1. [IV.1 GENERAL COMMITMENTS] The Parties shall, in accordance with the Objective and Principles 2/ stated in the Convention, and particularly in accordance with their common but differentiated responsibilities, taking into account their specific national and regional development priorities, objectives and circumstances, commit themselves to: (a) (b) Develop, periodically update, publish and make available to the Formulate, implement, publish, and regularly update national and where appropriate regional strategies and] programmes containing [nationally determined] measures (which the concerned Party or Parties consider necessary and economically feasible] to mitigate climate change (through [control]/[effective limitation] of their [net] emissions of greenhouse gases not controlled by the Montreal Protocol] to facilitate adequate adaptation to climate change [ subject in the case of developing countries to the provision of [ agreed ]/[full] incremental costs by developed country Parties]; [Report on the above paragraph if provided for in Article ... on reporting] (c) Promote and cooperate in [, and, as appropriate, adopt (policies 2/ Pending a final decision by the Committee on the inclusion of a section on Principles. 3/ [Explanatory footnote (to appear in the explanation of the text, but not in the definitions): "lower or non-greenhouse gas technologies, processes and practices includes inter alia conservation, energy efficiency, low carbon fuels (e.g. natural gas, nuclear), and renewable energy sources (in addition to sustainable life styles.]] (d) (0) (£) (9) (h) (1) 14 Promote and cooperate in the conservation, sustainable management Cooperate in preparations for adaptation to the impacts of climate change; develop and elaborate appropriate and integrated plans for coastal zone management, water resources and agriculture including emergency procedures, coastal zone response mechanisms and adaptation strategies in sectors such as land use planning, agriculture and fragile ecosystems and a global observing system; and undertake assessments of the resilience and adaptability of resources keeping in view the need for poverty eradication in developing countries, taking into account the special situation of least developed countries (on the basis of provision to developing countries of [agreed]/[full] incremental costs involved]; Cooperate in preparing for adaptation to the impacts of climate change in order to support drought and desertification affected countries in their efforts to combat these phenomena and their effects; (1) Take climate change considerations into account, to the (ii) Employ appropriate nationally-formulated and determined methods, e.g. impact assessments, with a view to minimizing adverse effects of projects or measures taken by the Parties to mitigate or adapt to climate change, on the economy, public health, and quality of the environment; Promote and cooperate in scientific, technological, technical, Promote and cooperate in the full, open and timely exchange of Need to be coordinated with the procedure devised by Working Group II. (3) ((k) [(1) 15 legal information related to the climate system and climate Promote and cooperate in education, training and public awareness related to climate change and encourage the widest participation in the process, including by non-governmental organizations, [in accordance with Article V.4]; Develop, coordinate and, as appropriate, harmonize, [in order to within their respective territories, identify [, [examine] and 16 (IV.2. SPECIFIC COMMITMENTS] [IV.2.1 stabilisation and Reduction of Emissions and Enhancement (a) The developed country Parties (as defined in ....] shall adopt national 5/ policies and take corresponding measures on (mitigation of climate change]/[the limitation of anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases and the protection and enhancement of greenhouse gas sinks and reservoirs]. [These Parties shall also assist other Parties in adopting similar policies and measures.] [These developed country policies and measures will [have the effect of]/[be aimed at], as a first step, stabilizing individually for jointly) emissions of (carbon dioxide]/[the total of all greenhouse gases not covered by the Montreal Protocol 6/1 (in general by the year 2000]/[as soon as feasible) at [or near] 1990 level], [taking into account the differences in their starting points and approaches and the need for equitable contributions of these Parties). (Alternative to subpara. (a)) The developed country Parties shall stabilize emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases by 1995 at 1990 levels and thereafter progressively reduce emissions in pursuance of the objective of the Convention. (Further alternative to subpara. (a)) The developed country Parties, as defined in ..., shall adopt national policies and take corresponding measures on the limitation of their net anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases. These Parties shall, as agreed in Sections IV.2.2 and IV.2.3 of this Convention, also provide the means to enable the other Parties to adopt necessary measures. These developed country policies and measures shall be aimed at, as a first step, stabilizing individually their net emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases not covered by the Montreal Protocol by the year 2000, at the 1990 level, taking into account the differences in their starting points and approaches and the need for equitable contributions of these Parties. [(b) In accordance with procedures and criteria based on the best available scientific knowledge and agreed to and regularly reviewed by the Conference of the Parties, (any Party which has demonstrated that the [net capacity of greenhouse gas sinks] [within its territory] has increased due to specific measures taken by it since [1990] may include a credit equal to this increase when calculating its emission level.]] [(c) In accordance with procedures and criteria based on the best available scientific knowledge and agreed to and regularly reviewed by the Conference of 5/ This term would also cover policies adopted by regional economic integration organizations. 6/ The relationship to the Montreal Protocol, in particular its reduction schedules, needs to be further clarified. 17 the Parties, Parties may implement their (quantitative] commitments under para. (a) in a comprehensive manner that integrates (carbon dioxide and other] greenhouse gases not covered by the Montreal Protocol §/ .] [(d) Parties undertaking [quantitative] commitments under para. (a) may implement these commitments in cooperation with each other, (provided that the criteria for cooperative arrangements (involving Parties falling under Section IV.3.5] are agreed to and regularly reviewed by the Conference of the Parties 7/1. The terms of such cooperative arrangements shall be notified to the Conference of the Parties by each of the Parties concerned and described in detail in the report of these Parties in pursuance of Article VII. (The Parties may also implement measures to achieve (quantitative] commitments in cooperation with one or more other Parties, subject to criteria to be agreed to and regularly reviewed by the Conference of the Parties.]] [(e) The Conference of the Parties shall (as early as possible and] not later than four years after the entry into force of the Convention review the adequacy and operation of subparas (a) - (d), with a view to taking appropriate decisions on (reductions of anthropogenic emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases and the enhancement of greenhouse gas sinks and reservoirs §/, and such changes in the list of Parties to which specific commitments apply, that may be appropriate) in the light of new developments.. Such review shall be carried out in the light of the best available scientific information and assessment on climate change and its impacts as well as relevant technical, social and economic information. Such review shall thereafter take place at regular intervals, determined by the Conference of the Parties, until the objective of this Convention is met.] (Alternative to subpara. (●)) [Each developed country Party commits itself to progressively reduce its [net] anthropogenic emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, after 2000 A.D. They shall announce time-bound targets for such reduction not later than four years after the entry into force of this Convention.] Z/ The possibility of such cooperative arrangements has not been discussed with those Parties. The language of the second part of the sentence is therefore preliminary and will have to be considered further. 2/ The appropriate manner of obtaining the approval of Parties for such decision, whether by protocol or some other legal instrument, will have to be reviewed by legal experts. |