Biographical sketch Prepared statement King, Gwendolyn S., Commissioner, Social Security Administration, Department of Health and Human Services Page 291 318 294 Kirschstein, Dr. Ruth, Director, National Institute of General Medical 1011 Biographical sketch 1018 Prepared statement Kupfer, Dr. Carl, Director, National Eye Institute, National Institutes of Kusserow, Richard P., Inspector General, Office of Inspector General, Department of Health and Human Services Lee, Dr. Leamon, Director, Division of Financial Management, National Insti- Lenfant, Dr. Claude, Director, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, Leshner, Alan I., Ph.D., Acting Director, National Institute of Mental Health, Lindberg, Dr. Donald, Director, National Library of Medicine, National Insti- Little, W. Harell, Director, Division of Public Health Service Budget, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health, Department of Health and Human Services 685 815 822 817 531 1163 1170 1165 361 Löe, Dr. Harald, Director, National Institute of Dental Research, National Long, Stephen W., Director, Division of Financial Management, Alcohol, Drug Mahoney, John, Associate Director, Office of Administration, National Insti- McGinnis, J. Michael, M.D., Deputy Assistant Secretary for Health (disease prevention and health promotion), Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health, Department of Health and Human Services Mullan, Dr. Fitzhugh S.M., Bureau of Health Professions, Health Resources Parrino, Sandra S., Chairperson, National Council on Disability 531 685. 361 370 364 361 587 657 669 Pickelsimer, Claude, Director, Financial Management Office, Centers for Dis- Raub, Dr. William F., Acting Director, National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services 685 .................................................... Prepared statement 691 358, 431, 524, 716, 888 Page Robinson, William A., M.D., M.P.H., Director, Office of Minority Health, Of Roper, Dr. William O., Director, Centers for Disease Control, Department Prepared statement Rudman, Hon. Warren B., U.S. Senator from New Hampshire, questions submitted by.. 361 465 475 468 124, 582 Schambra, Dr. Philip, Director, Fogarty International Center for Advanced Prepared statement Schuster, Charles R., Ph.D., Director, National Institute on Drug Abuse, 957 964 959 531 Shulman, Dr. Lawrence D., Director, National Institute on Arthritis and 1083 1091 Prepared statement 1086 Snow, Dr. James B., Jr., Director, National Institute on Deafness and Other Specter, Hon. Arlen, U.S. Senator from Pennsylvania, questions submitted 172, 356, 432, 460, 529, 570, 653, 720, 806, 890, 922, 940, 956, 989, Stovenour, Robert, Director, Office of Management Services, Department of 131 Sullivan, Hon. Louis W., Secretary, Office of the Secretary, Department of 18 Thompson, Norm, Deputy Associate Administrator, Office of Financial Management, Family Support Administration, Department of Health and Human Services Walsh, Dr. James A., Associate Administrator for Operations and Management, Health Resources and Services Administration, Department of Health and Human Services 77 587 Watson, Dr. James D., Director, National Center for Human Genome Research, National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services 1141 Biographical sketch 1148 Prepared statement 1144 Whitney, Dr. Robert A., Director, National Center for Research Resources, 1101 1108 Prepared statement 1103 Wilensky, Gail R., Administrator, Health Care Financing Administration, Williams, Dennis P., Deputy Assistant Secretary for Management and Budget, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health, Department of Health and Human Services...... 77,179, 291, 361, 531, 587, 685 Williams, Dr. T. Franklin, Director, National Institute on Aging, National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services SUBJECT INDEX DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES AGENCY FOR HEALTH CARE POLICY AND RESEARCH Accomplishments .................................................................................................................. Fiscal year 1992 funding level request ................................................................................... Review of alternative proposals Questions submitted by the subcommittee ........................................................ Page 439 439 445 446 447 449 549 552 548 High school drinking Mental illness, prevention of 554 548 ................................................................................. National drug strategy Prevention Drug abuse Tertiary Protection and advocacy program .......................................................................... Substance abuse: 556 551 Questions submitted by the subcommittee Effective treatment 557 ....................................................... Funding Mortality Treatment outcome research CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL Birth defects from chemicals in farming 545 544 546 549 Budget request.... CARE funding CDC: Conference on farm safety Diarrhea Farm-related injuries: Education program to prevent Research paper on Formula for providing funds to States Funding for unexpected issues Healthy people 2000 Hepatitis B Cost of immunization for Immunization: Lack of Programs Incentive grants and vaccine delivery Infrastructure 481 465 477 479 476 480 483 481 480 485 477 477 488 488 484 486 485 476 |