the United States of America. Wilbert M. Chapman, Chairman of the Delegation of the United States of America, was elected Permanent Chairman of the Conference at the first session held on January 26, 1949, and Klaus Sunnanaa, Chairman of the Delegation of Norway was elected Vice Chairman of the Conference at the same session. The general committees established by the Rules of Procedure adopted provisionally at the opening session were constituted as follows: A. W. H. Needler (Canada) -Chairman Howard A. Schuck-Secretary The final session was held on February 8, 1949. As a result of the deliberations of the Conference the International Convention for the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries (hereinafter referred to as the Convention) was formulated and opened for signature on February 8, 1949, to remain open for signature for fourteen days thereafter. The following resolutions and recommendations were adopted and the following statements were received: I The International Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Conference RESOLVES: 1. To express its gratitude to the President of the United States of America, Harry S. Truman, for his initiative in convening the present Conference and for its preparation; 2. To express to its Chairman, Wilbert M. Chapman, and its Vice Chairman, Klaus Sunnanaa, its deep appreciation for the admirable manner in which they have guided the Conference and brought it to a successful conclusion; 3. To express to the Officers and Staff of the Secretariat its appreciation for their untiring services and diligent efforts in contributing to the fruition of the purposes and objectives of the Conference. II The International Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Conference RESOLVES: That the Government of the United States of America be authorized to publish the Final Act of this Conference, the text of the Convention, and to make available for publication such additional documents in connection with the work of this Conference as in its judgment may be considered in the public interest. III The International Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Conference RECOMMENDS: That in establishing and maintaining the International Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Commission the Contracting Governments give careful consideration to the following conclusions reached at the Conference: 1. Finance: The probable cost of the Commission during its first year would be in the region of 40,000 dollars. This estimate is to some extent based upon the present expenditure incurred by the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, but it must be recognized that the cost of that organization cannot be used as an accurate guide to the possible cost of the new Commission on account of the rather specific and long-standing nature of its set-up. The precise amount would necessarily depend upon various considerations such as the location and cost of the office of the Commission for which certain facilities might be available either in the United States or in Canada. 2. Staff: (1) It is desirable that the Executive Secretary of the Commission should be a biologist. At the same time it is still more important that he should be a man with great administrative and statistical ability. It should also be understood that after the Commission had begun to function normally it would probably be necessary at an early date to increase the staff by the addition of, for example, a statistician. (2) The responsibilities of the staff of the Commission shall be exclusively international in character and they shall not seek or receive instructions in regard to the discharge of their functions from any authority external to the Commission. The Contracting Governments should fully respect the international character of the responsibilities of the staff and not seek to influence any of their nationals in the discharge of such responsibilities. 3. Scientific Investigation: (1) In the field of scientific investigations the Commission should be primarily responsible for: (a) arrangement for and coordination of work by agencies, and (b) establishment of working relationships with international agencies. It is important, for the purposes of the Convention, that enlarged and coordinated scientific investigations should be carried out and such investigations in so far as possible should be conducted by agencies of the Contracting Governments or by public or private agencies (e. g., universities or private marine research laboratories). If investigations necessary to the purposes of the Convention cannot be arranged through existing Government, public, or private agencies, they should be undertaken by the Commission but |