18 subpara. (a) line 3 Alternative formulations proposed for IV.2.1 limitation/stabilization of anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases/their net emissions of greenhouse gases the Parties shall also assist other Parties in adopting similar policies and measures/these Parties shall as agreed in IV.2.2 and IV.2.3 of this Convention also provide the means to enable the other Parties to adopt necessary measures line 6 develop country policies and measures will/shall line 7 stabilizing/stabilizing and subsequently reducing individually or jointly/individually line & emissions of carbon dioxide/the total of all greenhouse gases not covered by the Montreal Protocol/emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases not covered by the Montreal Protocol by the year 2000/by the year 1995/as soon as feasible subpara. (b) line 1 best available scientific knowledge/proved scientific basis subpara. (C) line 1 best available scientific knowledge/proved scientific basis line 4 carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases/all greenhouse gases subpara, (d) line 9 one or more other Parties/developed and developing country Parties subpara.(0) line 3 subparas (a) (d)/section IV insert "mitigation and adaptation to climate change" after on line 8 best available scientific information/proved scientific basis [IV.2.2 19 SPECIFIC COMMITMENTS ON FINANCIAL RESOURCES] Developed country Parties (may provide on a voluntary basis]/[shall commit to the fund established under this Convention, through assessed contributions, adequate, new and additional] financial resources, (separate from agreed Official Development Assistance (ODA) levels,] to meet the [full]/[agreed] incremental costs of developing country Parties, paying particular attention to the needs of least developed countries, (to be provided on a grant basis], (required to fulfil the commitments under]/[to take measures provided for in] this Convention [.]/[; to cover the adaptation and mitigation costs to developing countries that would be needed as a result of]/[mitigate and adapt to] the adverse consequences of climate change, and the direct and indirect social and economic costs to developing countries that may result from the implementation of the Convention.] [Other Parties (and international organizations and other institutions] in a position to do so may (also contribute]/[provide contributions] on a voluntary basis.] [IV.2.3 [TECHNOLOGY COOPERATION]/[TRANSFER OF TECHNOLOGY]] The Parties shall make every effort to ensure efficient cooperation in and related to technology transfer. [All Parties, particularly] developed country Parties, shall take all practicable steps to promote the transfer of and [to provide] [assured] access to [environmentally safe and sound] technologies and know-how (on concessional, preferential and most favourable terms] to developing country Parties, paying particular attention to the needs of least developed countries, to enhance their ability to implement this Convention. (The Parties shall identify and take appropriate steps to reduce or eliminate unjustifiable barriers to the transfer of technology.] [They should ensure that the lack of protection of intellectual property rights does not hinder such transfer.] In this process, the essential role of endogenous capacities and technologies in developing countries should be enhanced and supported by the developed country Parties. (IV.2.4] [(a) Developing country Parties shall [in accordance with the Objective and Principles stipulated in Sections II and III, and in accordance with their national development plans, priorities, objectives and specific country conditions] [consider taking feasible]/[undertake] measures to mitigate climate change (through control of [their net] emissions of greenhouse gases (and maintenance and enhancement, where appropriate, of sinks and reservoirs]], [provided that the [agreed ]/[full] incremental costs involved are met by the provision of [new, adequate and additional] financial resources from the developed country Parties}.] [(b) Compliance with this Convention by developing country Parties will be dependent upon the effective implementation of the provisions of this Convention on financial resources and transfer of technology.] 20 (IV.3. SPECIAL SITUATIONS] 1. The Parties shall give full consideration to the specific needs, including for the transfer of technology and/or funding in accordance with the provisions of the Convention, of developing country Parties especially (c) countries with arid and semi-arid areas and forested areas; countries with areas liable to drought and desertification and (d) countries with areas prone to natural disasters; (0) (£) (9) (h) (1) countries with areas of high urban atmospheric pollution; countries whose economies are highly dependent on income generated- landlocked and transit countries. 2. The Parties shall take full account of the specific needs and special situations of the least developed countries in their action with regard to funding and transfer of technology. (3. The Parties shall develop and adopt a "green plan" with appropriate emergency measures and mechanisms for the protection and recovery of fragile ecosystems, particularly arid and semi arid areas affected by drought and desertification in Africa, in order to limit their vulnerability to climate change.] 4. The Parties shall, in accordance with Article ...2/ take into consideration, in the implementation of the commitments of the Convention, and in the adoption of concrete measures, the situation of Parties, particularly developing country Parties, whose economies are highly dependent on the production and/or export of fossil fuels and associated energy intensive products and/or the use of fossil fuels for which such Parties have serious difficulties in switching to alternatives. 5. The Parties recognize that in the acceptance and the implementation of the commits of the Convention, a certain degree of flexibility has to be given to countries with economies in transition, which are in the stage of transit from-bentrally planned system to market economy, to enhance their ability to cope with climate change. 2/ Subject to the formulation of institutions and their functions (Conference of the Parties, Implementation Committee, Disputes Settlement Procedures, etc.) to be drafted by Working Group II. 21 1. V. COOPERATION ON SCIENCE, RESEARCH, V.1. SCIENTIFIC, TECHNICAL AND TECHNOLOGICAL RESEARCH [AND DEVELOPMENT], SYSTEMATIC OBSERVATION AND COOPERATION Each Party shall promote and cooperate in scientific, technological, technical, socio-economic and other research (and development], systematic observation and development of data archives related to the climate system and aiming to further the understanding and to reduce and clarify the remaining uncertainties regarding causes and effects of climate change and regarding the economic and social consequences of alternative response strategies (as elaborated in Annex 1). Option 1 [2. Parties that do not have the indigenous capability to undertake research and development will be ensured assistance in these areas.] Option 2 [2. The Parties shall take into account the particular concerns and needs of developing countries and seek to promote the] (improve their] capacity and capability (of all Parties) to participate in these cooperative efforts.]. Option 3 (2. The Parties shall take into account the particular concerns and needs of developing countries.} Option 4 (2. The Parties shall take into account the particular concerns and needs of developing countries and seek to improve their capacity and their capability to participate in these cooperative efforts. In doing so, the Parties shall work towards the improvement of the capability of developing countries to collect and assess climate information, prepare net emission inventories, assess possible impacts of global warming and the cost effective response to it and participate in international research and development programs and in the promotion of the development and transfer of environmentally safe technologies and technical as well as financial assistance.] 3. The Parties shall support international and intergovernmental efforts to strengthen the observational networks and data collection as well as scientific and technical research capacities particularly in developing countries (for timely exchange of relevant scientific and technological information. Special measures shall be implemented to promote access to data obtained from areas beyond national jurisdiction.] 4. The Parties shall also seek to minimize duplication of effort in research and systematic observation by utilizing, where possible, existing competent international and intergovernmental bodies. [V.2. EXCHANGE OF INFORMATION In order to achieve the objective of the Convention, the Parties (shall] [may] facilitate and encourage, [taking into account the special circumstances of developing countries,] directly or [, as far as possible,] through [existing] competent international and intergovernmental organizations, full [, open] and timely exchange of relevant scientific, technological, technical, socio-economic and legal [available] information (as described in Annex II]. [The Parties recognize that cooperation under this Annex has to be consistent with national laws, regulations and practices regarding patents, trade secrets and protection of confidential and proprietary information.]] 23 (V.3. EDUCATION, TRAINING AND PUBLIC AWARENESS Promotion 1. In order to increase the understanding of climate change (and the uncertainties surrounding it] and to facilitate appropriate responses, the Parties shall promote education, training and public awareness related to climate change. National 2. At the national (and/or regional] level and in accordance with [national laws and regulations] [the means] at their disposal, the Parties shall promote and facilitate: The development and implementation of education and public (a) (b) Public access to information on climate change; (c) Public participation in addressing climate change issues and (d) Appropriate training of scientific, technical and managerial International 3. At the international level, using existing organizations, institutions and channels where appropriate, the Parties shall cooperate in and promote: (a) (b) The development and exchange of educational and public awareness material on climate change; and The development and implementation of education and training programmes, including the exchange or secondment of personnel, in particular for developing countries. [Alternative to paragraph 3(b) (b) (1) The development and implementation of education and training Providing courses and skills particularly to developing countries in the developed countries' institutions in the short and medium term; (ii). In the long term, assist developing countries to build such institutions on their own; and (111) Exchange or secondment of personnel to train experts in this field in the developing countries.]] |